Texas Battery Revenue

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Energy 78 (2014) 768e776

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A flexible model for economic operational management of grid battery

energy storage
Robert L. Fares*, Michael E. Webber
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: To connect energy storage operational planning with real-time battery control, this paper integrates a
Received 2 July 2014 dynamic battery model with an optimization program. First, we transform a behavioral circuit model
Received in revised form designed to describe a variety of battery chemistries into a set of coupled nonlinear differential equa-
18 October 2014
tions. Then, we discretize the differential equations to integrate the battery model with a GAMS (General
Accepted 25 October 2014
Algebraic Modeling System) optimization program, which decides when the battery should charge and
Available online 18 November 2014
discharge to maximize its operating revenue. We demonstrate the capabilities of our model by applying
it to lithium-ion (Li-ion) energy storage operating in Texas' restructured electricity market. By simulating
Energy storage
11 years of operation, we find that our model can robustly compute an optimal charge-discharge
Battery schedule that maximizes daily operating revenue without violating a battery's operating constraints.
Economics Furthermore, our results show there is significant variation in potential operating revenue from one day
Optimization to the next. The revenue potential of Li-ion storage varies from approximately $0e1800/MWh of energy
discharged, depending on the volatility of wholesale electricity prices during an operating day. Thus, it is
important to consider the material degradation-related “cost” of performing a charge-discharge cycle in
battery operational management, so that the battery only operates when revenue exceeds cost.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction would benefit from the integration of more flexible electricity re-
sources as the penetration of intermittent resources increases [2].
Because of the high cost of conventional large-scale electricity Grid energy storage is an appealing technology because it
storage technologies (such as pumped-hydro energy storage [1]), it temporally decouples electricity supply from demand, which
has typically been more economical to produce electricity on de- means generation can occur at a time other than when there is
mand, generating and then delivering it to the end user in real time. demand. Doing so adds new flexibility to grid operations with the
To reliably deliver electricity on demand, generation, transmission, potential to reduce grid capital expenditures, integrate higher
and distribution equipment must have the capacity to serve peak fractions of intermittent renewable energy, and increase electric
electric load, which only occurs for a small portion of the year. reliability. For these reasons, recent advances in battery technology
Furthermore, electric generators must set aside reserve capacity for have driven renewed interest in grid-based battery energy storage.
grid ancillary services to ensure electric supply consistently equals Nevertheless, batteries have only been sparingly implemented on
demand, even in the case of a contingency. These two aspects of the U.S. electric grid. In 2011, there were less than 140 MW of
today's electric grid represent a non-trivial component of the cost batteries installed [3]. This fact can be attributed to the high cost of
of electricity. At the same time, concerns about air pollution, sus- existing battery systems and uncertainty surrounding the revenue
tainability, and anthropogenic climate change have driven an in- potential of battery energy storage operating on the electric grid.
crease in the amount of intermittent renewable energy resources The revenue potential of grid battery energy storage is uncertain
connected to the grid. Because of the grid's on-demand design, it for primarily two reasons. First, because a battery cannot store
electricity without incurring energy losses and material degrada-
tion from electrochemical conversion, the performance and life-
time of a battery in grid applications is uncertain. Second, because
* Corresponding author. Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University an energy storage plant uses grid electricity as its “fuel,” the
of TX at Austin, 204 E. Dean Keeton Street, Stop C2200, Austin, Texas 78712-1591,
external price of electricity has a strong effect on its revenue po-
USA. Tel.: þ1 512 471 7838.
E-mail address: robertfares@utexas.edu (R.L. Fares). tential. To generate revenue from the sale of electric energy, a grid

