Continuous Beam Design Programme

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Effective Span ( lo ) 5000 mm Top Beam T-Beam

Beam effective depth d 264 mm 303.12903 1 layer 12 mm dia

Beam overall depth D 300 mm 416.66667 500
Beam Width bw 230 mm Bottom 1 layer 12 mm dia
Depth of Flange Df 115 mm U.D.L. 28 KN/m
Width of Flange bf 1503.33 mm O.K.
Actual width of flange 2000 mm Column support width 230
Bottom clear Cover 30 mm
Top clear Cover 30 mm
Concrete Grade 20
Steel Grade 415
Moment 58.33 KNm
Shear 70 KN Flange Section
Rectangle Xu max 126.72 mm bf/bw 6.54
Qlim 2.76 d 264.00
Mu lim 44.24 KNm 44.24 Df/d 0.44
Mu / bd2 3.64 1.82 Yf 93.76
Section is Doubly Reinforced Mu,lim 275.45 KNm
Pt maximum 0.96 % 582.912 Section is Singly Reinforced Pt maximum
Pt minimum 0.205 % 124.48 Ast 391.25 mm2 Pt minimum
Pt required 1.437 % 0.57 Ast1 3694.46 mm2 Pt required
Ast 748.11 mm2 347.43 Ast2 -2991.72 mm2
d'/d 0.14 d' 36 d'/d 0.14 d' 36
fsc 345.00 N/mm2 fsc 345.00 N/mm2
Ast1 581.37 mm2 581.37 Asc 0.00 mm2
Asc 174.49 mm2 0.00
Ast2 166.74 mm2 0.00
Top steel Required 748.11 0.00
Bottom steel Required 174.49 391.25
0.25 L Top Curtail 60 % 448.87 14 2 307.72 149.62
Bottom Curtail 30 % 117.37 10 0 0
Provide Top Throughout 12 2 226.08 12 2 226.08
Extra Top 12 2 226.08 O.K. 12 0 0
Extra Top 10 0 0 12 0 0
4 759.88 O.K. 2 226.08
rovide Bottom Throughout 12 2 226.08 12 2 226.08
Extra Bottom 10 0 0 12 2 226.08
2 226.08 O.K. 4 452.16
steel provided O.K.
Check for M.R. of section
Xu 126.72 O.K. Ftc 1244.76
Mu 62.01 O.K. Fts 163.3
Xu 15.082443459 O.K.
1656 1703.72 849020.47
Xu -204.11 -87.48
1656 1306185 163252.37
Xu -690.18 -295.79
Mu 42.06
Mu 3.06 Yf 44.13
Mu -363.31 O.K.



min. design V
Check for shear V at d V l distance at cut off 100 As /
=0.15 l bottom + V point bd ß=
At A 59.39 70 500 59.39 79.18 1.25 1.86
At B left 59.39 70 1298.14 33.65 44.87 1.25 1.86
At B right 59.39 70 750 59.39 79.18 1.25 1.86
At C left 59.39 70 1298.14 33.65 44.87 1.45 1.60
At C right 84.18 96.47 750 84.18 112.24 1.45 1.60
At D left 47.92 60.21 -1405.27 100.16 133.55 0.80 2.92
At D right 69.12 79.89 600 69.12 92.15 0.80 2.92
At E left 49.97 60.74 -1160.77 93.74 124.99 0.40 5.77
At E right 42.85 60.74 600 42.85 57.14 0.40 5.77
At F left 42.85 60.74 1476.05 15.91 21.22 0.40 5.77
At F right 42.85 60.74 600 42.85 57.14 0.40 5.77
At G left 42.85 60.74 1476.05 15.91 21.22 0.40 5.77
At G right 42.85 60.74 600 42.85 57.14 0.40 5.77
At H left 42.85 60.74 1476.05 15.91 21.22 0.40 5.77
At H right 42.85 60.74 600 42.85 57.14 0.40 5.77
At I left 42.85 60.74 1476.05 15.91 21.22 0.40 5.77
At I right 42.85 60.74 600 42.85 57.14 0.40 5.77
At J left 42.85 60.74 1476.05 15.91 21.22 0.40 5.77
At J right 42.85 60.74 600 42.85 57.14 0.40 5.77
At K left 42.85 60.74 1476.05 15.91 21.22 0.40 5.77
Theoretical cut off point M.R. x x2 x2 x constant ▲
Bottom span AB 75.19 70 -14.00 1.00 -5.00 5.37 1.88
span BC 75.19 70 -14.00 1.00 -5.00 5.37 1.88
span CD 64.44 96.47 -14.00 1.00 -6.89 4.60 5.39
span DE 50.37 79.89 -14.21 1.00 -5.62 3.54 4.17
span EF 60.56 60.74 -15.19 1.00 -4.00 3.99 0.22
span FG 60.56 60.74 -15.19 1.00 -4.00 3.99 0.22
span GH 60.56 60.74 -15.19 1.00 -4.00 3.99 0.22
span HI 60.56 60.74 -15.19 1.00 -4.00 3.99 0.22
span IJ 60.56 60.74 -15.19 1.00 -4.00 3.99 0.22
span JK 60.56 60.74 -15.19 1.00 -4.00 3.99 0.22
M.R. x x2 x2 x constant ▲
Top at A 23.92 70 -14.00 1.00 -5.00 1.71 4.26
at B 23.92 70 -14.00 1.00 -5.00 1.71 4.26
at C 8.80 70 -14.00 1.00 -5.00 0.63 4.74
at D 13.81 96.47 -14.21 1.00 -6.79 0.97 6.49
at E 4.14 79.89 -15.19 1.00 -5.26 0.27 5.16
at F 4.14 60.74 -15.19 1.00 -4.00 0.27 3.86
at G 4.14 60.74 -15.19 1.00 -4.00 0.27 3.86
at H 4.14 60.74 -15.19 1.00 -4.00 0.27 3.86
at I 4.14 60.74 -15.19 1.00 -4.00 0.27 3.86
at J 4.14 60.74 -15.19 1.00 -4.00 0.27 3.86

Check for Shear

At A, 0.1 l1 500 mm from A At B, 0.15 l1
M.R. 16.86 KNm ( remaining Positive Moment reinforcement ) M.R.
Shear Force 56.00 KN Shear Force
At A, 0.15 l1 750 mm from A At B, 0.15 l1
M.R. 34.41 KNm ( remaining Negative Moment reinforcement ) M.R.
Shear Force 49.00 KN Shear Force
Shear at d 59.39 KN Shear at d
Minimum Design Shear 79.18 KN Minimum Design Shear
At A, Vu 59.39 KN At B, Vu
also Vu 79.18 KN ( Negative Moment reinforcement ) also Vu
100 As / bd = 1.25 100 As / bd =
ß= 1.86 > 1 1.86 ß=
τc = 0.67 N/mm2 τc =
shear of concrete Vuc = 40.90 KN shear of concrete Vuc =
Vus = 18.48 KN Vus =
At A, Vu 49.00 KN 750 mm from A At B, Vu
also Vu 79.18 KN ( remaining Negative Moment reinforcement ) also Vu
100 As / bd = 0.74 100 As / bd =
ß= 3.12 > 1 3.12 ß=
τc = 0.56 N/mm2 τc =
shear of concrete Vuc = 33.91 KN shear of concrete Vuc =
Vus = 45.27 KN Vus =
At A, Vu 59.39 KN 500 mm from A At A, Vu
also Vu 79.18 KN ( remaining Positive Moment reinforcement ) also Vu
100 As / bd = 0.37 100 As / bd =
ß= 6.24 > 1 6.24 ß=
τc = 0.42 N/mm2 τc =
shear of concrete Vuc = 25.78 KN shear of concrete Vuc =
Vus = 53.40 KN Vus =
Final Vus 53.40 KN Final Vus
Shear Design is necessary Shear Design is necessary
use 6 mm Ø two-legged stirrups Asv 56.52 mm2 use
Sv 60.77 mm Design 250 Sv
The spacing should not exceed The spacing should not e
(I) 300 mm (I)
( ii ) 198 mm ( ii )
( iii ) 133.62 mm ( minimum ) ( iii )
( iv ) 60.77 mm ( Designed ) ( iv )
Provide 6 mm Ø two-legged stirrups 130.00 mm c/c Provide
Capacity of section 65.87 KN Revise Stir upto 0.15 Capacity of section

