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Article 1582. Primary Obligations of the Vendee: Purpose of Notice: To insulate the seller from belated claims of defects and to allow him to
a. To accept the delivery of the thing make urgent investigation on the validity of claims.
b. To pay the purchase price simultaneously upon the delivery of the thing unless a period
or term has been agreed upon. Article 1587. Effects of Justifiable refusal to accept delivery by the buyer
EXCEPTION TO SIMULTANEITY OF ACTS: if parties agreed, such as in sale by 1. Buyer has no duty to return the goods to the seller but must notify the seller of his refusal
instalments. to accept the goods. (Risk of Loss here is on the seller)
2. Buyer may voluntarily constitute himself as depositary of the goods, but he will be liable
Payment shall be made at the stipulated time and place of delivery. If there is no stipulation for damages if he does not fulfil the duties of a depositary as required by law. (Risk of loss is on the
at the time and place of delivery of the thing. buyer)

*** The failure of the vendee to pay the price after delivery if ownership had been transferred, does Article 1588. Effect of Unjustifiable Refusal to accept goods by the buyer: Title or ownership
not cause the ownership to revert back to the seller until and unless the bilateral contract of sale is passes to him from the time goods were placed at his disposal.
first rescinded. [Chua Hoi vs. Kapunan] Exceptions: a. If there is contrary agreement
b. If the seller reserves ownership as security for payment of the price [1503 & 1523]
Article 1583. Rules in case of Contract of Sale of goods to be delivered in stated instalments.
Two instances contemplated: Article 1589. When vendee is bound to pay interest (period b/w date of delivery and date of
a. Seller makes defective deliveries in one or more instalments—Buyer may reject the payment) after delivery:
defective portion and accept the good ones a. if the parties stipulated
b. Buyer refuses w/o just cause to take delivery or pay one or more instalments— b. if the thing sold and delivered produces fruits or income
determine whether breach is material to warrant refusal to proceed with the entire contract of sale. c. if the vendee is in default, from the time demand is made upon him either juidicially or
When the breach is severable the injured party can seek damages or compensation but not to extra-judicially.
rescind the whole contract.
Article 1590. When can the vendee suspend payment of the price (total or remaining)?
Article 1584. Buyer’s Right to examine goods. 1. If he is disturbed in his possession or ownership of the thing brought
a. Delivery w/o previous examination: The buyer is not deemed to have accepted the same unless 2. If he has a well-grounded fear that his possession or ownership would be disturbed by a
he had a reasonable opportunity of examining them for the purpose of finding out whether they vindicatory action or foreclosure of mortgage.
conform with the specifications agreed upon.
b. Tender of Delivery by the seller: If seller tenders delivery, he should give the buyer if the latter Length of suspension: While the danger or disturbance exists.
requested, the reasonable opportunity of examining the goods to determine whether they conform
with the contract. Situations where vendee cannot suspend payment despite presence of disturbance (SSS-TP)
1. When the vendor has given security for the return of the price
When right of examination not allowed? 2. When the parties have stipulated
a. If there is an express stipulation to the contrary 3. When the vendor has succeeded in eliminating the danger or disturbance
b. When the goods are deliveres “collect on delivery”, the buyer cannot examine the goods 4. If disturbance is mere act of trespass
unless he pays first the price. Exception: He need not pay the price if there is a contrary agreement 5. If vendee has fully paid the price
or the examination is permitted by usage of trade at the place of delivery.
**Other causes for suspension: non-compliance by vendor of certain conditions; warranty
Article 1585. Signs or Evidence of Acceptance by the buyer of Goods delivered to him. (CPR) of eviction
a. When he communicates with the seller expressly manifesting his acceptance thereof.
b. When he performs an act in relation to the goods inconsistent with the ownership of the Article 1591. Immediate rescission in sale of immovables, if the vendor has reasonable ground
seller. Examples: (a) continuous possession and use of goods (b) reselling the goods (c) mortgaging to fear the loss of the immovable.
the goods ** Vendor however has the alternative of compelling specific performance if the ground to
c. When after the lapse of a reasonable time following the delivery, he retains the goods fear loss does not exist.
w/o complaining to the seller or w/o intimating that he has rejected them.