0360-5442/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R.L. Fares, M.E. Webber / Energy 78 (2014) 768e776 769

battery must charge when the real-time price of electricity is low diverse operating conditions, including temperature, state of
and discharge when the price is high. Thus, the profit maximization charge, and charge-discharge rate [24e29]. These models describe
problem for a grid battery system is considerably more difficult a battery's open circuit voltage using a variable potential source,
than the profit maximization problem for a conventional power and then use a combination of series resistors and parallel resistor-
plant. For these reasons, it is desirable to develop a tool that in- capacitor couples to describe a battery's ohmic potential drop and
tegrates two features: 1) a battery model capable of describing dynamic voltage behavior at various time scales. Numerous studies
complex battery performance characteristics within a real-time have developed methods to experimentally extract the electrical
control framework, and 2) a decision-making framework to show parameters required to describe a battery's dynamic state using
how a battery should operate to maximize its revenue potential these models [24,28e31].
from the sale of electric energy.
To augment the existing literature, this paper connects a 2.2. Operational management of grid energy storage
behavioral-circuit model capable of describing nonlinear battery
performance characteristics with an optimization algorithm for A number of researchers have sought to analyze the value of
grid battery operational management. The remainder of this paper electricity storage in the context of restructured electricity markets.
is organized as follows: Section 2 reviews past literature that has Early studies use simple assumptions about energy storage system
sought to develop models to describe battery performance and performance, operating revenue, and cost to assess the value of
manage the operation of grid energy storage. Section 3 discusses electricity storage in a restructured electricity market from a largely
how we discretize a dynamic behavioral circuit model from the qualitative perspective [32e34]. More recent studies utilize mul-
literature for use with optimization. Section 4 describes the tiple years of dynamic electricity price data that have become
formulation of a model-based optimization problem for operational available since restructured electricity markets opened to quanti-
management of grid battery storage, and application of the model tatively assess the value of electricity storage [35e48]. Typically,
to simulate lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery energy storage used for studies focus on assessing the techo-economic performance of one
wholesale energy arbitrage in Texas' restructured1 electricity mar- specific technology in a given market and system context using
ket. Section 5 shows the results of our case study, and discusses the optimization and other techniques for energy storage operational
implications of our results for economic operational management management.
of a grid battery. Finally, Section 6 draws conclusions from our re- A principle limitation of existing studies is that they assume a
sults and proposes future work. storage device has a constant roundtrip efficiency, energy capacity,
and power capability, regardless of its instantaneous operating
2. Background state. While this assumption might not have a strong influence on
the overall economic assessment of a given energy storage device, it
2.1. Battery modeling makes it difficult to connect economic assessments with real-time
control to maximize the daily operating revenue of an energy
Researchers have developed a number of models to describe a storage device deployed on the grid. To connect operational man-
battery. These models can be broadly classified into two major agement of grid energy storage with real-time battery control, we
categories: first-principles electrochemical models and empirical develop an optimization model that uses a flexible behavioral cir-
behavioral models. First-principles models use physical equations cuit model developed previously [24] to describe the dynamic
to describe the transport and reaction of active species inside a operating state of a grid battery system and decide how it should
battery. They describe how the concentration of active species at charge and discharge to maximize its daily operating revenue
the electrode surface affects the overpotential required to drive an without violating its operating constraints.
electrochemical reaction to store or release energy [4e8]. Empirical
behavioral models use mathematical equations or physical analogs 3. Battery model transformation
(e.g. electric circuits) to describe the system-level characteristics of
a battery, such as capacity, efficiency and voltage. Peukert's law, Chen and Rinco  n-Mora's model describes the state of a battery
which describes the relationship between rate of discharge and using two coupled electrical circuits, as shown in Fig. 1 [24]. The
discharge capacity, is one of the earliest empirical models [9,10]. “battery lifetime circuit” on the left-hand side of Fig. 1 approxi-
Other models describe a battery's non-linear capacity/recovery mates a battery's state of charge based on the current input, I. The
effects [11e14], or energy efficiency [15]. Many empirical models capacitor Cc integrates the charge flowing into and out of the bat-
use an electric circuit analog to describe the system-level behavior tery to approximate state of charge, and the resistor Rsd models the
of a battery using a combination of variable voltage sources, re-
sistors, and capacitors. A number of these models have been
developed in the literature including The venin equivalent circuit
models [16e18], impedance-based models [19e21], and runtime-
based models [22,23]. More recent electric circuit analog models
combine the benefits of many of these models to empirically
describe a number of complex battery characteristics [24,25].
Empirical models are advantageous for real-time battery control
because they can be designed to describe complex battery char-
acteristics without significant computational complexity. In
particular, electric circuit analog models have proven to be a flex-
ible tool for empirically describing battery performance under

