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Jessica Rodriguez

HDF 492

Leadership Inventory: Evidence

Outcome Category #1: Self-Leadership

Outcome 14. Student will show application of Maslow’s theory to own life

Evidence 14: This piece of evidence depicts one of my most significant learning

experiences because it relates to my internship at Tides Family Services. As I mentioned

in my outcome I have been able to apply a lot of what I have learned in my internship to

different theories, such as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. As an intern, my interest in

social work was further cemented. In addition, I was able to truly put my strengths to the

test and see how my personal leadership is developed. The main take-away in this section

for me was how the incorporation of my strengths and life experiences have fueled my

passion for social work which is the field I will be working in after graduation. 
Outcome 18: Student will describe personal leadership style and/or

personality style including strengths and weaknesses and examples of application

(Sources = Leadership style inventories, the L.P.I., Type Focus (MBTI), LAMP,

DISC, and other career inventories, etc.)

Evidence 18: This piece of evidence highlights my experience leading a workshop at the

DIVE Conference. As I mentioned in this outcome, and through others in my inventory, I

was part of the Logistic Committee for DIVE in which I believe my leadership and

ability to advocate for others grew. I was able to truly realize this when I was making

decisions and noticed myself relying on my personality style of ISFP. 

Outcome Category #2: Leadership Theories

Outcome 27: Student will show knowledge of the “Servant Leadership” theory of

leadership by Greenleaf

Outcome 28: Student will describe personal application of the above theory


Evidence 27: These two pictures serve as my evidence for these outcomes because it

highlights some of my favorite and most special experiences as LASA’s Community

Service Representative. These were the two non-profit organizations in which we worked

with for two years consecutively. We volunteered at Hungry Friday’s by either delivering

goods or helping to prepare the meals that will be delivered to those in need. In addition,

every Christmas we adopted two families, for a total of six kids, which we bought gifts

for. These experiences, and others similar to it, have emphasized how Servant Leadership

is the model that has most informed my leadership style.


utcome 33: Student will show knowledge of the “Visionary Leadership” (now often

cited as “Transformational Leadership”) theory by Sashkin

Outcome 34: Student will describe personal application of the above theory


Evidence 33: The image I listed below highlights a valuable learning experience for me,

which goes along with Outcomes 33 and 34. Under my participation as a leader for the

United RI organization, I was able to see hands on how leadership can be used to bring

many people together once you lead confidently and create a sense of trust and influence.

The flyer below was for an event hosted by United RI in which over 700 youth got

together from twenty-five different congregations. 

Outcome Category #3:  Inclusive Leadership / Diversity and its Application to


Outcome 75: Student will demonstrate knowledge of the “Configuration of Power”

(Franklin) and its relationship to leadership

Outcome 76: Student will demonstrate personal application of the “Configuration of

Power” (Franklin)

Evidence 75: For outcomes 75 and 76, I selected a picture taken from my SOC 497 J-

Term on Juvenile Justice Immersion, which was one of the most impactful courses I have

taken as an undergraduate. This J-term was during my sophomore year, and through this

experience I was exposed to many different positions within the social work and juvenile

system that aided me in making an informed decision of what career I truly wanted to
pursue. In addition, I saw a lot of systemic ways in which lower socioeconomic

communities and families of colors were placed at a disadvantage because of power and


Outcome 87: Student will show knowledge of effective leadership as it relates to

change agency

Outcome 94:Student will show personal application of the Multicultural

Organizational Development Model (Jackson)

Evidence 87: This evidence is a picture taken during my last Alternative Spring Break to

Dallas, Texas. As I described throughout my inventory, participating with URI Services

Corps allowed me to put into practice my leadership style, values, and different models.

In addition, it made me realize what it truly meant to be a change agent and the power

that there was in my voice as I advocated and served others. 

Outcome Category #4:  Critical Thinking

Outcome 99: Student will demonstrate proficiency of critical thinking

Evidence 99, Part 1: My first introduction to leadership was HDF 190, FLITE Course.

Throughout this course I was challenged multiple times which taught me to look outside

of what I knew and learn from varying perspectives and people. This picture was taken

with my group after one of our retreats. My group played a very influential part in me

learning and finding a place on campus. 

Outcome 107: Students will demonstrate knowledge of leadership that is used in

crisis (i.e., James & Wooten; Garvin; Covey; Frohman; Lalonde; Schoenberg; Joni;

Braden et al; etc.)

Evidence 107: Throughout my HDF 412 Capstone course, one of the most valuable

lessons for me was learning about crisis leadership. This was helpful to me because I was

able to identify various crisis leadership styles, and as someone that works with

adolescents a few times this has happened where I am in a situation like this. Yet, I was

not certain of what the appropriate response should have been. 

Outcome Category #5:  Interpersonal and Organizational Concepts & Skills

Outcome 111: Student will demonstrate knowledge of functions of group

communication by Hirokawa

Outcome 112: Student will describe personal application of functions of group

communication (Hirokawa)

Evidence 111: One of the most challenging experiences I had was being on the Logistics

Committee for DIVE. This was challenging because of what the conference represented
and the number of attendees we were expecting. However, through this experience I was

able to truly learn effective group communication. The picture below was the group of

students who collectively and tirelessly worked for two semesters to make the conference

successful. There were many ups and downs, yet when it came to making the best

decisions for the conference, I believe that we did. 

Outcome 153: Student will describe personal examples of building relationships

with members as a leader

Evidence 153: The picture I used as evidence, since it is one of my most treasured

moments. At the end of each year, my local youth group celebrates our accomplishments

and get ready to enter the New Year. This past December demonstrated how far we have

come along with many of the youth. There is the sense of us being a family, being

committed and trusting one another, which is not an easy thing to sometimes establish

when there are so many diverse backgrounds.

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