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Qumulo Core 2.14.0 Release Notes 

October 30, 2019 

Features & Improvements 

NEW SMB 3.0 Support and Encryption  
For those of you that have been patiently waiting for SMB 3.0 support with Qumulo, the time 
has come! Qumulo Core 2.14.0 is the first release that will use SMB 3.0 by default, no 
configuration required. Better yet, any clients that don’t support SMB 3.0 will automatically fall 
back to SMB 2.1, so all your bases are covered! 

While we were at it, we decided to add support for SMB 3.0 traffic encryption as well. SMB 3.0 
introduces encryption to the SMB protocol that can be enabled (disabled by default) at a 
cluster-wide level or at a per-share level—it’s your choice! Depending on your environment and 
workflow, you can configure per-share level encryption instead of the cluster-wide setting so 
that a client can use encryption against a single share that requires it and connect to a share 
that does not in the same session. While these settings can be controlled, SMB clients can still 
decide whether or not to encrypt even when encryption is not required.  

Want to hear more? Check out ​SMB3 Encryption with Qumulo Core​ in Qumulo Care!  

NEW Role Management Page 

Thought we were done with the Web UI changes? Not quite yet! In support of the new 
Administrator role options announced in 2.13.5, we’ve added a new page so that you no longer 
have to rely solely on the qq command line for configuration. Say hello to the new Role 
Management page! From here, you can add users or groups to the Administrator role with a 
few simple clicks. Change your mind? Another click or two and you can remove them just as 
For the full scoop, check out our ​Assign Administrators Role to Users and Groups​ article on 
Qumulo Care! 

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Snapshot Policy Replication 
We here at Qumulo take your data seriously and are always looking into new ways to keep it 
safe. That’s why we jumped on the opportunity to take our awesome replication feature and 
gave it a hearty dose of Snapshot enhancement! The new Snapshot Policy Replication feature 
allows you to add an extra layer of backup to your disaster recovery scenario by ensuring that 
the data replicated to your backup cluster can be captured and stored in a snapshot. Talk about 
a winning combo!  
Snapshot Policy Replication allows you to link up to ten existing Snapshot policies to a 
Replication relationship. Replication will take care of the rest by replicating future snapshots 
taken by those policies to its target directory. Once each replication job completes, a new 
snapshot of the target directory is taken to ensure that the data is consistent on both the source 
and target clusters and that a snapshot history of the file changes exists. You can specify how 
long you wish to keep the snapshots, either manually, by setting it to use the same expiration 
as is configured in the Snapshot policy, or a completely different value. The choice is yours! 
NOTE:​ When a Snapshot policy is linked to a relationship, snapshots taken by those policies 
will be immediately locked for the Replication relationship and can only be removed by 
configuring their expiration accordingly or unlinking the policy from the Replication relationship. 
Thirsty for more details? We thought so! Head on over to our ​Replication: Snapshot Policy 
Replication​ article on Qumulo Care and get the full scoop. 

Performance Improvements 
Owners of large clusters rejoice! The time it takes for a cluster to form or re-form is now fixed 
based on the type of node coming back online, no matter how big your cluster is. This means 
large clusters (those using more than 20 nodes) can recover from a cluster event like a disk 
failure even faster! It’s just our way of taking what stress we can out of a hectic situation. 
That’s just the start! We know system upgrades can be stressful, which is why we also 
tweaked our upgrade system to handle background processes significantly faster. This means 
less wait time between back-to-back upgrades, so you can get to the next upgrade in no time! 

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Dashboard Improvements 
Our Web UI has been receiving some serious attention lately, and Qumulo Core 2.14.0 is no 
different! This time we’ve added the R ​ ead Throughput Distribution​ and W ​ rite Throughput 
Distribution ​widgets to the Dashboard. Here you’ll find your cluster’s throughput for the last 24 
hours as well as a “Current” line that indicates the throughput in real time. Both widgets refresh 
every five seconds, so you always have a good idea of your throughput distribution at a glance. 
To make room for these new Dashboard additions, we rearranged the layout to by moving the 
Client Connection Distribution​ and M ​ ost Active Clients​ widgets into their own Client Activity 
section at the bottom of the page. 
NOTE​: As with the Cluster Activity graph, data in the throughput widgets is lost after a cluster 
event, so expect them to take some time to repopulate after one! 

