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Ansur ESA612


Users Manual

April 2009, Rev. 4, 8/11

© 2009 - 2011 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.
Table of Contents

Chapter Title Page

1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 1-1

About This Manual ............................................................................................ 1-3
Ansur Software .................................................................................................. 1-3
Ansur Plug-Ins ................................................................................................... 1-3
ESA612 Plug-In................................................................................................. 1-3
Test Elements ................................................................................................ 1-4
Additional References ................................................................................... 1-6
Software Updates........................................................................................... 1-6
Terms and Abbreviations .............................................................................. 1-7

2 Getting Started .................................................................................... 2-1

Introduction........................................................................................................ 2-3
System Requirements ........................................................................................ 2-3
Installing the ESA612 Plug-In ........................................................................... 2-3
Entering License Key .................................................................................... 2-4
UnInstalling the Plug-In ................................................................................ 2-5
Configuring the Plug-In for AAMI Safety Tests ............................................... 2-5
Selecting AAMI Nomenclature ..................................................................... 2-6
Selecting AAMI Terms ................................................................................. 2-6
Setting Polarity Switching Delay .................................................................. 2-7

3 ESA612 Tests....................................................................................... 3-1

Introduction........................................................................................................ 3-3
Performing a Safety Test ................................................................................... 3-3
Load a Test Template .................................................................................... 3-3
Start the Template.......................................................................................... 3-4
Define Patient Modules ................................................................................. 3-6
Connect the ESA612 ..................................................................................... 3-8
Perform the Electrical Safety Tests ............................................................... 3-9
Storing a Test Record or Template .................................................................... 3-12
Printing a Test Report ........................................................................................ 3-12
Creating an ESA612 Safety Test Template ....................................................... 3-14
Adding Limits to a Safety Test .......................................................................... 3-15

Ansur ESA612
Users Manual

4 ESA612 Test Templates ...................................................................... 4-1

Introduction........................................................................................................ 4-3
Power Change Delay ......................................................................................... 4-3
Power Change Pause.......................................................................................... 4-5
Multiple Earth Resistance Tests......................................................................... 4-6
Patient Auxiliary Current Tests ......................................................................... 4-6
Single Applied Part........................................................................................ 4-7
Single Applied Part with More than One Patient Lead Connection .............. 4-7
Multiple Applied Parts with Electrical Separation ........................................ 4-8
Testing Ultrasound Probes Example.................................................................. 4-9
Create a Test Template .................................................................................. 4-9
Testing the Ultrasound Probes....................................................................... 4-11
Basic Test Reports ............................................................................................. 4-12

5 Reference ............................................................................................. 5-1

Introduction........................................................................................................ 5-3
Electrical Safety Test Elements ......................................................................... 5-3
Custom Setup................................................................................................. 5-3
Expected Results ........................................................................................... 5-3
Test Groups........................................................................................................ 5-3
Custom Setup................................................................................................. 5-4
Test Options .............................................................................................. 5-4
Test Each Module Separately.................................................................... 5-4
Test Guide Settings ................................................................................... 5-4
Patient Lead Tests ..................................................................................... 5-4
MAP Settings ............................................................................................ 5-5
Patient Lead Configuration – Module Setup............................................. 5-5
Value Filter ............................................................................................... 5-5
Modular Filter ........................................................................................... 5-5
Expected Results ........................................................................................... 5-5
Autosequence..................................................................................................... 5-5
Custom Setup................................................................................................. 5-6
Test Options .............................................................................................. 5-6
Delay Times .............................................................................................. 5-6
Test Each Module Separately.................................................................... 5-6
Test Guide Settings ................................................................................... 5-6
Patient Lead Tests ..................................................................................... 5-7
Patient Lead Configuration – Module Setup............................................. 5-7
Value Filter ............................................................................................... 5-7
Module Filter............................................................................................. 5-7
Expected Results ........................................................................................... 5-7
Test Guide.......................................................................................................... 5-7
Module Setup................................................................................................. 5-8
Module Groups.......................................................................................... 5-9
Module Nomenclature............................................................................... 5-10
Lead Calibration ............................................................................................ 5-10
Halt on Test Failure ....................................................................................... 5-10
Plug-In Preferences............................................................................................ 5-11

List of Tables

Table Title Page

1-1. ESA612 Plug-In Electrical Safety Tests ................................................................ 1-4

1-2. Terms and Abbreviations ....................................................................................... 1-7
3-1. ESA612 International Standards ............................................................................ 3-16
4-1. Single Applied Part with More than One Connection............................................ 4-8
4-2. Multiple Applied Parts with Electrical Separation................................................. 4-9
5-1. Toolbar Buttons...................................................................................................... 5-7

Ansur ESA612
Users Manual

List of Figures

Figure Title Page

1-1. Electrical Safety Tests in Ansur's Test Explorer .................................................... 1-4

2-1. ESA612 Plug-In Installation File Location ............................................................ 2-4
2-2. Ansur Registration Screen - License Key .............................................................. 2-5
2-3. Removing ESA612 Plug-In.................................................................................... 2-5
2-4. Selecting AAMI Nomenclature.............................................................................. 2-6
2-5. Selecting AAMI Terms .......................................................................................... 2-7
2-6. Polarity Switching Delay Window......................................................................... 2-8
3-1. Open Dialog Box.................................................................................................... 3-3
3-2. Browsing the Ansur Test Library........................................................................... 3-4
3-3. Selecting a Ready-Made Test Template................................................................. 3-4
3-4. Starting a Test Template ........................................................................................ 3-5
3-5. Test Initialization Window..................................................................................... 3-5
3-6. IEC 60601-1 Test Guide ........................................................................................ 3-6
3-7. Module Setup Window .......................................................................................... 3-6
3-8. Sample Module Setup Screen ................................................................................ 3-7
3-9. 1210 Adapter Connections ..................................................................................... 3-7
3-10. Module Setup for 1210 Adapter............................................................................. 3-8
3-11. Setup Description with 1210 Adapter .................................................................... 3-8
3-12. Connecting Instructions for Applied Parts ............................................................. 3-9
3-13. Completed Safety Test Window ............................................................................ 3-10
3-14. Test Summary Window.......................................................................................... 3-10
3-15. ESA612 Test Record.............................................................................................. 3-11
3-16. Save As Dialog Box ............................................................................................... 3-12
3-17. Print Report Window ............................................................................................. 3-13
3-18. Print Preview of Test Report.................................................................................. 3-13
3-19. Test Explorer Window ........................................................................................... 3-14
3-20. Autosequence added to Template .......................................................................... 3-14
3-21. Adding Electrical Safety Tests to the Autosequence ............................................. 3-15
3-22. Complete IEC 60601-1 Safety Test ....................................................................... 3-15
3-23. Apply When Tab .................................................................................................... 3-16
3-24. Selecting Standards ................................................................................................ 3-16
4-1. Custom Setup Tab .................................................................................................. 4-3
4-2. Editing Power On/Off Delay Times....................................................................... 4-4
4-3. Power On Delay Message ...................................................................................... 4-4
4-4. Power-Off Delay Message with After Power Off Selected ................................... 4-4
Ansur ESA612
Users Manual

