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For Activity#1 

1. Debeljuh, P. (2006). Ethics: Learning to live. Chapter II pp. 60-89. Retrieved from: (this
is also available in our OneDrive file)

For Activity#3
(These are just some of the references, it will be better if you can find more references online.)

2. Chimielewsky, C. (2004). Values and culture in ethical decision making. Retrieved


3. Dietrich, C. (2010). Decision Making: factors that influence decision making, heuristics
used, and decision outcomes. Retrieved from:
(You may skip the Heuristics part)

4. Bright Hub PM. (n.d.). How ethics and culture affect decision making: world morals at a
glance. Retrieved from:

5. Mughal, M. (2014). Mass media and its influence on society. Retrieved from:

* 1 Word document for EACH activity = 3 Word document files
* Use APA 6th edition. APA is a referencing style. Currently, APA has now its 7th edition, but
we are going to utilize the 6th Edition. Open this link for a complete guide:
* Font style - Arial 
* Font size - 12
* Single-spaced
* Send your Word files as an attachment on my email

1. Summary of the 8 Ethical Positions/Frameworks: Hedonism, Utilitarianism, Altruism,
Kant’s Ethics of Duty, Stoic Ethics, Platonic Idealism, Aristotelian Eudemonism, Judeo-
Christian Tradition 
(must contain: the proponent, definition, major rule, 2 real life examples of this ethical
2. Reflection Paper: What do you think is the best ethical position to employ in your future
careers? Explain. (500 words)
3. Reflexivity Paper: Topic: The physiological and mental processes, culture, society, and
media’s influence on one’s assessment of a situation and ethical decision making. (1000
words :reference section is not counted, Provide a creative title)


KNOW the difference between Reflection Paper and Reflexivity Paper. 

Read this link: 

Reflection and reflexivity: demystification. Pages 13-15 only 

Reflection Paper - May contain realizations, learnings, shareable happenings or events; may
not contain a reference section; purely based on opinion and experiences. 

Reflexivity Paper - Must argue, assess, criticize, or defend the realizations, learnings, and
shareable happenings or events by using the articles linked above; must contain a reference
section; opinions should be based on facts, reliable sources, or research studies. Hence,
references should be cited properly.

Sample of a Reflexivity Paper: 

*Click the attached file above this email: it is my reflexivity paper about student-centered

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