Bottom Bar M.R. of remaining bar 16.86 KNm

70.00 x -14 x2 =
x2 -5.00 x+ 1.20
theoretical cut off point x = 0.25 m and 4.75
curtail 2 12 Ø bar at

Top Bar M.R. of remaining bar

theoretical cut off point x =

M.R. of remaining bar

theoretical cut off point x =

Check for curtailment

Three checks are given in IS:456 out of which any one is to be satisfied.
Bottom Bar ( I ) Shear at cut off point -0.01 mm from A
79.18 KN 93.72 KN at
shear resistance of section = 65.87 KN
Not satisfied
( ii ) Moment at cut off Point -0.01 mm from A
-0.72 KNm
steel required for this moment = -9.72 mm2
Continuing bar area 226.08 mm2 satisfied
Moment at cut off Point 5.01 mm from B
-0.72 KNm
steel required for this moment = -9.72 mm2
( iii ) shear capacity of section is to be increased by minimum 21.12 KN
29.78264 Excess stirrup area required
Stirrups should be provided for 50.90 KN
use 8 mm Ø two-legged stirrups Asv 100.48 mm2
Sv 188.15 mm 415
Now resulting spacing shall not be exceed d/8ßb = 66 mm
ßb = 0.50
this spacing provided upto 698.00 mm from A
Check for development length
At A,Mu1 42.06 KNm
Vu 56 KN
Lo 12 Ø
Ld 47 Ø
Ø <= 27.90 mm O.K.
At point of contraflexure 70 x -14 x2 - -58.33
x2 -5 x 4.17 2.89
x= 1.06 m i.e. 3.94 m from B 3.94
Mu1 42.06 KNm
Vu 49.00 KN 56.00
Ø <= 31.89 mm O.K.
Ø <= 27.90 mm O.K.
Negative moment reinforcement curtailed
Anchorage required 564 1365 1814 O.K. O.K.
Check for Deflection
Basic S/d ratio = 26 Basic S/d ratio =
Pt 0.74
Fs 208.27
modification factor 1.226 <=2 1.23 modification factor
bw/bf 0.15
reduction factor 0.76 >=0.8 0.8 reduction factor
Pc 0.37
modification factor 1.11 <=1.5 1.11 modification factor
allowable S/d 28.32 allowable S/d
Actual S/d 18.94 O.K.

Check for Spacing of bar Layer 1 Check for Spacing of bar

Clear distance bet. Bars 40.67 mm 40.67 mm Clear distance bet. Bars
min. distance permitted 25 mm min. distance permitted
max. distance permitted 180 mm O.K. max. distance permitted
5000 mm Top Beam T-Beam
264 mm 303.12903 1 layer 12 mm dia
300 mm 416.66667 500
230 mm Bottom 1 layer 12 mm dia
115 mm U.D.L. 28 KN/m
1503.33 mm O.K.
2000 mm Column support width 230
30 mm
30 mm
58.33 KNm
70 KN 70 KN
Xu max 126.72 mm bf/bw 6.54 Xu max
Qlim 2.76 d 264.00 Qlim
Mu lim 44.24 KNm 44.24 Df/d 0.44 Mu lim
Mu / bd2 3.64 1.82 Yf 93.76 Mu / bd2
Section is Doubly Reinforced Mu,lim 275.45 KNm Section is Doubly Reinforced
Pt maximum 0.96 % 582.912 Section is Singly Reinforced Pt maximum
Pt minimum 0.205 % 124.48 Ast 391.25 mm2 Pt minimum
Pt required 1.437 % 0.57 Ast1 3694.46 mm2 Pt required
Ast 748.11 mm2 347.43 Ast2 -2991.72 mm2 Ast
d'/d 0.14 d' 36 d'/d 0.14 d' 36 d'/d
fsc 345.00 N/mm2 fsc 345.00 N/mm2 fsc
Ast1 581.37 mm2 581.37 Asc 0.00 mm2 Ast1
Asc 174.49 mm2 0.00 Asc
Ast2 166.74 mm2 0.00 Ast2
748.11 0.00
174.49 391.25
448.87 14 2 307.72 155.95
117.37 10 0 0
O.K. 12 2 226.08 12 2 226.08 O.K.
12 2 226.08 O.K. 12 0 0
8 0 0 12 0 0
O.K. 4 759.88 O.K. 2 226.08 O.K.
12 2 226.08 12 2 226.08
8 0 0 12 2 226.08
O.K. 2 226.08 O.K. 4 452.16 O.K.

Xu 126.72 O.K. Ftc 1244.76 Xu

Mu 62.01 O.K. Fts 163.3 Mu
Xu 15.082443 O.K.
163252.37 77997.6 1656 1703.72 849020.467 163252.37
Xu -204.11 -87.48
1656 1306185 163252.368
Xu -690.18 -295.79
Mu 42.064482
Mu 3.06 Yf 44.13
Mu -363.31 O.K.

70 96.47

0.379 0.379

-ve steel remaining -ve steel 59.39

70 100 As /
τc = concrete Vuc = Vus req. 0.15 l Top - V bd ß= τc = crete Vuc =
0.67 40.90 18.48 750.00 49.00 0.74 3.12 0.56 33.91
0.67 40.90 18.48 750.00 49.00 0.74 3.12 0.56 33.91
0.67 40.90 18.48 750.00 49.00 0.74 3.12 0.56 33.91
0.71 41.06 18.33 750.00 49.00 0.88 2.64 0.59 36.07
0.71 41.06 43.12 750.00 75.15 0.88 2.64 0.59 36.07
0.57 34.78 13.14 750.00 38.89 0.54 4.32 0.49 29.91
0.57 34.78 34.34 600.00 62.83 0.54 4.32 0.49 29.91
0.44 41.73 8.23 600.00 43.68 0.50 4.63 0.48 29.09
0.44 41.73 1.12 600.00 42.52 0.32 7.26 0.40 37.96
0.44 41.73 1.12 600.00 42.52 0.32 7.26 0.40 37.96
0.44 41.73 1.12 600.00 42.52 0.32 7.26 0.40 37.96
0.44 41.73 1.12 600.00 42.52 0.32 7.26 0.40 37.96
0.44 41.73 1.12 600.00 42.52 0.32 7.26 0.40 37.96
0.44 41.73 1.12 600.00 42.52 0.32 7.26 0.40 37.96
0.44 41.73 1.12 600.00 42.52 0.32 7.26 0.40 37.96
0.44 41.73 1.12 600.00 42.52 0.32 7.26 0.40 37.96
0.44 41.73 1.12 600.00 42.52 0.32 7.26 0.40 37.96
0.44 41.73 1.12 600.00 42.52 0.32 7.26 0.40 37.96
0.44 41.73 1.12 600.00 42.52 0.32 7.26 0.40 37.96
0.44 41.73 1.12 600.00 42.52 0.32 7.26 0.40 37.96
x= x= d eff from A from B M from A Ast
1.56 3.44 264.00 1298.14 3701.86 1298.14 79.07 1060.58 Not O.K.
1.56 3.44 264.00 1298.14 3701.86 1298.14 79.07 1060.58 Not O.K.
0.75 6.14 264.00 485.45 6405.27 -1405.27 45.18 606.00 Not O.K.
0.72 4.90 264.00 459.59 5160.77 -1160.77 35.22 472.33 Not O.K.
1.89 2.11 414.00 1476.05 2523.95 1476.05 73.11 572.04 Not O.K.
1.89 2.11 414.00 1476.05 2523.95 1476.05 73.11 572.04 Not O.K.
1.89 2.11 414.00 1476.05 2523.95 1476.05 73.11 572.04 Not O.K.
1.89 2.11 414.00 1476.05 2523.95 1476.05 73.11 572.04 Not O.K.
1.89 2.11 414.00 1476.05 2523.95 1476.05 73.11 572.04 Not O.K.
1.89 2.11 414.00 1476.05 2523.95 1476.05 73.11 572.04 Not O.K.
x= x= d eff from A from B M.R. constant ▲ x=
0.37 4.63 264.00 264 632.94 41.13 2.94 3.64 0.68
0.37 4.63 264.00 264 632.94 41.13 2.94 3.64 0.68
0.13 4.87 252.00 252 381.10 31.16 2.23 4.01 0.49
0.15 6.64 264.00 264 -2376.50 21.46 1.51 6.33 0.23
0.05 5.21 414.00 414 -794.76 13.51 0.89 4.91 0.17
0.07 3.93 414.00 414 483.38 13.51 0.89 3.53 0.24
0.07 3.93 414.00 414 483.38 13.51 0.89 3.53 0.24
0.07 3.93 414.00 414 483.38 13.51 0.89 3.53 0.24
0.07 3.93 414.00 414 483.38 13.51 0.89 3.53 0.24
0.07 3.93 414.00 414 483.38 13.51 0.89 3.53 0.24