4-5. Power-Off Delay Message with Before Power Off Selected ................................. 4-5
4-6. Stop for Power Configuration Change Message .................................................... 4-5
4-7. Multiple Protective Earth Resistance Message ...................................................... 4-6
4-8. Patient Auxiliary Current Setup ............................................................................. 4-7
4-9. Single Patient Lead Connections............................................................................ 4-7
4-10. Configuring Module Testing.................................................................................. 4-10
4-11. Creating Module Groups........................................................................................ 4-10
4-12. Module Group with Three Ultrasound Probes ....................................................... 4-11
4-13. Connect Applied Parts Window............................................................................. 4-12
4-14. Add an Earth Leakage Current Test ....................................................................... 4-12
4-15. Assign Maximum Value to a Test Group............................................................... 4-13
4-16. Remove Test from a Report ................................................................................... 4-13
4-17. Maximum Value Assigned to the Test Group........................................................ 4-14
4-18. Test Record Showing Value Filtered Report ......................................................... 4-14
5-1. Expected Results with No Applied Parts ............................................................... 5-3
5-2. Expected Results with Applied Parts ..................................................................... 5-3
5-3. Test Group Custom Setup Window ....................................................................... 5-4
5-4. Module Information ............................................................................................... 5-5
5-5. Autosequence Custom Setup Page......................................................................... 5-6
5-6. ESA612 Test Guide Window................................................................................. 5-7
5-7. Module Setup Window .......................................................................................... 5-8
5-8. Modules in a Module Setup Window..................................................................... 5-9
5-9. Applied Parts Connection Diagram........................................................................ 5-9
5-10. Module Groups Window........................................................................................ 5-9
5-11. Selecting Module Nomenclature............................................................................ 5-10
5-12. Test Lead Calibration Window .............................................................................. 5-10
5-13. Halt on Test Failure Window ................................................................................. 5-11
5-14. ESA612 Plug-In Preferences: Module Nomenclature............................................ 5-12

Chapter 1

Title Page

About This Manual .............................................................................................. 1-3

Ansur Software .................................................................................................... 1-3
Ansur Plug-Ins ..................................................................................................... 1-3
ESA612 Plug-In................................................................................................... 1-3
Test Elements .................................................................................................. 1-4
Additional References ..................................................................................... 1-6
Software Updates............................................................................................. 1-6
Terms and Abbreviations ................................................................................ 1-7

Ansur ESA612
Users Manual

About This Manual 1
About This Manual
This Users Manual is designed to assist the reader in using the Ansur ESA612 Plug-In
with Ansur software. The manual covers all features specific to the Plug-In. Familiarity
with both Ansur software and Microsoft Windows and their features will help in the
design and use of tests for the Ansur ESA612 Analyzer. The manual is divided into the
following chapters:
Chapter 1 “Introduction” provides information on Ansur software and the ESA612
Chapter 2 “Getting Started” provides information on how to install and configure the
ESA612 Plug-In.
Chapter 3 “ESA612 Tests” provides step-by-step descriptions on how to perform the
basic tasks of the ESA612 Plug-In.
Chapter 4 “ESA612 Test Templates” contains information on creating highly
efficient safety test procedures using the ESA612 Plug-In features.
Chapter 5 “Reference” contains details about every ESA612 Plug-In feature.

Ansur Software
Ansur Test Automation software is the foundation for all Fluke Biomedical test systems.
Ansur manages test procedures by allowing both manual and visual automated test
The software works hand-in-hand with Fluke Biomedical analyzers and simulators,
creating a seamless integration for:
• Visual inspections
• Preventive maintenance
• Work procedures
• Performance tests
• Electrical safety tests

Ansur Plug-Ins
Ansur Test Executive software utilizes Plug-In modules that work with a wide array of
Fluke Biomedical instruments. The Plug-In module is a software interface that provides
test elements to the Ansur Test Executive program. This scheme allows the use of a
similar user interface for all analyzers and simulators supported by Ansur.
With the purchase of a new Fluke Biomedical analyzer or simulator, it is possible to
update existing Ansur software by installing a new Plug-In. Each Plug-In module allows
users to work with only the options and capabilities needed for the instrument under test.

ESA612 Plug-In
The Ansur ESA612 Plug-In provides remote access to the ESA612 Electrical Safety
Analyzer, referred to throughout this document as the “Analyzer.” In addition to the
general test Plug-Ins, specialized Plug-Ins address all test requirements for specific
The ESA612 Electrical Safety Analyzer Users Manual explains the
Analyzer’s capabilities and use.

Ansur ESA612
Users Manual

Create and use Ansur test procedures with Ansur ESA612 test elements to incorporate the
capabilities of an Analyzer into automated testing. Users can customize tests to analyze
specific performance requirements. There are unique test elements for each of the tests,
and simulations typically run on the Analyzer.
Test Elements
The ESA612 electrical safety tests shown in Figure 1-1 are installed to Ansur’s test
explorer during the ESA612 Plug-In installation.

Figure 1-1. Electrical Safety Tests in Ansur's Test Explorer

Table 1-1 lists all the ESA612 Plug-In electrical safety tests.

Table 1-1. ESA612 Plug-In Electrical Safety Tests

Electrical Safety Test Configuration Unit

Mains Voltage Live to Neutral V No

Neutral to Earth V No

Live to Earth V No

Protective Earth Resistance Ω No

Equipment Current A No

Point to Point Voltage V No

Point to Point Resistance Ω No

Point to Point Leakage μA No

ESA612 Plug-In 1
Table 1-1. ESA612 Plug-In Electrical Safety Tests (cont.)

Electrical Safety Test Configuration Unit

Insulation Resistance Mains to Protective Earth MΩ No

Applied Parts to Protective Earth MΩ All

Mains to Applied Parts MΩ All

Mains to Non-Earth Accessible Conductive Part MΩ No

Applied Parts to Non-Earth Accessible Conductive

MΩ All

Earth Leakage Current Normal Condition μA All or No

Open Neutral μA All or No

Normal Condition, Reversed Mains μA All or No

Open Neutral, Reversed Mains μA All or No

Enclosure Leakage Current Normal Condition μA All or No

Open Neutral μA All or No

Open Earth μA All or No

Normal Condition, Reversed Mains μA All or No

Open Neutral, Reversed Mains μA All or No

Open Earth, Reversed Mains μA All or No

Patient Leakage Current Normal Condition μA Yes

Open Neutral μA Yes

Open Earth μA Yes

Normal Condition, Reversed Mains μA Yes

Open Neutral, Reversed Mains μA Yes

Open Earth, Reversed Mains μA Yes

Mains on Applied Parts Shorted Mains μA Yes

Reversed Mains μA Yes

Patient Auxiliary Current Normal Condition μA Yes

Open Neutral μA Yes

Open Earth μA Yes

Normal Condition, Reversed Mains μA Yes

Open Neutral, Reversed Mains μA Yes

Open Earth, Reversed Mains μA Yes

Alternative Equipment Leakage Closed Earth μA All

Open Earth μA All

Ansur ESA612
Users Manual

Table 1-1. ESA612 Plug-In Electrical Safety Tests (cont.)

Electrical Safety Test Configuration Unit

Differential Leakage Normal Condition μA All

Open Neutral μA All

Open Earth μA All

Normal Condition, Reversed Mains μA All

Open Neutral, Reversed Mains μA All

Direct Equipment Leakage Normal Condition μA All

Open Earth μA All

Normal Condition, Reversed Mains μA All

Open Earth, Reversed Mains μA All

Direct Applied Part Leakage Normal Condition μA Yes

Normal Condition, Reversed Mains μA Yes

The ESA612 Plug-In provides three types of test elements: Autosequence, Test Groups,
and Electrical Safety Tests.
Autosequence is a test container containing any of the ESA612 test elements. An
Autosequence will execute all tests contained within it. An Autosequence also provides
additional test setup such as power on/off delay time and test optimization.
Test Groups are specialized Autosequences, one for each group of safety test (e.g. Earth
Leakage Current).
Electrical safety tests are indicated in the Test Explorer window with a light-blue icon.
Each safety test element corresponds to a measurement available in the ESA612 Safety
Additional References
In addition to this manual, answers to questions using the Analyzer or PC may be found
in the following sources:
• Fluke Biomedical ESA612 Users Manual
• Fluke Biomedical Ansur Test Executive Users Manual
• Microsoft Windows Help and Support Center
Software Updates
Updates for Ansur are published on the Fluke Biomedical website,

ESA612 Plug-In 1
Terms and Abbreviations
Table 1-2 lists terms and abbreviations used in this manual.

