Relationship Among Selected Motor Abilit PDF

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Vol 5 Issue 6 July 2015 ISSN No : 2230-7850


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ISSN 2230-7850 Volume - 5 | Issue - 6 | July - 2015



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Sukanta Goswami and P. Samraj

INTRODUCTION : time and flexibility,

Each sport has its ABSTRACT
The article attempts to examine the and these traits
own entity since they plays major role in
relationship among selected motor ability components
differed from one and bowling ability of cricketers. The study focuses on enhancing the
another in nature. selected motor fitness components to ensure the performance of any
Meanwhile, though a bowling ability among university level Cricket players. game’s skills. With a
particular sport has Motor fitness is a present aptitude for physical skills, good and well
been defined in the includes speed, agility and explosive power enriches eff i c i e n t c o m b i -
requirements of today’s Manpower in players performance. To achieve nation of all these
these characteristics, the purpose of this study, Twenty two (N=22) men
motor performance
within variance in cricket players (Bowlers) were purposively selected as
traits a player can
spot may arise subjects from Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports
University at Chennai in Tamil Nadu. Their age ranged give all his/her
because of variations utmost throughout
from 18 to 25 years (20.17 ± 2.37 years). Three motor
ex i st a m o n g t h e the most strenuous
fitness components, such as Speed, Agility and
players of particular Explosive Power and bowling skill ability tests were of competitive
sport in terms of evaluated of each subject. Descriptive statistics and matches (Nabh-
motor fitness asp- correlation were used as a statistical technique for the endra Singh, 2010).
ects. present study. The hypotheses were tested using The cricket is a game,
General athletic abil- Pearson Product Moment Correlation with the help of which demands a
ity is considered IBM SPSS (22.00) software. The level of significance was very high level of
simultaneously with fixed at 0.05.The results of the study show that there is a
fitness (Baake,
general motor ability. positive correlation between the explosive power and
1974). Motor fitness
Motor ability is bowling ability of cricketers. Other variables were not
shown any significant relationship with the bowling is to be measured by
present acquired and performance and
ability. Hence the study concluded that successful
innate ability to this performance is
performance in cricket bowling requires the ability to
perform motor skills generate explosive power. To achieve desired objective based on compo-
of a general or funda- researchers showed that bowling ability and explosive sition of many
mental nature,- power was inter related. factors. The most
exclusi vely of highly commonly men-
specialized sports or KEYWORDS :Skill Performance, Speed, Agility, Explosive tioned factors are
gymnastics techni- power. power, speed, agility,
ques (Barrow and Mc strength, endur-
Gee, 1971). Include SHORT PROFILE
Sukanta Goswami is Research Scholar at Lakshmibai National
ance, balance and
several items such as flexibility. Some of
Institute of Physical Education, Gwalior, M.P. India. He Has
strength, power, agi- Completed B.A., B.P.Ed., M.P.Ed and M.Phil. these factors evi-
lity, speed reaction dently are more
Ph.D Scholar, Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, Gwalior, M.P. India .
I/c Registrar, Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

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dominant than others and thus have relation with ball with a straight arm so that it reaches the
motor fitness (Barrow and Rose Mary, 1979). batter at high speed after having first bounced
Abilities are genetically predetermined once off the ground. The greater the ball speed,
c h a ra c te r i st i c s t h at affe c t m o ve m e nt the less time the batter has to respond.
performance such as agility, coordination, However, fast bowlers require high run-up
strength, and flexibility. Abilities are enduring and speeds, generate large ground reaction forces,
as such, difficult to change in adults. Abilities and produce high joint torques (Ferdinands.
differ from skills in the sense that skills are 2004). To attain high ball release speeds, the
learned, whereas abilities are a product of both bowler's trunk must flex, extend, laterally flex,
learning and genetic factors (Fleishman, 1972). and rotate within a short period and the body
Scientific research shows that long, slow distance must absorb ground reaction forces as high as
running causes an athlete’s muscles to take on six times body weight (Bartlett et al. 1996).
aerobic characteristics. This effect may be Modern cricket is an international sport and
desirable for a long-distance runner, but it is team sat all levels strive to develop fast bowlers
counterproductive in developing the explosive who can generate high ball release speeds. The
and powerful muscle contractions needed for ability of bowlers to bowl with high ball release
sports specific demands of cricket (Virgo, 2009). speeds contributes to the successful perfor-
One of the challenges that coaches face is that mance of cricket teams (Portus et al. 2000). In a
individual differences among athletes make each sample of nine male fast-medium bowlers,
of them unique in their ability to succeed in Glazier et al. (2000) reported a high correlation
sports. The uniqueness of athletes, instructional between ball release speed and the length of
and coaching strategies will not be equally the bowling arm. Anthropometric dimensions
effective. Analyzing motor abilities can help and morphological characteristics play an
coaches optimize each athlete's genetic important role in determining the success of a
potential. Hence, the priority in conceiving and sportspersons (Rico-Sanz, 1998; Wilmore, &
programming the training process requires Costill, 1999; Keogh, 1999). Body size had a
knowledge of motor skills which play a major role strong positive influence on bowling perfor-
in the accomplishment of better results, and mance in a heterogeneous population of
which require dedication of most time during the different ages (Pyne et al. 2006).
training process. In modern day cricket, the importance of
Bowling is one of the most exciting physical preparation for the bowler has been
aspects in the game of cricket. The mark of a established through structured training
successful bowler is their ability to bowl precisely programmes in all ranks of competitive cricket.
for sustained periods, bowl consistently accurate, However, practitioners have generally
and deceive the batsman in order to achieve their prescribed exercises based on intuition of what
wicket. The concept of performance may be they felt was important for bowling
deemed as the modification of performance performance, as little research has been
factors. Accordingly, cricket performance is not conducted on the relationship among motor
limited to technical and tactical aspects but it is ability components and bowling ability of
also with other aspects of the game. Sports cricketers. The research scholar hereby made an
performance is the sum of numerous factors effort to broaden the horizon of knowledge by
which can vary from individual to individual and bringing new facts and thoughts by this study,
in spite of variations the players may give similar which may give a new direction to the field of
results in competitions cricket. Therefore the purpose of this study is to
The fast bowling in cricket is to deliver the examine the relationship among selected motor