750 mm from B At A, 0.1 l1

16.86 KNm ( remaining Positive Moment reinforcement ) M.R.
49.00 KN Shear Force
-186.91 mm from B At A, 0.15 l1
34.41 KNm ( remaining Negative Moment reinforcement ) M.R.
75.23 KN Shear Force
59.39 KN Shear at d
79.18 KN Minimum Design Shear
59.39 KN At A, Vu
79.18 KN ( Negative Moment reinforcement ) also Vu
1.25 100 As / bd =
1.86 > 1 1.86 ß=
0.67 N/mm2 τc =
40.90 KN shear of concrete Vuc =
18.48 KN Vus =
75.23 KN -186.91 mm from A At A, Vu
79.18 KN ( remaining Negative Moment reinforcement ) also Vu
0.74 100 As / bd =
3.12 > 1 3.12 ß=
0.56 N/mm2 τc =
33.91 KN shear of concrete Vuc =
45.27 KN Vus =
59.39 KN 750 mm from A At A, Vu
79.18 KN ( remaining Positive Moment reinforcement ) also Vu
0.37 100 As / bd =
6.24 > 1 6.24 ß=
0.42 N/mm2 τc =
25.78 KN shear of concrete Vuc =
53.40 KN Vus =
53.40 KN Final Vus
Shear Design is necessary Shear Design is necessary
6 mm Ø two-legged stirrups Asv 56.52 mm2 use
60.77 mm Design 250 Sv
The spacing should not exceed The spacing should not excee
300 mm (I)
198 mm ( ii )
133.62 mm ( minimum ) ( iii )
60.77 mm ( Designed ) ( iv )
6 mm Ø two-legged stirrups 130 mm c/c Provide
50.75 KN Revise Stir From B upto -10.33341 mm Capacity of section

= 0 4.49
-10.33 mm from A and
5010.3334 mm from A
-10.33341 mm from B

M.R. of remaining bar 34.41 KNm

70.00 x -14 x2 = -34.41
x2 -5.00 x+ -2.46 = 0 5.90
retical cut off point x = 5.45 m from A , i.e., -0.45 m from B
curtail 0 10 Ø bar at -186.91 mm from B
2 14
M.R. of remaining bar 17.20 KNm
70.00 x -14 x2 = -17.20
x2 -5.00 x+ -1.23 = 0 5.47
retical cut off point x = 5.23 m from A , i.e., -0.23 m from B
curtail 2 12 Ø bar at 29.24 mm from B
0 8

-0.010 m from B

Top Bar
Moment at cut off Point 5.19 m from A
-13.57 KNm
Moment capacity required at actual cut off point = -27.15 KNm
At A,Mu1 42.06 KNm At A,Mu1
Vu 49 KN Vu
Lo 12 Ø Lo
Ld 47 Ø Ld
Ø <= 31.89 mm O.K.
70 x -14 x2 - -58.33 96.47
x2 -5 x 4.1664286 2.89 x2
1.06 m i.e. 3.94 m from B 3.94 0.67
42.06 KNm 41.30
49.00 KN 49.00 38.89
Ø <= 31.89 mm O.K. Ø <=
Ø <= 31.89 mm O.K. Ø <=
Negative moment reinforcement curtailed Curtailed Negative moment reinforcement
Anchorage required 658 1365 1814 O.K. O.K. Anchorage required
Check for Deflection Check for Deflection
Basic S/d ratio = 26 Basic S/d ratio =
Pt 0.74 Pt
Fs 208.27 Fs
modification factor 1.226 <=2 1.23 modification factor
bw/bf 0.15 bw/bf
reduction factor 0.76 >=0.8 0.8 reduction factor
Pc 0.37 Pc
modification factor 1.11 <=1.5 1.11 modification factor
allowable S/d 28.32 allowable S/d
Actual S/d 18.94 O.K. Actual S/d

heck for Spacing of bar Layer 1 Check for Spacing of bar

Clear distance bet. Bars 40.67 mm 40.67 mm Clear distance bet. Bars
min. distance permitted 25 mm min. distance permitted
ax. distance permitted 180 mm O.K. max. distance permitted
5000 mm Top Beam L-Beam 4000 mm
252 mm 303.12903 2 layer 12 mm dia 264 mm
300 mm 416.66667 500 300 mm
230 mm Bottom 1 layer 12 mm dia 230 mm
115 mm U.D.L. 28.42875 KN/m 115 mm
866.67 mm O.K. 808.33 mm
1500 mm Column support width 350 1500 mm
30 mm 30 mm
30 mm 30 mm
20 20
415 415
58.33 KNm 36.83 KNm
70 KN 96.47 KN 60.21 KN
120.96 mm bf/bw 3.77 Xu max 126.72 mm
2.76 d 264.00 Qlim 2.76
40.31 KNm 44.24 Df/d 0.44 Mu lim 44.24 KNm
3.99 1.82 Yf 92.89 Mu / bd2 2.30
Section is Doubly Reinforced Mu,lim 157.48 KNm Section is Singly Reinforced
0.96 % 556.416 Section is Singly Reinforced Pt maximum 0.96 %
0.205 % 118.82 Ast 391.93 mm2 Pt minimum 0.205 %
1.722 % 0.57 Ast1 2112.16 mm2 Pt required 0.755 %
779.74 mm2 348.14 Ast2 -1558.01 mm2 Ast 458.39 mm2
0.14 d' 36 d'/d 0.14 d' 36 d'/d 0.14 d'
345.00 N/mm2 fsc 345.00 N/mm2 fsc 345.00 N/mm2
554.94 mm2 574.77 Asc 0.00 mm2 Ast1 581.37 mm2
235.25 mm2 0.00 Asc 0.00 mm2
224.79 mm2 0.00 Ast2 0.00 mm2
779.74 0.00 458.39
235.25 391.93 0.00
467.84 14 2 307.72 155.95 275.04 10
117.37 8 0 0 117.58 8
12 2 226.08 12 2 226.08 O.K. 12 2
14 2 307.72 O.K. 12 0 0 8 2
10 0 0 12 0 0 10 0
4 841.52 O.K. 2 226.08 O.K. 4
12 2 226.08 12 2 226.08 12 2
10 1 78.5 12 2 226.08 12 0
3 304.58 O.K. 4 452.16 O.K. 2
O.K. O.K.

120.96 O.K. Ftc 717.6 Xu 105.43 O.K.

63.00 O.K. Fts 163.3 Mu 38.36 O.K.
Xu 26.162238 O.K.
77997.6 1656 851.86 424510.23 163252.37 77997.6
Xu -104.18 -44.65
1656 653092.67 163252.37
Xu -295.80 -126.77
Mu 41.304785
Mu 21.60 Yf 59.12
Mu -63.15 O.K.