Fig. 1. The battery lifetime circuit describes the dynamic nature of a battery's state of
Modern competitive electricity markets are often described as “deregulated,” charge, and the voltage-current characteristics circuit describes how the terminal
despite the fact that numerous regulations still exist. This work will use the term voltage of a battery is dynamically affected by state of charge and current load.
“restructured” to describe competitive electricity markets. Figure adapted from Ref. [24].
770 R.L. Fares, M.E. Webber / Energy 78 (2014) 768e776

effect of self discharge in the absence of an external charging cur- !

IðkÞ Vt;l ðkÞ
rent or float voltage. The circuit components combine to produce a Vt;l ðk þ 1Þ ¼  Dt þ Vt;l ðkÞ (7)
Ct;l ðkÞ Rt;l ðkÞCt;l ðkÞ
voltage at node VSOC corresponding to the battery's state of charge.
The “voltage-current characteristics circuit” on the right-hand side
of Fig. 1 estimates the behavior of a battery's terminal voltage, V, VðkÞ ¼ VOC ðkÞ  IðkÞRs ðkÞ  Vt;s ðkÞ  Vt;l ðkÞ (8)
based on the current input, I, and state of charge (VSOC from the
battery lifetime circuit). The variable potential source VOC(VSOC) The following section discusses how we integrate the dis-
models how open-circuit voltage changes with state of charge, and cretized model given above with an optimization model for eco-
the series resistor Rs and two parallel RC networks consisting of Rt,s, nomic operational management of grid battery energy storage.
Ct,s, Rt,l, and Ct,l model how the battery's terminal voltage dynam-
ically changes under a variable applied current, I, due to the ohmic 4. Dynamic economic operational management model
potential drop and short- and long-term transient reaction dy-
namics inside the battery. Each of these circuit components has A battery energy storage system can provide a number of
parameters defined by a variable function determined from different grid applications [37,49]. Typically, the decision variable
experimental performance data [24]. for grid operation is the instantaneous level of charging or dis-
Researchers have extracted the parameters required to describe charging power flowing between the electric grid and the battery
the performance of a number of different batteries using this device. The charging or discharging power applied to the battery
model. Chen and Rinco  n-Mora extracted the model parameters for affects its dependent state variables: current, voltage, and state of
both Li-ion and nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) battery cells under charge, all of which must be controlled within acceptable limits
various discharge rates [24]. To model the performance of a larger during battery operation. The following sections implement an
battery system, Li, et al. extracted the model parameters for an optimization program for optimal storage dispatch, and then
Ultralife UBBL10 Li-ion module (consisting of several battery cells) demonstrate the capabilities of the program using the example of
under various discharge rates [28,29]. To model the effect of tem- Li-ion energy storage providing wholesale energy arbitrage in
perature on performance, Bauer and Kelder fit the model to a Texas' restructured electricity market.
LiFePO4 based Li-ion battery operating at 0  C, 25  C, and 40  C [26].
Similarly, Kim, et al. fit the model to 100 Ah polymer Li-ion cells of 4.1. Optimization model
various ages operating at 0  C, 20  C, and 40  C [27].
Because the model developed previously [24] has become To decide how a grid battery should charge and discharge to
popular in the empirical battery modeling literature, we select this maximize its operating revenue without violating its operating
model for our analysis. To discretize the model for the purposes of constraints, we implement the discretized battery model devel-
optimization, we use Kirchoff's circuit laws to extract the mathe- oped in the previous section in a nonlinear optimization program.
matical equations that describe the dynamic state of the behavioral The objective function of the optimization program depends on the
circuit model components, resulting in the following nonlinear intended energy storage application. In its most general form, the
differential equations: objective function can be written as in Eq. (9), with the objective
expressed as a function of the power, P, flowing between the bat-
I V tery and the grid during each optimization time step, k.
V_ SOC ¼   SOC (1)
Cc Rsd Cc Objective ¼ f ðPðk1 Þ; /; Pðkn ÞÞ (9)
We relate the optimization decision variables, P, to the depen-
I Vt;s
V_ t;s ¼  (2) dent state variables I, V, and VSOC with the equality constraints of
Ct;s Rt;s Ct;s Eqns. (10)e(14), which are imposed at each time step, k, to
encapsulate the dynamics of the circuits shown in Fig. 1.