Table 1-2. Terms and Abbreviations

Term Description

Ansur Ansur is a software suite using Plug-Ins to perform test and inspection procedures in
conjunction with several Fluke Biomedical test instruments.

DUT Device Under Test—the equipment subjected to a test using the Analyzer

DUT Info Information used to identify one particular DUT. DUT info usually consists of a serial
number, manufacturer, device type and model. Ansur also adds a few extra data
fields such as location and status.

ESA612 Electrical Safety Analyzer from Fluke Biomedical

Field User The person using Ansur to perform a test template on a DUT.

Plug-In Add-on software program that extends Ansur so that it can interface with a specific
Fluke Biomedical test instrument to configure it for a specific test and to
automatically collect the measured data (if applicable)

Test Container A test container is a test element that can contain other test elements. The ESA612
Autosequence is a test container

Test Element An Ansur construct that encapsulates test configuration and results
A test template is built of several test elements.

Test Guide A window displayed by Ansur or any of its Plug-Ins when a test element is being

Test Record An Ansur file containing the results of a performed test template
The test record can be printed as a test report.

Test Template An Ansur file containing a set of test elements that define how a particular DUT is to
be tested
A test template can also contain instructions on how to perform service, preventive
maintenance, repair, and other tasks on a DUT.

Ansur ESA612
Users Manual

Chapter 2
Getting Started

Title Page

Introduction.......................................................................................................... 2-3
System Requirements .......................................................................................... 2-3
Installing the ESA612 Plug-In ............................................................................. 2-3
Entering License Key ...................................................................................... 2-4
UnInstalling the Plug-In .................................................................................. 2-5
Configuring the Plug-In for AAMI Safety Tests ................................................. 2-5
Selecting AAMI Nomenclature ....................................................................... 2-6
Selecting AAMI Terms ................................................................................... 2-6

Ansur ESA612
Users Manual

Getting Started
Introduction 2
This chapter describes installation of the ESA612 Plug-In and its use together with the
Ansur Test Automation software and the Analyzer.
An Analyzer is not necessary to create test templates and experiment with
the functionality available in Ansur and the ESA612 Plug-In. However,
actual tests cannot be performed unless the Analyzer is connected to the

System Requirements
The following are recommended minimum requirements for installation:
• IBM PC/XT-compatible Pentium II 350 MHz or faster processor
• Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Vista or Windows 7 operating system
• Fluke Biomedical Ansur V2.9.6 or newer
• 50 MB of available hard drive for software
• Hard drive space (from 100 k to several megabytes) for result and template files

Installing the ESA612 Plug-In

The ESA612 Plug-In must be installed on the computer before the features described in
this user manual can be implemented. For information on obtaining the Ansur software
and the ESA612 Plug-In, contact the local Fluke Biomedical representative or visit the
Fluke Biomedical website (
Ansur version 2.9.6 or newer must be installed before the ESA612 Plug-In
can be installed and used.
Download the ESA612 Plug-In from the Fluke Biomedical website and follow the steps
When downloading the ESA612 Plug-In from the Fluke Biomedical
web site, it is possible to run the installation without first downloading.
When installing Ansur or any of its components/Plug-Ins on computers
running Microsoft Vista, it is important to perform the installation as the
Administrator for that computer. Otherwise the registry will not be properly
updated and Ansur will not work properly. For installing on Windows
Vista, you must first download the file to your local computer, then locate
the installation file, right click and select “Run as Administrator.”
1. Open Windows Explorer and browse to the saved ESA612 Plug-In installation
program file, usually named Ansur ESA612 Plug-In Vn.n.n.exe, where n.n.n is
the Plug-In version number. See Figure 2-1.

Ansur ESA612
Users Manual

Figure 2-1. ESA612 Plug-In Installation File Location

2. Double-click the installation program. The installation extracts the Plug-In elements
and displays the Welcome dialog box.
3. Click Next to display the license agreement.
4. Select the checkbox for “I accept the terms in the license agreement,” and
click Next to display the default destination folder.
5. Choose one of the following options:
• Click Next to accept the default destination folder in which Ansur was installed.
• Click Change if Ansur has been installed in a different folder. In this case, the
destination folder for the Plug-In is changed so that it resides in the same
directory as the Ansur program.
If Ansur has been installed in a different destination folder from the default,
be sure to use the same folder for the ESA612 Plug-In.
6. Click Install to begin the installation. A progress bar indicates the status of the Plug-
In installation.
After a few minutes, the installation concludes, and the window displays the dialog
box and the Finish button.
7. Click Finish. The Plug-In will load when Ansur is started.
Entering License Key
When using the Plug-In for the first time, the user is prompted to enter a software license
key provided by Fluke Biomedical at the time of purchase.
Test templates can be created without a license key by using the
demonstration mode. Demonstration mode allows many of the tasks
described in this user manual. However, a user may not save or print
without licensing the Plug-In.
1. Start Ansur by doing one of the following:
• Double-click the Ansur icon on the desktop.
• From the Start menu, select Start | Programs | Fluke | Ansur.
The license key dialog box shown in Figure 2-2 appears at startup if a
license key has not yet been entered for the Plug-In.
Getting Started
Configuring the Plug-In for AAMI Safety Tests 2

Figure 2-2. Ansur Registration Screen - License Key

2. Enter the Establishment Name and the Plug-In license key. If a license key is
not available, click the Demo button to start Ansur in demonstration mode.
Because the license key is derived from the establishment name, both
strings must match the license information provided by Fluke Biomedical.
This information is case sensitive and space sensitive. If the establishment
name has been entered in the past, this field is already filled in
3. Click OK to start Ansur.
4. Click Cancel to prevent the Plug-In from being loaded.
UnInstalling the Plug-In
To uninstall the ESA612 Plug-In:
1. Select Start | Control Panel and double-click Add or Remove Programs.
2. Locate and select the entry named Ansur ESA612 Plug-In.

Figure 2-3. Removing ESA612 Plug-In

3. With the entry highlighted, click the Remove button as shown in Figure 2-3.
4. When asked to verify the removal, click Yes. A dialog box with a progress bar
displays while the ESA612 Plug-In is being removed from the computer.
When the Plug-In is no longer listed in the Add or Remove Programs window, it
has been completely removed.

Configuring the Plug-In for AAMI Safety Tests

At installation, the ESA612 Plug-In is configured for IEC nomenclature patient lead
classification names. Configuring the Plug-In for AAMI testing requires changing two
settings: Module Nomenclature and User Interface Language.
Module nomenclature determines patient lead classification and how they are tested. IEC
uses protection classes Body, Body Float, and Cardiac Float for patient lead while AAMI
Ansur ESA612
Users Manual

uses protection classes Non-Isolated and Isolated.

IEC terms are used for the English (default) user interface language. AAMI terms are
used for the English US language.
This manual uses the IEC graphics and terms. Changing the configuration
to AAMI will cause some displays to appear on your PC that are different
than those in this manual.
Selecting AAMI Nomenclature
To change the Plug-In configuration to AAMI:
1. Start Ansur and click Tools | Options to display the preferences window.
2. Click ESA612 Safety Analyzer to display the ESA612 preferences.
3. Click on the Nomenclature tab to display the Module Nomenclature page.
4. Click AAMI Terms to highlight AMMI terms and the description. See Figure 2-4.