84.18 69.12

0.439 0.379

remaining +ve steel 47.92

70 100 As / 60.21
Vus req. bd ß= τc = crete Vuc = Vus req. Vus final
45.27 0.37 6.24 0.42 25.78 53.40 53.40 Shear reinforcement Design necessary
10.96 0.37 6.24 0.42 25.78 19.09 19.09 Shear reinforcement Design necessary
45.27 0.37 6.24 0.42 25.78 53.40 53.40 Shear reinforcement Design necessary
8.80 0.37 6.24 0.42 25.78 19.09 19.09 Shear reinforcement Design necessary
76.16 0.37 6.24 0.42 25.78 86.46 86.46 Shear reinforcement Design necessary
103.64 0.37 6.24 0.42 25.78 107.77 107.77 Shear reinforcement Design necessary
62.25 0.37 6.24 0.42 25.78 66.37 66.37 Shear reinforcement Design necessary
95.90 0.26 8.98 0.36 22.13 102.86 102.86 Shear reinforcement Design necessary
19.18 0.16 14.08 0.30 28.55 28.59 28.59 Shear reinforcement Design necessary
-16.74 0.16 14.08 0.30 28.55 -7.33 1.12 minimum shear reinforcement sufficient
19.18 0.16 14.08 0.30 28.55 28.59 28.59 Shear reinforcement Design necessary
-16.74 0.16 14.08 0.30 28.55 -7.33 1.12 minimum shear reinforcement sufficient
19.18 0.16 14.08 0.30 28.55 28.59 28.59 Shear reinforcement Design necessary
-16.74 0.16 14.08 0.30 28.55 -7.33 1.12 minimum shear reinforcement sufficient
19.18 0.16 14.08 0.30 28.55 28.59 28.59 Shear reinforcement Design necessary
-16.74 0.16 14.08 0.30 28.55 -7.33 1.12 minimum shear reinforcement sufficient
19.18 0.16 14.08 0.30 28.55 28.59 28.59 Shear reinforcement Design necessary
-16.74 0.16 14.08 0.30 28.55 -7.33 1.12 minimum shear reinforcement sufficient
19.18 0.16 14.08 0.30 28.55 28.59 28.59 Shear reinforcement Design necessary
-16.74 0.16 14.08 0.30 28.55 -7.33 1.12 minimum shear reinforcement sufficient
M from A Ast curtailment check
163.20 2188.99 Not O.K.
163.20 2188.99 Not O.K.
330.72 4435.86 Not O.K.
223.00 2991.07 Not O.K.
104.94 821.04 Not O.K.
104.94 821.04 Not O.K.
104.94 821.04 Not O.K.
104.94 821.04 Not O.K.
104.94 821.04 Not O.K.
104.94 821.04 Not O.K.
x= from A from B
4.32 415.97309 943.97
4.32 415.97309 943.97
4.51 252 745.89
6.56 264 -2292.58
5.09 414 -672.20
3.76 414 650.38
3.76 414 650.38
3.76 414 650.38
3.76 414 650.38
3.76 414 650.38

500 mm from A At B, 0.15 l1 750 mm from B

16.86 KNm ( remaining Positive Moment reinforcement ) M.R. 16.86 KNm ( remaining Positive Moment
56.00 KN Shear Force 39.21 KN
750 mm from A At A, 0.15 l1 750 mm from B
38.78 KNm ( remaining Negative Moment reinforcement ) M.R. 24.85 KNm ( remaining Negative Momen
49.00 KN Shear Force 39.21 KN
57.71 KN Shear at d 47.92 KN
76.94 KN Minimum Design Shear 63.89 KN
57.71 KN At A, Vu 47.92 KN
76.94 KN ( Negative Moment reinforcement ) also Vu 63.89 KN ( Negative Moment reinforceme
1.45 100 As / bd = 0.80
1.60 > 1 1.60 ß= 2.92 > 1 2.92
0.71 N/mm2 τc = 0.57 N/mm2
41.06 KN shear of concrete Vuc = 34.78 KN
16.65 KN Vus = 13.14 KN
49.00 KN 750 mm from A At A, Vu 39.21 KN 750
76.94 KN ( remaining Negative Moment reinforcement also Vu 63.89 KN ( remaining Negative M
0.88 100 As / bd = 0.54
2.64 > 1 2.64 ß= 4.32 > 1 4.32
0.59 N/mm2 τc = 0.49 N/mm2
36.07 KN shear of concrete Vuc = 29.91 KN
40.87 KN Vus = 33.99 KN
57.71 KN 500 mm from A At A, Vu 47.92 KN 750
76.94 KN ( remaining Positive Moment reinforcement ) also Vu 63.89 KN ( remaining Positive Mo
0.37 100 As / bd = 0.37
6.24 > 1 6.24 ß= 6.24 > 1 6.24
0.42 N/mm2 τc = 0.42 N/mm2
25.78 KN shear of concrete Vuc = 25.78 KN
51.16 KN Vus = 38.11 KN
51.16 KN Final Vus 38.11 KN
Shear Design is necessary Shear Design is necessary
8 mm Ø two-legged stirrups Asv 100.48 mm2 use 8 mm Ø two-legged stirrups Asv
187.20 mm Design 415 Sv 251.31 mm Design
The spacing should not exceed The spacing should not exceed
300 mm (I) 300 mm
198 mm ( ii ) 198 mm
394.33 mm ( minimum ) ( iii ) 394.33 mm ( minimum )
187.20 mm ( Designed ) ( iv ) 251.31 mm ( Designed )
8 mm Ø two-legged stirrups 200 mm c/c Provide 8 mm Ø two-legged stirrups
73.67 KN Revise Stirrups Spacing Capacity of section 73.67 KN O.K.
41.30 KNm At A,Mu1 21.93 KNm
75.15 KN Vu 62.83 KN
12 Ø Lo 12 Ø
47 Ø Ld 47 Ø
Ø <= 20.42 mm O.K. Ø <= 12.96
x -14 x2 - -58.33 79.89 x -14.21438
-6.890714 x 4.1664286 5.55 x2 -5.620367 x
m i.e. 4.33 m from B 6.22 0.51 m i.e. 3.49
KNm 21.93 KNm
KN 75.15 43.68 KN
39.45 mm O.K. Ø <= 18.64 mm
20.42 mm O.K. Ø <= 12.96 mm
ment reinforcement curtailed Curtailed Negative moment reinforcement
Anchorage required 470 1425 1908 O.K. O.K. Anchorage required 470
Check for Deflection Check for Deflection
26 Basic S/d ratio = 26
0.74 Pt 0.39
208.64 Fs 277.60
1.224 <=2 1.22 modification factor 1.160 <=2
0.27 bw/bf 0.28
0.79 >=0.8 0.8 reduction factor 0.80 >=0.8
0.37 Pc 0.37
1.11 <=1.5 1.11 modification factor 1.11 <=1.5
28.28 allowable S/d 26.80
18.94 O.K. Actual S/d 15.15 O.K.

Layer 1 Check for Spacing of bar Layer

40.67 mm 39.33 mm Clear distance bet. Bars 70.00 mm
25 mm min. distance permitted 25 mm
180 mm O.K. max. distance permitted 180 mm
Top Beam L-Beam 4000 mm Top
240.86983 1 layer 12 mm dia 414 mm 252.55469 1
333.33333 400 450 mm 333.33333 400
Bottom 1 layer 12 mm dia 230 mm Bottom 1
U.D.L. 28.42875 KN/m 120 mm
O.K. 823.33 mm O.K.
Column support width 230 3000 mm Column support width
30 mm
30 mm
40.49 KNm
79.89 KN 60.74 KN 60.74 KN
bf/bw 3.51 Xu max 198.72 mm bf/bw
d 264.00 Qlim 2.76 d
44.24 Df/d 0.44 Mu lim 108.80 KNm 108.80 Df/d
1.26 Yf 93.76 Mu / bd2 1.03 0.51 Yf
Mu,lim 149.25 KNm Section is Singly Reinforced Mu,lim
582.912 Section is Singly Reinforced Pt maximum 0.96 % 914.112 Section is Singly Reinfor
124.48 Ast 271.60 mm2 Pt minimum 0.205 % 195.20 Ast
0.38 Ast1 2001.79 mm2 Pt required 0.304 % 0.15 Ast1
230.75 Ast2 -1567.03 mm2 Ast 289.25 mm2 195.20 Ast2
36 d'/d 0.14 d' 36 d'/d 0.08 d' 35 d'/d
fsc 345.00 N/mm2 fsc 345.00 N/mm2 fsc
581.37 Asc 0.00 mm2 Ast1 911.69 mm2 911.69 Asc
0.00 Asc 0.00 mm2 0.00
0.00 Ast2 0.00 mm2 0.00
0.00 289.25
271.60 0.00
2 157 91.68 173.55 10 1 78.5
0 0 81.48 10 0 0
226.08 12 2 226.08 O.K. 12 2 226.08
100.48 O.K. 12 0 0 10 1 78.5 O.K.
0 12 0 0 10 0 0
483.56 O.K. 2 226.08 O.K. 3 383.08 O.K.
226.08 10 2 157 10 2 157
0 10 1 78.5 10 0 0
226.08 O.K. 3 235.5 Revised 2 157 O.K.

