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Fly by wire Challenger7

Release: V1.00 – 10/11/2018

Machine management

Fly by wire Challenger7

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Page 1 on 21 Motorized throttle Challenger7



The Challenger7 ECU tuning pack is supplied with accompanying of the program Winjall. It is
subjected to the same rules of use and license.

The Winjall program requires a license of use. In its complete shape, this license is established by a
file license and a material dongle key

To make access to Challenger7 ECUs easier, this pack contains a licence made of one single file,
without a dongle.
This licence gives you access to the main tuning functions for Challenger7 ECUs.

However, to have access to the complete features, it is necessary to obtain with the Company Skynam
a complete license.

Though it is possible to make copies of the Winjall software distributed in this pack, you have to
comply with the regulations for use and the licence you have accepted when installing it on your


This documentation version has been specifically upgraded for the Tuneware Challenger7 versions
distributed from November 10th, 2018, notably:
- throttle / rpm: version 1.00
- pressure / rpm: version 1.00

These Tuneware versions only work with the Winjall V9.30 version or a later one, which also requires
a XP SP3, 7, 8, 10 or any later version of the Windows operating system of the Microsoft Corporation.


The CHALLENGER7 ECUs are meant for racing cars, boats or bikes and not for any other purpose.
Consequently, the softwares to be found in this pack are for racing use only and are not meant to
match the emissions standards required for standard or road cars.
Remember it mustn’t be used on open roads, as it does not comply with road regulations.

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For the management of motorized throttle, it is necessary to indicate to it that:

- the measure of motorized throttle position exists
- one of the auxiliary outputs commands the motorized throttle.

Indeed, the fly by wire cannot function without a measure of accelerator pedal position.


It is made by means of the function of configuration of inputs, described in detail in the file
'Configuration of inputs'.

Activate then the measure of accelerator pedal position: Skynam advises for the standard looms to use
the analog input 2.


Before configuring the auxiliary outputs, unplug the connector of the fly by wire so that it is not
commanded. You will plug it later.

You then have to configure an auxiliary output to manage the motorized throttle. On Challenger7, they
are the outputs 1 and 2 that know how to do it:
The Challenger7 owns two modes of command of the motorized throttle, the synchronous mode
(which is the standard one), and the asynchronous mode (which is the new one).


In this mode, the ECU produces pulses only on one output:
- To open the throttle, it produces pulses on the positive output.
- To close the throttle, it produces pulses on the negative output.
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This mode is often preferably used because it consumes less current, makes the electric motor runs
cooler, produces less spikes and less noise.
In more, on flies by wire with twin springs (that is the general case on flies by wire, one to
mechanically open and the other to mechanically close, the rest position being the one where the two
springs cancel each other what produces a minimal opening when the throttle is not commanded), this
mode allow to manage a more precise position on very small openings, giving a better control of the
tick over rpm.

The frequency of command of the PWM should be positioned to 500 Hz, frequency at which they
work best, but can go according to electric motors up to 1000 Hz. We do not advise it, but consult the
documentation of the manufacturer.

The separated maps of PID (to be loaded with the function "Read data file") provided by Skynam do
own the part name 'ASynch'.


In this mode, the ECU produces continuous pulses on the two outputs, positive and negative, the
pulses on the negative output being exactly the inverse of the ones on the positive output:
- To open the throttle, the active part (12 volts) of the pulses on the positive output is larger than the
passive part (ground): The command RCO is so larger than 50% on the positive output (and so lower
than 50% on the negative output).
- To close the throttle, it is the contrary: the active part (12 volts) of the pulses on the positive output is
smaller than the passive part (ground).

The frequency of command of the PWM should be positioned to 500 Hz, frequency at which they
work best, but can go according to electric motors up to 1000 Hz. We do not advise it, but consult the
documentation of the manufacturer.

The separated maps of PID (to be loaded with the function "Read data file") provided by Skynam do
not own the part name 'ASynch'.

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As soon as these two initializations are made, the ECU positions itself in motorized throttle mode and
provides calibrations and tunings relative to it.
If it was plugged, the motorized throttle would try to position on the current target. As it is not
calibrated, it could over force and destroy itself or destroy its stops or burn its commands.
To avoid this, we use the cutoff of the command if the rpm is below a programmable threshold.
This tuning is on the page of the proportional map.

It is to note that even if the command is stopped, it will automatically be activated on the throttle

You can now plug the connector of the fly by wire.


As soon as these two initializations are made, the ECU positions itself in motorized throttle mode and
provides calibrations and tunings relative to it.
The main calibration is the pedal + motorized throttle position calibration, that you will find in the
State menu of the ECU:

This operation will allow the ECU to calibrate automatically the potentiometer of position
measurement of the motorized throttle so as to normalize the position between 0 and 1000.

