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Seminars in Pediatric Surgery 28 (2019) 89–94

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Immediate versus staged repair of omphaloceles

Erik D. Skarsgard
British Columbia Children’s Hospital, Department of Surgery, University of British Columbia, K0-110 ACB 4480 Oak Street, V6H 3V4 Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada

ar t ic l e in f o abst r ac t
Keywords: Omphalocele is an abdominal wall defect involving the umbilical ring which results in visceral herniation
of small and large intestine, liver, spleen and sometimes gonads. The covering of the herniated viscera by
Abdominal wall defect
a fused membrane consisting of peritoneum, Wharton’s jelly and amnion projects viscera from mechani-
Primary closure
Staged closure cal injury and exposure to chemical irritants in amniotic fluid.
Abdominal wall reconstruction Omphalocele is usually diagnosed before birth, is variable in size, and is frequently associated with
chromosomal and somatic anomalies, syndromes, and variable degrees of pulmonary hypoplasia which
can be lethal.
In this article we examine surgical closure options for omphaloceles ranging from early primary fas-
cial repair for small omphaloceles to a staged repair, often facilitated by an amnion preserving silo, which
may be necessary for giant omphaloceles that cannot be closed primarily. We also review some of the ad-
juncts to abdominal wall reconstruction including tissue expansion and mesh. Conservative management
(paint and wait) of giant omphaloceles is described elsewhere.
© 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Omphalocele Characterization of risk associated with a

diagnosis of omphalocele
Gastroschisis and omphalocele (also referred to as exomphalos)
account for the vast majority of congenital abdominal wall defects. In an era of contemporary prenatal diagnosis and multidisci-
In contrast to the paraumbilical nature of gastroschisis, omphalo- plinary prenatal counselling, the pediatric surgeon plays a criti-
cele is a true umbilical ring defect, characterized by herniation of cal role in describing the options for defect closure after birth.
abdominal viscera including small and large intestine, liver, spleen, These discussions will usually be informed by an assessment of
and sometimes the gonads. Another distinguishing attribute of om- risk factors known to have influence on outcome. These factors in-
phalocele is coverage of herniated viscera by a multi-layered mem- clude whether the omphalocele is isolated or associated with other
brane, which includes peritoneum, Wharton’s jelly and amnion. prognosis-altering malformations, the size of the abdominal defect
This membrane protects the viscera from exposure to amniotic and proportion of herniated liver, and the likelihood of associated
fluid as well as extra-abdominal mechanical irritation. The accu- severe pulmonary hypoplasia. However, it is important to have in-
racy of contemporary prenatal diagnosis means that the majority sight into the risk profile of an individual fetus and be aware that
of cases of omphalocele are detected before birth, which allows for omphalocele is a classic exemplar of the concept of hidden mortal-
planning of perinatal care, including surgical management of the ity associated with prenatal diagnosis. 1 Hence, the frequency and
abdominal wall defect. Optimal decision making in management lethality of associated anomalies in omphalocele may be quite dif-
of the defect frequently requires multi-disciplinary consideration ferent between a cohort detected by routine prenatal screening
of a number of factors including defect size, presence of herniated versus a liveborn cohort. As an example, a recent study from a
liver, presence and prognosis of associated somatic and syn- national screening program in the Netherlands identified an 83%
dromic malformations, and the severity of associated pulmonary rate of multiple associated anomalies, and of these, 57% had an
hypoplasia. abnormal karyotype, most commonly trisomy 18.2 From the origi-
nal cohort of 141 prenatally detected fetuses, 61% underwent ter-
mination of pregnancy, and another 18% underwent spontaneous
miscarriage, leaving only 24 (17%) which were liveborn. Of these
24 liveborn infants, 12 (50%) had an isolated omphalocele. If one
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analyzes a much larger liveborn cohort, one gets a better sense
1055-8586/© 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
90 E.D. Skarsgard / Seminars in Pediatric Surgery 28 (2019) 89–94