Ftc 669.3 Xu 83.52 O.K. Ftc

Fts 85.0 Mu 52.41 O.K. Fts
Xu 14.609497 O.K. Xu
1656 773.81 385615.32 85027.275 77997.6
Xu -123.71 -53.02 Xu
1656 593254.33 85027.275
Xu -306.90 -131.53 Xu
Mu 21.925474 Mu
Mu 3.66 Yf 56.19 Mu
Mu -77.17 O.K. Mu



Use dia Fy Asv Sv spacing should not exceed c/c provideshear capacity
Design necessary 6 250 56.52 60.77 300 198 133.62 130 50.75
Design necessary 6 250 56.52 170.02 300 198 133.62 130 50.75
Design necessary 6 250 56.52 60.77 300 198 133.62 130 50.75
Design necessary 6 250 56.52 170.02 300 198 133.62 130 50.75
Design necessary 6 250 56.52 37.54 300 198 133.62 130 50.75
Design necessary 6 250 56.52 30.12 300 198 133.62 130 50.75
Design necessary 6 250 56.52 48.90 300 198 133.62 100 58.23
Design necessary 6 250 56.52 31.55 300 198 133.62 100 54.58
Design necessary 6 250 56.52 178.01 300 310.5 133.62 130 67.69
rcement sufficient 6 250 56.52 4551.98 300 310.5 133.62 130 67.69
Design necessary 6 250 56.52 178.01 300 310.5 133.62 130 67.69
rcement sufficient 6 250 56.52 4551.98 300 310.5 133.62 130 67.69
Design necessary 6 250 56.52 178.01 300 310.5 133.62 130 67.69
rcement sufficient 6 250 56.52 4551.98 300 310.5 133.62 130 67.69
Design necessary 6 250 56.52 178.01 300 310.5 133.62 130 67.69
rcement sufficient 6 250 56.52 4551.98 300 310.5 133.62 130 67.69
Design necessary 6 250 56.52 178.01 300 310.5 133.62 130 67.69
rcement sufficient 6 250 56.52 4551.98 300 310.5 133.62 130 67.69
Design necessary 6 250 56.52 178.01 300 310.5 133.62 130 67.69
rcement sufficient 6 250 56.52 4551.98 300 310.5 133.62 130 67.69
At A, 0.1 l1 500 mm from A
aining Positive Moment reinforcement ) M.R. 20.07 KNm ( remaining Positive Moment reinforcem
Shear Force 45.56 KN
At A, 0.15 l1 600 mm from A
aining Negative Moment reinforcement ) M.R. 36.35 KNm ( remaining Negative Moment reinforcem
Shear Force 42.52 KN
Shear at d 42.85 KN
Minimum Design Shear 57.14 KN
At A, Vu 42.85 KN
tive Moment reinforcement ) also Vu 57.14 KN ( Negative Moment reinforcement )
100 As / bd = 0.40
ß= 5.77 > 1 5.77
τc = 0.44 N/mm2
shear of concrete Vuc = 41.73 KN
Vus = 1.12 KN
mm from A At A, Vu 42.52 KN 600 mm from A
( remaining Negative Moment reinforcement ) also Vu 57.14 KN ( remaining Negative Moment rein
100 As / bd = 0.32
ß= 7.26 > 1 7.26
τc = 0.40 N/mm2
shear of concrete Vuc = 37.96 KN
Vus = 19.18 KN
mm from A At A, Vu 42.85 KN 500 mm from A
( remaining Positive Moment reinforcement ) also Vu 57.14 KN ( remaining Positive Moment reinfo
100 As / bd = 0.16
ß= 14.08 > 1 14.08
τc = 0.30 N/mm2
shear of concrete Vuc = 28.55 KN
Vus = 28.59 KN
Final Vus 28.59 KN
Shear Design is necessary
-legged stirrups Asv 100.48 mm2 use 8 mm Ø two-legged stirrups Asv
415 Sv 525.33 mm Design
The spacing should not exceed
(I) 300 mm
( ii ) 310.5 mm
( iii ) 394.33 mm ( minimum )
( iv ) 525.33 mm ( Designed )
-legged stirrups 200 mm c/c Provide 8 mm Ø two-legged stirrups
Capacity of section 103.64 KN O.K.
At A,Mu1 34.69 KNm
Vu 42.52 KN
Lo 12 Ø
Ld 47 Ø
mm O.K. Ø <= 30.30 mm O.K.
x2 - -36.83 60.74 x -15.185 x2 - -40.49
2.591039 4.61 x2 -4 x 2.6664472 2.31
m from B 5.11 0.85 m i.e. 3.15 m from B 3.15
34.69 KNm
62.83 42.52 KN 42.52
O.K. Ø <= 30.30 mm O.K.
O.K. Ø <= 30.30 mm O.K.
curtailed Curtailed Negative moment reinforcement curtailed Curtailed
1115 1470 O.K. O.K. Anchorage required 470 1175 1470
Check for Deflection
Basic S/d ratio = 26
Pt 0.25
Fs 199.51
1.16 modification factor 2.048 <=2 2.00
bw/bf 0.28
0.8 reduction factor 0.79 >=0.8 0.8
Pc 0.24
1.11 modification factor 1.07 <=1.5 1.07
allowable S/d 44.65
Actual S/d 9.66 O.K.

1 Check for Spacing of bar Layer 1

43.33 mm Clear distance bet. Bars 70.00 mm 68.00 mm
min. distance permitted 25 mm
O.K. max. distance permitted 180 mm O.K.
Beam L-Beam 4000 mm Top Beam L-Beam
layer 12 mm dia 414 mm 252.55469 1 layer 12
450 mm 333.33333 400
layer 12 mm dia 230 mm Bottom 1 layer 12
U.D.L. 30.37 KN/m 120 mm U.D.L. 30.37
823.33 mm O.K.
Column support width 350 3000 mm Column support width 350
30 mm
30 mm
40.49 KNm
20.25 20.25
60.74 KN 60.74 KN
3.58 Xu max 198.72 mm bf/bw 3.58
414.00 Qlim 2.76 d 414.00
0.29 Mu lim 108.80 KNm 108.80 Df/d 0.29
107.81 Mu / bd2 1.03 0.51 Yf 107.81
314.24 KNm Section is Singly Reinforced Mu,lim 314.24 KNm
Section is Singly Reinforced Pt maximum 0.96 % 914.112 Section is Singly Reinforced
158.44 mm2 Pt minimum 0.205 % 195.20 Ast 158.44 mm2
2458.59 mm2 Pt required 0.304 % 0.15 Ast1 2458.59 mm2
-2154.11 mm2 Ast 289.25 mm2 195.20 Ast2 -2154.11 mm2
0.09 d' 36 d'/d 0.08 d' 35 d'/d 0.09 d'
345.00 N/mm2 fsc 345.00 N/mm2 fsc 345.00 N/mm2
0.00 mm2 Ast1 911.69 mm2 911.69 Asc 0.00 mm2
Asc 0.00 mm2 0.00
Ast2 0.00 mm2 0.00
0.00 289.25 0.00
195.20 0.00 195.20
57.85 173.55 10 1 78.5 57.85
58.56 10 0 0
12 2 226.08 O.K. 12 2 226.08 12 2
12 0 0 10 1 78.5 O.K. 12 0
12 0 0 10 0 0 12 0
2 226.08 O.K. 3 383.08 O.K. 2
10 2 157 10 2 157 10 2
10 1 78.5 10 0 0 10 1
3 235.5 O.K. 2 157 O.K. 3

711.36 Xu 83.52 O.K. Ftc 711.36

85.0 Mu 52.41 O.K. Fts 85.0
14.343332 O.K. Xu 14.343332 O.K.
1656 793.88 412817.6 85027.275 77997.6 1656 793.88
-133.80 -57.34 Xu -133.80 -57.34
1656 635104 85027.275 1656 635104
-332.17 -142.36 Xu -332.17 -142.36
34.689071 Mu 34.689071
13.87 Yf 57.93 Mu 13.87 Yf
-79.65 O.K. Mu -79.65 O.K.