The throttle calibration is made in 6 operations:

1) Verify that the current tension varies correctly when you push and loosen the accelerator.
2) Verify that the accelerator is released, and press on [SPACE BAR] or click [RECORD MINI
PEDAL]: the potentiometer pedal closed value records.

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3) Verify that the accelerator is pushed at most, and press on [SPACE BAR] or click [RECORD
MAXI PEDAL]: the potentiometer pedals full opened value records.
4) Press on [SPACE BAR] or click on [THROTTLE CALIBRATION]. The ECU then fully opens the
motorized throttle and records the throttle full opened position.
5) The ECU closes then fully the motorized throttle and records the completely closed throttle
6) Press on [ENTER] or click the [OK] button.


The second calibration to be made is the tick over calibration.


It is the basic value of tick over calculation and deceleration cutoff. It should correspond to the tick
over rpm of the warm engine.
Other functions of the ECU also use this calibration of rpm tick over.


Used to indicate to the ECU from which rpm to make the deceleration cutoff when the throttle is
closed (normally 800 rpm above the chosen tick over rpm).


The third tuning is to be made on warm engine.
It is the measure of the real position of the accelerator at tick over.
Press on the button [RECORD]. Winjall measures then the pedal position during 5 seconds to examine
the instabilities and keeps the highest measure as the tick over pedal angle target.

This calibration ensures that the ECU will find correctly its position in deceleration cutoff and its tick
over position.

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You have a map 'Motorized throttle target' to indicate the position of the throttle according to the pedal
position and to the rpm, allowing to slow or to accelerate the position of the throttle with regard to the


The target of throttle position can go from 0 to 1000.
We can order, for example that the throttle will be completely opened from the middle pedal
(shortening the trip) or on the contrary if the engine is rough, to ask that the throttle is opened by 10 %
at the middle position of pedal.
We can also prevent the throttle from opening completely opened at low rpm, what allows to increase
the speed of gases and thus to increase torque on some engines …


When the fly by wire operates in synchronous mode (misadvised), the throttle target at tick over
(completely released pedal) or even in cutoff, should not be lower than 40 for stability of position
features. If with a 40 tick over target, the engine runs too fast, decrease the advance at tick over, if it is
When the fly by wire operates in asynchronous mode, this mode allowing to manage a more precise
position on very small openings, the throttle target at tick over can be lower down to 20.


If a gearbox is declared, sequential or robotized (see document 'Sequential gearbox'), it is allowed to

configure a motorized throttle opening modification while gear downshifting.
This modification is managed by a map with selectable inputs. It is found in the page of gear
downshift management.
By the beginning of gear downshifting, the throttle position is modified.
By the end of the intervention, the modification is neutralized and the motorized throttle position goes
back to its normal opening.


For a good bang-bang on turbo engines, it is simpler to have a piloted device that adds air intake at
throttle closure, and the motorized throttle is a very effective means.

We use then the map of target to indicate the position of the throttle according to the pedal position
and to the rpm, allowing to manage the air quantity added at the time of bang-bang.

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To tune the bang-bang, this map must be necessarily provided with a column of load '0'. When the
bang-bang is validated (see document 'Pressure / rpm, atmo, turbo and bang-bang '), this 0 load
column is named 'BANG' by the ECU.
- The ECU will systematically fetch the data during the bang-bang phase in the column of load 0
(which it renames 'BANG').
- The normal working begins only in the column of following load: the ECU will never go to the
column 0 in normal mode.

This map indicates that the bang-bang at 4000 rpm will open the throttle to 200, but that the normal
value on released foot for this rpm is 10.

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Load the maps of piloting of the PID with that corresponding to the used throttle.
There are 3 maps of PID to load:
- Proportional RCO
- Differential RCO
- Integral RCO

For every map use the function 'Read file data, with comment insertion' which allows to directly
record in the comment of the map the name of the read file, for information (see details in Winjall
Browse then in the categories of actuators maps and choose the one who corresponds best to your

The actuators maps own the manufacturer name and the manufacturer reference.
For maps specific to the Asynchronous mode, the map name owns 'ASynch' as part of the name, for
example the standard tuning is named ' Standard.Asynch'

If you do not find exactly the maps corresponding to your motorized throttle, and if none gives you
satisfaction (for example the throttle beats in the dynamic phases), you can correct existing maps or
build some completely new (see chapter below).


The ECU allows to cut-off the command of the motorized throttle if the engine rpm is below a
programmable threshold.
This tuning is on the page of the Proportional map.