Figure 2-4. Selecting AAMI Nomenclature

5. Click on OK to close the preference window.

Now AAMI is the default nomenclature when defining patient leads.
Changing module nomenclature will not be affect the limits applied to the
electrical safety tests.
Selecting AAMI Terms
To select AAMI terms for tests:
1. Start Ansur and click Tools | Options to display the preferences window.
2. Click Ansur Preferences and then click on the Language tab to display the User
Interface Language page.
3. Select English US from the list. See Figure 2-5.

Getting Started
Configuring the Plug-In for AAMI Safety Tests 2

Figure 2-5. Selecting AAMI Terms

4. Click on OK to close the preferences window.

Ansur must be restarted for the language changes to take effect.
After restarting Ansur, the ESA612 Plug-In will be using AAMI terms for electrical
safety tests and all test related windows.
Setting Polarity Switching Delay
When you switch the polarity of the test receptacle, a delay can be set to control the
actual switch time. To set the default polarity delay:
1. Start Ansur and click on Tools | Options to show the preference window.
2. Click ESA612 Safety Analyzer icon and then click on the General tab to show
the general page of the preference window shown in Figure 2-6.
3. Click the up or down arrow to set the delay between one and five seconds. Each click
on an arrow moves the time one second.
4. Click OK to close the preference window.

Ansur ESA612
Users Manual

Figure 2-6. Polarity Switching Delay Window

Chapter 3
ESA612 Tests

Title Page

Introduction.......................................................................................................... 3-3
Performing a Safety Test ..................................................................................... 3-3
Load a Test Template ...................................................................................... 3-3
Start the Template............................................................................................ 3-4
Define Patient Modules ................................................................................... 3-6
Connect the ESA612 ....................................................................................... 3-8
Perform the Electrical Safety Tests ................................................................. 3-9
Storing a Test Record or Template ...................................................................... 3-12
Printing a Test Report .......................................................................................... 3-12
Creating an ESA612 Safety Test Template ......................................................... 3-14
Adding Limits to a Safety Test ............................................................................ 3-15

Ansur ESA612
Users Manual

ESA612 Tests
Introduction 3
This chapter describes the operation of the Ansur ESA612 Plug-In program.

Performing a Safety Test

Several ready-to-use test templates are copied to the Ansur Test Library folder when the
Plug-In was installed. These templates contain complete electrical safety tests for the
most common ESA612 supported standards.
The supplied test templates can be used as a starting point when creating
new customized test templates. Load a template, alter it by adding visual
inspections and editing the safety test for the specific need and then use
Save As to give it another name.
Load a Test Template
To load a test template:
1. Click File → Open on the menu bar or click on the Open Template toolbar button
( ) to open the dialog box shown in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1. Open Dialog Box

2. Browse to the folder where Ansur was installed and double-click the Ansur Test
Library folder. See Figure 3-2. The normal location is C:\Program Files\Fluke but
may have a different name depending on the operating system language.

Ansur ESA612
Users Manual

Figure 3-2. Browsing the Ansur Test Library

3. Double-click the ESA612 folder to open a dialog box that lists the folder names of
the most common medical standards and regulator boards as shown in Figure 3-3.

Figure 3-3. Selecting a Ready-Made Test Template

4. Double-click the folder containing the desired standard and safety test.
5. Click a file name and then click the Open button, or double-click the file name to
load the selected template and display its contents.
Start the Template
After loading the template, start a test by doing the following:
1. Click Test → Start Test or click the Start Test toolbar button ( ) to display
test initialization window as shown in Figure 3-4.

ESA612 Tests
Performing a Safety Test 3

Figure 3-4. Starting a Test Template

When using Ansur version 2.3.2 or newer, the test initialization window will
not be displayed. Instead Ansur will automatically select the standards used
in the template and go directly to the first test guide window. Continue to
the Define Patient Modules section.
2. Select the standard from the list in the Test Initialization window shown in Figure 3-5
that corresponds with the selected test template. For example, if IEC 60601 test
template is opened, then select 60601 standard and deselect the Ansur User Defined
standard that is selected by default.

Figure 3-5. Test Initialization Window

3. Click the Next toolbar button to go to the first Test Guide window shown in
Figure 3-6.

Ansur ESA612
Users Manual

Figure 3-6. IEC 60601-1 Test Guide

Define Patient Modules

The ESA612 Safety Analyzer can test applied parts from different modules in the same
test run. A patient module can be ECG electrodes, SpO2 sensors, temperature sensors,
and others. To define a patient module:
1. Click the Module Setup tab on the left-hand side of the Test Guide to open the
Module Setup page as shown in Figure 3-7.

Figure 3-7. Module Setup Window

If AAMI module nomenclature is selected, the module class options will be
different than those shown in Figure 3-7.
2. To define a new module, click the plus button ( ) next to the page title. A module
labeled New is added to the list of modules and a table with module information
fields is displayed in the right-hand frame.
3. Select the appropriate module class, the number of patient leads, and enter a module

ESA612 Tests
Performing a Safety Test 3
code for each module tested. Figure 3-8 shows a sample module for a patient

Figure 3-8. Sample Module Setup Screen

When the ESA612 Safety Analyzer is used with the 1210 adapter to expand the number
of possible connections to fourteen, the Module Setup screen is used to define these
connections. Figure 3-9 shows the Safety Analyzer connected to a Defibrillator/Pacer unit
with the ten ECG leads connected through the 1210 adapter to the RA input.

Defibrillator/Pacer ESA612



Figure 3-9. 1210 Adapter Connections

Figure 3-10 shows how three modules are used to define these connections in the Ansur
Plug-In. The first module labeled 12-Lead ECG defines the 10 connections to the RA
input of the Safety Analyzer. The other two modules for the paddles and pacer
connections are defined separately.

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Users Manual

Figure 3-10. Module Setup for 1210 Adapter

Figure 3-11 shows a description of the test set-up using the 1210 adapter as part of an
Autosequence template.

Figure 3-11. Setup Description with 1210 Adapter

Connect the ESA612

The ESA612 Plug-In gives instructions on how to connect the ESA612 to the DUT’s
applied parts. To see the connection instructions:
1. Click the Procedure tab on the left-hand side of the test guide to display the
connection procedure. An applied parts connection guide is shown in Figure 3-12.

ESA612 Tests
Performing a Safety Test 3

Figure 3-12. Connecting Instructions for Applied Parts

2. Connect the DUT to the safety analyzer as shown in Figure 3-12. Ensure the
connections are made per the connection instructions.
3. Connect a USB printer cable between a USB port on your computer and the
computer port on the ESA612.
4. Power on the ESA612 Safety Analyzer and the DUT.
Perform the Electrical Safety Tests
To run the safety test:
1. Click the Start Test button ( ) on the toolbar of the Test Guide.
A progress bar will display in the lower-right corner of the Test Guide window while
the ESA612 Plug-In searches for the ESA612 Safety Analyzer. The safety test will
start when a connection is established. As each test is performed, it is highlighted in
the results frame. When the safety analyzer determines the test result, the results are
displayed next to the test.
If the ESA612 is not connected to COM1 on the PC, Ansur displays an
Instrument Not Found window where the port the ESA612 is
connected to can be entered. The correct port number is displayed in
the Windows Device Manager. Look for the USB Serial Port entry
under “Ports.”
Once the PC locates which port the ESA612 is connected to, Ansur
remembers the port number and uses it as the default port for
electrical safety tests.
Depending on how the loaded template is configured, different instructions may be
displayed while the safety test is running. During a normal test run, instructions to
calibrate the test leads or change the applied part connections may appear. If a safety
test fails, a message appears asking how the failure is to be handled. See “Halt on
Test Failure” in Chapter 5 (Reference).
When the test is completed, the status bar in the lower-right corner of the Test Guide
is updated, the progress bar disappears, and the Start Test button is no longer

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Users Manual

highlighted. Figure 3-13 is a sample of a completed safety test window.