Curtailment check 60.74
shear capacity shear at cut off max shear stress
Revise Stir Not satisfieNot satisfie 2.8 O.K.
O.K. Not satisfieNot satisfie 2.8 O.K.
Revise Stir Not satisfieNot satisfie 2.8 O.K.
O.K. Not satisfieNot satisfie 2.8 O.K.
Revise Stir Not satisfieNot satisfie 2.8 O.K.
Revise Stir Not satisfieNot satisfie 2.8 O.K.
Revise Stir Not satisfieNot satisfie 2.8 O.K.
Revise Stir Not satisfieNot satisfie 2.8 O.K.
O.K. Not satisfieNot satisfie 2.8 O.K.
O.K. satisfied satisfied 2.8 O.K.
O.K. Not satisfieNot satisfie 2.8 O.K.
O.K. satisfied satisfied 2.8 O.K.
O.K. Not satisfieNot satisfie 2.8 O.K.
O.K. satisfied satisfied 2.8 O.K.
O.K. Not satisfieNot satisfie 2.8 O.K.
O.K. satisfied satisfied 2.8 O.K.
O.K. Not satisfieNot satisfie 2.8 O.K.
O.K. satisfied satisfied 2.8 O.K.
O.K. Not satisfieNot satisfie 2.8 O.K.
O.K. satisfied satisfied 2.8 O.K.
At B, 0.15 l1 750 mm from B
tive Moment reinforcement ) M.R. 20.07 KNm ( remaining Positive Moment reinforcement )
Shear Force 37.96 KN
At A, 0.15 l1 600 mm from B
tive Moment reinforcement ) M.R. 36.35 KNm ( remaining Negative Moment reinforcement )
Shear Force 42.52 KN
Shear at d 42.85 KN
Minimum Design Shear 57.14 KN Minimum De
At A, Vu 42.85 KN
t reinforcement ) also Vu 57.14 KN ( Negative Moment reinforcement )
100 As / bd = 0.40
ß= 5.77 > 1 5.77
τc = 0.44 N/mm2
shear of concrete Vuc = 41.73 KN shear of conc
Vus = 1.12 KN
mm from A At A, Vu 42.52 KN 600 mm from A
g Negative Moment reinforcement also Vu 57.14 KN ( remaining Negative Moment reinforcement )
100 As / bd = 0.32
ß= 7.26 > 1 7.26
τc = 0.40 N/mm2
shear of concrete Vuc = 37.96 KN shear of conc
Vus = 19.18 KN
mm from A At A, Vu 42.85 KN 750 mm from A
g Positive Moment reinforcement ) also Vu 57.14 KN ( remaining Positive Moment reinforcement )
100 As / bd = 0.16
ß= 14.08 > 1 14.08
τc = 0.30 N/mm2
shear of concrete Vuc = 28.55 KN shear of conc
Vus = 28.59 KN
Final Vus 28.59 KN
Shear Design is necessary
100.48 mm2 use 8 mm Ø two-legged stirrups Asv 100.48 mm2
415 Sv 525.33 mm Design 415
The spacing should not exceed
(I) 300 mm
( ii ) 310.5 mm
( iii ) 394.33 mm ( minimum )
( iv ) 525.33 mm ( Designed )
200 mm c/c Provide 8 mm Ø two-legged stirrups 200 mm c/c
Capacity of section 103.64 KN O.K.
At A,Mu1 34.69 KNm
Vu 42.52 KN
Lo 12 Ø
Ld 47 Ø
Ø <= 30.30 mm O.K.
60.74 x -15.185 x2 - -40.49
x2 -4 x 2.6664472 2.31
0.85 m i.e. 3.15 m from B 3.15
34.69 KNm
42.52 KN 42.52
Ø <= 30.30 mm O.K.
Ø <= 30.30 mm O.K.
Negative moment reinforcement curtailed Curtailed
O.K. O.K. Anchorage required 470 1175 1470 O.K. O.K.
Check for Deflection
Basic S/d ratio = 26
Pt 0.25
Fs 199.51
modification factor 2.048 <=2 2.00
bw/bf 0.28
reduction factor 0.79 >=0.8 0.8
Pc 0.24
modification factor 1.07 <=1.5 1.07
allowable S/d 44.65
Actual S/d 9.66 O.K.

Check for Spacing of bar Layer 1 Check for Spac

Clear distance bet. Bars 70.00 mm 68.00 mm Clear distance
min. distance permitted 25 mm min. distance
max. distance permitted 180 mm O.K. max. distance
4000 mm Top Beam L-Beam
mm dia 414 mm 252.55469 1 layer 12 mm dia
450 mm 333.33333 400
mm dia 230 mm Bottom 1 layer 12 mm dia
KN/m 120 mm U.D.L. 30.37 KN/m
823.33 mm O.K.
3000 mm Column support width 350
30 mm
30 mm
40.49 KNm
60.74 KN 60.74 KN
Xu max 198.72 mm bf/bw 3.58 Xu max
Qlim 2.76 d 414.00 Qlim
Mu lim 108.80 KNm 108.80 Df/d 0.29 Mu lim
Mu / bd2 1.03 0.51 Yf 107.81 Mu / bd2
Section is Singly Reinforced Mu,lim 314.24 KNm Section is Singly Reinfor
Pt maximum 0.96 % 914.112 Section is Singly Reinforced Pt maximum
Pt minimum 0.205 % 195.20 Ast 158.44 mm2 Pt minimum
Pt required 0.304 % 0.15 Ast1 2458.59 mm2 Pt required
Ast 289.25 mm2 195.20 Ast2 -2154.11 mm2 Ast
36 d'/d 0.08 d' 35 d'/d 0.09 d' 36 d'/d
fsc 345.00 N/mm2 fsc 345.00 N/mm2 fsc
Ast1 911.69 mm2 911.69 Asc 0.00 mm2 Ast1
Asc 0.00 mm2 0.00 Asc
Ast2 0.00 mm2 0.00 Ast2
289.25 0.00
0.00 195.20
173.55 10 1 78.5 57.85
58.56 10 0 0
226.08 O.K. 12 2 226.08 12 2 226.08 O.K.
0 10 1 78.5 O.K. 12 0 0
0 10 0 0 12 0 0
226.08 O.K. 3 383.08 O.K. 2 226.08 O.K.
157 10 2 157 10 2 157
78.5 10 0 0 10 1 78.5
235.5 O.K. 2 157 O.K. 3 235.5 O.K.

Xu 83.52 O.K. Ftc 711.36 Xu

Mu 52.41 O.K. Fts 85.0 Mu
Xu 14.343332 O.K.
412817.6 85027.275 77997.6 1656 793.88 412817.6 85027.275
Xu -133.80 -57.34
85027.275 1656 635104 85027.275
Xu -332.17 -142.36
Mu 34.689071
57.93 Mu 13.87 Yf 57.93
Mu -79.65 O.K.