Article 1592. Exception to the general rule on rescission in case of sale of immovables.
Article 1586. Acceptance of Goods. Mere Acceptance does not necessarily discharge the seller General Rule on Rescission: The court may fix the period of payment when there
from liability for the breach of any promise or warranty. However to make the seller liable the buyer is just cause. Exception: Court is not allowed to grant a new period. Once there is a judicial demand
must notify the seller w/in a reasonable time about the breach of promise or warranty. by notarial act received by the vendee, the court may not grant him a new term. The reason is that
the vendee already enjoyed the advantage of paying beyond the time originally fixed in the contract, refusal (If there are special circumstances establishing proximate damages of a different amount
during the time when no demand for rescission either judicially or extra-judicially has taken place. than the “difference” described then liability is based on the proximate damages) Proximate
Damages: refer to damages other than unrealized profits
*Art. 1592 Not applicable in:
1. Sales by instalments where parties have laid down the procedure to be followed in the * Repudiation of the contract or notice of stopping the contract, such as in the case of a sale
event the vendee failed to fulfill his obligation where goods are to be manufactured. Buyer here shall be liable for the cost of:
2. A mere promise to sell where the title remains with the vendor until full payment of the 1. labor performed
price. 2. expenses for materials used before receiving the notice of repudiation for stoppage
3. unrealized profits
Article 1593. Automatic Rescission of sale of movables. Conditions for applicability:
1. if the vendee upon the expiration of the period fixed for the delivery of the thing Article 1597. When seller may rescind contract in case there is no delivery yet
purchased, refused to receive it w/o justifiable cause 1. When buyer repudiated the contract
2. if he failed to pay the price unless granted a longer period w/in w/c to pay. 2. When the buyer has manifested his inability to perform his obligations
3. When the buyer has committed a breach of the contract
Reason why judicial or notarial act not required: Personal things do not generally keep a stable price
in the market, any delay in their disposal may prejudice the vendor. * Notice must be given to the buyer to totally rescind the contract.

Actions for breach of contract of sale of goods Article 1598. Remedy of buyer in Contract to deliver specific goods: Specific Performance w/o
giving the seller option to retain the goods on payment of damages.
Article 1594. Actions available to vendor when there is breach of contract of sale on the part of
the vendee: (PDR) Article 1599. Remedies of buyer when seller commits breach of warranty.
1. Action for payment of the price of the goods [1595] 1. Recoupment—whereby the buyer accepts the goods but he sets up against the seller the
2. Action for damages due to wrongful neglect and refusal to accept and pay for the goods [1596] reduction or extinction of the purchase price.
3. Action for rescission if buyer has repudiated the contract or has manifested his inability to perform 2. Action for damages—whereby the buyer may (a) accept the goods but w/ damages or (b) refuse
his obligation [1597] to accept the goods for the breach of warranty but also with damages.
3. Rescission—whereby the buyer seeks the cancellation of the sale and as a consequence there
Actions available to the vendee, in case of breach by the vendor (SDR) will be restoration on both sides.
1. Action for specific performance in case of failure of the vendor to deliver the goods [1598]
2. Action for damages for breach of warranty but accepting the goods [1599] **Situations when buyer cannot choose or elect rescission (KNR)
3. Action for rescission for breach of warranty where the vendee may validly refuse acceptance of 1. If he knows of the breach of warranty when he accepted the goods w/o protest
the goods, or even if the goods had already been received, he may return them [1599 par. 4] 2. If he fails to notify the seller w/in a reasonable time of the election to rescind
3. If he fails to return or offer to return the goods to the seller in substantially the same condition as
Article 1595. Action for collection of price, available in the following cases: (OPR) they were at the time the ownership was transferred to him.
