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Animal rights means that animals have the same rights as humans, that humans are not above
At the same time, animal welfare allows to sacrifice animals for human benefits.
2. I think fur farming is wrong because most of the time people use fur of small animals like
rabbits, foxes, etc.. So, they need to kill hundreds of animals in order to make their cloth. And
also, there is no need in animals fur when we have faux fur. But some people go further: they
hunt just for fun. They might kill a deer and make a souvenir of his body. Because of the hunting
some species now in danger. We should stop kill animals as we are one of them.
3. There are plenty of ways animals can help humans. For example dogs can save our lives, help
blind or mentally ill people. Some animals produce important ferments that are used in
medicine. And finally, without animals our ecosystem wouldn’t survive.

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