of the risk profile that a pediatric surgeon should consider when

counselling beyond the second trimester. A pooled analysis of 2300
liveborn omphalocele cases from 12 state birth defect state reg-
istries identified an isolated omphalocele rate of 22%. 3 Thirty-two%
had congenital heart disease, but of these, 75% were either atrial
or ventricular septal defects. Twenty-two% had other non-cardiac,
non-lethal structural birth defects of the genitourinary, digestive,
craniofacial and musculoskeletal defects. Only 17% had chromoso-
mal abnormalities, of which the most common was trisomy 18.
The other important risk factor to be considered in selecting
treatment is size of the omphalocele. Although the designation gi-
ant omphalocele (GO) is widely quoted in the literature, no con-
sensus definition exists. A commonly used definition is an abdom-
inal wall defect ≥5 cm in diameter containing liver.4,5 Others have
defined GO as having an extra-abdominal liver volume of at least Fig. 1. Small omphalocele and the results of a primary closure of the defect.
50%. However, it is clear that any single definition based on a static
measurement may not capture the degree of viscero-abdominal
disproportion, causing some authors to discourage the concept of a After initial stabilization, an echocardiogram should be ob-
single unifying definition,6 or to apply the definition when closure tained, both to evaluate structural anatomy, but also to look for
without use of prosthetic material is mechanically impossible. 7 evidence of an abnormal circulatory transition that might suggest
Another factor which plays a role in selecting closure tech- the existence of significant pulmonary hypertension. An abdomi-
nique is the severity of associated pulmonary hypoplasia and pul- nal ultrasound should also be performed to look for evidence of
monary hypertension at birth, which diminishes tolerance of any renal abnormalities. The presence of unexplained dysmorphic fea-
increased intraabdominal pressure associated with surgical closure. tures should prompt a genetics consultation, particularly if a kary-
Several case series have reported that between 37 and 57% of otype was not obtained before birth. Interestingly, small central
patients with large, liver-containing omphaloceles develop clinical omphaloceles tend to have a higher incidence of chromosomal ab-
and echocardiographic evidence of pulmonary hypertension shortly normalities than do large omphaloceles. All of these investigations
after birth.8,9 Notably, the need for intubation and mechanical ven- should be obtained promptly to get as detailed and accurate an
tilation, as well as duration of mechanical ventilation, need for anti- assessment of non-omphalocele risk factors that might influence
pulmonary hypertension treatment, and length of stay and mortality treatment decisions.
were all correlates of a diagnosis of PHT in patients with a GO.
Surgical treatment
Perinatal management
The ultimate goal of surgical intervention in omphalocele is the
Initial management of the liveborn infant with a prenatally di- achievement of fascial and skin coverage, and the avoidance of a
agnosed omphalocele should take into consideration the size of physiologically intolerable increase in intraabdominal pressure. It
the omphalocele, the presence or absence of herniated liver, and is useful to think of surgical treatment in one of three domains:
the existence of associated malformations that could potentially af- (1) Immediate (primary) repair; (2) Staged repair with delayed pri-
