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2019-2023 strategic plan

San Donato Milanese

November 21st, 2019
Consolidated position to deliver future growth

2016-2019: strong delivery on our strategic pillars Favourable market context

Continuous improvement in core business

• Capex delivered on time and on budget (c. €4bn in RAB) Sustained gas demand
• €600m of bolt-on acquisitions (OLT, ITG and ALNG) growth
• €50m of cost savings; core costs down since 2016

Strong performance of international activities

• TAP on track for 2020 completion Confirmed central role of
• Average cash return on portfolio of >10% gas in energy transition
• Significant one off contribution in 2019 from Desfa and Teregà
Enhanced exposure to energy transition
• Two biomethane acquisitions agreed
• Supportive CNG market and enhanced position in LNG Significant growth
• Strong pipeline of energy efficiency contracts expected in green gas
• H2 pilot: delivered 5% blend of H2NG to industrial users (10% planned)

Financial structure value creation

• Debt related financial charges -40% (from €281m in 2016 to c. €170 FYE 2019) Stable regulatory
• Dividend growth enhanced to 5% CAGR
• €739m of buyback
Improved company outlook 2
Industry-leading results
Tariff RAB Net Income
€bn €m
7.5% 28%
• Capex consistently on • Cost of debt reduction
20.4 time and on budget 1,080
19.0 845 • Investments in GCA and
• Faster capex inclusion Desfa
in RAB
• Outperforming the
• Average inflation <1% efficiency program
2016 2019 2016 2019 E • 2019 guidance at the high
end of the range


€cent €cent
32% 13%
• €739m share buyback; • Dividend policy
31.8 average repurchase increased to +5% p.a.
24.1 price 3.72 21.00 23.76 • Payout reduced to c.
• 106m shares 75%

2016 2019E 2016 2019

2019 FY net income guidance at the high end of the range 3

Fully committed to ESG agenda

Environment Social Governance

• >15% CH4 emissions reduction in • Improvement in safety records • First listed company to introduce an
2019E vs 2016 • Inclusion in the Forbes list of the best ESG board committee
• >650km of morphological and 150 companies in the world to • Gender policy for BoD enshrined in
vegetation restoration 2016-2018 work for Bylaws
• First Climate Action Bond
• >275 k hours training 2016-2018 • One of 4 companies worldwide part of
launched in Europe • Smart working open to 1,000 people the Global Forum of Transparency
• Launch of Snam Plastic Less • Suppliers with a good/excellent
evaluation increased by 60%
• C. 4500 reputational checks on
suppliers and other 3rd parties in 2019
• Policy on Inclusion and diversity

Top ranked in all the main sustainable indexes

>€5bn in sustainable financing 4

Favourable context
The global context for gas is favourable

Gas is becoming more abundant and competitive Improving potential for the coal to gas switch

Average Levelized Cost of gas vs. coal (2018 - 1Q 2019).

• 2018 global gas demand +4.9% (2% p.a. for $/MWh
the last 5 years) 219

• LNG exports growth: +33bcm in 2018 (+8.3%)

• Price declines at major hubs YTD vs 2018: NBP -26% -20%
-40% TTF -34% -29% -19%
• Gas wholesale price today 1/3 of gasoil 110
• 70% of proven gas reserves breakeven below 89 83
90 94
$3/MMbtu 70 74 72 76
63 57 61 60
• +170 bcm/y new LNG expected online by
2025, mainly from the US (80 bcm/y) & Russia
(30 bcm/y)
• Sutsained growth in global gas demand to
2040 in reference scenarios Japan South Corea China Germany UK

• $500bn of implied infrastructure ASIA EUROPE

CCGT in H2 2018 CCGT in Q1 2019 Coal in Q1 2019

Source: Global Gas Report 2019 (Snam, IGU, BCG) 6

Tailwind for gas in Italy

Gas consumption in Italy The coal to gas switch is happening already

Thermoelectric generation cost (€/MWh)

12% 80

75.9 60
67.5 40
4.4% 2,5
2,0 17,4

29,0 Gas CCGT ƞ=55.1% efficiency Coal ƞ=34.5% efficiency

And will further accelerate with the formal exit of 8GW of coal capacity

20,6 24,2 +11.8% 27,0 • Ca.3bcm of additional gas demand expected with coal phase-out
• Capacity market launched to improve flexibility to serve renewables
and demand peaks
FY 2015 FY 2018 FY 2019E
• Authorization process launched for the construction of >2 GW of new
gas capacity (peaking and flexibility) by the main power operators
Other Building
Industry Thermoelectric