1. When the ownership of the goods has passed to the buyer and he wrongfully neglects or refuses
to pay for the price according to the terms of the contract
2. When the price is payable irrespective of delivery or transfer of title, on a certain day and the Extinguishment of Sales
buyer wrongfully neglects or refuses to pay such price.
Defense of Buyer: He may establish the fact that the seller has at anytime before judgment, Art. 1600- Causes for Extinguishing Sales
manifested his inability not to comply with the contract 1. Ordinary Causes—causes which extinguish ordinary contracts such as:
3. When the goods cannot readily be resold for a reasonable price and the buyer refuses to receive a. Payment
the goods when offered for delivery except when 1596 par. 4 is applicable (there is notice of b. Loss of the things
stopping the contract), with notification that the seller is holding them as bailee for the buyer c. Novation
d. Merger of rights of creditor and debtor
Article 1596. Damages for non-acceptance of goods. e. Rescission
Measure of damages: f. Fulfillment of resolutory condition
1. As a rule: estimated loss directly and naturally resulting in the ordinary course of events from the g. Prescription
buyer’s breach (no available market)
2. When there is available market: “difference” between contract price and market or current price at 2. Special Causes—refer to conventional redemption and legal redemption
the time when the goods ought to have been accepted or if not time has been fixed at the time of
CONVENTIONAL REDEMPTION. Equitable Mortgage—one which lacks the proper formalities, form of words or other requisites
prescribed by law for a mortgage, but however shows the intention of the contracting parties to
Art. 1601. Requisites REV-CR make the property subject of the contract as security for a debt and contains nothing impossible or
a. The vendor reserves the right to repurchase the thing sold contrary to law.
b. He shall shoulder the expenses of the contract and other legitimate payments made by the buyer.
c. He shall pay the value of the necessary and useful expenses made on the thing incurred by the Consequences of Declaration of Pacto de Retro Sale as an Equitable Mortgage (PTFR)
buyer 1. The repurchase price paid by the vendor is considered the principal of the loan.
d. He shall comply with other stipulations agreed upon. 2. Title remains in the vendor or if the title has already been transferred to the vendee, the same
e. He shall return the price of the sale must be revested into the vendor by a deed of reconveyance.
3. Any money fruits or other benefits received thereafter by the vendee are considered interests on
Characteristics of Conventional Redemption [EAR RPR] the loan.
a. It begins to exist at the time of the perfection of the contract. (It becomes a mere promise to sell if 4. If the vendor does not redeem on time the remedy of the vendee is to foreclose the mortgage.
stipulated upon after the sale had been consummated)
b. It is an accidental stipulation because it is a right created by the parties Art. 1603—In case of doubt, a contract purporting to be a sale with right to repurchase shall be
c. It is reciprocal when the right to redeem is exercised. (both vendor and vendee has obligations construed as an equitable mortgage.
with each other) Rationale: Least transmission of rights.
d. It gives rise to a real right when properly registered because it affects third persons. *Although in conflict with Art. 1378, where it provides that if the contract is onerous, the
e. It is potestative as its exercise depends upon the sole will of the vendor. doubt shall be settled in favor of the greatest reciprocity of interests, Art. 1603 is the exception. This
f. It is a resolutory condition because when it is fulfilled, the ownership of the vendee over the is justified by the condemnation of pactum commissorium (which is a stipulation that creditor
thing is extinguished automatically becomes owner of a property upon non-payment by the debtor)

PACTO DE RETRO SALE vs. MORTGAGE Art. 1604—Art. 1602 also applicable to contract purporting to be an absolute sale
Ownership is consolidated in the vendee if vendor Failure of mortgagor to pay his obligations on time Art. 1605—Vendor may ask for reformation of instrument in cases referred to in 1602 & 1604
does not repurchase w/in time agreed upon does not deprive him of his interest in the property
No obligation on the part of the vendee to foreclose Mortgagee must foreclose if he wants to secure a Art. 1606—Time to redeem in conventional redemption
perfect title 1. If there is a period agreed upon then this shall be observed, but this should not exceed 10 years
Vendor has no more right to redeem after expiration Mortgagor may redeem before foreclosure and even 2. If there is no period agreed upon, the redemption shall be exercised within 4 years from the
of period to redeem after, w/in one year from registration of the sale in date of contract.