I Vt;l ck PðkÞ ¼ IðkÞVðkÞ

V_ t;l ¼  (3) (10)
Ct;l Rt;l Ct;l
< VSOC;i if k ¼ 0
V ¼ VOC  IRs  Vt;s  Vt;l (4)  
ck VSOC ðkþ1Þ ¼ I ðkÞ VSOC ðkÞ
:   Dt þVSOC ðkÞ if k>0
where the circuit components Cc, Rsd, Ct,s, Rt,s, Ct,l, Rt,l, Rs, and VOC are, Cc ðkÞ Rsd ðkÞCc ðkÞ
theoretically, empirical functions of state of charge (VSOC), current (11)
(I), temperature, and cycle number. However, these parameters can > V
< t;s;i if k ¼0
typically be simplified to be independent or linear functions of
ck Vt;s ðk þ 1Þ ¼  
some variables for specific batteries [24,26e29]. > IðkÞ Vt;s ðkÞ
:  Dt þ Vt;s ðkÞ if k > 0
To implement Eqns. (1)e(4) in an optimization model, we dis- Ct;s ðkÞ Rt;s ðkÞCt;s ðkÞ
cretize the equations using a forward-difference approximation. (12)
Eqns. (5)e(8) approximate each of the behavioral circuit state
variables at time step k of duration Dt. > Vt;l;i if k ¼ 0
< !
  ck Vt;l ðk þ 1Þ ¼ IðkÞ Vt;l ðkÞ
IðkÞ VSOC ðkÞ >
VSOC ðk þ 1Þ ¼   Dt þ VSOC ðkÞ (5) : C ðkÞ  R ðkÞC ðkÞ Dt þ Vt;l ðkÞ if k > 0
Cc ðkÞ Rsd ðkÞCc ðkÞ t;l t;l t;l

IðkÞ Vt;s ðkÞ
Vt;s ðk þ 1Þ ¼  Dt þ Vt;s ðkÞ (6) ck VðkÞ ¼ VOC ðkÞ  IðkÞRs ðkÞ  Vt;s ðkÞ  Vt;l ðkÞ (14)
Ct;s ðkÞ Rt;s ðkÞCt;s ðkÞ
R.L. Fares, M.E. Webber / Energy 78 (2014) 768e776 771

In addition to equality constraints describing the dynamics of with Dt set equal to 10 s. Eq. (19) is used to bind the dynamic state
the behavioral circuit model, equality constraints are used to define variables I(k) and V(k) to the decision variables P(q).
the behavioral circuit parameters Cc, Rsd, Ct,s, Rt,s, Ct,l, Rt,l, Rs, and VOC,
which are described by empirical functions extracted via experi- cq; ck2q PðqÞ ¼ IðkÞVðkÞ (19)
ment, as described in the literature [24,26e29]. The empirical circuit parameters Cc, Rsd, Ct,s, Rt,s, Ct,l, Rt,l, Rs, and
Finally, the inequality constraints of Eqns. (15)e(17) are used to VOC have been extracted from a number of different Li-ion battery
bound the relevant state variables within limits established by the cells [24,26e29]. To illustrate the operation of our optimization
battery system operator or battery cell manufacturer. model, we utilize behavioral parameters extracted from 850-mAh
PL-383562 polymer Li-ion cells by Chen and Rinco n-Mora [24].
ck Icharge;max  IðkÞ  Idischarge;max (15)
Li-ion battery energy storage systems combine a number of series
and parallel connected battery cells to meet the specific power and
ck Vmin  VðkÞ  Vmax (16) energy ratings required by an application. Because the battery cell
is the fundamental building block of any Li-ion system, we consider
ck SOCmin  VSOC ðkÞ  SOCmax (17) operational management of a single battery cell to make our
The optimization program developed here can be used to analysis as generally applicable as possible. Different sizes of bat-
manage the operation of any battery system, provided it has been tery can be modeled by a summation of individual cell perfor-
characterized via experiment, and functions have been developed mance. The circuit parameters for this battery cell are given in Eqns.
to describe the empirical circuit parameters Cc, Rsd, Ct,s, Rt,s, Ct,l, Rt,l, (20)e(26). Within the optimization program, each of these pa-
Rs, and VOC. The following section implements the optimization rameters is described by an equality constraint imposed at every
program for Li-ion energy storage operating in Texas' restructured time step, k. Note that these equations assume negligible self-
electricity market to demonstrate the results of the optimization discharge and constant-temperature operation at approximately
for a particular battery technology and operational context. 25  C. These operating assumptions are acceptable for our pur-
poses, because a grid battery would not store energy for an
4.2. Application to lithium-ion energy storage operating in Texas extended period of time, and it would most likely utilize thermal
controls to avoid extreme hot or cold operating temperatures.
The ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas) operates Texas'
Cc ¼ 3060 F (20)
electric grid and manages the state's restructured electricity mar-
ket. Each day, electricity resources submit information to ERCOT,
and then ERCOT executes a security-constrained economic dispatch VOC ¼  1:031e35VSOC þ 3:685 þ 0:2156VSOC  0:1178VSOC

