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By: Kevin and Julia

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY.

• What is the relationship between different colors of acrylic to a Peacock Mantis
Shrimp’s attack or retreat instincts?
• We want to do this experiment because we want to know how The Peacock
Mantis Shrimp will react to different colors. The Peacock Mantis Shrimp has 16
color receptors, so we want to know if there is any particular color that will
attract the mantis shrimp to it.
• 1: Mantis Shrimp have 16 color receptors. We have 3 color recepters.
• 2: (Wiki) The scientific name of the Mantis Shrimp is Stomapoda. The phylum is
• 3: The Mantis Shrimp’s club can accelerate with the same velocity as a twenty-two-
caliber rifle
• 4: Some colors will make the Mantis Shrimp respond immediately, building an instinct,
so whenever prey with the color comes, the Mantis Shrimp responds immediately by
smashing it.
• 5: The Mantis shrimp can put 200 pounds of force (by smashing) the prey
• 6: Green, is the easiest color for humans to see.
• 7: Habitat: Indian and pacific oceans Lifespan: 3-6 Size: 10- 20 cm Weight: 12-90
grams Color: multicolored- Green, blue, white, orange, red Diet: Fish, crabs, worms
and shrimp

Make 1: Make 5 color fish from acrylic, and each one is a unique color,
(Red, Orange, Green, Blue, Yellow)

Tie 2: Tie a string to each of the color fish, the same color and the
same amount.

STEPS FOR Lower 3: Lower 2 fish at a time on a dowel for the mantis shrimp.

OUR Record
4: Record his reaction to the acrylic fish

Repeat 5: Repeat this process.

Record 6: Record the results and make a conclusion

• Kevin: I have no idea, but I think that the Mantis Shrimp will go towards the
green, because green is the easiest color for humans to see, and maybe it is
also true for the mantis shrimp, and therefore, the color green might relax the
mantis shrimp.
• Julia: I think that the Mantis Shrimp will attack the red because it’s the color
that makes human’s heartbeat go faster and make our breath go fast. I also
think that the Mantis Shrimp will just hide in-between the rocks-
• The Mantis Shrimp didn’t react to orange, Colors: Results:
yellow, and green, but reacted to red and blue
Orange and Yellow Not much of a reaction
strongly only when red was with blue and red with
orange and blue with orange. He may have Orange and Green Not much of a reaction

gotten used to the acrylic fish by the end and Orange and Red Climbed over Red
because we did most of the red and blue at the
Orange and Blue Climbed over Blue
end he may have been surprised and thus,
climbed on the fish. Yellow and Green Not much of a reaction

Yellow and Red Not much of a reaction

Yellow and Blue Not much of a reaction

Green and Red Not much of a reaction

Green and Blue Not much of a reaction

Blue and Red Climbed over Red

• The Mantis Shrimp didn’t react to orange, yellow, and green, but reacted to
red and blue strongly only when red was with blue and red with orange and
blue with orange. He may have gotten used to the acrylic fish by the end
and because we did most of the red and blue at the end he may have
been surprised and thus, climbed on the fish.
The conclusion of our experiments is that our hypothesis was
wrong in the way he reacted because we predicted that if
he would have an extreme reaction it would be punching
but he just climbed on it. We think this happened because he
thought it was a mate or he was trying to fell around to
identify the object. In the end he would only climb on one if it
was red or blue with orange or blue. If we were to do this
again it would have more colors for more precise answers
and better execution in the way that is: same time, same
mood, same lighting, same hunger, same length of twine.

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