Source: National Transport Network Balance, Snam elaboration on Thomson Reuters and ICIS 7
Gas will have a central role in the energy transition
Europe is moving to enable green gas
Decarbonisation will need to speed up 10X development

Annual emissions EU28, MtCO2

• C. 1,010 TWh potential (Navigant)
• Incentives to support market development
Inertial trend
already in place in countries in EU (France, Italy,
Germany, Denmark, Sweden)
95% decarbonization
• C. 1,800 TWh hydrogen in 2050 (Navigant);
• France: 10% of H2 to be decarbonised by 2023;
• German hydrogen strategy to be published in December
Green gas will play a key role, especially in hard to abate sectors • Entsos jointly call for power to gas for sector coupling
Siderurgy Agricultural

Passenger vehicles Chemical industry


buildings Refineries
Agriculture and
farming • Pilots ongoing in Norway, Netherlands and UK
passenger vehicles Oil & Gas Power

Road transport Cement works Green financing

Rail transport
Paper industry
Strong support from the EIB for development of Green
Airplane transport Commercial
Food & tobacco
Gas Sector, including through the adaptation of existing
Naval transport
Other Balance
applications infrastructure
Transport Heating Industry Energy Other

Source: NIR 2019, Le Quèrè et al. (2018), Global Carbon Project CDIAC, National Inventory report Italy 2018, Snam analysis
Green hydrogen to become competitive in <10 years

Cost evolution (€/MWh)


• Green hydrogen may develop

80 Grey H2 (with Co2) particularly rapidly in Italy owing to
Electricity (PUN)
solar resource
Gasoil (with CO2) Blue H2
60 • Cost decline, driven by cost of solar and
Natural gas (with CO2) wind, and electrolyzers
• Breakeven between blue and green
Green H2 hydrogen expected before 2030
• First two H2 uses to become
competitive will be «grey» hydrogen
0 and long-distance heavy transport, also
2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 owing to fuel cell efficiency

Electrolyser Capex €/kW

• Internalisation of rising CO2 costs
necessary to make H2 competitive with
1,800 1080 350 … large-scale adoption 162
natural gas
324 48 21 12
Solar/Wind cost €/MWh

Source: Thomson Reuters, Snam Terna scenarios, GME, ICIS, analysis on market estimates
Key role of gas confirmed in Italy

Constructive approach to investment returns Importance of gas for the energy transition

• WACC confirmed in all businesses; ß confirmed • Regulator supportive of gas role in the energy
• Storage regulatory period extended to 6 years transition

• Revenue guarantee mechanisms confirmed in • Ongoing discussion on innovation stimulus for

transport at c. 99.5%, guarantee factor @ 100% energy transition projects
for storage

Support for selective development, asset

health, market functioning Snam-Terna scenarios confirm key role for green gas
bcm 100
• Incentives on new development capex
2020-22 (+1.5% for 10 years, if CBA > 1.5) 80

• Ongoing constructive discussion on 60

regulatory solutions for an effective 40 >26 bcm
approach to asset health
• Progressive introduction of output-based
incentives (discussion on track for 2020 0
definition) 2008 2012 2016 2020 2024 2028 2032 2036 2040

BAU DEC CEN Hystorical Green gas and CCS

Long-term visibility on consistent regulatory framework

Strategic plan 2019-2023
Investment plan 2019-2023: stronger capex profile

Energy Transition
New investment plan: € 6.5m Transport Storage, LNG (not RAB based)

€ 5.3 bn € 0.8 bn € 0.4 bn

13% 13%
36% 13%

Capex Replacements Dual fuel Energy Other Capex 63%
2018-22 project, trans 2019-23
(old plan) DT&T (new plan) Development Development L-CNG
Replacement Maintenance & other Biomethane
Maintenance & other SSLNG
Energy Efficiency

Building tomorrow’s energy network

Italian regulated business: capex highlights
Import Russia
Import North EU
Key development initiatives Replacements

• About 1,000km of transport pipelines
1 Support to the bidirectional CAMPODARSEGO TRIESTE replaced during the plan period
cross-border flow (completed 1 MESTRE
• >45% authorized or under construction
2019) 4 4 CAVARZER

2 Sardinia energy network RIMINI
3 Interconnection with TAP JESI

Dual fuel compression stations:

