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A young boy is pressurized by his Father to pass the test to become a Knight in the Kingdom of
Ardian, The kingdom of Ardian is located in the North. 15 years old Kwame set out to compete
with his peers to become one of the Honored Knights of Ardian. Kwame lacks physical strength
which made him a mockery among his peers, he felt out of place as he cry out to his Mother for
guidance and advice, he felt his Father is asking too much of him as he lacks what he thought
was the greatest criteria to become a Knight. His Mother held him close telling him if he does
what she know he could, he will be one of the Knights of Ardian. After much training Kwame
still does not feel confident enough for the task ahead.
The people of Ardian are filled with joy and laughter chanting local songs as the day of the test
is finally here. The prospects will be made to undergo series of test to test their strength, focus,
skills, courage. The first test came and Kwame made it through with much luck on his side. His
Father does not believe such luck will come his way again so he had to bribe Kwame’s next
opponent just to make sure Kwame makes it to the final stage of the drill.
The Final test involves the finalist to come together as a team to achieve one main goal, if one
falls out then the whole team won’t be crowned a Knight.

The team is to go through the final test locked in a cave house where the dead Knights were
buried, The Kingdom believes the dead souls have to accept the new Knights of Ardian. The
finalist where instructed to sit in a meditative position, not to talk or move no matter what
happens in the cave for twelve hours period.
A few moments later, an old man came banging loud on the door asking for help screaming, is
anyone there? Please help! My friend is dying. The team was staring at each other knowing if
one of them talk or move they have broken their dream of becoming a Knight.
All of a sudden, Kwame, the bravest of them all stood up heading towards the door, the other
finalist warmed him not to, reminding him of the given instruction but his love for humanity
supersedes his desire of becoming a Knight and what is a true Knight made of? If not for
bringing peace to the disturbed minds, He warned his peers to back off.
The door opens up, immediately the old man held on tight to Kwame’s vest instructing him to
follow him to where his Master is lying almost dead after being stabbed. The stabbed Knight is a
famous Knight in the neighboring Kingdom called Kingdom of Alabama. He handed Kwame a
well-crafted metallic baton contained in it is a letter which is to be delivered to the king of
Kandach, a kingdom in the south. Make sure you deliver it to the King before the next blood
moon which is in 14 days as the future of the entire Kingdom in the world depends on it said
the Stabbed Knight as he takes deep and heavy breaths.
The Kingdom of Alabama lies south, how will I get there? He asked, not sure if he wants to
embark on the quest to save the world. The dying Knight pointed to the horse standing behind
him as the horse groans.
Approaching from distance is the Red Knights looking to recover the letter from the Stabbed
Knight. Kwame is left with a decision to either go on the quest or get murdered along with the
stabbed Knight. He ran towards the horse, struggled to get on it as his heart was pounding very
fast. Kwame was spotted by the Red Knight while taking off and was chased. He fell into a
stream of river from the top with the horse and luckily for him he made it out alive and
embarked on the quest to deliver the letter to the King.

Kwame took on the quest to save the world with the help of his peers, He overcame a lot of
obstacles as he moved through the unknown with determination and courage of a true Knight
to deliver the letter to the king.
Everyone wants him dead because of the letter he possessed, Kwame’s Father was killed and
Mother imprisoned as they both failed to provide the whereabouts of Kwame. Kwame and his
friends made it to the Kingdom of Alabama.
They channeled through the underground tunnel to enter the King’s Palace and the letter was
delivered safely to the King. Danger was already at the doorstep of the king as he reads the
letter but Kwame and his friends were able to bring a stop to the darkness that was ready to
take on the world.
Kwame and his Friends were crowned true Knights of Ardian after leading the world into light
by their simple commitment not to give up, Not to stop trying to do the right thing no matter
what the cost, No matter how slim the chances of success.

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