fect initial resuscitation. Most omphalocele pregnancies can be ex- mary closure; and (3) Delayed repair (paint and wait). This review
pected to deliver at or near term. Small omphaloceles that do not will focus on the first two treatment options.
contain liver can be safely delivered vaginally, while any omphalo-
Immediate (primary) repair
cele that contains a significant volume of liver should be delivered
by caesarean section to avoid risks of hepatic injury or sac rupture.
Almost all small omphalocele defects that do not contain liver,
The delivery of babies with a GO should be attended by a neonatal
and carefully selected larger defects are amenable to primary re-
resuscitation team capable of dealing with respiratory insufficiency
pair. One issue of potential controversy that may be more rele-
that may require immediate intubation and ventilatory support.
vant from an embryologic rather than treatment perspective is the
Once the infant has been brought back to the neonatal inten-
differentiation of a small omphalocele from a congenital umbili-
sive care unit (NICU), supportive care appropriate to the baby’s
cal cord hernia (CUCH).12,13 An omphalocele results from varying
cardiorespiratory condition should be initiated. Precautions to
degrees of failure of infolding of the cephalad, caudal and lat-
both stabilize the omphalocele and protect the covering amnion
eral body folds, leading to abnormal formation of the umbilical
from mechanical injury or desiccation should be taken. This may
ring, while in CUCH the umbilical ring is normally formed, with a
involve covering the amnion with saline gauze or by placing the
“collar” of skin that extends from the abdominal wall onto the
whole lower half of the baby (to include the omphalocele) in a
neck of the sac and complete fusion of the rectus muscles in the
sterile “bowel bag”. Vascular access (preferentially avoiding the
midline. Management options for small omphaloceles and CUCH
umbilical vessels) should be established, with consideration of
include umbilical cord ligation, or formal sutured closure of the
the need for arterial access based on cardiorespiratory status.
defect, with or without umbilical cord preservation (Fig. 1). With a
Intravenous fluids with a goal of achieving and maintaining eu-
small omphalocele containing intestine, one may be tempted to re-
volemia should be initiated. Close glucose monitoring should be
duce the viscera (frequently be twisting the cord) and simply ligate
established in any baby with features of Beckwith-Weidemann
the omphalocele sac near its base, thereby avoiding a formal clo-
syndrome which occurs in approximately 15% of liveborn cases,
sure requiring general anesthesia. The risk of this approach is the
and disproportionately in association with small omphaloceles. 10
inadvertent ligation of a knuckle of intestine that may be adherent
These features include macroglossia, macrosomia, and hemihy-
to the peritoneum, and therefore does not completely reduce.14
pertrophy, or a history of polyhydramnios or placentomegaly in a
Determining eligibility for primary repair can be difficult, but
fetus that otherwise appears to have an isolated omphalocele. 11 A
a clinical assessment of tolerance of visceral reduction by careful
nasogastric or orogastric tube should be inserted.
manipulation of the sac contents at the bedside may be helpful,
particularly if the liver is fairly easily reduced. In the majority of
E.D. Skarsgard / Seminars in Pediatric Surgery 28 (2019) 89–94 91