Pipeline replacement approach

• Direct emission reduction CHIETI

• Asset health prioritization based on
• More efficient compression 4
technical ranking (asset/operating
• Sector coupling: flexibility BICCARI conditions/scenarios)
services to the electric sector 3 • Further parameters:
• Service continuity & quality
New interconnections
• Network resilience,
• CNG and biomethane plants • Environmental/social aspects
• Identification of effective solutions
Maintenance initiatives between replacement and maintenance of
4 the asset
• Maintenance automatically planned Algeria
and scheduled by “Smart gas”1
• Hydrogeological interventions Pipes to be replaced
over the plan period
• Nodes revamping

1. Snam’s proprietary asset management platform 13

High-quality RAB with superior long-term growth

Tariff RAB evolution confirmed even with lower expected inflation

€ bn
(in line with previous plan) 2023-2030

>2% • Long term growth confirmed 1%

real cagr over inflation (in line
with previous plan)
20.3 20.4
19.3 • Growing awareness of strategic
0.8% average inflation role of gas infrastructure for
(vs 1.1% in the previous plan) energy transition

• High visibility on replacement


Superior RAB growth in the next decade

€1.4bn investments in Snamtec: Tomorrow’s Energy Company

Energy efficiency in core business Innovation & technology Energy transition

Methane emissions reduction plan • Digital Asset Model to enhance Support the evolution of Green gas
• Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) infrastructure management • C. 250m€ investments in biomethane
applied to network, compressing and • Digital twin, I-IOT and wearables for • H2 blending up to 10%; studies ongoing
storage stations operational excellence on asset readiness and power to gas
• Replacement of ca. 3,000 pneumatic • Improving neural network forecasting
actuators and instrumentation (2 days ahead and infra-day) CNG and LNG development in Italy
• Drone and satellite images testing for • C. 150 CNG/LCNG stations
Energy efficiency asset monitoring progressing • 2 small-scale LNG plants
• Investments in the first 6 Dual fuel • “Smart gas” (Snam’s asset management
Compression stations platform) extended to re-gasification Energy efficiency with third parties
• Energy efficiency measures in our processes • Real estate deep renovation
buildings • Blockchain pilot for PSV transactions • Revenues granted from fiscal benefit
• 11 GWh/year of energy produced
through PV

CH4 reduction target increased >85% of the grid >40MW of biomethane capacity
from 25% to -40% by 2025 remotely controlled

c.€700 m (RAB) c.€350 m (RAB) c.€400 m (not in RAB)

New emissions target

Direct Co2 emissions – 40% @2030
604 • Electrification of 6 compressor units
scope1 • Direct emissions reduction
KtCO2 • More efficent compression

• Energy efficiency on our assets

• Renovation of H&C and lighting systems
28 • Heaters replacement
Indirect Co2 emissions: – 40% @2030
• 55% of green electricity out of total consumption

835 CH4 target updated: – 40% @2025


scope1 Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) applied to network, compressing and storage
KtCO2eq • >85,000 emission measurements over 50 sites
• Real-time remote leak detection alarms to dispatching centre
• In-field measurement to update emission factors
• Replacement of ca. 3,000 pneumatic actuators and instrumentation

2016 CO2eq 2030 CO2eq

Scope 1 and 2: -40% @2030 vs 2016
Enhanced role in the energy transition
Incentives on biomethane for mobility for 10 years

Organic &
agricultural waste

CNG/LNG stations

Power to gas
Hydrogen Industrial &

Natural Gas

Transport &
Small scale LNG off grid user

Energy efficiency for residential and industrial customers

€400m investment targeting high single/low double-digit low-risk returns

Future proofing the network 17
Market evolution underpin energy transition businesses

Biomethane connections overview (grid) CNG/LCNG connections overview (grid)

• Biomethane Incentive
• Preliminary requests
suggest high potential
• Slow ramp up on
agricultural plants

>150 new CNG

stations connected to
the grid since 2016

C/LCNG stations in Italy

C 1000 preliminary 1,308 86 Offers
requests 1,236 104 under
36 under construction construction
13 operational 839 operational

2017 2018 10M 2019

Energy transition: progress on strategy

Improved biomethane prospect Snam4mobility CNG & LCNG refilling stations

• Key enabler to accelerate market development • 6 CNG and 2 LCNG S4M stations already in operation,
• Distinctive internal competences from our subsidiary IES biogas, expected delivery of further 13 by 1Q2020
leading EPC player • further 69 CNG/LCNG contractualized
• Two platforms in biomethane production from both urban waste • Low-risk business model confirmed:
and agriculture feedstock to internalize competences and
capture further growth opportunities: • Long term contracts with credit-worthy
• Renerwaste: acquisition of 100% (€ 46m equity)
• Base return set with potential upside on volumes
• Iniziative Biometano: binding LOI signed (50% stake with
option for control) • Risk-adjusted returns higher than Italian regulated
• Overall 19MW is already authorized business