60.74 60.74

0.589 0.589

42.85 42.85
At A, 0.1 l1 500 mm from A At B, 0.15 l1 750
M.R. 20.07 KNm ( remaining Positive Moment reinforcement ) M.R. 20.07
Shear Force 45.56 KN Shear Force 37.96
At A, 0.15 l1 600 mm from A At A, 0.15 l1 600
M.R. 36.35 KNm ( remaining Negative Moment reinforcement ) M.R. 36.35
Shear Force 42.52 KN Shear Force 42.52
Shear at d 42.85 KN Shear at d 42.85
Minimum Design Shear 57.14 KN Minimum Design Shear 57.14
At A, Vu 42.85 KN At A, Vu 42.85
also Vu 57.14 KN ( Negative Moment reinforcement ) also Vu 57.14
100 As / bd = 0.40 100 As / bd = 0.40
ß= 5.77 > 1 5.77 ß= 5.77
τc = 0.44 N/mm2 τc = 0.44
shear of concrete Vuc = 41.73 KN shear of concrete Vuc = 41.73
Vus = 1.12 KN Vus = 1.12
At A, Vu 42.52 KN 600 mm from A At A, Vu 42.52
also Vu 57.14 KN ( remaining Negative Moment reinforcement also Vu 57.14
100 As / bd = 0.32 100 As / bd = 0.32
ß= 7.26 > 1 7.26 ß= 7.26
τc = 0.40 N/mm2 τc = 0.40
shear of concrete Vuc = 37.96 KN shear of concrete Vuc = 37.96
Vus = 19.18 KN Vus = 19.18
At A, Vu 42.85 KN 500 mm from A At A, Vu 42.85
also Vu 57.14 KN ( remaining Positive Moment reinforcement ) also Vu 57.14
100 As / bd = 0.16 100 As / bd = 0.16
ß= 14.08 > 1 14.08 ß= 14.08
τc = 0.30 N/mm2 τc = 0.30
shear of concrete Vuc = 28.55 KN shear of concrete Vuc = 28.55
Vus = 28.59 KN Vus = 28.59
Final Vus 28.59 KN Final Vus 28.59
Shear Design is necessary Shear Design is necessary
use 8 mm Ø two-legged stirrups Asv 100.48 mm2 use 8
Sv 525.33 mm Design 415 Sv 525.33
The spacing should not exceed The spacing should not exceed
(I) 300 mm (I) 300
( ii ) 310.5 mm ( ii ) 310.5
( iii ) 394.33 mm ( minimum ) ( iii ) 394.33
( iv ) 525.33 mm ( Designed ) ( iv ) 525.33
Provide 8 mm Ø two-legged stirrups 200 mm c/c Provide 8
Capacity of section 103.64 KN O.K. Capacity of section 103.64
At A,Mu1 34.69 KNm At A,Mu1
Vu 42.52 KN Vu
Lo 12 Ø Lo
Ld 47 Ø Ld
Ø <= 30.30 mm O.K.
60.74 x -15.185 x2 - -40.49 60.74
x2 -4 x 2.6664472 2.31 x2
0.85 m i.e. 3.15 m from B 3.15 0.85
34.69 KNm 34.69
42.52 KN 42.52 42.52
Ø <= 30.30 mm O.K. Ø <=
Ø <= 30.30 mm O.K. Ø <=
Negative moment reinforcement curtailed Curtailed Negative moment reinforcement
Anchorage required 470 1175 1470 O.K. O.K. Anchorage required
Check for Deflection Check for Deflection
Basic S/d ratio = 26 Basic S/d ratio =
Pt 0.25 Pt
Fs 199.51 Fs
modification factor 2.048 <=2 2.00 modification factor
bw/bf 0.28 bw/bf
reduction factor 0.79 >=0.8 0.8 reduction factor
Pc 0.24 Pc
modification factor 1.07 <=1.5 1.07 modification factor
allowable S/d 44.65 allowable S/d
Actual S/d 9.66 O.K. Actual S/d

Check for Spacing of bar Layer 1 Check for Spacing of bar

Clear distance bet. Bars 70.00 mm 68.00 mm Clear distance bet. Bars
min. distance permitted 25 mm min. distance permitted
max. distance permitted 180 mm O.K. max. distance permitted
4000 mm Top Beam L-Beam 4000 mm
414 mm 252.55469 1 layer 12 mm dia 414 mm
450 mm 333.33333 400 450 mm
230 mm Bottom 1 layer 12 mm dia 230 mm
120 mm U.D.L. 30.37 KN/m 120 mm
823.33 mm O.K. 823.33 mm
3000 mm Column support width 350 3000 mm
30 mm 30 mm
30 mm 30 mm
20 20
415 415
40.49 KNm 40.49 KNm
60.74 KN 60.74 KN 60.74 KN
198.72 mm bf/bw 3.58 Xu max 198.72 mm
2.76 d 414.00 Qlim 2.76
108.80 KNm 108.80 Df/d 0.29 Mu lim 108.80 KNm
1.03 0.51 Yf 107.81 Mu / bd2 1.03
Section is Singly Reinforced Mu,lim 314.24 KNm Section is Singly Reinforced
0.96 % 914.112 Section is Singly Reinforced Pt maximum 0.96 %
0.205 % 195.20 Ast 158.44 mm2 Pt minimum 0.205 %
0.304 % 0.15 Ast1 2458.59 mm2 Pt required 0.304 %
289.25 mm2 195.20 Ast2 -2154.11 mm2 Ast 289.25 mm2
0.08 d' 35 d'/d 0.09 d' 36 d'/d 0.08 d'
345.00 N/mm2 fsc 345.00 N/mm2 fsc 345.00 N/mm2
911.69 mm2 911.69 Asc 0.00 mm2 Ast1 911.69 mm2
0.00 mm2 0.00 Asc 0.00 mm2
0.00 mm2 0.00 Ast2 0.00 mm2
289.25 0.00 289.25
0.00 195.20 0.00
173.55 10 1 78.5 57.85 173.55 10
58.56 10 0 0 58.56 10
12 2 226.08 12 2 226.08 O.K. 12 2
10 1 78.5 O.K. 12 0 0 10 1
10 0 0 12 0 0 10 0
3 383.08 O.K. 2 226.08 O.K. 3
10 2 157 10 2 157 10 2
10 0 0 10 1 78.5 10 0
2 157 O.K. 3 235.5 O.K. 2
O.K. O.K.

83.52 O.K. Ftc 711.36 Xu 83.52 O.K.

52.41 O.K. Fts 85.0 Mu 52.41 O.K.
Xu 14.343332 O.K.
77997.6 1656 793.88 412817.6 85027.275 77997.6
Xu -133.80 -57.34
1656 635104 85027.275
Xu -332.17 -142.36
Mu 34.689071
Mu 13.87 Yf 57.93
Mu -79.65 O.K.

42.85 42.85

0.589 0.589

60.74 60.74
mm from B At A, 0.1 l1 500 mm from A
KNm ( remaining Positive Moment reinforcement ) M.R. 20.07 KNm ( remaining Positiv
KN Shear Force 45.56 KN
mm from B At A, 0.15 l1 600 mm from A
KNm ( remaining Negative Moment reinforcement ) M.R. 36.35 KNm ( remaining Negati
KN Shear Force 42.52 KN
KN Shear at d 42.85 KN
KN Minimum Design Shear 57.14 KN
KN At A, Vu 42.85 KN
KN ( Negative Moment reinforcement ) also Vu 57.14 KN ( Negative Moment
100 As / bd = 0.40
>1 5.77 ß= 5.77 > 1
N/mm2 τc = 0.44 N/mm2
KN shear of concrete Vuc = 41.73 KN
KN Vus = 1.12 KN
KN 600 mm from A At A, Vu 42.52 KN
KN ( remaining Negative Moment reinforcement ) also Vu 57.14 KN
100 As / bd = 0.32
>1 7.26 ß= 7.26 > 1
N/mm2 τc = 0.40 N/mm2
KN shear of concrete Vuc = 37.96 KN
KN Vus = 19.18 KN
KN 750 mm from A At A, Vu 42.85 KN
KN ( remaining Positive Moment reinforcement ) also Vu 57.14 KN
100 As / bd = 0.16
>1 14.08 ß= 14.08 > 1
N/mm2 τc = 0.30 N/mm2
KN shear of concrete Vuc = 28.55 KN
KN Vus = 28.59 KN
KN Final Vus 28.59 KN
gn is necessary Shear Design is necessary
mm Ø two-legged stirrups Asv 100.48 mm2 use 8 mm Ø two-legged stirru
mm Design 415 Sv 525.33 mm Design
g should not exceed The spacing should not exceed
mm (I) 300 mm
mm ( ii ) 310.5 mm
mm ( minimum ) ( iii ) 394.33 mm ( minimum )
mm ( Designed ) ( iv ) 525.33 mm ( Designed )
mm Ø two-legged stirrups 200 mm c/c Provide 8 mm Ø two-legged stirru
KN O.K. Capacity of section 103.64 KN
34.69 KNm At A,Mu1 34.69 KNm
42.52 KN Vu 42.52 KN
12 Ø Lo 12 Ø
47 Ø Ld 47 Ø
Ø <= 30.30 mm O.K. Ø <= 30.30
x -15.185 x2 - -40.49 60.74 x -15.185
-4 x 2.6664472 2.31 x2 -4 x
m i.e. 3.15 m from B 3.15 0.85 m i.e. 3.15
KNm 34.69 KNm
42.52 42.52
30.30 mm O.K. Ø <= 30.30 mm
30.30 mm O.K. Ø <= 30.30 mm
moment reinforcement curtailed Curtailed Negative moment reinforcement
Anchorage required 470 1175 1470 O.K. O.K. Anchorage required 470
Check for Deflection Check for Deflection
26 Basic S/d ratio = 26
0.25 Pt 0.25
199.51 Fs 199.51
2.048 <=2 2.00 modification factor 2.048 <=2
0.28 bw/bf 0.28
0.79 >=0.8 0.8 reduction factor 0.79 >=0.8
0.24 Pc 0.24
1.07 <=1.5 1.07 modification factor 1.07 <=1.5
44.65 allowable S/d 44.65
9.66 O.K. Actual S/d 9.66 O.K.