extra-judicial foreclosure. In judicial foreclosure 3. If an action was brought by the seller claiming that the contract was an equitable mortgage but
redemption may be made before confirmation of the later on proven that it was Pacto de retro Sale, he is given 30 days from the time final judgment was
sale by the court. rendered to repurchase.
Vendee may alienate property Mortgagee cannot alienate property
Vendee becomes automatically the owner in case of Mortgagee does not automatically become owner, Art. 1607—Judicial Order is required for the registration of the consolidation of ownership of a
vendor’s failure to redeem there must be foreclosure sale first real property in the vendee by failure of the vendor to redeem.
Vendee is entitled to reimbursement for necessary Mortgagee is not entitled to reimbursement for Rationale: To accord the vendor the maximum safeguards for the protection of his legal
and useful expenses improvements he made rights under the true agreement of the parties.

Art. 1602—Presumption of Equitable Mortgage. (IPERTOD) Art. 1608—The vendor may exercise his right of redemption against every possessor whose
1. When the price of a sale with right to repurchase is unusually inadequate right is derived from the vendee, even if the second contract does not mention of the right of
2. When the vendor remains in possession as lessee or otherwise redemption.
3. When upon or after the expiration of the right to repurchase another instrument extending the
period of redemption or granting a new period is executed. Art. 1609—Vendee is subrogated to the vendor’s rights and actions
4. When the purchaser retains for himself a part of the purchase price As owner, vendee may:
5. When the vendor binds himself to pay the taxes on the thing sold. a. transfer his rights to a 3rd person
6. In any other case where it may be fairly inferred that the real intention of the parties is that the b. mortgage the property
transaction shall secure the payment of a debt or the performance of any other obligation. c. enjoy the fruits thereof
7. When there is doubt as to whether contract is Pacto de retro or an equitable mortgage d. recover the property against every possessor
e. perform other acts of ownership
Art. 1610—Creditors of the vendor must exhaust first all the other properties of vendor before Art. 1620—A co-owner of a thing may exercise the right of redemption when the shares of all the
they could exercise the right of redemption against the vendee. other co-owners or any of them are sold to a 3 rd person. If the price of alienation is grossly
excessive, redemptioner shall pay only a reasonable price.
Art. 1611—Applicability. --If two or more co-owners desire to exercise right of redemption they may only do
1. The vendee entered a Pacto de Retro Sale of a part of an undivided immovable. so in proportion to their share.
2. The vendee later acquired the whole of the property.
3. The vendor in the “Pacto de Retro Sale of a part” wishes to exercise his right of redemption over Art. 1621—Redemption by adjacent owner of rural lands. Requisites: (RATSO)
the part. 1. The adjacent lands involved must be rural land.
If the above mentioned are present the vendee may compel the vendor in the Pacto de Retro Sale 2. The rural land alienated and to be redeemed must not exceed one hectare in area
of a part to redeem the whole property. 3. The alienation must be made in favor of a third person, not in favor of another adjacent owner
Rationale: Co-ownership is not favored, because the co-owners are reluctant to make 4. The two lands involved must not be separated by brooks, drains, ravines, roads and other
improvements on the property due to the state of instability in its ownership. servitudes for the benefit of other estates.
5. The vendee or grantee must already be an owner of a rural land. If he does not own any,
Art. 1612—Joint Pacto de Retro Sale by Co-Owners or Co-Heirs of an Undivided Immovable. redemption is not allowed.