• Low-risk business model confirmed:

• Long term incentives
• Contracts or partnership with waste
management operators

c. €250m overall investment, target >40MW c. € 50 m of investments, 150 stations

Growing role in the LNG market
Fast growing LNG market

Italian expected LNG demand for transport ALNG

• +86% LNG to Italy in the
0,7 first 8 months of 2019 Panigaglia

• Increasing
0,3 competitiveness of LNG OLT

0,8 • Competitive
regasification tariffs SSLNG
2019 2025 2030 • Crucial role of LNG going
Trucks Bunkering & off-grid

Expand our capabilities through OLT acquisition: Snam to support gas for mobility

• Exposure to an offshore infrastructure directly • Snam to build & operate 2 liquefaction plants
connected to our grid • Bio-LNG for transport
• Offshore LNG terminal with a maximum annual • Truck loading facility upgrade in Panigaglia
regasification capacity of 3.75 bcm, 100%
capacity booked for 2019/2020 Overall Capacity: c 250Ktpa LNG

• Net amount of the transaction ca. 345 € million (OLT future source of additional small-scale LNG services via
ships) 20
Energy efficiency

Rationale TEP products

• Better use of energy in the territories in TEP operates as a main 10Y Tax Credit
which we operate contractor for transferred to Snam
• Accelerate the growth of TEP leveraging on • Carbon footprint
70% - 85%
Snam’s strengths: industrial expertise, local assessment
presence, low cost of funding Deep Paid by customers
• Energy Efficiency and
renovation 15% - 30%
Deep renovation for
Fast-growing market

Investments in energy efficiency in Italy (bn €)

>8% Strong growth over the plan period


7.2 • Fiscal incentive (ecobonus and sismabonus) confirmed also

6.1 6.7 in the current budget law
0,1 • >60m€ contracts secured with buildings
4,3 4,7
• Relevant and growing commercial pipeline
2,0 2,3 2,4 • >€ 20m revenues expected in 2019, expected to grow over
the plan period, potential partnership with third party
2017 2018 2019 2022
Industrial Home&Building PA
• Risk adjusted return higher than regulated business
The Hydrogen opportunity

1. Asset Readiness
2. System design
3. Value chain

• Pipelines: network is largely • Long-term scenarios: Expected key • Evaluating potential

hydrogen ready, key reason to role of hydrogen in the energy mix opportunities/pilot projects to
underpin replacement scale up clean H2 production and
• Components: gas chromatographs • Grid evolution: Development of use
and other minor instruments would pathway analyses with increasing
need replacing (<1% RAB) share of green gasses • Potential partnership with other
• Gas compressor units: testing the operators of the value chain
• Technical standards: involvement in
impact of a 5-10% blend. focus groups to develop common • Scouting for promising
• Geological storage sites: ongoing rules on H2 in Italy and Europe technologies
analysis and research
• Ongoing assessment of use of
membranes to separate NG and H2
out of NGH2 blend

Negligible investment to reach Ongoing work Scouting the market

5-10% NGH2 readiness to support for investment opportunities and
Ongoing investment in the grid long-term grid planning partnership

Snam as an Enabler; Hydrogen BU created 22

Strong returns from investments in Europe
France Greece


2012 2013 2014 2016 2015 2018

Interconnector Teréga TAG GCA TAP DESFA

Snam’s stake 24% Snam’s stake 41% Snam’s stake 84% Snam’s stake 20% Snam’s stake 20% Snam’s stake 40%

• Commercial business • Solid capex plan • Ongoing regulatory review (for 2021-24) • ~90% progress, 2020 • Stronger Greek macro
model, strong 2019 completion confirmed environment
• Capital structure • Long-term TAG contracts expiry may lead to
sales optimization headwinds in 2023, although flows are expected • Non binding interest • Strategic position along
• Cost efficiency plan • Ongoing regulatory to remain strong from shippers for the southern gas
capacity expansion corridor
• LNG availability and review (2020-23) • Ongoing assessment of SSLNG projects
cost reduces need • New capex plan to be
for capacity booking approved by YE