So that the throttle is continuously commanded, put the rpm threshold to 0.

If this command stop is used, the rpm threshold of startup of the throttle command should not be lower
than 100rpm.
It is to note that even if the command is stopped, it will automatically be activated on the throttle

This function is interesting in several ways:

- It allows not consuming current as long as the engine is stopped.
- If the throttle command generates spikes on an inductive rpm sensor (although the majority of
equipped engines have Hall effect sensors to avoid exactly this kind of problems), the engine starting
up can be made difficult if the level of tension of the spikes is close to the level of tension of teeth seen
by the sensor.

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The regulation used in the PID of management of the motorized throttle of Skynam is a parallel
architecture, that is the command sent to the throttle is the sum of 3 Proportional, Integral and
Differential actions.

It is the base of the PWM command of the throttle, indexed to the given target.

Note that in asynchronous mode, the PWM command is signed: if the value is positive, the pulses will
be produced on the positive output, opening the throttle. If it is negative, the pulses are produced on
the negative output, closing the throttle.

It is the dynamic regulation of the positioning of the throttle: it allows the throttle to answer quickly a
modification of target.

This map is indexed vertically on the difference between the desired position (target) and the measured
Horizontally, it is indexed on throttle speed in synchronous mode and on throttle position in
asynchronous mode.

It is the fine regulation of the positioning of the throttle: it allows the throttle to take place exactly on
the target: at every cycle of calculation, the correction of error of positioning is added to previous
correction until reaching the desired throttle position.

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As the differential map, this map is indexed vertically on the difference between the desired position
(target) and the measured position, and horizontally, on throttle speed in synchronous mode and on
throttle position in asynchronous mode.

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Three tunings must be done for the operation of the motorized throttle, corresponding to three maps.
These tunings should be done when engine is stopped To get the throttle running
- set the engine rpm threshold of throttle command to 0 (page of Proportional map).
- if the protection parameters have not yet been tuned, set to 'Standard' the two protection parameters,
maximum RCO and maximum exceeding time.


The tuning of the throttle is a PID:

- the Proportional is the base command map,
- the Differential is the map of instant correction, allowing to manage the dynamic of the position
- the Integral is the long term correction, for a fine tuning.


This map defines the base of the command to remain stable when the throttle is already
correctly positioned.

The PID Proportional is based on the given target: the value in the map is so a direct result of the
desired throttle position.
But do not expect that this mapping is dynamically efficient.
It is rather that when the throttle is positioned on the target, it remains on it with a small response of
the Differential and Integral.

When you have tuned the Differential and Integral maps, come back to this map.
You will so fill the lines of this map.
1) Break points:
Generally, we need one line every 1/4 throttle (0, 250, 500, 750, 1000), and also one line near from the
place where the return springs cancel each other (there are generally two return springs in a fly by
wire, one to mechanically open and one to mechanically close, the rest position being the one where
the two springs cancel each other). To know this rest position, stop the running of the fly by wire by
setting the engine rpm threshold of throttle command to 0 (page Proportional map), the throttle
position obtained being the rest position, then launch again your sly by wire to keep on tuning.
It is also possible to work more fine on this base from the battery tension (column scale), but it is
generally not necessary.
2) Data:
Set the target on the value of a break-point, wait some seconds and note on the corresponding data the
RCO value read: these values will never be the same from one time to another and are only

Do the same for all the values corresponding to the break-points.

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This mapping defines the instant correction of the basic command to get the desired position. It
is it which is mainly involved in the dynamic opening and closing. Its setting is also used to
manage overflows.

The Differential map is based on two inputs:
- the error between the given target and the actual position,
- the throttle position.

The position error is calculated by 'Position minus target'. This means that if the position is higher, the
error is positive, and inversely.

It is understandable that greater is the error, more the force applied to the throttle to correct its position
must be important, and therefore the correction value must be high in absolute value. The direction of
the correction will be opposite to that of the error: If the error is positive (position too high relative to
the target), the correction will be negative (to close the throttle), and vice versa.

Skynam has used in more the throttle position as a 2nd input of the map (different from the
synchronous mode).
This tuning keeps into account the return force of the spring, and its compression depends on the
throttle position.

We advise you to start from the map "Standard.ASynch" that you can load with the function "Read
data file" of the popup menu of the map header, and to modify it to improve the working of your
throttle, to speed it up or slow it down if it changes it its position by jerks or makes beatings.

If you cannot find a correct tuning, get inspired from the tuning mode proposed on the synchronous
mode to make the map from scratch.

