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Identify the type of barriers in the following cases.

State whether it is Physical,

Physiological or Psychological/ Attitudinal
1. People sitting in a foul-smelling room are unable to concentrate on the
2. A gentleman in the audience is having some doubt regarding a point made by the
speaker a few minutes back. He is unable to concentrate on the point that the
speaker is making right now.
3. A long complicated technical presentation towards the fag-end of the day is
always difficult to digest.
4. The reader has a severe headache and so he cannot make out anything of the
report he is reading
5. The noise that is coming from outside is so distracting that the audience sitting in
the hall cannot focus on the talk being delivered
6. There is a lot of turmoil at home. The person is really finding it hard to
7. Although he was trying to concentrate, the constant coughing would not let him
do so.
8. He never really thought Manas was a good speaker. So on that day even though
Manas was speaking really well, he was hardly listening.
9. He always detested political debates. So he just turned a deaf ear to the
10. There is something wrong with the acoustics. There is an echo which is
really frustrating.
11.He was looking at the speaker as if listening but was actually thinking about
some other issues at home.
12. The neck pain was so terrible that he could hardly sit there let alone
concentrate on the lecture.
13. Because of the faulty microphone what the speaker is saying is not very
14. A gentleman in the audience with rich experience in digital marketing is
hardly giving any attention to the speaker who is talking about the new
advancements in digital marketing.
15. The speaker's voice quality is so poor that the listeners are getting bored.
16. With temperature running high he was unable to focus on the talk.
17.The seats were causing such discomfiture that the attention of all the listeners
was directed towards that only
18.Although he was sitting in the front row, he was hardly listening to what the
speaker has to say, because he was thinking about what to do in the exam that is
to follow.
19.The subject matter was too technical for him. He did not feel like listening to a
20. With five little children in the joint family howling around all the time it was
difficult for him to work from home because he was hardly able to hear what the
client was saying whenever he got connected.

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