 Each Co-Owner/Co-Heir can exercise right of redemption with respect to their share
If two or more adjoining owners desire to exercise the right of redemption at the same time, the one
Art. 1613—In the case referred to in Art. 1612, vendee may demand that all the vendors or co- with a smaller area shall be preferred. If both have same area, the one who first requested.
heirs come to an agreement upon the repurchase of the whole thing, if they failed to do so vendee
cannot be compelled to accept partial redemption. Art. 1622—Applicability: Piece of Urban Land which is so small and so situated that a major
portion cannot be used for any practical purpose w/in a reasonable time, having bought merely for
Art. 1614—Separate Sales of Shares of Co-owners of an undivided immovable. speculation and is about to resold.
 Each vendor may exercise their right of redemption independently and the vendee *Speculation—means buying or selling with expectation of profiting by a rise and fall in
cannot compel any of them to redeem the whole property price.
Rights recognized by Article 1622.
Art. 1615—If the vendee dies and property is left to several heirs, the action for redemption can 1. Right of Pre-emption—the right of an adjacent owner to purchase the property before it is sold
only be brought to each of them independently with respect to their share, whether or not the to a third person or before the projected sale to a 3rd person is consummated.
property is still undivided or already partitioned. 2. Right of Redemption—the right of an adjacent owner to redeem the property after the sale had
been perfected and consummated.
Art. 1616—Obligations of the Vendor a Retro if he desires to redeem
a. Return to the vendee the price of the sale Pre-emption Redemption
b. He shall shoulder the expenses of the contract and other legitimate payments made by the buyer. Arises before sale Arises after sale
c. He shall pay the value of the necessary and useful expenses made on the thing incurred by the No Rescission because no sale as yet exists There can be rescission of the original sale
buyer The action is directed against the prospective seller Action is directed against the buyer
* Preference when two or more owners of adjoining lands wish to exercise the right of redemption
Art. 1617—Rule in case there is no agreement on the sharing of the fruits of the property. or pre-emption: To the owner whose intended use is best justified.
1. If there are fruits at the time of the sale and the vendee paid them, he shall be reimbursed by the
vendor. Art. 1623—Period of Legal Pre-emption or Redemption.
2. Where there are no fruits at the time of the sale but there are existing at the time of redemption,  Must be exercised within 30 days from the notice in writing by the prospective vendor.
the vendee shall be entitled to the fruits gathered for one year reckoned from the last anniversary of  The deed of sale executed by the vendor is not registered if not accompanied by an
the date of the effectivity of the contract of sale. affidavit that he has given the required written notice.
 The right of redemption of co-owners is superior to the right of adjoining owners.
Art. 1618—The vendor who recovers the thing shall receive it free from all charges or
mortgages constituted by the vendee, but shall respect the lease contract constituted on the Instances of Legal Redemption under the Civil Code (CHURC)
property in good faith and in accordance with the customs of the place. 1. Sale of a co-owner of his share to a stranger (1620)
2. Sale of an heir of his hereditary rights to a stranger (1088)
LEGAL REDEMPTION (1619) 3. Sale of adjacent small urban lands bought merely for speculation (1622)
--is the right to be subrogated upon the same terms and conditions stipulated in the contract, in the 4. Sale of adjacent rural land not exceeding one hectare (1621)
place of one who acquires a thing by purchase or dation in payment, or by any other transaction 5. When a credit or other incorporeal right in litigation is sold (1634)
whereby ownership is transmitted by onerous title. Instances of Legal Redemption under special laws (THEJA)
1. Redemption in tax sales 1. In good faith: Assignor shall pay (a) consideration of price which he received from the assignee;
2. Redemption of homesteads (b) expenses of the contract (c) other legitimate expenses occasioned by the assignment
3. A right of redemption in cases of extra-judicial foreclosures 2. In bad faith: Same liabilities as in above but with damages
4. An equity of redemption in cases of judicial foreclosures
5. Redemption by an agricultural tenant of land sold by the landowner Art. 1629 Duration of the Liability of the Assignor in Good Faith (in case there is no
ASSIGNMENT OF CREDITS AND OTHER INCORPOREAL RIGHTS 1. One year from the date of the assignment of the credit if the period of payment of the credit has
Assignment of Credit—an agreement whereby credits, rights or actions pertaining to a person already expired
(called assignor) are transferred by him to another (called assignee) either onerously or gratuitously 2. One year after maturity of the credit if the period of payment has not yet expired
who acquires the power to enforce the same against the debtors.