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ability components and bowling ability of (point system). Subjective judgment was used
cricketers. with the help of three judges. Marks were
divided into 5 components {1.Run-up, 2.Back
MATERIALS AND METHODS foot Contact, 3.Loading, 4.Release and 5.Follow
Selection of the subjects through}, each consist of maximum 2 points.
A total of twenty two male intervarsity The average score of the three judges on each
cricket players of 18 to 25 years (mean age 20.17 ± moment were considered as the final points
2.37 years, mean height 172.3±2.90 cm, and obtained by each bowler in that particular skill.
weigh 61.1±2.97 kg) were selected from cricket
match practice of Tamil Nadu Physical Education Statistical Methods
and Sports University by using consecutive •Descriptive statistics was used for describing
sampling. Subjects were provided written, the data and nature of the data obtained on the
vo lu ntar y, info rmed co n s ent p rio r to samples of the study. It was also used to
participation. As the subjects had been developing the profile of identified variables on
undergoing training for a considerable period, bowling performance.
therefore, it is assumed that they possess a good •Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation was
level of technique of bowling. The purpose of the used for evaluating the various relationships of
research was explained to all the subjects and the selected variables towards the performance
subjects were motivated to put their best during of bowling. The level of significance to check the
each trial. relationship obtained by Pearson’s product
moment correlation was set at 00.5. The data in
Selection of variables the study was analyzed by using IBM SPSS 22.
Three independent variables (motor
compo nents) and dependent variables (bowling RESULTS
performance) were selected for the purpose of The statistical analysis of the data,
this study. collected on six male cricket players and the
results of the study were presented in this
Criterion variables: Speed, Agility & Explosive section. Before discussing the research issues
Power the nature of the variable were analysed
through Descriptive Statistics which have been
Administration of the Test and Collection of presented in Section A. The first research issue
Data has been discussed in this chapter by means of
Sl.No. Motor Fitness Methods Equipments/Test Items Unit/Measures
Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation and has
been presented in Section B.
1 Speed 50 Meters Run Electronic Stopwatch, Starting In Second

2 Agility Shuttle Playfield Area, In Second

Section A: Descriptive Statistics for Evaluating
Run(4×10 mts.) Measuring Tape, Stopwatch,
Whistle and Two Wooden Blocks
the Nature of the Data

3 Explosive Standing Broad Measuring Tape and Marking In Meter & cm

Power Jump Powder

Criterion Measures
For the purpose of present study, the
bowling performance of each selected subjects
was recorded on the basis of certain criteria

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Table I: Descriptive Statistics of selected Motor