Fig. 2. A–C - Following midline fascial closure, dermal advancement sutures are used to approximate the skin edges to the cord, leading to a normal appearing neo-umbilicus.

cases of small omphalocele amenable to primary repair, this is should consider such factors as size, gestational age and cardiores-
best carried out under general anesthesia in the operating room. piratory status, as well as the potential need for surgical treat-
Preoperative antibiotics should be given. For small omphaloceles ment of associated malformations (such as a diaphragmatic hernia,
not containing liver, the sac should be opened carefully, and the esophageal atresia, intestinal atresia or a congenital heart defect).
viscera completely reduced. The options for closure are fascial This decision-making should also consider the anticipated trajec-
level ligation and division of the umbilical vessels, followed by tory of care (for example a palliative approach, in the presence of
fascial closure (vertically, transversely or via purse-string) and trisomy 13 or 18), and the preference of parents for a more ag-
then creation of a neoumbilicus, usually by a dermal purse-string gressive (and perhaps riskier) surgical approach that achieves ear-
of absorbable suture,15 or by a double purse-string technique lier abdominal closure, versus a conservative one that commits the
that creates an umbilical skin collar. 16 Alternatively, the umbilical parents to a greater burden of dressing changes, outpatient visits
cord can be preserved by ligating the umbilical vessels 1–2 cm and a significantly delayed abdominal wall reconstruction.
above the fascia, and then closing the fascia around the vessels
in a purse-string manner. The vessels and redundant sac are then Gradual visceral reduction techniques
centrally reconstituted into an umbilical cord, which is allowed to
desiccate and fall off in the usual manner. The resulting umbilicus In 1948, Gross described the first successful treatment of GO,
may be cosmetically superior based on retention of a cicatrix, that which involved widely undermined abdominal skin flaps, which
is lacking in a purse-string umbilicoplasty.13 were stretched over the intact amnion and sutured in the mid-
For moderate and large omphaloceles still amenable to primary line.20 Although, many of these children survived, they did so with
repair, but with a fascial or skin defect too large for purse-string massive ventral hernias that were extremely difficult to repair. In
closure, the usual practice is a primary midline fascial closure with 1963, Ravitch described the novel use of repeated needle peri-
umbilical cord preservation. If one is quite certain that a primary toneum administered over many weeks to establish intraabdominal
closure can be safely achieved, it is reasonable to proceed with am- domain following a skin flap closure. 21 Then in 1967, Schuster de-
nion excision and mobilization of skin flaps sufficient to allow mid- scribed the use of prosthetic sheeting sewn into the shape of a silo,
line approximation of peritoneum and fascIa with reconstitution of with attachment to the fascial margins as a technique for achieving
the umbilicus at the inferior margin of the incision. Alternatively, gradual visceral reduction and delayed primary closure of a GO. 22
one can raise skin flaps laterally until the medial edges of fascia Since then, a number of techniques have evolved which all use the
are encountered, and a primary fascial closure with amnion inver- basic principle of gradual reduction of the herniated viscera to al-
sion can be accomplished, with the advantage of non-violation of low sufficient recovery of abdominal domain that an eventual clo-
the peritoneum and adhesion avoidance. A number of techniques sure (primary fascia and skin, prosthetic and skin or skin alone), is
of skin-flap umbilicoplasty which target normal positioning and possible. Regardless of technique, one can anticipate that if gradual
elevation of the umbilicus in primarily closed omphaloceles have visceral reduction of a GO containing liver is to be attempted, the
been described.17–19 An example, with dermal advancement su- tures baby will certainly need mechanical ventilatory support, adequate
used to approximate skin edges to a preserved umbilicus is shown sedation with or without neuromuscular paralysis and a peripher-
in Fig. 2. ally inserted central catheter (PICC) for parenteral nutrition until
enteral feeds are fully established.
Staged repair
One critical decision to be made early in a planned silo reduc-
tion of a large omphalocele is whether or not to preserve the am-
One of the significant challenges facing the pediatric surgeon nion. While some authors describe excision of the amnion to allow
and multidisciplinary neonatal team in the surgical management direct suturing of the silo to fascia/skin, its value as a mechanical
of omphaloceles is the large omphalocele with a fascial defect of and wound sepsis barrier during the visceral reduction process
5 cm or greater, where the options are a staged primary (with or cannot be underestimated. In addition, if attempts at reduction
without mesh) repair, versus a conservative “paint and wait” ap- are not tolerated due to increases in intraabdominal pressure, or if
proach with a delayed repair after complete epithelialization has the silo becomes infected or tears away from the defect margins,
occurred. The “paint and wait” approach is described elsewhere amnion preservation still allows the option of conservative man-
and is the default option for the truly giant omphalocele with ex- agement; an option which does not exist if the amnion has been
ternal liver and severe viscero-abdominal disproportion, or in the excised. Silo placement with amnion preservation can be accom-
case of any large omphalocele associated with marked pulmonary plished two ways: Mesh23 or silastic sheeting, 24,25 can be sewn
hypoplasia and hypertension. In all other babies with a large om- directly to skin at the amnio-cutaneous junction; or a skin flap can
phalocele, individualized, shared decision-making with the parents be raised a few mm below the amnio-cutaneous junction, exposing
92 E.D. Skarsgard / Seminars in Pediatric Surgery 28 (2019) 89–94

Fig. 3. (A) Dissection of fascia in subcutaneous plane. (B) Suturing silastic mesh to fascial edge (C) Final construction of a “custom” silo that will facilitate gradual visceral
reduction with amnion preservation.

