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A young aspiring Knight embarks on an epic quest to save
Serbia from a ruthless prince who set to cast it into total

Kwame – A nature loving young boy, handsome. Kwame is a
very quiet character with dark eyes that can melt an ice
cold heart. Kwame is a 15 year old boy a height of 165cm,
he has curly dark hair with an athletic body type. He goes
hunting in the woods in the daytime and read. Kwame is on a
quest to deliver a letter to King Herman later finding out
he is the chosen one to fulfil an ancient prophesy.
Prince Glen – A power hungry prince. Prince Glen the second
son of King Herman is an ambitious man whose love for
controlling things and taking control over people made him
embark on a journey to acquire every supernatural power he
could lay his hands on. He is on the verge of harnessing
the most powerful supernatural power on earth and something
need to be done quickly to stop him.
King Herman – The King of the Kingdom of Leskovac, Serbia.
He is blessed by the gods with two sons. He is loved and
respected by his people. King Herman is aware of Prince
Glen hunger for power what he didn’t know is that his son
is planning to take the throne from his father thereby
committing treachery which is a major offense in the
kingdom punishable with death by hanging.
Prince Tyler – The first son of King Herman. He dutifully
served his father and the people of Leskovac. He got into a
fight with Prince Glen when he found out Prince Glen has
being plotting to commit treachery. Prince Glen allowed
Prince Tyler defeat him which is part of his big plans to
be rebirth into a dark monstrous creature on the night of
the blood moon.
Marcus – Marcus is a well-respected and wealthy Knight in
the Kingdom of Sombor, Serbia. He got most of his fortune
from his family. Marcus is Kwame’s adopted father, he took
Kwame and Malala under his loving care when Kwame’s father
got killed in the woods when he went hunting by the Red
Knight in the summer of 1967. Marcus is killed by the Red
Knight and denied the opportunity of seeing his unborn
Malala – Malala is a slim and energetic woman. She is the
mother of Kwame and she is pregnant with her second child
having Marcus has the true father. Malala is apprehended by
the Red Knight and locked up in a prison cell after Kwame
went missing with the Letter.
Pedro – Pedro is the most powerful Knight in Serbia. His
victorious tales spans far and wide of Serbia. Pedro heard
of the plans of Prince Glen from a drunkard’s mouth and
decided to investigate, to find out it is true. He sneaked
into the Red Knight’s camp and stole the letter from Prince
Glen inner room as an evidence to gift to King Herman, he
was chased and shot in the back with several arrows as he
managed to make it out the camp into the woods. He couldn’t
continue the journey until he met an old man Jon who went
to sort out for help for him. Kwame is the one who answered
the call. Kwame met Pedro as a bleeding Knight on the verge
of taking a journey to the afterlife.
Jon – Jon is an old man in his late 60s. Jon loves hunting
for animals to keep food on his table. He is setting traps
for animals in the woods when he spotted Pedro in deep
pains and called for help.
Jessica – Jessica is an 18 year old teenager. She is from a
poor family. She is very smart and got few tricks in her
possession. She spotted Kwame at one of his stop over for
food and drinks and quickly alert her father for a bounty
price offered on Kwame. Kwame is apprehended until she
found out she needs to set Kwame free and embark on the
journey with him. Jessica taught Kwame how to control the
ancestral powers bestowed on him.
Gilbert – Gilbert is the famous horse of Pedro who has
fought every battle with him and enjoyed every victory as
well. Gilbert is gifted to Kwame as a parting gift
promising him Gilbert will lead his way to the King.
Red Knight – The Red Knights are the army put together by
Prince Glen. They go do his evil works for him and are
completely loyal under his authoritative ruling.
The faint chirping of birds, golden rays of sunshine peeking
through the clouds shining on the wet green grass full of
magical beauty, filled with the promise of a new day in Serbia
as Kwame observes through his window.

To become a Knight in the kingdom of Sombor, Serbia. An

aspiring Knight has to go through 3 series of test to namely
the Duel of Strength, The Test of Endurance and the Test of
Oneness respectively. Each round of the competition is a
Knockout one and failure to qualify means you have to try
again next year. This event is held once in a year and
attracts crowd from neighboring Kingdom to witness with lots
of wine to drink and food to eat and people dancing and
singing of local songs takes place as side attractions.
Kwame begins his journey to become an honored Knight in the
Kingdom following the laid path by his late father and Marcus.
Though Kwame lacks the physical strength to combat, his skills
and speed compensates for his weakness while other kids laugh
at him due to his mediocre grip on the sword and shield which
got better has time passed on.
Kwame practiced day and night under the close supervision of
a personal trainer hired by Marcus to train him as the days
to the event draws nearer.
On the day of the event Kwame had a call to save Serbia from
a fast approaching dooming darkness, will he accept the call
or decline?
Kwame had the chance to meet Pedro who handed him a
metallic baton, contained in it is a letter which is to be
delivered to King Herman. Pedro is badly injured and could
not continue the journey which made him trust Kwame with
the safe delivery of the letter.
Kwame Knew right away what he is getting himself into but
he didn’t know he is walking right into his destiny to
fulfill an ancient prophesy of the blood moon.
Kwame took on this epic quest as he ride on Gabriel to
deliver this letter. He is soon faced with all sort of
attacks coming from the Red Knight and supernatural forces.
During this journey Kwame discovered he has supernatural
powers working with him which when called upon he could use
to defeat a thousand men all at ones leaving the winds and
trees trembling with such powers but it’s more like the
powers are controlling Kwame rather than him taking control
of such tremendous power working with him.
Prince Glen is arranging his forces in preparation for the
coming blood moon when he is will be rebirth into the form
of a monstrous creature and rule Serbia with darkness.
To save Serbia from the fast approaching dooming darkness
Kwame has to take full control of his supernatural powers
or watch Serbia burn to ashes. Will Kwame get his powers
under control or he will keep letting it control him?
Kwame and Jessica made it to the Kingdom of Leskovac heavily
concentrated with the Red Knights. It is the night of the
blood moon and the King and his people are having a feast in
the Kingdom’s hall with everyone recognizing the significance
of the blood moon.
Kwame and Jessica made their way into the Kingdom passing
through the underground channel and made it through to the
hall. The Red Knight spotted Kwame in the Kingdom hall but it
is too late to harm him now as the king asked him to come
forward with the message he has for him.
King Herman opened the letter and the treachery of Prince
Glen was exposed which put King Herman in great awe and he
had to read the letter one more time to make sure he didn’t
read it wrong at first.
He ordered the Kingdom guards to take him into custody but he
has successful converted the Kingdom’s guard into Red Knights
which made them refuse King Herman’s order. Prince Tyler
became more furious and drew out his sword for a combat with
Prince Glen.
Prince Tyler defeated Prince Glen but it was all part of his
plans to be rebirth on the night of the blood moon after
necessary sacrifices has been made.
People stood in great awe has they watched Prince Glen rise
up from the dead as a monstrous creature Kwame couldn’t
believe his eyes as he watched Prince Glen rise into darkness.
Kwame Knew this is the moment he has being preparing for along
his journey so he called upon his supernatural powers of light
to overcome the darkness. The powers used to defeat was so
much that Kwame fainted after overcoming darkness.
The Red Knight asked for forgiveness and pledged loyalty to
King Herman once again.
Kwame is rewarded with gold and given a free entrance into
the Kingdom of Leskovac anytime.
The people of Leskovac will tell the stories to their kids
for years to come.
Malala reunited with Kwame after regaining her freedom.
Kwame returned home with Malala and Jessica and is
officially Knighted a true hero. Kwame and Jessica is
united in love and got married living happily ever after.

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