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If the throttle makes wide beatings when you open it quickly with the pedal or by making target
increments of +100 (key [CTRL] [+]) on the target map, increase the vertical scale -70 until the
beatings disappear:

If the throttle makes small fast beatings when you open it continuously on all the range of the pedal or
by making target increments of +10 (key [SHIFT] [+]) on the target map, increase the scale value -2
until the beatings disappear:

In the same way while you close the throttle, modify the scale values +2, +15 and/or +50

For example, you will get


This map defines the final and long term correction of the base command to get the desired

The Integral map is based on two inputs:
- the error between the given target and the actual position,
- the throttle position.

The greater is the error, more the force applied to the throttle to correct its position must be important,
and therefore more the correction value must be high in absolute value. The direction of the correction

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will be opposite to that of the error: If the error is positive (too high position relative to the target), the
correction will be negative (to close the throttle), and vice versa.

Skynam has used in more the throttle position as a 2nd input of the map, but it is in general not
necessary to use this variable, and a one column map works very well.

We advise you to start from the map "Standard.ASynch" that you can load with the function "Read
data file" of the popup menu of the map header, and to modify it to improve the working of your
throttle, to speed up or slow down the finalization of the position to come on the target.

If you cannot find a correct tuning, get inspired from the tuning mode proposed on the synchronous
mode to make the map from scratch.

The map is generally rather symmetric between the positive and negative errors. For example:

If the Integral increment is too high, you will get throttle beatings, without reaching a stabilization.
If it is too weak, you will have to wait too long before the throttle reaches the target in stabilized
Once you have filled this Integral map, it is possible that you have to modify some values in the
Differential map at the level of the small error lines.


It is quite possible that the Integral correction be very different for a closed throttle and for and opend
For example, on a fast opening of the throttle, the Integral correction can become very false, and it is
better to reset it to zero.
Letting the Integral correction on a fast modification of the target can produce a very high overshoot: it
is so necessary to reset the Integral to +0, letting the Differential alone to correct the base RCO.
As the map of Integral increment does not command directly the Integral but the speed at which it
changes, a supplementary parameter allows to request the Integral cancellation.
This reset to zero of the Integral of the PID is done in standard by the ECU: if the speed of the target
exceeds a limit, there is no Integral calculation, only the Proportional and Differential. This allows to
let the Integral correct the RCO and follow the target as this one does not move too fast. If the target
moves quickly, the Integral cannot follow and is no more suitable. It is better to reset it to 0.

The 'Standard' value is obtained when we set the value 0. The ECU then uses its internal setting
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You can also modify this value to fix by yourself the target speed at which the Integral is canceled.

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Using the synchronous mode is not advised. Prefer the Asynchronous mode.

Three tunings must be done for the operation of the motorized throttle, corresponding to three maps.
These tunings should be done when engine is stopped To get the throttle running
- set the engine rpm threshold of throttle command to 0 (page of Proportional map).
- if the protection parameters have not yet been tuned, set to 'Standard' the two protection parameters,
maximum RCO and maximum exceeding time.


The tuning of the throttle is a PID:

- the Proportional is the base command map,
- the Differential is the map of instant correction, allowing to manage the dynamic of the position
- the Integral is the long term correction, for a fine tuning.


This map defines the base of the command to remain stable when the throttle is already
correctly positioned.

The PID Proportional is based on the given target: the value in the map is so a direct result of the
desired throttle position.
But do not expect that this mapping is dynamically efficient.
It is rather that when the throttle is positioned on the target, it remains on it with a small response of
the Differential and Integral.

When you have tuned the Differential and Integral maps, come back to this map.
You will so fill the lines of this map.
1) Break points:
Generally, we need one line every 1/4 throttle (0, 250, 500, 750, 1000), and also one line near from the
place where the return springs cancel each other (there are generally two return springs in a fly by
wire, one to mechanically open and one to mechanically close, the rest position being the one where
the two springs cancel each other). To know this rest position, stop the running of the fly by wire by
setting the engine rpm threshold of throttle command to 0 (page Proportional map), the throttle
position obtained being the rest position, then launch again your sly by wire to keep on tuning.
It is also possible to work more fine on this base from the battery tension (column scale), but it is
generally not necessary.
2) Data:
With the pedal position or by modifying the target map on the value used by the ECU, set the target on
the value of a break-point, wait some seconds and note on the corresponding data the RCO value read:
these values will never be the same from one time to another and are only approximate.

Do the same for all the values corresponding to the break-points.

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The ECU uses a special mode of command to obtain a finer and faster positioning on the target: the
electric hammering.
This hammering is adjustable, but it is rare to have to modify the value supplied in original Tunewares
of Skynam.
This tuning is on the page of the Proportional map.