Web UI Tweaks 
The Dashboard wasn’t the only area that got attention in this quarterly release! Here are some 
of the small tweaks we’ve made to make your Qumulo experience just that much better: 
● You can now dismiss Replication job errors from the Replication Relationship 
table—simply click the ‘Dismiss error’ link alongside the relationship in question. 
● The Software Upgrade page now displays a banner with an explanation if an upgrade is 
not currently possible (due to background processes resolving, for example). 
● The U ​ sers and Groups​ page is now L ​ ocal Users and Groups​. 
● Local Users and Groups​, R ​ ole Management​, ​Active Directory​, and ​LDAP​ have been 
moved from their old location under the S ​ haring​ drop-down to a new home under the 
Cluster​ menu.  
● The error message displayed when users take an action they do not have permission for 
has been changed from “You must be an administrator to perform this action.” to “You 
do not have sufficient privileges to perform this action.” 
● We’ve changed the enable/disable radio button for ​Map Local User/Group IDs to 
Associated NFS IDs​ to an ​Enabled​ checkbox on the Create and Edit Replication page. 
● We’ve added a link to the Relationship Details page on the A ​ ctions​ menu (found on the 
far right of the relationship listing) so it is always accessible rather than just during a 
Replication job. 
● We’ve updated the Relationship Details page to include information about any linked 
Snapshot policies enabled, including a table with the linked policies and any snapshots 
queued for replication. 

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● We’ve set a limit on the maximum number of snapshot policies permitted at 4000. 
Attempting to create policies beyond this value will result in an error message stating 
“There are already 4000 policies”. 

HPE Drive Replacement Updates  

Those of you that have HPE clusters, take note! Starting with Qumulo Core 2.14.0, HPE nodes 
will now verify the firmware on any and all spare drives following swaps for bad or failed 
drives. If a replacement HPE drive has the incorrect firmware version installed, the cluster will 
not accept the drive and a banner in the Web UI will display specifying which drive is at fault so 
you won’t be kept in the dark. 
But fear not! The upgrade process automatically checks all drives present prior to performing 
the upgrade, and will stop if any invalid firmware is detected. In this event, reach out to your 
friendly Q
​ umulo Care​ team so we can get a new HPE drive with the correct firmware sent your 

REST API and QQ CLI Updates  

Out with the old and in with the new! Here’s what’s changed with Qumulo’s REST API and qq 
commands in this release. 
● Introduced the​ ​qq​ a
​ uth_expand_identity c​ ommand to expand AD and LDAP users 
by name, and distinguish between equivalent identities and group membership. 
● Created the following new SMB qq commands: 
○ qq smb_modify_settings​: configure the SMB dialects that Qumulo will 
○ qq smb_get_settings​: display the current SMB configuration 
○ New SMB encryption field: Encryption can be configured via q ​ q smb_add_share
--require-encryption {true,false}​ and modified via​ ​qq smb_mod_share
--require-encryption {true,false} 
● Added the following new Replication qq commands: 
○ replication_link_snapshot_policy​: link a snapshot policy to a relationship. 
○ replication_unlink_snapshot_policy​: unlink a snapshot policy from a 
○ replication_set_snapshot_policy_replication_mode​: change the 
replication mode of a policy-linked relationship. 
○ replication_list_queued_snapshots​: list the snapshot policy snapshots 
queued for replication. 

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○ replication_release_queued_snapshot​: release a snapshot policy snapshot 
that is queued for replication. 
● The f​ s_list_locks ​replaced the ​qq fs_list_locks_by_file​ and 
fs_list_locks_by_client​ commands. 
● The q ​ qf ​ s_acl_explain_rights​ command now automatically expands equivalent 
identities and group membership if ​Active Directory Posix Extensions​ are enabled. 
● The - ​ -enable-continuous-replication​ flag is now - ​ -enable-replication ​for the 
qq replication_create_source_relationship​ command. 
● The - ​ -enable-continuous-replication​ flag is now - ​ -enable-replication ​for the
replication_modify_source_relationship​ command. 
● The q ​ q upgrade_status​ command now includes​ is_blocked​ and
is_blocked_reason​ fields. 
● Deprecated the q
​ q get_all_related_identities​ command and replaced it with ​qq
● Added the​ /v1/auth/identity/expand​ REST endpoint 
● All replication APIs have been versioned to the v2 module. The v1 module will be 
removed in a future release. Note that most APIs are versioned because the 
continuous_replication_enabled​ field is now r ​ eplication_enabled​. 
● Added the following new replication REST endpoints: 
○ PUT/PATCH /v2/replication/source-relationships/<id>​: modify a 
relationship’s linked snapshot policies. 
○ GET /v2/replication/source-relationships/<id>/queued-snapshots/​: 
return the queued snapshots. 
○ /v2/replication/source-relationships/<id>/queued-snapshots/<epoch
>​: remove a queued snapshot from the queue via ​DELETE​. 
clear the relationship’s ​error_from_last_job​ string. 
● Added the following new SMB REST endpoints: 
○ GET/PUT/PATCH /v1/smb/settings​: modify the SMB dialects that Qumulo will 
○ A new​ require_encryption​ field has been added to​ /v2/smb/shares/:ref: 