the fascial margin, and the sheeting can be carefully sutured di-
rectly to fascia26 (Fig. 3). Then the sheeting is sutured to itself to
construct a “custom” silo. The viscera are gradually reduced by
daily silo compression (often by clamping and suturing or appli-
cation of a linear stapler at the silo apex), until a delayed closure
is achieved. At the time of closure, the amnion can be simply
inverted into the abdomen, which is particularly useful if mesh is
required to repair the fascia, or it can be excised if that facilitates
delayed primary fascial closure. Although it would seem intuitive
that a prosthetic silo would be required to achieve reduction, some
authors have described visceral reduction without use of a silo, but
rather through the use of a technique of sequential sac ligation.27
Physiologic monitoring of intraabdominal pressure during the
course of visceral reduction is advisable. The development of ab-
dominal compartment syndrome (ACS) and its feared hemody-
namic (reduced cardiac output, splanchnic hypoperfusion, lactic
acidosis, renal failure, intestinal ischemia) and ventilatory (hy-
poventilation) sequellae and associated mortality risk should be
avoided at all costs. 28 A combination of close surveillance for clin-
ical features of ACS and trended bladder or intragastric pressure
measurements during the closure process should prevent or allow
early recognition and treatment of ACS. Another potential risk that
may require monitoring during reduction of a giant omphalocele
containing liver is the risk of hepatic vein or inferior vena cava
Fig. 4. The use of multiple subcutaneous expanders to create skin for defect
(IVC) occlusion associated with acute angulation of the hepatic cover- age. Expanders can also be placed in subfascial and intraabdominal
vein/IVC junction. This can cause acute vascular outflow obstruc- compartments.
tion of the liver, which can be detected by the sudden congested
appearance of the liver, a sudden rise in serum transaminase levels
and confirmed by sonographic doppler interrogation of the hepatic Fascial closure techniques
vasculature through the silo.29
Once gradual visceral reduction has sufficiently established
Tissue expanders
intraabdominal domain, fascial closure can be attempted. It can
be challenging to predict whether primary fascial closure will be
The recognition of the value of tissue expansion as a means
achievable, and the surgeon needs to have a backup plan if it
of increasing soft tissue surface area has encouraged
is not. The alternatives to simple midline fascial closure include
collaboration between pediatric surgeons and their plastic
fascial advancement techniques such as component separation, 33,34
surgical colleagues in dealing with the challenges of abdominal
closure with mesh (prosthetic or biologic), or skin flap closure,
wall reconstruction associated with GO. A number of case
as in the original method of Gross.20 Whatever procedure is
reports have demonstrated success in intraabdominal tissue
chosen should be undertaken in the operating room under optimal
expansion, usually by placement of the expanders in lower
conditions, with intraoperative invasive blood pressure monitoring,
abdomen and pelvis,30,31 and then gradually expanding to achieve
bladder or intragastric pressure monitoring and pre-established
intraabdominal domain. Care must be taken during this process
ventilatory goals and blood gas targets. With the silo removed, and
to ensure that recovery of intra- abdominal domain does not
the amnion intact (assuming it was preserved) primary fascial clo-
compromise ventilation or cause inad- vertent visceral pressure
sure can be simulated to assess physiologic tolerance. If it appears
injury. Other potential tissue planes that can expanded as a
that a midline fascial closure is feasible and safe, consideration
primary strategy of increasing the available sur- face for soft
should be given to the benefit of removing the amnion to allow
tissue coverage are the intramuscular plane between transversus
additional intraabdominal domain. If the amnion is removed, care
abdominus and internal oblique 32 and the subcuta- neous plane
should be taken with the portion that is frequently adherent to
(Fig. 4). Because of the various options for expansion,
the liver capsule, which may be best left attached. In addition, the
consideration of its potential application in abdominal wall
abnormal positioning of the liver often results in the hepatic veins
reconstruction should encourage an early collaborative
being located just beneath the amnio-cutaneous junction in the
discussion with the plastic surgical team so that its use is
superior midline, making them susceptible to inadvertent injury.
optimally timed.
E.D. Skarsgard / Seminars in Pediatric Surgery 28 (2019) 89–94 93

The decision to use a mesh should consider the size and loca- flexibility in the management of omphaloceles not amenable to
tion of the residual fascial defect. If the defect is small and central, primary closure. When faced with a GO that appears amenable to
and particularly if there is residual covering amnion that would either a primary or delayed primary fascial closure, amnion preser-
prevent acute herniation of bowel through the defect, it may be vation maintains the default option of a “paint and wait” approach,
best to avoid mesh altogether and accept a small ventral hernia if closure attempts are ultimately unsuccessful. Finally, a dedicated
that can be closed later. Large sub-xiphoid defects associated with multidisciplinary team with expertise in antenatal diagnosis, post-
Pentalogy of Cantrell are usually associated with deficient fascia natal management of physiologic impairment caused by either pul-
extending up to the costal margins, and these may be best treated monary hypoplasia or a tight abdominal closure, as well as surgical
with mesh. The reported experience of non-absorbable meshes expertise is critical to optimizing the short and long-term outcome
such as TeflonTM ProleneTM (Ethicon, Cincinnati, OH) and Gore- of these patients.
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