This mapping defines the instant correction of the basic command to get the desired position. It
is it which is mainly involved in the dynamic opening and closing. Its setting is also used to
manage overflows.

The Differential map is based on two inputs:
- the error between the given target and the actual position,
- the throttle speed.

The position error is calculated by 'Position minus target'. This means that if the position is higher, the
error is positive, and inversely.

It is understandable that greater is the error, more the force applied to the throttle to correct its position
must be important, and therefore the correction value must be high in absolute value. The direction of
the correction will be opposite to that of the error: If the error is positive (position too high relative to
the target), the correction will be negative (to close the throttle), and vice versa.

Skynam has used in more the throttle speed as a 2nd input of the map (different from the asynchronous
Indeed, if the position is already too low and the throttle is closing (negative velocity), a correction
can be larger than if it is too low but that the throttle is opening (goes to the target). Similarly for the
other direction.
This allows to further increase the force with which the motor is opened or closed in the highly
dynamic phases.


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As the three maps interfere the one with the other, we can tune the Differential map only while setting
to null the action of the Integral map.
For that purpose, set all the values of the Integral map to '+0', and do a fast round trip of the target with
the accelerator pedal, which will reset to 0 the calculation of the Integral value.

You get now the Differential map acting alone to correct the throttle command.
You will fill the lines of the map.
1) Break points:
Generally, we need two lines framing the error 0 (-10 and +10 or -5 et +5), and some lines at more and
more high errors (-500, -200, …, +200, +500).
For the columns, three are generally enough, one for throttle closing rapidly, on for stable throttle and
one for throttle opening rapidly (-250, 0, 250). You can also simplify this map by making only one
2) Data:
At the beginning, don't try to differentiate the throttle speeds for the strong errors: for the error lines -
500, -200, +200 et + 500, set the same correction value for all the line, correcting more and more for
higher errors.
A good start is to correct 0.2 for line 200 and 0.4 for lines 500 (the correction sign being the inverse of
the error sign). For example:

At this point, the throttle should follow very correctly the target.
If you experiment beatings (position instabilities), that means the corrections are too much strong.
Try to see which parts of the map are to be modified.
At the contrary, you can still improve the reaction by modifying the columns in the lines. For example:

Of course, without the Integral correction, you cannot get a very fine positioning, and an error of 10 is
normal in stabilized target.


This map defines the final and long term correction of the base command to get the desired

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The Integral map is based on two inputs:
- the error between the given target and the actual position,
- the throttle speed.

The greater is the error, more the force applied to the throttle to correct its position must be important,
and therefore more the correction value must be high in absolute value. The direction of the correction
will be opposite to that of the error: If the error is positive (too high position relative to the target), the
correction will be negative (to close the throttle), and vice versa.

Skynam has used in more the throttle speed as a 2nd input of the map, but it is in general not necessary
to use this variable, and a one column map works very well.

You will add the Integral correction to the Differential map to correct the throttle command.
You will so fill the lines of the Integral map.
1) Break points:
Generally, we need two lines framing the error 0 (-10 and +10 or -5 et +5), and some lines at more and
more high errors (-500, -250, -50 …, +50, +250, +500).
2) Data:
The map is generally rather symmetric between the positive and negative errors. For example:

If the Integral increment is too high, you will get throttle beatings, without reaching a stabilization.
If it is too weak, you will have to wait too long before the throttle reaches the target in stabilized
Once you have filled this Integral map, it is possible that you have to modify some values in the
Differential map at the level of the small error lines.

To finalize your tuning, go back to correct the base map of the PID.


It is quite possible that the Integral correction be very different for a closed throttle and for and opend
For example, on a fast opening of the throttle, the Integral correction can become very false, and it is
better to reset it to zero.
Letting the Integral correction on a fast modification of the target can produce a very high overshoot: it
is so necessary to reset the Integral to +0, letting the Differential alone to correct the base RCO.
As the map of Integral increment does not command directly the Integral but the speed at which it
changes, a supplementary parameter allows to request the Integral cancellation.
This reset to zero of the Integral of the PID is done in standard by the ECU: if the speed of the target
exceeds a limit, there is no Integral calculation, only the Proportional and Differential. This allows to

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let the Integral correct the RCO and follow the target as this one does not move too fast. If the target
moves quickly, the Integral cannot follow and is no more suitable. It is better to reset it to 0.

The 'Standard' value is obtained when we set the value 0. The ECU then uses its internal setting
You can also modify this value to fix by yourself the target speed at which the Integral is canceled.

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