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This advisory on Security in Jain Farms is being circulated by the Jain Farms Association for the
greater benefit of permanent residents as well as weekly and monthly visitors to your
farmhouses. Details mentioned below are not intended to worry or frighten you, but to make
sure that your sense of vigilance is backed by useful information. Regular crime occurs in
populated areas like Bangalore and Hosur as well. The purpose of this advisory is to highlight
the fact that our more isolated gated community needs to be a little more vigilant.

Security always strives to keep ahead of the offender. But no security in the world is ever 100%
fool-proof. You may not be able to stop an attempt, but you can delay and frustrate a would-be
burglar or assailant sufficiently for him to fail in robbing or assaulting you. Statistics show that
as many robberies take place in broad daylight as it does at night. Henry Ford once said – “The
only real security that a man can have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience and

Here are a few suggestions that would help you to secure yourself as well as your farmhouse.

BOUNDRY - Your plot / farmhouse must not be easily accessible to outsiders. This means
creating a deterrent boundary by having your plot securely fenced and / or constructing a
perimeter wall. Some farmhouse residents feel that the beautiful green ambience of the
neighborhood is lost if high walls are constructed. You can build low walls too, with most of the
rest of the height of the boundary raised with barbed wired. However, simple horizontal
barbed-wire fencing is inadequate and can easily be breached by a trespasser. Opt for the box-
type vertical & horizontal fencing. Additionally, by growing creepers on the fence and a thick
hedge alongside makes clandestine access more difficult.

GATE – Preferably have only one gate to your plot, which is visible through a window of your
farmhouse, even before you open your door to walk over to the gate. High steel gates with
minimum foothold and sharp spikes at the top are more difficult to climb over. Make it a habit
to keep the gate locked 24X7 even if you are indoors and with friends. Not all robberies happen
only in the night. Over time, potential thieves planning a robbery come to know very well that
you are the “cautious type”. Have a calling- bell (connected to your UPS) at the gate. Even
friends and family will get used to waiting for you to unlock the gate. It is safer to confront a
stranger at your compound gate than after he has reached your front door. Also, if you are
keeping a dog or dogs, make sure to have a signboard at the gate stating “Beware of Dog” or
any such message that discourages entry even in the daytime.

DOORS & WINDOWS – Apart from fixing strong doors, all outer doors must have an additional
steel grill door with locking facility. A burglar is discouraged and often delayed by steel grill
doors. Apart from the fact that it produces loud sounds when tampered with, it often acts as a
deterrent, as time and effort is required to break through it. Doors that open inward can be
fitted with flat steel “Crossbars” on the inside that make forcing a door open very difficult. Also
make sure a person cannot lock you inside your own house by bolting you in from the outside.
This is very easy to prevent.

Windows, including small ventilators and even bathroom-ventilators must be grilled with strong
iron bars. Even if a window-pane or the window itself is broken by someone, make sure that
items kept in the room, such as your keys, wallet, jewellery and other valuables are not visible
or within easy reach of the windows.

OTHER OUTDOOR PRECAUTIONS – Do not leave items such as ladders, heavy tools like
hammers, garden tools like “gaddapara”, crow-bars, iron rods etc.. outside your farmhouse for
anybody to pick up and use. Your own tools might be usefully utilized by the miscreant to
commit a crime because of easy availability of suitable tools. Make sure your sump has a cover
which is kept locked. Do not leave fuel, LPG cylinders or any such potentially inflammable items
within easy access of a trespasser. It can be misused in many criminal ways. Park your vehicle(s)
inside your plot and keep it locked at all times.

LIGHTS – Ideally no part of your plot should be in absolute darkness at night. All you need to do
is strategically position lights all around your plot, as well as illuminate the road or lane outside
your plot. “Lighting your own street” not only serves you, it helps the patrolling security better.
Looking out at night, you would notice the approach of a stranger from a distance. Solar lights
and lights connected to your UPS are best suited for this purpose.

GUARD DOGS – If you are fond of dogs, it is best to own one. Compared to a city, dogs thrive
well in farmland, contract fewer diseases and are very sensitive to smells and sounds. The
important rule is not to allow anyone other than close friends and family to familiarize or get
friendly with the dogs. You must at the same time become familiar with the “kind of growl” or
“kind of bark” your dog displays when it hears strange or unfriendly sounds. Allow the dog to
roam freely within your compound, especially at night as it needs to know, acknowledge, mark
and protect its territory. Place a multilingual “Beware of Dogs” sign at your front gate. Details
of nearby Veterinarian doctors are available with Jain Farms Association. Be particularly alert if
your dog dies mysteriously or suddenly due to poisoning. It could be the “precursor or sign” of
an attempt to trespass or break-in by strangers.
UPS – This is an invaluable piece of equipment, especially in rural areas due to the frequent
power disruption. A recommended capacity is 3 KVA. Ideally one’s security lights, internet,
CCTV, burglar alarm / siren / hooter etc. should be connected to the UPS. The UPS should be
placed indoors or in a location which does not allow anyone to tamper with it or cut its wiring.

