Book Review Bozhenko

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Bozhenko Daria (CS11)

Book review
“The Old Man and the Sea” is a short novel by Ernest Hemingway set in a little
Cuban village. The story tells as about Santiago – a fisherman in years, who has
only a boy by his side, and his shocking fight to death with a marlin in the sea.
Once, Santiago decides to have the last try to catch at least something, and he
successes. Although, man catches marlin, he is unable to kill it. They are fighting
for 2 days until the fish gives up. Santiago, happy and relieved, heads to the coast,
but he doesn’t know that it was just a battle, the whole war is yet to come. Sharks
are moving to the smell of blood, they are trying to take the most of the merlin and
even though Santiago fights them with all he has, sharks win and fisherman returns
with nothing to the village.
The novel is really gripping and well-written. It takes your attention from the
beginning till the end. Plain but at the same time thrilling plot makes you think
further and wider.
I would definitely recommend everybody to read this masterpiece, it might change
the way you see your life.

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