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Bug Fixes 
● Fixed a bug that prevented a SID from a domain that has not been seen before to be 
added to an ACL via the​ ​/v2/files/{ref}/info/acl​ API. 
● Fixed a bug that caused a cluster event when opening a file with a trailing backslash 
(i.e., \foo\bar\file.txt\) over SMB. 
● Fixed a bug for SMB File Alignment Information querying so that a 
FILE_BYTE_ALIGNMENT of 0 is returned, meaning that there are no alignment 
requirements for the underlying device. 
● Fixed a bug where Qumulo Core would incorrectly update the file timestamp for SMB 
transactions where no such update was requested. 
● Fixed a bug on HPE clusters that could prevent cluster formation when a node was 
booted or rebooted with a missing or failed drive. 

Known Issues 
● When using Windows 10 version 1607 and Windows Server 2016, Windows Explorer 
will not automatically refresh to reflect changes connecting to Qumulo over SMB. To fix 
the problem, download and install this u ​ pdate​ from Microsoft that addresses the issue.  
● A known bug is currently impacting NFS clients in the Red Hat/CentOS 7.6 release. If a 
floating IP fails over to another Qumulo node, the NFS client will not register this 
behavior causing the client to hang. For additional details on this bug and proposed 
solution, reference the full report on the ​Red Hat Customer Support Portal​. 
● If any node in your cluster currently has a defective DIMM, you may not be able to 
successfully install releases from Qumulo Core 2.11.4 onward. Prior to upgrading, 
please check your node’s memory status by following the steps detailed in our ​Check 
Node DIMM Status​ article or contact your CSM to ensure a successful upgrade.  

Upgrade Info 
As of Qumulo Core 2.13.0, all subsequent releases will be a quarterly upgrade source so that 
you can easily upgrade directly from any incremental version (2.13.X) to any later release, up to 
and including the next quarterly X.X.0 build. No matter what version past 2.13.0 your cluster is 
running, you will need to install every quarterly release before proceeding to upgrade to a later 
version of Qumulo Core. To find out more about upgrading your cluster with Qumulo, reference 
the ​Qumulo Core Upgrade Paths​ and Q ​ umulo Core Upgrades via UI​ articles to get the info you 

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BACK TO BACK UPGRADES: ​Before attempting to install multiple releases of Qumulo Core in 
an extended maintenance window, reach out to the Q
​ umulo Care​ team for guidance on your 
upgrade path. 

Performance Characterization 
Performance data for this release is available in Q
​ umulo’s Tableau Public Workbook​. Details on how 
these performance numbers are calculated can be found in the Q ​ umulo Performance Benchmarks 
article available on Qumulo Care. 

What’s Supported 
● Our supported browser is Google Chrome  
● Supported clients over SMB: 
○ Mac OS X 10.14, 10.13, 10.12, 10.11, 10.10 and 10.9 
○ Windows 10, 8.1, 8, and 7 
● Supported clients over NFS: 
○ Mac OS X 10.14, 10.13, 10.12, 10.11, 10.10 and 10.9 
○ Linux Kernel 2.6.x, 3.x and 4.x 
● Python v 2.7.5 or later in the Python 2 family is required for our command line tools 
(Python 3 is not supported) 
● Domain functional level 2008 R2 and above (Samba DCs are not supported) 
● Qumulo Core is up to date with all Ubuntu 16.04 security updates 
● Be sure to visit our ​GitHub​ page to see what folks are building with Qumulo’s REST API.  
● Find the latest python wrapper for our REST API h ​ ere​.  

Supported Switches 
Qumulo appliances will work against any switch that meets the following criteria: 
● Enterprise grade 
● Fully non-blocking 
● Managed 
● Supports IPv6 
No exceptions at this time. For information on the upgrade process, reference the ​Qumulo Core 
Upgrades via UI​ article for additional details. 

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