program to minimize overall electricity costs while maintaining 3

þ 0:3201VSOC V
electric reliability [50]. By doing so, ERCOT clears the market and
establishes an electricity price, which can vary significantly over
the day due to variation in electric demand and the availability of
electric generation. Rs ¼ 0:1562e24:37VSOC þ 0:07446 U (22)
Battery energy storage can provide electric energy to ERCOT by
performing wholesale energy arbitrage: buying low-cost elec- Rt;s ¼ 0:3208e29:14VSOC þ 0:04669 U (23)
tricity for later sale during on-peak hours, when the price for
electricity is higher. ERCOT accepts interconnection requests from
electricity generators and storage devices with a rated power ca- Ct;s ¼ 752:9e13:51VSOC þ 703:6 F (24)
pacity of 10 MW or greater [51]. Even if a storage device is smaller
than 10 MW, it could be aggregated with other small storage de- Rt;l ¼ 6:603e155:2VSOC þ 0:04984 U (25)
vices by a qualified entity to facilitate its interaction with the
ERCOT market. Storage resources that have been accepted for
interconnection to ERCOT can purchase charging electricity from Ct;l ¼ 6056e27:12VSOC þ 4475 F (26)
and sell stored electricity to the ERCOT electricity market at the Specifications for a PL-383562 polymer Li-ion battery cell are
corresponding real-time energy price. It is important for the grid available from the manufacturer [52]. We use these specifications
battery operator to manage when their system charges and dis- to identify values for the operating parameters that define the
charges in order to maximize the price difference between inequality constraints of Eqns. (15)e(17). We consider an operating
charging energy and discharging energy, thereby maximizing depth of discharge of 80%, assuming the battery operator would
operating revenue. choose to avoid extreme values of state of charge to extend the
We implement the optimization program discussed in the pre- lifetime of the battery system. The values considered for each of the
vious section to manage the operation of a battery system for relevant operating parameters are given in Table 1.
wholesale energy arbitrage in ERCOT. Because ERCOT establishes a With the objective function, battery model, and operating con-
real-time price for electricity every 15 min [50], we consider deci- straints established, we implement the optimization program in
sion variables for every quarter-hour interval, q, of the day. The the GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System) [53]. We consider
objective function to be maximized is defined in Eq. (18), where an operating period of 24 h, corresponding to the day-ahead
negative values of P(q) denote charging power, positive values of operating timeline of the ERCOT market [50]. Thus, the optimiza-
P(q) denote discharging power, and p(q) denotes the price for tion program considers 96 decision variables (the charging or dis-
electricity during price settlement interval q of duration Dtq. charging power during each 15-min price interval, q) and 8640
X dependent variables (one for each 10-s discretized time step, k) for
Objective ¼ PðqÞDtq pðqÞ (18)
each state variable I, V, VSOC, Vt,s, Vt,l, VOC, Ct,s, Rt,s, Ct,l, Rt,l, and Rs. The
nonlinear, interior-point optimization algorithm is used to find
We model the dynamics of the battery system at each time step, optimum values for the decision variables based on the price of
k, of duration Dt using the equality constraints of Eqns. (11)e(14), electricity, p(q), entered into the program. We utilize Matlab to
772 R.L. Fares, M.E. Webber / Energy 78 (2014) 768e776