Figure 3-13. Completed Safety Test Window

2. Click the Next button ( ) to open the Test Summary window as shown in Figure 3-

Figure 3-14. Test Summary Window

3. To create a Test Record, click the Next button ( ). The test summary window
closes and a test record is opened in the main Ansur window as shown in Figure 3-

ESA612 Tests
Performing a Safety Test 3

Figure 3-15. ESA612 Test Record

Plug-In Test Setup is displayed in the test record when the user selects the
test element.

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Users Manual

Storing a Test Record or Template

Each test record and test template created with the Plug-In can be saved to a file on the
PC. To save a test record or template:

1. Click File Save on the main menu or click the save toolbar button ( ). The Save As
dialog box opens as shown in Figure 3-16.

Figure 3-16. Save As Dialog Box

2. Browse to the correct location and enter a filename in the file name field and click
the Save button or press the Enter key. The file is saved and the Ansur title bar is
updated with the new name.

Printing a Test Report

Test reports can be printed in three different formats from the test record:
• Summary – A report containing DUT information and the overall status of the
safety test. This one-page report is good for a simple Pass or Fail report.
• Condensed – A report containing the summary report information as well as
each test element on a single line showing whether the test passed or failed.
• Detailed – A report containing the summary and condensed information along
with all configuration data, test result data, and module setup data.
1. With the Test Report open, click File Print or click the toolbar Print button to open
the Print Report window shown in Figure 3-17.

ESA612 Tests
Printing a Test Report 3

Figure 3-17. Print Report Window

2. Select the desired print type and click the Print button to display the report in the
preview window as shown in Figure 3-18.

Figure 3-18. Print Preview of Test Report

3. Print the report by clicking on the Print button ( ) in the left-hand window border.
To skip the preview before printing, uncheck the Show Preview checkbox in
the print report window shown in Figure 3-17.

Ansur ESA612
Users Manual

Creating an ESA612 Safety Test Template

A test template is an Ansur file containing a set of test elements that define how a
particular DUT is to be tested. Once created, the test template can be used to test other
DUTs of the same type. A test template can also contain instructions on how to perform
service, preventive maintenance, repair, and other tasks on a DUT.
To create a new test template:
1. Open a blank test template by clicking on File → New → Template or click the
New Template button ( ) on the main toolbar.
2. In the test explorer window, click on the plus button next to the ESA612 Safety
Analyzer entry to expand the electrical safety test entries for this analyzer. See
Figure 3-19.

Test Explorer Template Window

Figure 3-19. Test Explorer Window

To create a safety test made up of several measurements that are executed sequentially,
an Autosequence test element must be created to hold the tests.
3. Click and hold on the Autosequence entry in the test explorer window and drag and
release it in the template window. A copy of the Autosequence should appear in the
template window as shown in Figure 3-20. The Autosequence entry is a holder of
tests that are executed when called.

Template Window
Test Explorer

Figure 3-20. Autosequence added to Template

ESA612 Tests
Adding Limits to a Safety Test 3
4. To add tests to the Autosequence, click and hold on the desired test in the Test
Explorer window and drag it to directly over the Autosequence entry in the Template
Window and release it. The Mains Voltage test is added to the Autosequence shown
in Figure 3-21.

Figure 3-21. Adding Electrical Safety Tests to the Autosequence

If a test is dragged and released UNDER the Autosequence entry and not
on it, the test will not be performed as a part of the Autosequence. It will be
performed when the Autosequence is completed displaying its own Test
Guide where the operator will have to click the Play button in order to
perform the test.
Repeat step 4 for each test that should be included in the Autosequence. A complete IEC
60601-1 safety test will look similar to the test template shown in Figure 3-22.

Figure 3-22. Complete IEC 60601-1 Safety Test

Adding Limits to a Safety Test

The ESA612 Safety Analyzer performs electrical safety tests in accordance with several
major medical standards. A Test Template allows the selection of limits for the different
electrical safety tests. It is also possible to define your own test limits. For example,
check that a specific DUT maintains its factory specifications.
To select an appropriate standard for a test:
1. Select a safety test in the template window.
2. Click the Apply When tab below the list of test elements as shown in Figure 3-23.

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Users Manual

Figure 3-23. Apply When Tab

3. Click on the standard(s) to which you want to add a limit value. The list of standards
shown in Figure 3-24 may be different depending on the currently installed Plug-In.
The International Standards that are used by the ESA612 Plug-In are listed in
Table 3-1.

Figure 3-24. Selecting Standards

When a safety test is a part of a test container, for instance an
Autosequence, the standards listed on the safety test will include
only those selected on the parent test container.

Table 3-1. ESA612 International Standards

Standard Use

AAMI/NFPA-99 (H) Hospital

AAMI/NFPA-99 (M) Manufacturer
AAMI ES60601-1
AS/NZS 3551
IEC 60601
IEC 62353 (CL1) Class 1 equipment
IEC 62353 (CL2) Class 2 equipment
VDE 751.1 (CL1) Class 1 equipment
VDE 751.1 (CL2) Class 2 equipment

ESA612 Tests
Adding Limits to a Safety Test 3

When adding a test element to a test template, Ansur selects the Ansur User Defined
standard by default. If a test requires a particular resistance load, then only one
standard should be selected. The ESA612 will be configured to use the test load of
the first standard that was selected when creating the test template. Ansur filters the
tests on the standards. Therefore a test marked for IEC601.1 only, will not be
performed if you perform the test selecting AAMI/NFPA-99 as the only standard.
To select one standard for all tests within a test container, select the test container
entry and then select the standard in the apply when performing list. For example,
select the Autosequence entry in the template window and then select a standard. All
tests in the Autosequence will now have the same standard applied to each test.
4. Enter a limit value by clicking on the Expected Results tab.
5. Click the High or Low cell under the desired standard. The selected row is
highlighted and a cursor is displayed in the cell that was checked.
6. Enter the limit value for the selected safety test.
If an international standard has statutory limits, then these limits are
always enforced. Statutory limits cannot be altered by the user and are
indicated with a padlock ( ).

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Users Manual

Chapter 4
ESA612 Test Templates

Title Page

Introduction.......................................................................................................... 4-3
Power Change Delay ........................................................................................... 4-3
Power Change Pause............................................................................................ 4-5
Multiple Earth Resistance Tests........................................................................... 4-6
Patient Auxiliary Current Tests ........................................................................... 4-6
Single Applied Part.......................................................................................... 4-7
Single Applied Part with More than One Patient Lead Connection ................ 4-7
Multiple Applied Parts with Electrical Separation .......................................... 4-8
Testing Ultrasound Probes Example.................................................................... 4-9
Create a Test Template .................................................................................... 4-9
Testing the Ultrasound Probes......................................................................... 4-11
Basic Test Reports ............................................................................................... 4-12

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Users Manual

ESA612 Test Templates
Introduction 4
This chapter describes the advanced features of the ESA612 Plug-In. This chapter
assumes the reader is already familiar with the basic tasks described in chapter 3.

Power Change Delay

Some devices require time to stabilize after cycling power on or off. It is important to
delay running electrical safety tests until the device stabilizes. The Autosequence can be
delayed for a specified time to allow a device to stabilize after its power has been turned
off or on. To enter a time delay:
1. Select Autosequence in the template window and click the Custom setup tab to
open the custom setup window.
As shown in Figure 4-1, there are three delay settings under Delay Times in the
General Test Group Settings section of the custom setup window: Power on, Power
off, and Polarity switching delay time.