Art. 1630 Sale of Inheritance (Hereditary Rights) without specification of things.
Nature of Assignment of Credits and other incorporeal rights: Has all the elements of a contract of --Seller shall only be answerable for his character as an heir. He warrants the fact of his heirship in
sale: (1) consent (2) Object which is the credit, right , action assigned and (3) consideration which is the estate of the decedent. If it turns out that he is not an heir, then he is liable for the breach of
the price paid for the assignment, or liberality of the assignor if the assignment is gratuitous. warranty.
Distinction :
Basis Contract of Sale Assignment of Credits Sale of Hereditary Rights—presumes the existence of a contract or deed of sale between the
Object Property Credit, incorporeal rights or rights of parties
action Waiver of Hereditary Rights—a mode of extinction of ownership, where there is intentional
Manner of Delivery of Object It need not be through public It must be through a public instrument relinquishment of a known right with knowledge of its existence and intention to relinquish it in favor
instrument (1625) of other persons who are co-heirs in the succession
Subject obligated The whole world A definite third person
Ownership when transferred Transfer of ownership need not be Ownership is transferred upon delivery Lump-Sum Purchase of the whole of certain rights, rents or products (1631)
upon delivery of the thing. The parties of the documents evidencing the credit
 Vendor warrants the legitimacy of the whole of the rights, rents or products but not the
may agree that ownership be or incorporeal rights
transferred only after full payment various parts of which the whole is composed of.
(1478)  Exception: If the vendee is evicted from the whole or the part of the greater value (more than
Consideration It is always a requisite It is not always a requisite. Action may half) of the credits in which case warranty stays.
be maintained by the assignee based on
his title even if there is no Art. 1632—If vendor profited from the fruits or received anything from the inheritance sold he
consideration. must restore it by paying the vendee, unless there is a contrary stipulation.

Basis Dation in Payment Assignment of Credits Art. 1633—Charges and debts on the estate paid by the vendor must be reimbursed by the
Nature It is an alienation of property of a The alienation of credits or rights, need vendee, unless there is a contrary stipulation.
debtor in satisfaction of a debt in not be in satisfaction of debtor’s debt
money Assignment of Credit or right in Litigation. (1634)
Object Determinate property Credits, incorporeal rights or rights of  debtor is given the right to extinguish the obligation by reimbursing the assignee: (PIJ)
a. The price paid for the credit or right
Effect Obligation is extinguished Obligation is not extinguished
b. Interest on the said price from the time the day it was paid
 Consent of debtor is not necessary for the assignment. He is therefore released from the c. Judicial costs incurred by the assignee
obligation if he pays the creditor before having knowledge of the assignment (1626)  When is credit or right in litigation? From the time the complaint concerning the same is
 Scope of Assignment: All accessory rights, such as guaranty, mortgage, pledge or answered.
preference (1627)  Prescriptive Period: 30 days from the date the assignee demands payment from debtor
Art. 1628 What the Assignor of the Credit Warrants? (ELS) Exceptions to the Right of Extinguishment by the debtor (1635)
1. The existence of the credit at the time of the assignment  Assignments or sales made to: (CCP)
2. The legality of the credit unless he sold the thing as “doubtful”, meaning, he is not sure of the a. A co-heir or co-owner of the right assigned
validity of his acquisition of the thing sold which fact he has disclosed to the assignee b. A creditor in payment of his credit
3. The solvency of the debtor, if expressly stipulated or if the insolvency of the debtor was prior to c. The possessor of a tenement or piece of land which is subject to the right in litigation
the sale and of common knowledge assigned.
Scope of Liability in case of breach of warranty

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