Table 1 between the battery and the grid using Eq. (27), and then use Eq.
We establish values for the operating parameters that define (28) to calculate the potential revenue from operating on a given
the inequality constraints of Eqns. (15)e(17) based on speci-
fications provided by the battery cell manufacturer [52].
day in ERCOT. We assume an inverter/rectifier efficiency
hACDC ¼ hDCAC ¼ 93% [49,55].
Operating parameter Value
Icharge;max 850 mA >
> 1
> P if charging ðP < 0Þ
Idischarge;max 850 mA < hACDC
Vmin 3.0 V Pgrid ¼ (27)
Vmax 4.2 V >
> hDCAC P if discharging ðP > 0Þ
SOCmin 10% :
SOCmax 90% 0 if idle ðP ¼ 0Þ


prepare ERCOT price data, and then use the GAMS/Matlab link [54] Rday ¼ Pgrid ðqÞDtq pðqÞ (28)
to enter the data to GAMS, and store the results of the optimization
routine. A number of normalization methods are used to illustrate the
operating revenue of energy storage in a general way. One method
5. Results and discussion is to divide the total operating revenue by the device's rated power
to express revenue per unit of power capacity (e.g. $/kW capacity).
To maximize revenue, a battery would provide wholesale en- A second method is to divide the total operating revenue by the
ergy arbitrage during an operating day with one or more significant device's rated energy capacity to express revenue per unit of energy
electricity price variations. Thus, we select prices from August 21, storage capacity (e.g. $/kWh capacity). A third method that is
2011, shown in the top portion of Fig. 2, to illustrate the results of particularly useful for battery systems prone to degradation is to
our model. The bottom portion of Fig. 2 shows the corresponding divide the total operating revenue by the total amount of energy
value of the decision variables computed by our optimization delivered to the grid (e.g. $/MWh delivered).
model. The cell power variable is the real electrical power in W Because a Li-ion battery would degrade with each of its charge-
delivered by a single battery cell building block making up a larger discharge cycles, we use the third normalization procedure
integrated battery system. Positive values of cell power correspond described above, and calculate the revenue per MWh of energy
to discharging, while negative values correspond to charging. The delivered to the grid according to Eqns. (29) and (30). The square
fact that the values of this variable returned by our algorithm brackets in Eq. (29) indicate that only discharged energy is counted
correspond to charging when the electricity price is low and dis- [56], while the braces in Eq. (30) indicate units.
charging when the price is high shows that our algorithm responds
appropriately to price fluctuations. X
96 h i
Fig. 3 shows the value of dynamic state variables I, V, and VSOC Edelivered ¼ Pgrid ðqÞ Pgrid ðqÞ > 0 Dtq (29)
approximated by the battery model encapsulated within the opti-
mization program. The dashed lines indicate the inequality con-
straints corresponding to the operating parameters listed in Table 1. Rday f$=dayg
¼ (30)
The results of Fig. 3 show that our model can be used to plan the day
Edelivered fMWh=dayg
operation of grid battery energy storage within operating limits
established by the battery manufacturer or battery system operator. A battery system dispatched as in Fig. 2 would incur an oper-
This feature is useful because it may be desirable to avoid certain ating revenue of approximately $85/MWh delivered calculated
values of battery voltage, current rate, or state of charge in order to according to the equations above. To understand how the revenue
extend the lifetime of a battery system. potential of a Li-ion battery system operating for wholesale energy
To calculate the revenue potential of a battery from its optimal arbitrage in Texas varies from day to day, we solve the optimization
charge-discharge schedule, we solve for the AC power, Pgrid, flowing problem for each day of 2002e2012 using electricity prices from