Figure 4-1. Custom Setup Tab

2. To set a custom delay in seconds when switching polarity of the test receptacle, click
the menu to the right of Polarity Switching Delay(s) and select a delay between 1
and 5. See Figure 4-2.
3. To set a delay in seconds after the ESA612 turns on the DUT but before the safety
test continues, click in the text box to the right of Power on delay time (s) and
enter a delay between 0 and 9,999. See Figure 4-2.
4. To set a delay in seconds after the ESA612 turns off the DUT, click in the text box to
the right of Power off delay time (s) and enter a delay between 0 and 9,999. See
Figure 4-2.

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Users Manual

Figure 4-2. Editing Power On/Off Delay Times

The Power off delay time must be greater than zero for the After Power
Off and Before Power Off options to be enabled. After Power Off
option is selected by default.
When performing an Autosequence configured as the example in Figure 4-2, a 20 second
delay is inserted each time the DUT outlet on the ESA612 is powered on. The dialog box
shown in Figure 4-3 is displayed to indicate the progress while the Plug-In is waiting to
continue the test.

Figure 4-3. Power On Delay Message

A delay of 7 seconds is inserted each time the ESA612 DUT outlet is powered off
depending on the selection of After Power Off or Before Power Off. For the After
Power Off option, the dialog box shown in Figure 4-4 is displayed to indicate the
progress while the ESA612 Plug-In is waiting to continue the safety test.

Figure 4-4. Power-Off Delay Message with After Power Off Selected

The dialog box shown in Figure 4-5 is displayed when the Before Power Off option is

ESA612 Test Templates
Power Change Pause 4

Figure 4-5. Power-Off Delay Message with Before Power Off Selected

Power Change Pause

Some devices require more than a delay each time DUT power is turned on or off. One
example is a device that does not turn on after a power failure. In this case, personnel
must turn the device back on. To work with this device, the Autosequence can be
programmed to stop or pause whenever the power configuration changes on the ESA612
equipment outlet. There two pause options: Stop before and stop after new power
Stop before new power configuration – Causes the Autosequence to display a message
before power on the ESA612 equipment outlet is changed.
Stop after new power configuration – Causes the Autosequence to display a message
after power on the ESA612 equipment outlet is changed.
1. Select Autosequence in the template window and click the Custom setup tab to
open the custom setup window.
As shown in Figure 4-1, there are several settings under Test Options in the General
Test Group Settings section of the custom setup window. Two settings are labeled
Stop before new power configuration and stop after new power configuration.
2. To pause the safety test before a new power configuration is applied to the equipment
outlet, click Stop before new power configuration.
3. To pause the safety test after a new power configuration is applied to the equipment
outlet, click Stop after new power configuration.
The dialog box shown in Figure 4-6 is displayed whenever a pause is executed.
Continue must be clicked to continue the safety test.

Figure 4-6. Stop for Power Configuration Change Message

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Users Manual

When a stop before or stop after new power configuration option is
enabled, the power on and power off delay times are ignored.

Multiple Earth Resistance Tests

To allow taking Protective Earth (PE) Resistance measurements at several test points on a
DUT during one safety test, the ESA612 Plug-In can be set to repeat the PE test. To set
up the Plug-In for multiple PE tests:
1. Select Autosequence in the template window and click the Custom setup tab to
open the custom setup window.
As shown in Figure 4-1, there are several settings under Test Options in the General
Test Group Settings section of the custom setup window.
2. To perform multiple PE tests, click Perform multiple PE tests.
The dialog box shown in Figure 4-7 is displayed whenever multiple protective earth
resistance tests is enabled. Clicking the Repeat button repeats the test while clicking
Continue moves the Autosequence on to the next test. Checking the Save multiple
results checkbox will cause each PE test to be saved.

Figure 4-7. Multiple Protective Earth Resistance Message

If the Save multiple results checkbox is not checked, only the last Protective
Earth Resistance test will be saved with the test results. Otherwise each
Protective Earth Resistance test result is saved with the test results.

Patient Auxiliary Current Tests

Patient Auxiliary Current is the current that passes between any patient connection and
all other patient connections.
To test for Patient Auxiliary Current:
1. Select the Autosequence in the template window and add the Patient Auxiliary
Current to the Autosequence list.
2. Select the Autosequence in the template window and click Custom setup to
display the custom setup for element as shown in Figure 4-8.

ESA612 Test Templates
Patient Auxiliary Current Tests 4

Figure 4-8. Patient Auxiliary Current Setup

Click to add module names with different lead configurations.

Single Applied Part
Figure 4-9 shows the possible Single-Patient Lead connections. These connections do not
have Patient Auxiliary Current measurements.

Figure 4-9. Single Patient Lead Connections

Single Applied Part with More than One Patient Lead Connection
This section applies whether electrical separation is present or not. Table 4-1 shows the
Patient Lead connections for three, five, and seven patient leads along with their
associated Test Guide displays. Each different lead connection configuration results in
three, five, and seven measurements respectively.

Ansur ESA612
Users Manual

Table 4-1. Single Applied Part with More than One Connection

Lead Connection Test Guide Display





Multiple Applied Parts with Electrical Separation

Test each applied part individually when testing multiple applied parts that have electrical
separation. All other applied parts are tested disconnected from ground (floating) and tied
together, and then tested again tied to earth (ground).
Table 4-2 shows the possible test combinations with their associated test guide display.
The test guide display also indicates the number of measurements for each combination.

ESA612 Test Templates
Testing Ultrasound Probes Example 4
Table 4-2. Multiple Applied Parts with Electrical Separation

Lead Connection Test Guide Display





Testing Ultrasound Probes Example

Ultrasound machines may have more than one probe. Only one probe can be attached to
the ESA612 at any given time while a safety test is performed. However, the ESA612
Plug-In supports such situations by testing each probe separately through module groups.
Module groups allow the testing of several modules connected to the same patient lead
Create a Test Template
To create a test template for ultrasound probes:
1. Create a test template with an Autosequence test containing a Patient Leakage
Current and a Patient Auxiliary current test group. See the “Creating an ESA612
Safety Test Template” section in Chapter 3 for more information.
2. Click the Autosequence in the template window and click Custom setup.
3. Click the Test Each Module Separately, Expand module groups, and Stop at new
module checkboxes in the General Test Group Settings area as shown in Figure 4-10.

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Figure 4-10. Configuring Module Testing

4. Define the patient modules with ultrasound probes by starting the template and
proceed to the Test Guide for the Autosequence test.
5. Click the Module Setup tab and add a new module of type CF with one lead. There is
no need to enter module information at this point.
6. Click the Group checkbox.
The currently selected module is displayed as Group in the module list as shown in
Figure 4-11. A new module is inserted below the group, slightly indented and the
Module Type and No of Leads fields are disabled.

Figure 4-11. Creating Module Groups

7. Enter Abdominal as the Module code for the new module.

8. Click the plus button ( ) to add a new module within the group. Ensure the module
currently within the group is selected, otherwise the new module will be placed
outside the group.
ESA612 Test Templates
Testing Ultrasound Probes Example 4
9. Enter Endovaginal as Module code for the new module, and add another module
named Vascular.
As shown in Figure 4-12, the module setup now contains a group with three modules
inside it.

Figure 4-12. Module Group with Three Ultrasound Probes

Testing the Ultrasound Probes

Ultrasound probes normally don’t have an electrical connection. To perform a safety test
on them, fill a container with an electrical conducting liquid (e.g. a salt water solution) in
which the probe and test lead will be placed.
1. Connect one end of a test lead to the ESA612 as shown in the test guide. Put the other
end in the conducting liquid.
To determine where to connect the test lead, return to the procedure page
by clicking the Procedure tab in the Test Guide. The module group just
created will be displayed as Group in the patient lead setup. To see the
contents of the group, hover the mouse pointer above the group title and a
tool tip will pop up and display the Module code of every module inside the
2. Click the Start Test button ( ) on the Test Guide’s toolbar. Alternately push F9 to
start the test.
The safety test starts and a progress bar in the lower-left corner starts moving. If the
test does not start, see the “Connect the ESA612” section in Chapter 3. After a short
while, the Connect Applied Parts window shown in Figure 4-13 appears, instructing
you to connect the first probe to patient lead 1.