Payback c. 80% by Payback >100% Payback >100% Pay back >60% by Snam exposure at New regulation
the end of the plan within the plan within the plan the end of the plan completion: c. € 310m improves risk adjusted

>10% average cash return1 on investments to date; consistently outperformed acquisition budgets
>10% cash return confirmed to 2023
1. Yearly average cash in/acquisition price of Teregà, TAG, IUK & GCA
Efficiency Plan further improved: >65m in 2023 vs 2016

More than €65m of

Core Business costs expected saving to 2023

€m Actions
Down in nominal terms ongoing
428 achieved: c. 20% > € 65m
C. € 45m c. 80%


2016 One off costs 2016 Efficiency Demerger Labour Other incl. 2023 2017 2018 9M 2019 External Internal 2023
Net pass- & write off core Program dissynergies inflation network core Costs Costs
through & service expansion

Examples of efficiency projects under the plan

Automation of Private fiber network Insourcing of grid Lower maintenance

Renewing of DT&T Network patrolling IT services for to connect our maintenance from data centers Insourcing of
infrastructure via satellites users centers activities renewal recruiting activities

€ 7.0m € 2.3m € 3.8m € 1.5m € 0.9m € 1.1m € 0.9m

A solid financial structure

Bond maturity Profile1 (€ bn)

• Average tenor of M/L term debt: >5 years 2,00

• Maturities well-spread over time
• € 3.2 bn undrawn committed lines and approx.
€3.7 cash available 0,00
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 beyond
• >3/4 fixed rate debt vs floating with opportunistic 2027

attitude to benefit from lower for longer interest M/L term maturity: ~ 5 years
rate scenario
• Proactive management of maturities Fixed – Floating
Gross debt1 Total committed credit facilities and bonds1
• 2017 and 2018 Liability Management exercises
• Extension of approx. € 3.9bn banking facilities
• New EIB funding for approx. € 0.3bn 1,6
25% 3,2
• € 1.1bn bonds in early September for 2020 1,7 Pool banking facilities
Debt capital market
prefunding € 16bn Bilateral banking facilities
• Access to large and diversified sources of funding 75%
Institutional lenders financing

• 1/3 of total committed funding from 9,5

sustainable financing
Fixed Floating

2019-2023 Fixed rate debt: ~ ¾

1. As of 30th September 2019 25

Resiliency and efficiency secured over the Plan horizon
• Flat cost of debt over the Plan horizon,
leveraging on: Assigned Rating BBB+
( ) ( Baa2
) ( BBB+
) ( stable
outlook stable negative
• Actions already executed to lock in
favorable market conditions Rating from Grid /SACP1 A2 a- n.a.

• Normalization of country risk

premium, supporting bond-roll over Adj. FFO2/Net Debt Net Debt/RAB3
• Investors’ awareness of Snam’s credit 16%
13,8% 13,9%
Self-imposed threshold
profile in spite of sovereign cap 14%
Expected value
end of Plan 55%
Expected value
end of Plan
• Lower than sector-average gearing with 12% 50%

Net Debt /RAB well below 60% which 10% 45%

2018 2019E 2023E 2018 2019E 2023E
remains our reference threshold and
FFO/ND consistent with an A- rating
FFO2/Net Debt consistent with an A- rating space Net Debt /RAB sustainable below 60%

• Potential upside from: Cost of debt Bond Roll-Over

• Treasury management optimization 3,7%
in both banking and CP segments 3,2%
Already locked-in thanks
2,8% 5,00%
to 2020 prefunding
• Further diversification of investors’ 2,4%

base 1,5%
1,1% 2,00%
• Bond-roll over4 1,00%
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019E 2020E 2021E 2022E 2023E 2020 2021 2022 2023
• Growing share of sustainable finance
Expiring bond Coupon Potential new bond coupon
Avg 2019-23 cost of debt @ 1.4%
(Not including short-term uncommitted lines and Commercial

1. Rating from the Grid for Moody’s , Stand alone credit profile for S&P 3. Considering rating adjustments and affiliates 26
2. Before change in working capital 4. New coupon based on forward curve
Use of financial flexibility

Additional earning accretive

Capital allocation approach Already invested or earmarked opportunities not in the plan