Fig. 2. The optimization model decides when a battery should charge and discharge to maximize its operating revenue from wholesale energy arbitrage in Texas' ERCOT electricity
market. The plots shown here illustrate the optimal charge-discharge schedule on August 21, 2011 in ERCOT's southern hub, with positive values of power indicating discharge.
R.L. Fares, M.E. Webber / Energy 78 (2014) 768e776 773

Fig. 3. The optimization model encapsulates an empirical, dynamic battery model to approximate battery state variables during each 10-s optimization time step. This figure shows
the dynamic state corresponding to the charge-discharge schedule shown in Fig. 2. The dashed lines in each plot indicate the operating parameter limits established in Table 1.

each of ERCOT's four hubs: North, Houston, South, and West. Fig. 4 by Battke et al. [59] is used to approximate the cost of Li-ion stor-
illustrates our results expressed per MWh of electricity delivered. age. It reviews multiple recent energy storage cost studies to
In each of ERCOT's four trading hubs, the potential revenue from develop a cost confidence interval representing the current state of
energy arbitrage varies significantly from day to day. The greatest knowledge among both experts and industry. It approximates the
revenue opportunities occurred in 2008, when the average U.S. lifecycle cost of Li-ion capital equipment, maintenance, and
natural gas price for electricity generation was high ($9.26/MMBtu degradation (battery cell replacement), CMWhlifecycle
, ranges from
[57]), and in 2011, when a combination of extreme temperatures approximately $250e1000/MWh of electricity delivered, with a
and drought caused high electric demand, constrained electric point estimate of $560/MWh delivered. This figure allows for a one-
supply, and high summer electricity prices in the ERCOT region to-one comparison between our revenue estimate and the esti-
[58]. mated cost of a Li-ion battery system. Thus, we calculate NPV by
To approximate the expected revenue from the sale of stored taking a simple difference between lifecycle revenue per unit of
energy on an annual basis, we calculate the revenue per MWh of
energy sold annually according to Eqns. (31) and (32). energy sold, Rlifecycle
, and lifecycle cost per unit of energy sold,
CMWh . Fig. 6 illustrates point estimates and ranges for revenue,
cost, and NPV.
Edelivered ¼ Edelivered (31) As shown in Fig. 6, the NPV of Li-ion batteries used in ERCOT for
wholesale energy arbitrage and no other energy storage applica-
year  tions is highly negative based on our estimate of revenue potential
Rday f$=yearg and cost estimates from the literature [59]. These results indicate
year that the lifecycle cost of Li-ion battery energy storage would have to
RMWh ¼ year (32)
Edelivered fMWh=yearg decrease to $10e100/MWh delivered for revenue from only
wholesale energy arbitrage service in ERCOT to achieve a positive
Fig. 5 shows the average revenue per MWh of energy sold,
, during each operating year, as well as the average revenue It is not surprising that NPV is negative for a Li-ion battery
per MWh of energy sold observed over all of the operating years system providing only wholesale energy arbitrage service.
considered. The height of each bar indicates the average revenue Numerous techno-economic studies have revealed the fact that
across all ERCOT regions, and the uncertainty bars indicate the most forms of grid energy storage would have to provide more than
range of revenues observed across all regions during a given year. one service to the grid to achieve a positive NPV [35,42,38,49]. In
To approximate the net-present value (NPV) of Li-ion energy practice, a Li-ion battery system would incur revenue from other
storage used for wholesale energy arbitrage in ERCOT, we consider grid services, such as ancillary services, in addition to revenue from
values of lifecycle revenue per unit of energy sold, Rlifecycle
, ranging wholesale energy arbitrage, the application we consider in detail
from $7/MWh delivered to $62/MWh delivered, the minimum and here. To understand if there are any occasions when it would be
maximum values observed in Fig. 5, respectively. We use $27/MWh valuable for a Li-ion battery plant to provide wholesale energy
delivered, the average value observed, as a point estimate. A study arbitrage to ERCOT, we examine if there are individual operating
774 R.L. Fares, M.E. Webber / Energy 78 (2014) 768e776

Fig. 4. In each of ERCOT's four trading hubs, the potential revenue from energy arbitrage varies significantly from day to day. The greatest revenue opportunities occurred when
natural gas prices were high (2008) and electricity resources were scarce (2011).