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Figure 4-13. Connect Applied Parts Window

3. When instructed to connect the first probe (Abdominal), connect it to the ultrasound
machine and submerse it in the liquid with the test lead.
4. Click Continue to continue performing the electrical safety tests on the abdominal
5. When the Connect Applied Parts window reappears instructing you to connect the
next probe, disconnect the first probe and connect the second probe to the ESA612.
Submerse the probe in the liquid with the test lead.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the vascular probe.

Basic Test Reports

The amount of detail contained in a test report is adjustable with the value filter built into
the Autosequence and Test Groups. The example below shows the steps to get a report
with only the worst case value from a test.
1. Create a new test template and add an Earth Leakage Current test group as shown in
Figure 4-14.

Figure 4-14. Add an Earth Leakage Current Test

2. Click the test group in the template window and click the Custom setup tab to display
the options shown in Figure 4-15.

ESA612 Test Templates
Basic Test Reports 4

Figure 4-15. Assign Maximum Value to a Test Group

3. Under Value Assigned to Test Group click Maximum value option.

4. Expand the test group and click the first safety test (Normal Condition), then click the
Apply When tab.
5. Uncheck Include in report which is found in the Report Level frame shown in
Figure 4-16.

Figure 4-16. Remove Test from a Report

6. Repeat step 4 and 5 for every safety test inside the Earth Leakage Current test group.
7. Perform the safety test.
When the safety test is complete, the Earth Leakage Current test group (the row with
caption written in bold face font) is updated with the maximum value recorded by
any of the Earth Leakage Current tests. See Figure 4-17.

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Figure 4-17. Maximum Value Assigned to the Test Group

8. Continue to the test record window.

As shown in Figure 4-18 only the test group appears in the test record. When a test report
is printed it will also show only the test group with the maximum (worst case) value of all
the performed Earth Leakage Current tests.

Figure 4-18. Test Record Showing Value Filtered Report

Chapter 5

Title Page

Introduction.......................................................................................................... 5-3
Electrical Safety Test Elements ........................................................................... 5-3
Custom Setup................................................................................................... 5-3
Expected Results ............................................................................................. 5-3
Test Groups.......................................................................................................... 5-3
Custom Setup................................................................................................... 5-4
Test Options ................................................................................................ 5-4
Test Each Module Separately...................................................................... 5-4
Test Guide Settings ..................................................................................... 5-4
Patient Lead Tests ....................................................................................... 5-4
MAP Settings .............................................................................................. 5-5
Patient Lead Configuration – Module Setup............................................... 5-5
Value Filter ................................................................................................. 5-5
Modular Filter ............................................................................................. 5-5
Expected Results ............................................................................................. 5-5
Autosequence....................................................................................................... 5-5
Custom Setup................................................................................................... 5-6
Test Options ................................................................................................ 5-6
Delay Times ................................................................................................ 5-6
Test Each Module Separately...................................................................... 5-6
Test Guide Settings ..................................................................................... 5-6
Patient Lead Tests ....................................................................................... 5-7
Patient Lead Configuration – Module Setup............................................... 5-7
Value Filter ................................................................................................. 5-7
Module Filter............................................................................................... 5-7
Expected Results ............................................................................................. 5-7
Test Guide............................................................................................................ 5-7
Module Setup................................................................................................... 5-8
Module Groups............................................................................................ 5-9
Module Nomenclature................................................................................. 5-10
Lead Calibration .............................................................................................. 5-10
Halt on Test Failure ......................................................................................... 5-10
Plug-In Preferences.............................................................................................. 5-11

Ansur ESA612
Users Manual

Introduction 5
This chapter contains additional information on some of the ESA612 Plug-In features.

Electrical Safety Test Elements

Each electrical safety test corresponds to a unique measurement available on the ESA612
Safety Analyzer. When the electrical safety test element is executed within an Ansur test
template, the returned measurement is compared to defined limits. This comparison
determines if the test element passed or failed.
The most noticeable difference is between electrical safety tests measured on applied
parts and those measured on other parts on the DUT (e.g. its enclosure). Before
measurements are taken, the applied parts configuration for the DUT is grouped into a
number of modules. Electrical safety tests measured on applied parts will be run for each
module and so the measurements returned are displayed against the list of modules.
Custom Setup
There is no limitation placed on how the measurement is performed for a electrical safety
test element.
Expected Results
Electrical safety tests that are not performed on applied parts will contain only one limit
entry for each selected standard as shown in Figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1. Expected Results with No Applied Parts

Electrical safety tests performed on applied parts will contain two or three limit entries
for each selected standard. This is because applied parts can be one of three IEC classes
(Body, Body Float, or Cardiac Float) or one of two AAMI classes (Non-Isolated or
Isolated). In Ansur, it is possible to define limits against any of these classes. Figure 5-2
shows the results window on an applied part using the IEC classes.

Figure 5-2. Expected Results with Applied Parts

Test Groups
Test groups come with a number of predetermined child safety test elements. These child
elements are the same measurement but with varying power configurations. It is possible
to drop other tests into this container but it is ill advised.
The test group is passed only if all of its child elements pass and the test group’s value
satisfy its expected results.
Ansur ESA612
Users Manual

Custom Setup
The Test Group’s custom setup enables the operator to configure how the group will be
performed. Figure 5-3 shows the custom setup window.

Figure 5-3. Test Group Custom Setup Window

Test Options
When Halt on test failure is selected, the test will stop each time a safety test violates
its limits. The Plug-In will display the window described in the “Halt of Test Failure”
section later in this chapter.
Test Each Module Separately
Usually the software gets a measurement for each safety test element for each module in
turn before continuing to the next safety test element. However, it is possible to run all
safety test elements against a single module before running all the tests against the next
module. This is achieved by selecting the Test Each Module Separately option.
By selecting Expand module groups the electrical safety tests will be repeated
against all modules within each module group. If unselected, but a number of identical
applied parts do exist on the same lead positions, then the applied parts are measured in
If Stop at new module option is selected, the test run is halted whenever a new
module is to be tested. The user must choose to continue to run the test.
If the Test Group is part of an Autosequence that has either Test Optimization or Test
Each Module Separately selected, the module options will have no effect and will not be
Test Guide Settings
The Skip, NA, and Step button on the test guide (see Test Guide section below) can be
enabled or disabled through the checkboxes under Test Guide Settings in the General
Test Group Settings of the Test Group Setup window.
If the test group is part of an Autosequence where the Step button has been
disabled, then Test Guide Settings will have no effect and will not be
Patient Lead Tests
For the patient leads test, the “Worst Case” option is used to get the worst case value per
module. The “All Lead” option is used to get a value for all leads for each module.

Autosequence 5
MAP Settings
The MAP settings options are used only for Mains on Applied Parts test to change the
Patient Lead Configuration – Module Setup
When the “Override Patient Lead Configuration” option is checked, the field user can
modify the module setup data from the test guide. When not checked, the field user
cannot modify the module setup from the test guide.
Module setup can be configured in custom setup during template creation. The setup can
also be modified by the field user from the test guide, if the "Override Patient Lead
Configuration" option is checked in the template. See the “Module Setup” section for
more details on how to define modules.
Value Filter
The option selections under the Value Assigned to Test Group determine if the final
value will be tested against the maximum measurement value, the minimum
measurement value, or no value at all.
Modular Filter
The Module Filter restricts the test group to certain modules. This filter ensures the test is
performed only for modules that contain module info in accordance with the filter.
• To create a module filter, click the plus button ( ) above the column headers.
• Enter the name of a Module Info field in the column named Module’s. The default
Ansur installation provides the fields Module Code, Serial No. and Type. Ensure
that the name is typed correctly.
• In the equals column, enter the value the filter should apply.
When defining modules and before running the test, ensure the values are entered in the
same way as the filter was created. Shown in Figure 5-4 is the module info for a module
that would be included in the filter indicated in Figure 5-3. See the Module Setup section
below for more details on how to define modules.

