A Few Reality Rhyming Personalized Poems For The Holidays

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Tranquil Serenity

M ystical beauty whose captivating benevolence illuminates the Colorado sky

A ppearing more vibrant with each memorable moment, and never asking why

R adiating her newfound colors over the Rocky horizon, creating a brilliant hue

A lluring and enchanting are her entrancing rays, as her smile is honest and true

Lighting the splendor of the Centennial State with her tender and gentle touch

nstilling peaceful feelings of comfort and warmth, because it was meant as such

N estled comfortably in a tranquil serenity; elated parents hold her arm in arm

E stablishing a newfound, loving connection; protected from any type of harm

www.RealityRhyming.com 1.877.kre8.411 todd@kre8tiveworkz.com

A Gift From Above

C aptivating the world over, her dynamic smile radiates a vibrant and colorful hue

A lways shining brilliantly over the vast horizon, as her warmth is honest and true

M ystifying all who feel her benevolence, enchanting tender souls with her touch

nspirational and fun-loving; how this passionate dancer enjoys the ocean so much

L ight of her parent’s being, how this vivacious soul is an exquisite gift from above

A lluring and spirited; as this cherished beauty will always be surrounded with love

www.RealityRhyming.com 1.877.kre8.411 todd@kre8tiveworkz.com

An Eternal Love
Destiny’s hand created a tender angel; her warmth caressing over the South Florida sand

manating her benevolence with a calming touch, embracing her native Miami homeland

asketball, softball, volleyball and cheerleading; how this dynamic athlete is a shining star

Opening her gentle arms to all who will accept, as her kindhearted spirit is felt from afar

ocking a string bikini on the beach is how this sensual mother would rather live her life

lways in a hammock, under the glistening stars; relaxing in a serene world without strife

H eaven sent this beauty from above; shining her vibrant rays, along with an eternal love

www.RealityRhyming.com 1.877.kre8.411 todd@kre8tiveworkz.com

Endearing Affection
C aptivating the world over, as her alluring smile glistens wildly off the morning dew

H ues of brilliant colors shine intensely, as her steadfast faith glows honest and true

R adiance emerges through her benevolence, as tender warmth gleams with each ray

gniting passionate feelings of joy and bliss, as her gentle compassion starts each day

ensual and majestic; her soothing and tranquil touch heals all who come in her path

T aking on medical school in the fall, this cum laud student will prevail over its wrath

nspiring to many, this wholesome spirit is a wonderful mother to Morgan and Sandy

N ourishing their enchanting souls with endearing affection; sweeter than any candy

A lways full of beauty, a heart emanating bright, loving you eternally; you are my light
www.RealityRhyming.com 1.877.kre8.411 todd@kre8tiveworkz.com
One of a Kind

Generous and devoted to sweets and chocolate; this jokester is one of a kind

Really likes doing crosswords and jumbles, depending on what words to find

Alexis, Drew and Logan; how his love for these three angels is extremely rare

M aking sure his Grandkid’s pay attention to his stories; and of course care

uzzles and movies; that’s what this caring and gentle soul enjoys doing most

s this charming West Virginian loves his family; for that we all happily toast

www.RealityRhyming.com 1.877.kre8.411 todd@kre8tiveworkz.com

Benevolent Star

Drawing others to him, this dynamic soul has a smile that glows bright

dmired greatly by his family and friends for his wit, not just his height

ind and passionate, this talented football player has a love for the “U”

Outgoing and dedicated to his team, with a devoted heart beating true

ennessee is blessed to have this benevolent star shine from up above

ffecting so many positively in his life, with a steadfast and gentle love
www.RealityRhyming.com 1.877.kre8.411 todd@kre8tiveworkz.com
Shining True

orehand’s that make an opponent tremble, with a backhand that instills fear

Avolley that’s as solid as a rock; now let’s finish playing dubs and grab a beer

ouching others with his calming benevolence; a charming soul shining true

H ypnotizing humanity with his sultry rays, creating a tender and joyful hue

Embracing all that life has to offer, as this successful developer shines bright

Radiating his youthful passion over his daughters, constructing a caring light
www.RealityRhyming.com 1.877.kre8.411 todd@kre8tiveworkz.com
Kindhearted Spirit

Giving it his all, this celebrated world traveler loves eating potatoes any way

U nless he’s working out in the barn, which could be at any time of the day

eaceful is his compassionate, kindhearted spirit; as his gentle smile is bright

rotecting his benevolent family, creating a captivating and affectionate light

oung at heart, faithful and true; devoted and reliable, we truly “Love You”

www.RealityRhyming.com 1.877.kre8.411 todd@kre8tiveworkz.com

M oments in time are created, when two souls collide to become one

ternally sharing dreams and faith; illuminating brighter than the sun

Northern winds blow softly, molding an everlasting bond that’s true

Navigating a timeless link together; radiating a vibrant and lively hue

astern plains are hot; forming an alluring fervor throughout the day

apturing the tenderness of Mara and Donald; as it was the only way

ind-hearted spirits united, as it was destiny passed down from above

mbarking on a journey forever, “Because Two People Fell in Love”
www.RealityRhyming.com 1.877.kre8.411 todd@kre8tiveworkz.com

oining the Racers as an offensive lineman; leaving the balmy Sunshine State

A brawny “Rattlesnake” in spirit, hoping the NFL will be his destined fate

K ind at heart, this mudding and country music lover is already a superstar

E njoying all that life has to offer, especially drinking and partying in a bar

www.RealityRhyming.com 1.877.kre8.411 todd@kre8tiveworkz.com

Vivacious Light

M arried to the love of her life, there isn’t a day Murray doesn’t touch her heart