Fig. 5. We calculate the revenue per unit of energy sold during each operating year considered according to Eqns. (31) and (32). The height of each bar indicates the average revenue
across all ERCOT regions, and the uncertainty bars indicate the range of revenues observed across all regions during a given year. The potential revenue varies significantly from one
year to another.

days when the potential revenue, RMWh , exceeds levelized storage across all ERCOT regions, and sort the result from greatest to
lifecycle least. Then, we plot the sorted data using a logarithmic scale on the
cost, CMWh . x- and y-axis. Finally, on the same axes, we plot the lifecycle cost,
We compare the potential daily operating revenues illustrated lifecycle
CMWh , range [59] illustrated in Fig. 6. These results are illustrated
in Fig. 4 with the lifecycle Li-ion energy storage cost range illus-
trated in Fig. 6. First, we take the average of the results of Fig. 4 in Fig. 7.

Fig. 6. The lifecycle cost of storing electricity in Li-ion batteries, CMWh , is much greater than the potential revenue from wholesale energy arbitrage in ERCOT, Rlifecycle
. This fact
causes NPV to be very negative.
R.L. Fares, M.E. Webber / Energy 78 (2014) 768e776 775

Fig. 7. Despite the fact that a Li-ion battery used for only wholesale energy arbitrage in ERCOT could not recoup its costs on average, there are approximately 7e50 days during the
11-year period studied when the revenue per MWh of energy discharged exceeds the lifecycle battery system cost per MWh of energy discharged.

The “value-duration curve” illustrated in Fig. 7 is useful because energy storage used for only wholesale energy arbitrage in ERCOT
it shows how often revenue from wholesale energy arbitrage ser- would be very negative. However, our results indicate that there are
vice in ERCOT is greater than or equal to the lifecycle cost of a Li-ion a handful of high-value operating days where operating revenue
battery system levelized per unit of energy discharged. During from wholesale energy arbitrage might exceed operating cost. This
approximately 7e50 days of the 11-year period studied, the price of result suggests that a limitation of our optimization model is that it
electricity is so volatile that it would be possible for revenue from does not consider the materials-degradation “cost” of providing a
wholesale energy arbitrage to exceed the lifecycle cost per unit of battery charge-discharge cycle to the electricity market.
energy discharged. This result suggests that a battery operator In a future publication, we will build upon the model presented
should consider the degradation-related cost of performing a grid here by including the degradation-related cost of charging and
duty cycle, and how that cost compares with the potential revenue discharging within each operational decision considered by the
from that cycle, so that a storage device capable of providing optimization program. By doing so, we hope to show how intelli-
multiple grid services can be controlled in an economically efficient gent operation of a cycle-limited battery device might increase its
way. value. Furthermore, we will augment our operational model to
consider the interaction between multiple simultaneous energy
storage applications (e.g. wholesale energy arbitrage and ancillary
6. Conclusion
services) and the real-time tradeoff associated with providing one
application versus another. By doing so, we hope to reveal a holistic
In this paper, we transformed a behavioral circuit model that has
grid battery operation scheme that minimizes battery degradation
become a popular tool for predicting the dynamic performance of a
and maximizes revenue.
number of different battery systems [24,26e29]. After extracting
the differential equations that describe the dynamics of the model's
electric circuit analog, we discretized the model to create an opti- Acknowledgments
mization program for economic operational management of a grid
battery system. Our optimization program is advantageous because This work was sponsored by Pecan Street Inc. of Austin, Texas as
it has the flexibility to manage the operation of any battery system, part of its ongoing smart grid demonstration project, which is part
provided it can be characterized by the model shown in Fig. 1. of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Smart Grid
Furthermore, the program can consider any operational context Demonstration Program administered by the U.S. Department of
where the decision variable of interest is the instantaneous power Energy. Special thanks to ERCOT for making their historic electricity
flowing to/from the battery system. price data available to the public.
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in this paper to control the interaction of their system with the References
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