Figure 5-4. Module Information

The Module Filter is only displayed on test groups containing tests designed for applied
parts. Some examples are Patient Leakage Current, Mains on Applied Parts, and Patient
Auxiliary Current. The Module Filter is also available on the Autosequence because it
may contain any of the first three tests.
If no module filter is defined, then all modules will be tested.
Expected Results
The expected results are entered in an identical fashion as the individual safety test

The Autosequence enables a series of automatic tests to be executed within the same test
guide, i.e. with minimum user interaction. It is recommended that all the elements
defining an equipment’s test and inspection procedures be included into a single
Autosequence container.

Ansur ESA612
Users Manual

The Autosequence is passed only if all of its child elements pass and the Autosequence’s
value satisfy its expected results.
Custom Setup
The Autosequence has the same configuration features as those found in the Test Group
described above. However, there are a number additional test settings. Figure 5-5 shows
the Autosequence custom setup page.

Figure 5-5. Autosequence Custom Setup Page

Test Options
The Test Optimization option affects the sequence in which the tests are run within the
container. Without this option, child tests would always be run sequentially as they
appear in the container. By selecting this option, the child tests are run so that the fewest
number of DUT power cycles are employed.
Halt on test failure sets the Plug-In to display the window shown in the Halt on Test
Failure section below whenever a test fails.
The Stop before / after new power configuration options are in support of the
optimization functionality. The operator performing the test will be notified whenever the
power changes. This allows the operator to perform required operations on the DUT
before continuing the safety test.
When Perform multiple PE tests is selected, the protective earth resistance test will
repeat as many times as desired.
Delay Times
Polarity Switching Delay defines the number of seconds the Plug-In waits before
switching the polarity of the test receptacle.
Power on / off delay time defines the number of seconds the Plug-In waits before
continuing the safety test after toggling DUT power on or off.
Test Each Module Separately
See the Test Each Module Separately section under Custom Setup above.
Test Guide Settings
See the Test Guide Settings section under Custom Setup above.
Test Guide 5
Patient Lead Tests
See the Patient Lead Tests section under Custom Setup above.
Patient Lead Configuration – Module Setup
See the Patient Lead Configuration section under Custom Setup above.
Value Filter
See the Value Filter section under Custom Setup above.
Module Filter
See the Modular Filter section under Custom Setup above.
Expected Results
The expected results are entered in an identical fashion as the individual safety test
elements. The only exception is that limits are only available for a single test; no account
is made for module type.

Test Guide
The test guide is the user’s interface with the ESA612 while running a test template. The
most critical user interaction is immediately prior to running the tests. This is the time to
input the applied parts configuration that sets the Ansur ESA612 Plug-In for the right
tests. Figure 5-6 shows the Test Guide window.

Figure 5-6. ESA612 Test Guide Window

Table 5-1 lists the Test Window controls with their descriptions.

Table 5-1. Toolbar Buttons

Button Name Description

Abort Abort the test template.

Previous Go to the previous dialog screen.

Next Go to the next dialog screen.

Ansur ESA612
Users Manual

Table 5-1. Toolbar Buttons (cont.)

Button Name Description

Start Perform the test.

Stepwise Perform a step-wise safety test. i.e. one step at a time. This button
is available by clicking the drop down arrow next to the start button.

Stop Stop the test.

Not applicable Flag test as not applicable.

Skip Skip the test and go to the next test.

Additional features Allows access to test lead calibration window.

Module Setup
A module defines the configuration of the applied parts being tested within Ansur.
Running an applied parts test without this definition will result in no measurements taken.
See Appendix A for details of the applied parts tests.
The number of applied parts depends on the DUT configuration and can only be defined
at the time of testing. This definition is done through the Module Setup window within
the Test Guide. Click on the tab with the image of the ESA612 on it to open the Module
Setup window shown in Figure 5-7.

Figure 5-7. Module Setup Window

The list on the left displays the user-defined modules. A module can be of class B, BF or
CF and contain any number of leads up to a cumulative limit of ten. The toolbar at the top
enables the creation, deletion and sequencing of a module.
Figure 5-8 is an example of a module setup window.

Test Guide 5

Figure 5-8. Modules in a Module Setup Window

The data items listed below the class and lead settings are named Module Info. These
data items are important, as it is on these values that the module is filtered if Module
Filters are in use.
When returning to the test procedure the diagram in the top right shows how the Ansur
ESA612 Plug-In sees the applied parts configuration.
Figure 5-9 shows the applied parts connection diagram for the ESA612.

Figure 5-9. Applied Parts Connection Diagram

Notice how the leads are displayed sequentially from socket 1 through socket 5 as
defined in the module setup.
Module Groups
A module group allows multiple, identical sets of applied parts to be tested within the
same test. Figure 5-10 shows the module groups window.

Figure 5-10. Module Groups Window

Ansur ESA612
Users Manual

To create a module group, click on the checkbox named Group just to the right of the
number of leads.
Module Nomenclature
The module setup toolbar contains a button initially named IEC. Clicking this button
opens a popup menu containing the items IEC and AAMI. This option is used to change
the nomenclature used for the module classes.
When selecting AAMI from the popup menu shown in Figure 5-11, the module class
changes from B, BF and CF to Non-Isolated and Isolated. All existing B and BF modules
will be classified as Non-Isolated, while all CF modules will change to Isolated.

Figure 5-11. Selecting Module Nomenclature

Lead Calibration
Before performing a protective earth resistance test, the test lead should be calibrated to
remove the test lead resistance. If a calibration has not already been performed, the
ESA612 Plug-In will automatically display the calibration window shown in Figure 5-12
when an earth resistance test is run. Connect the test lead to the 0/NULL jack and click
the Calibrate button.

Figure 5-12. Test Lead Calibration Window

If the test is stopped and the test lead is replaced, you should select
Calibrate Leads from the test guide’s toolbar before continuing.
Halt on Test Failure
If Halt on test failure is enabled on a test group, the ESA612 Plug-In will display the
dialog box shown in Figure 5-13 whenever a test fails according to any of the currently
selected standards.

Plug-In Preferences 5

Figure 5-13. Halt on Test Failure Window

The dialog box will implement a timer counting down from 90 seconds. When the timer
reaches 0, the test will continue using the ‘save and continue’ option. If the user clicks
within the window the timer will stop.
Save test result and continue
When selected, the failed test will be saved and the sequence will continue.
Use on all subsequent tests
If selected, this window will not be displayed again and all subsequent tests that fail will
be saved.
Discard test result and continue
The failed test will be discarded and the sequence will continue.
If the test’s Skip button is disabled, this option will not be displayed.
Repeat the failed test
The failed test will be performed again. If the test fails, the same dialog box will be
shown again.

Plug-In Preferences
The ESA612 Plug-In preferences contain default settings for the ESA612 Plug-In. The
preferences are available from Ansur’s Tools → Options menu.
The Plug-In preferences also contain a nomenclature setting that will be used as a default
setting when an electrical safety test is started. Figure 5-14 shows the Module
Nomenclature selection window.

Ansur ESA612
Users Manual

Figure 5-14. ESA612 Plug-In Preferences: Module Nomenclature


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