Criteria Industrial opportunities • Brown and greenfield growth

• Committed to current credit rating • Additional capex of € 1.8bn on Italian opportunities
metrics and risk profile infrastructure vs first stand-alone plan
• Accretive returns (risk adjusted returns at • ITG; OLT1 acquisition € 562 m • Further replacement of fully
depreciated pipelines
least in line with Italian regulated assets) • GCA; IUK acquisition € 155 m
a) Industrial opportunities • Energy transition at least € 400 m • Additional connections of local
• Desfa € 119 m markets in Sardinia
• Enhance existing infrastructure
• Leverage industrial capabilities Enhanced returns to shareholders • Additional investments in the energy
• Unlock additional • Share buy back activated transition businesses
growth/optionality and € 739 m executed to date
• New dividend policy • Strategic M&A
b) Enhanced returns to shareholders
• Dividend policy • New share buy back tranche of €150m • Buyback
• Buyback

Share buyback: new tranche launched

1. Closing expected 1Q 2020 27

Increased earnings growth and superior
shareholder returns
Our targets are confirmed or improved


€bn c. 2.5% €bn
(in line vs previous plan > 3.0%
even with lower inflation)

20.3 20.4
2,022 2,095

2017 2018 2019 2023

2017 2018 2019E 2023

Net income EPS

€m € cent
> 4.0% c. 5.5%
(in line vs previous plan) (target improved)

0.29 0.32
1,010 1,080 0.27

2017 2018 2019E 2023 2017 2018 2019E 2023

1. Includes further 150m€ further buyabck 29

2020 guidance and targets

Guidance 2020 2019-2023 plan

Investments € ~ 1.1 bn € 6.5 bn 2019-2023

Tariff RAB € ~ 20.6 bn >2% CAGR 2019-2023

Net income € ~ 1,100 m 4% CAGR 2018-2023

DPS € cent 24.95 5% DPS growth


Net debt1 € ~ 12.4 bn Debt/RAB broadly stable

(excluding expected release of
TAP construction guarantee)

Enhanced targets and continuous ESG focus

1. excluding change in tariff related items (expected negative for €0.1bn)
2. Old plan roll forward 2018-2023 with new deflator
Visible and stable regulation
Wacc 2019-2021:
• 5.7% ransport
• 6.7% storage
• 6.8% LNG* Final resolution 114/2019/R/gas
• WIP included in RAB
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
• Beta unlevered at 0.364 (unchanged)
• Incentives on new development capex
2020-22 (+1.5% for 10 years, if CBA > 1.5)
TRANSPORT 4° regulatory period 5° regulatory period
Consultation document 391/2019/R/gas
• Length extension to 5 or 6 years
REGAS. 4° regulatory period
5° regulatory period • Beta equal to 0.524
• Tariff RAB calculation methodology
4° regulatory period
Transition 5° regulatory period
period Final resolution 419/2019/R/gas
• Length extension to 6 years
Definition of possible incentives to • Beta equal to 0.506
operate fully depreciated assets • Tariff RAB calculation methodology
• Opex to be calculated on the basis of last
Introduction of output based available certified year (2018)

Transparent regulatory framework

* Assuming flat beta as indicated in the last consultation document 32

Franco Pruzzi, in his position as manager responsible for the preparation of financial reports, certifies pursuant to paragraph 2, article 154-bis of
the Legislative Decree n. 58/1998, that data and accounting information disclosures herewith set forth correspond to the company’s evidence
and accounting books and entries.

This presentation contains forward-looking statements regarding future events and the future results of Snam that are based on current
expectations, estimates, forecasts, and projections about the industries in which Snam perates and the beliefs and assumptions of the
management of Snam.

In particular, among other statements, certain statements with regard to management objectives, trends in results of operations, margins, costs,
return on equity, risk management are forward-looking in nature.

Words such as ‘expects’, ‘anticipates’, ‘targets’, ‘goals’, ‘projects’, ‘intends’, ‘plans’, ‘believes’, ‘seeks’, ‘estimates’, variations of such words, and
similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements.

These forward-looking statements are only predictions and are subject to risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that are difficult to predict
because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future.

Therefore, Snam’s actual results may differ materially and adversely from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements. Factors
that might cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, economic conditions globally, political, economic and
regulatory developments in Italy and internationally.

Any forward-looking statements made by or on behalf of Snam speak only as of the date they are made. Snam does not undertake to update
forward-looking statements to reflect any changes in Snam’s expectations with regard thereto or any changes in events, conditions or
circumstances on which any such statement is based.

The reader should, however, consult any further disclosures Snam may make in documents it files with the Italian Securities and Exchange
Commission and with the Italian Stock Exchange.


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