Always benevolent and endearing; “Grandma Frannie” always was from the start

R adiating her compassionate smile, as her vivacious light shines honest and true

Youthful and lively in her spirited, charming ways as we eternally do “Love You”

www.RealityRhyming.com 1.877.kre8.411 todd@kre8tiveworkz.com

Unwavering Love

M ystical soul who glistens her vivid smile over the sultry Hawks Landing hue

Opulent and vivacious are her benevolent colors, as they shine honest and true

ouching her family's appreciative spirit, with her caring and compassionate rays

H olding us tenderly when we needed your affection, on those really tough days

verything that I am is because of your endearing warmth and unwavering love

adiating your light eternally toward us, as you're a cherished gift from up above
www.RealityRhyming.com 1.877.kre8.411 todd@kre8tiveworkz.com
Mystical Soul

M ystical soul who's beauty glows from within, creating a sultry Jacksonville hue

A lluring and benevolent is this Zumba lovers smile, as it sparkles vivacious and true

L ighting the horizon with a tender touch; her vibrancy dances off the morning dew

A lways creating brilliant rays of life, as her affectionate warmth starts each day anew

www.RealityRhyming.com 1.877.kre8.411 todd@kre8tiveworkz.com

A Heart of Gold
okester and an amazing story teller, this fervent Bears fan has a giant heart of gold

O pening eternally to Pat, who for 30 tender years, were blessed to have and hold

H onoring her benevolent spirit, as his “Angel Face” was heaven sent from above

N avigating their beautiful journey together; enchanting and magically full of love

L ooking into the relaxing Cali hue, “Gramps” sits and smiles; knowing it was true

A lways realizing that fate’s hand fashioned a destined path; captivating and bright

H elpful and tender; radiating his peaceful smile with a kindhearted, alluring light

www.RealityRhyming.com 1.877.kre8.411 todd@kre8tiveworkz.com

Benevolent Rays

M ystical smile radiating bright, creating a vivacious and colorful hue

nergizing Colorado with her brilliant smile; joyous, vibrant and true

iving warmth, her benevolent rays; shining a compassionate light

lways loving, a devoted mom; teaching values that’s ethically right

Noteworthy beauty, devoted too; my dear daughter, “I Love You”

www.RealityRhyming.com 1.877.kre8.411 todd@kre8tiveworkz.com

Unyielding Love

Y outhful and captivating, this free-spirit shimmers livelier than the brightest star

A lluring and mystical is her sultry smile, as it tenderly warms the world from afar

D ancing and working out; hitting the bag, this benevolent soul could box all day

lluminating a peaceful touch over the San Juan horizon, as that’s her endearing way

R adiating are her enchanting rays; colorful hues transcend peacefully from above

A sensual Puerto Rican Princess at heart, whose beauty creates an unyielding love

www.RealityRhyming.com 1.877.kre8.411 todd@kre8tiveworkz.com

Angelic Touch

N aturally beautiful; her sultry smile dances elegantly off the Sharyland dew

lways benevolent and vivacious, captivating hearts with her charismatic hue

N oteworthy is her endearing passion; creating kindness in a saintly fashion

omforting souls with her cooking, along with an alluring and angelic touch

outhful and enchanting; “Mami”, how I “Cherish and Love You so Much”

www.RealityRhyming.com 1.877.kre8.411 todd@kre8tiveworkz.com

Cherish and Love
K eeping the faith is all this vivacious and extremely ambitious beauty ever needs

ntelligent and devoted to her family and friends, with a peaceful spirit that bleeds

R adiating her tenderness towards Lola; more enchanting than the California hue

Sparkling with a blissful passion, as her crystal blue eyes shimmer honest and true

T aking time to stop and smell the flowers on your unending journey through life

nspire your compassionate heart and all of your dreams shall follow without strife

E ternally thankful you were sent from above; holding you tight; cherish and love

www.RealityRhyming.com 1.877.kre8.411 todd@kre8tiveworkz.com

Tender Heart

Sensual spirit, radiating her benevolent warmth over the Alma, Canadian hue

Y outhful and captivating is her alluring smile that glistens vivacious and true

L uminance created from a tranquil peace; emanating with a passionate love

V ibrantly shining her tender heart over Larry, as it was fate sent from above

nspiring is her compassionate beauty; brilliance comes from her sultry touch

E nchanting and majestic is her celebrated soul, as it was truly meant as such

www.RealityRhyming.com 1.877.kre8.411 todd@kre8tiveworkz.com

Glistening Star

E legant and captivating soul, dancing passionately on the vibrant Cardiff hue

L ighting the City of Angels with her radiant smile, as it's benevolent and true

L ikes to perform, act and sing; this enchanting spirit is already a glistening star

lluminating the tenderness of her alluring beauty, so that it can be felt from afar

E verlasting moments created by your touch, I truly “Love You” so very much

www.RealityRhyming.com 1.877.kre8.411 todd@kre8tiveworkz.com


L oving what she does, this wicked funny Wildcat is always honest and fair

A ble to be seen in her UK blue corvette; driving Miramar with great care

U pbeat and passionate, her radiance shines brightly in the morning hue

R esonating a sweet tranquil serenity that connects between me and you

ntelligent and fun, an amazing friend; always in my heart, ‘til the very end

www.RealityRhyming.com 1.877.kre8.411 todd@kre8tiveworkz.com

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