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a) Dip the red litmus paper in each test tube.
b) If the litmus paper changes to blue, then that test tube contains basic
c) Dip the blue litmus paper obtained in the above in the other two test tubes.
d) If it changes to red, then that test tube contains acidic solution.
e) The solution which does not show any colour change with red litmus and blue
litmus is water.

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The curd and sour substances contains acids. When such substances are kept in brass
and copper vessels, they react to form poisonous compounds.
Hydrogen gas.

Take 5 ml of dilute sulphuric acid in a test tube and add zinc granules to it.
Pass the gas being evolved through the soap solution.
Bring a burning candle near the gas.
Zn + H2SO4 ? ZnSO4 + H2

Bubbles are formed in the soap solution. The evolved gas burns with a pop sound.

Since the gas burns with a pop sound, it is hydrogen gas.
Since one of the compounds formed is Calcium Chloride, the metal compound A is
calcium carbonate.
CaCO3 + 2HCl ? CaCl2 + CO2 +H2O

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HCl, HNO3 etc. Gives out H+ ions in aqueous solutions. So they are acidic in
nature. Alcohol and glucose does not give out H+ ions and hence, their solutions do
not show acidic character.
An aqueous solution of an acid contains hydrogen ions, H+, which is responsible for
conducting electricity.
The acidic character of an acid is due to the presence of H+ ions and these ions
are produced in the presence of water. Hence, dry HCl gas does not change the
colour of the dry litmus paper.
The dissolution of an acid in water is highly exothermic process. If water is added
to concentrated acid, the heat generated may cause the mixture to splash out and
cause burns. The glass container may also break due to excessive local heating.
Thus, while diluting an acid, acid should be added to water.
When the solution of an acid is diluted, the no. Of hydronium ion decreases per
unit volume of the solution.
When excess base is dissolved in a solution, the concentration of hydroxide ions

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The solution with pH 6 has more hydrogen ion concentration. The solution A is
acidic and B is basic.
The strength of acids and bases depends on the number of H + and OH- ions produced.
Acids that give rise to more H+ are said to be strong acids and that give less H+
ions are said to be weak acids. In the same way, bases that give rise to more OH-
are said to be strong bases and that give less OH- ions are said to be weak bases.
Yes, basic solutions also have H +ions. The amount of OH- is more than the amount
of H +ions, so they are basic.
The plants can grow in a pH close to neutral. If the soil is acidic, then the
farmer uses quick lime or slaked lime or chalk to neutralise it.

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Bleaching powder.
Slaked lime.
Sodium carbonate.
If a solution of sodium hydrogen carbonate is heated, sodium carbonate, water and
carbon dioxide gas are formed.
2NaHCO3 ? Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2

CaSO4. � H2O + 1 � H2O ? CaSO4.2 H2O

Plaster of Paris Gypsum

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Procedure :
Take solutions of glucose, alcohol and dilute hydrochloric acid.
Fix two nails on a cork, and place the cork in a 100 ml beaker.
Connect the nails to the terminals of a 6 volt battery through a bulb and a switch.
Now pour some dilute HCl in the beaker and switch on the current.
Repeat the experiment with glucose and alcohol solutions.

The bulb glows in the case of acid. But it does not glow in glucose and
alcohol solutions.
Glowing of the bulb indicates that there is a flow of electric current through the
Glucose and alcohol solution do not conduct electricity whereas acid conducts
Distilled water does not contain any ions for conducting electricity. Rain water
contains ions. When rain occurs, the gases like CO2, SO2, NO2 etc. Present in the
air dissolves in it. Thus, ions are present in rain water which is responsible for
conducting electricity.
The acidic character of an acid is due to the presence of H+ ions and these ions
are produced in the presence of water. Hence acids do not show acidic behaviour in
the absence of water.
Neutral- D
Strongly alkaline- C
Strongly acidic- B
Weakly acidic- A
Weakly alkaline- E
The test tube A which contains hydrochloric acid has vigorous fizzing than test
tube B. Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid and contains more concentration of H +.
So vigorous reaction takes place in test tube A.
When milk changes to curd, lactic acid is formed. The presence of lactic acid
reduces the pH.
a) He wanted the milk to stay longer without changing to curd.
b) The milk takes a long time to change into curd because the lactic acid formed
should first neutralize the baking soda.
13. On mixing with water, Plaster of Paris changes to gypsum which sets to a
hard mass.
CaSO4. � H2O + 1 � H2O ? CaSO4.2 H2O
Plaster of Paris Gypsum

14. The reaction in which acid and base reacts to give salt and water are called
neutralisation reactions.
e.g.; sodium hydroxide reacts with hydrochloric acid to give sodium chloride
and water.
NaOH + HCl ? NaCl + H2O
Potassium hydroxide reacts with sulphuric acid to give potassium
chloride and water.
KOH + H2SO4 ? K2SO4 + H2O

15. Uses of washing soda

a) In the manufacture of glass.
b) For removing permanent hardness of water.
Uses of Baking soda
For making baking powder.
In soda-acid fire extinguisher.

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