CCTV CAMERAS – Cameras are very effective in crime detection and may even prevent a crime
from taking place if you announce that “You are under surveillance”, meaning “Cameras are
watching and recording you.” However cameras must be installed either in hidden locations or
high up and beyond reach. Cameras with internet also helps you remote-view your farmhouse
when you are away.

HOOTER / SIREN – The high-decibel sound of this equipment is a deterrent and it can be
operated from a switch inside the farmhouse if you observe any suspicious activity, are under
attack, feel suddenly insecure, feel your life or property is in danger, or that you are liable to
become a victim of some emergency or life threatening situation. Located at a high point on the
farmhouse, lights that glow with the sound of the hooter enable Security staff or the Quick
Reaction Team to locate and reach you. Additionally, a loud whistle as used on playing fields
can also be kept in the farmhouses

GUARD MONITORING SYSTEM – An electronic Guard Monitoring System is installed outside

the gate of many farm houses. It consists of a disk-shaped device about the size of a carrom-
board striker fitted to your front gate. The number of times (and the exact time) patrolling
security visit the location during the night is recorded. When the machine is “punched” it
records the visit of the security personnel and a printout can be checked the following day to
reconfirm the visit. This is not expensive and worth installing. The Security Manager of Jain
Farms can be contacted in this regard.

WALKIE TALKIES - A resident can buy a walkie-talkie especially if the mobile signals are not
reliable in your farm house. Though there is some improvement in signals in recent years and
three more towers are believed to be coming up on the Hosur-Malur road and also towards
Chikkatirupathi, until that happens one can opt for the walkie-talkie. The Jain arms Security
Manager can be contacted regarding this.

LIVE-IN SERVANT – This is an individual choice based on convenience, affordability and the
reliability of the person(s) employed. As a security measure, it is recommended, as it ensures
the presence of someone at all times, including the period of your absence from the farmhouse
and for the care and feeding of your dogs, etc. Care must be taken in verifying the antecedents
of the person employed.
KEYS – Copies of all keys can be made by local locksmiths. Therefore it is advised that keys to
critical locks or rooms of your farmhouse should not be shared or handed to unreliable people,
servants etc.. as they are easily duplicable.

WEAPONS – This is also an individual choice. Licensed firearms and other lethal weapons for
self-defense are of little help unless you know how to use them and are willing to use it. It has
never been the weapon, but the mind and body behind the weapon that matters. Storing
weapons in the farmhouse for self-defense can sometimes become a potential threat if it ends
up in the hands of the intruder. Even if one chooses to use the weapons, it must be stored
preferably in an easily accessible but concealed or secret place.

CASH & VALUABLES – Do not at any time display or show large sums of money, jewelry or any
kind of valuables in the presence of servants or strangers. Strictly speaking, it is safer in the
bank and bank-lockers. It goes without saying how fast news can spread and attract attention to
oneself and the farmhouse.

SELF-HELP GROUP – Have at least one other person (residing in Jain Farms) know exactly where
you are and how to reach you at any given time of the day and night. Members within the
Association are being extremely vigilant and reaching out to each other at least once a day.
Association Members also belong to a WhatsApp Group to immediately send a distress signal
to the entire list of members day or night. Taking a walk through Jain Farms is a pleasant
experience but avoid doing so alone and without the knowledge of another well-wisher. At all
times be in a position to communicate or send some distress signal in case of any kind of
emergency. A list of emergency phone numbers must be on your person (mobile phone) at all
times. Be vigilant and inform others if strangers, unrecognizable vehicles or any type of unusual
activity are noticed within the community. Do not hesitate to use your mobile phone camera if

FIRE – A word on wild-fires must be included in this advisory. Please report any unattended fire,
however small to the Security personnel, especially during the dry months when dry leaves and
bushes are plenty. This is normally a seasonal hazard and often caused by carelessness. In
winter, please douse your bon-fires with water after you are done as winds can spread the fire
while you are asleep.


Mr. Ramesh - General Manager - 9865224249

Mr. P. Natarajan Security Manager – 9585116297

Mr. B.G. Almel – 9688825782

Dated 16th September 2019

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