Components Variables
Speed Agility Explosive
Mean 6.95 10.85 2.42
Std. Error of Mean 0.04 0.11 0.03
Std. Deviation 0.18 0.53 0.16
Skewness -0.21 -0.03 0.19
Std. Error of Skewness 0.49 0.49 0.49
Kurtosis -0.60 -0.97 1.70
Std. Error of Kurtosis 0.95 0.95 0.95 Here by looking at the identified motor
Range 0.70 1.84 0.74
components variables of bowlers in cricket. we
Minimum 6.60 10.05 2.08
could say that for being a bowlers in the game of
cricket one must fall within the above range of
Maximum 7.30 11.89 2.82
motor components parameters (i.e. speed,
N=22 agility and explosive power) shown in Figure I. It
helps to know the minimum and the maximum
Table I; indicates the values of descriptive scores within which the player must fall. The
statistics (Mean, Standard Deviation, Skewness, profile also helps the coaches to train their
Kurtosis, Standard Error of Skewness (SES) and players accordingly and it also gives an idea to
Standard Error of Kurtosis (SEK), Range, the coaches so that they can work on the weak
Minimum, Maximum score of the data measured points of the players so that they can perform
in the time of bowling. The mean and standard better and develop as complete sports persons.
deviation scores of speed was 6.95±0.18, range of Section B: Pearson’s Product Moment
speed 0.70, for agility mean and standard Correlation for Evaluating the Relationship of
deviation of subjects was 10.85±0.53, range of Indentified motor ability components with
agility was 1.84, for explosive power mean and bowling performance
standard deviation of subjects was 2.42±0.16, The scores of each of the selected motor
range of explosive power was 0.74 respectively. variables of the bowlers were correlated with
Standard error of mean is the least for the bowling performance, in order to find out
performance of explosive power whereas the the relationship, which are depicted in Table II.
maximum for the agility. Table II: Relationship of Motor Ability
For testing the normality of the data Components with the Bowling Performance of
(Table I) skewness and kurtosis (descriptive the subjects
statistics) has been performed. As a guideline, a Variables Correlation Coefficient
skewness value more than twice its standard Speed 0.365
error indicates a departure from symmetry. Since Agility 0.232
all of the variables were symmetrically Explosive Power 0.952*
distributed. Similarly, as a guideline, kurtosis
values more than twice its standard error *Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level.
indicates a significant kurtosis. Hence all of the Significant value of the correlation coefficient at
variables have normal kurtosis. In other words 0.05 level with 20 df = 0.42.
the distribution of all the variables is meso-kurtic.
Fig I: Graphical Representation of Descriptive Table II; reveals that the significance
Profile of Identified Motor Components Variables level for each of the correlation coefficients at

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0.05. Significance has been tested for two-tailed more velocity.

test. The correlation coefficient with mark (*) This is where examining the literature
indicates that it is significant at 5% level. The can aid us. Simply looking at the bowling action
Explosive power was significantly correlated to may lead you to believe that bowling is an upper
bowling performance (r= 0.952), whereas no body strength activity. What may surprise you
significant relationship was obtained between then is that the lower body has more relevance.
rests of the motor components variables to the Research by Phillips et al. (2010) showed
performance of bowling. Therefore it was evident significant contributions by the lower
that speed and agility variables did not show a extremities in the way in which bowling speeds
significant relationship to bowling performance were generated. A study in 2006 (Zatsiorsky et
and were less contributing to bowling al.) also highlighted the fact that the higher
performance as shown in above. Out of all the velocity bowlers had greater lower body
variables a significant relationship the explosive strength levels. More specific to this, analysis
power are positive in nature. has shown that the centre of mass deceleration
over the delivery stride phase was the strongest
DISCUSSION predictor of ball speed in fast bowling groups.
The results from the present study Given that the legs need to absorb forces of
indicate that there is a strong positive around 4 times your bodyweight, it is clear a
relationship between explosive power and large amount of strength is required in the legs.
bowling ability of cricket players. There was no Pathak et al (2004) also suggested that leg
significant relationship between speed, agility explosive power of cricketers is high. Power is
and bowling ability of cricketers. Explosive power one important factor in muscle fitness programs
is significantly correlated to the bowling that can represent the combination of speed
performance because explosive power of leg and power. The increase in strength or speed or
plays a dominant role in the run-up, placement of both can cause an increase in power and this
foot prior to the release of the ball and in follow leads to the athlete can do more work in shorter
through. Greater leg explosive power may lead to time (Salimi, 2000). Pyne et al. (2006) suggested
greater speed which may contribute to bowling that lower body strength is a more important
performance. Leg explosive power plays a contributor to V peak in senior bowlers. These
significant role in running ability. Usually fast findings could be interpreted as an overall
bowlers take a longer run-up to generate more influence of motor ability components on the
speed and in this respect leg strength will play an bowling performance. A good level of explosive
important role. The straighter leg causing more power of cricketers could allow the players to
force to be applied, therefore causing a greater bowl more accurate.
ground reaction force, maintaining more
momentum in the movement. Bowling speed is CONCLUSION
generated by momentum from the run up and We believe that this paper can
rotational power in the trunk. It therefore makes contribute to safer and more efficient planning
sense that you also focus on running speed and programming of training with cricket
development. Linear running speed is crucial to players, because the results of our tests helped
bowling quickly therefore creating a greater need us detect the basic motor abilities that are
for leg strength. Strength development in the legs predominantly responsible for the success of
will enable the bowler to better overcome the the performance of cricket bowling. Therefore,
stresses on back foot and front foot contact so we will provide suggestions that in our opinion
they can move through the bowling action with can improve the training process.

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Sukanta Goswami
Ph.D Scholar, Lakshmibai National
Institute of Physical Education,
Gwalior, M.P. India .

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