Layer 1 Check for Spacing of bar Layer

70.00 mm 68.00 mm Clear distance bet. Bars 70.00 mm
25 mm min. distance permitted 25 mm
180 mm O.K. max. distance permitted 180 mm
Top Beam L-Beam 4000 mm Top
252.55469 1 layer 12 mm dia 414 mm 252.55469 1
333.33333 400 450 mm 333.33333 400
Bottom 1 layer 12 mm dia 230 mm Bottom 1
U.D.L. 30.37 KN/m 120 mm
O.K. 230.00 mm O.K.
Column support width 350 3000 mm Column support width
30 mm
30 mm
40.49 KNm
60.74 KN 60.74 KN 60.74 KN
bf/bw 3.58 Xu max 198.72 mm bf/bw
d 414.00 Qlim 2.76 d
108.80 Df/d 0.29 Mu lim 108.80 KNm 108.80 Df/d
0.51 Yf 107.81 Mu / bd2 1.03 0.51 Yf
Mu,lim 314.24 KNm Section is Singly Reinforced Mu,lim
914.112 Section is Singly Reinforced Pt maximum 0.96 % 914.112 Section is Singly Reinfor
195.20 Ast 158.44 mm2 Pt minimum 0.205 % 195.20 Ast
0.15 Ast1 2458.59 mm2 Pt required 0.304 % 0.15 Ast1
195.20 Ast2 -2154.11 mm2 Ast 289.25 mm2 195.20 Ast2
35 d'/d 0.09 d' 36 d'/d 0.08 d' 35 d'/d
fsc 345.00 N/mm2 fsc 345.00 N/mm2 fsc
911.69 Asc 0.00 mm2 Ast1 911.69 mm2 911.69 Asc
0.00 Asc 0.00 mm2 0.00
0.00 Ast2 0.00 mm2 0.00
0.00 289.25
195.20 0.00
1 78.5 57.85 173.55 10 1 78.5
0 0 58.56 10 0 0
226.08 12 2 226.08 O.K. 12 2 226.08
78.5 O.K. 12 0 0 10 1 78.5 O.K.
0 12 0 0 10 0 0
383.08 O.K. 2 226.08 O.K. 3 383.08 O.K.
157 10 2 157 10 2 157
0 10 1 78.5 10 0 0
157 O.K. 3 235.5 O.K. 2 157 O.K.

Ftc 711.36 Xu 83.52 O.K. Ftc

Fts 85.0 Mu 52.41 O.K. Fts
Xu 14.343332 O.K. Xu
1656 793.88 412817.6 85027.275 77997.6
Xu -133.80 -57.34 Xu
1656 635104 85027.275
Xu -332.17 -142.36 Xu
Mu 34.689071 Mu
Mu 13.87 Yf 57.93 Mu
Mu -79.65 O.K. Mu



mm from A At B, 0.15 l1 750 mm from B
KNm ( remaining Positive Moment reinforcement ) M.R. 20.07 KNm ( remaining Positive Moment reinforcement )
Shear Force 37.96 KN
mm from A At A, 0.15 l1 600 mm from B
KNm ( remaining Negative Moment reinforcement ) M.R. 36.35 KNm ( remaining Negative Moment reinforcement )
Shear Force 42.52 KN
Shear at d 42.85 KN
Minimum Design Shear 57.14 KN
At A, Vu 42.85 KN
KN ( Negative Moment reinforcement ) also Vu 57.14 KN ( Negative Moment reinforcement )
100 As / bd = 0.40
5.77 ß= 5.77 > 1 5.77
τc = 0.44 N/mm2
shear of concrete Vuc = 41.73 KN
Vus = 1.12 KN
600 mm from A At A, Vu 42.52 KN 600 mm from A
( remaining Negative Moment reinforcement also Vu 57.14 KN ( remaining Negative Moment reinforcement )
100 As / bd = 0.32
7.26 ß= 7.26 > 1 7.26
τc = 0.40 N/mm2
shear of concrete Vuc = 37.96 KN
Vus = 19.18 KN
500 mm from A At A, Vu 42.85 KN 750 mm from A
( remaining Positive Moment reinforcement ) also Vu 57.14 KN ( remaining Positive Moment reinforcement )
100 As / bd = 0.16
14.08 ß= 14.08 > 1 14.08
τc = 0.30 N/mm2
shear of concrete Vuc = 28.55 KN
Vus = 28.59 KN
Final Vus 28.59 KN
Shear Design is necessary
mm Ø two-legged stirrups Asv 100.48 mm2 use 8 mm Ø two-legged stirrups Asv 100.48
mm Design 415 Sv 525.33 mm Design 415
The spacing should not exceed
(I) 300 mm
( ii ) 310.5 mm
mm ( minimum ) ( iii ) 394.33 mm ( minimum )
mm ( Designed ) ( iv ) 525.33 mm ( Designed )
mm Ø two-legged stirrups 200 mm c/c Provide 8 mm Ø two-legged stirrups 200
O.K. Capacity of section 103.64 KN O.K.
At A,Mu1 33.37 KNm
Vu 42.52 KN
Lo 12 Ø
Ld 47 Ø
mm O.K. Ø <= 29.15 mm O.K.
x2 - -40.49 60.74 x -15.185 x2 - -40.49
2.6664472 2.31 x2 -4 x 2.6664472 2.31
m from B 3.15 0.85 m i.e. 3.15 m from B 3.15
33.37 KNm
42.52 42.52 42.52
O.K. Ø <= 29.15 mm O.K.
O.K. Ø <= 29.15 mm O.K.
curtailed Curtailed Negative moment reinforcement curtailed Curtailed
1175 1470 O.K. O.K. Anchorage required 470 1175 1470
Check for Deflection
Basic S/d ratio = 26
Pt 0.25
Fs 199.51
2.00 modification factor 2.048 <=2 2.00
bw/bf 1.00
0.8 reduction factor 1.00 >=0.8 1
Pc 0.24
1.07 modification factor 1.07 <=1.5 1.07
allowable S/d 55.81
Actual S/d 9.66 O.K.

1 Check for Spacing of bar Layer 1

68.00 mm Clear distance bet. Bars 70.00 mm 68.00 mm
min. distance permitted 25 mm
O.K. max. distance permitted 180 mm O.K.
Beam Rectangle 4000 mm
layer 12 mm dia 414 mm
450 mm
layer 12 mm dia 230 mm
U.D.L. 30.37 KN/m 120 mm
823.33 mm O.K.
Column support width 350 3000 mm Column support width 350
30 mm
30 mm
40.49 KNm
60.74 KN
1.00 Xu max 198.72 mm
414.00 Qlim 2.76
0.29 Mu lim 108.80 KNm
107.81 Mu / bd2 1.03
108.77 KNm Section is Singly Reinforced
Section is Singly Reinforced Pt maximum 0.96 % 914.112
195.20 mm2 Pt minimum 0.205 % 195.20
851.04 mm2 Pt required 0.304 %
-648.63 mm2 Ast 289.25 mm2
0.09 d' 36 d'/d 0.08 d' 35
345.00 N/mm2 fsc 345.00 N/mm2
0.00 mm2 Ast1 911.69 mm2
Asc 0.00 mm2
Ast2 0.00 mm2
0.00 289.25
195.20 0.00
57.85 173.55 10 1 78.5
58.56 10 0 0
12 2 226.08 O.K. 12 2 226.08
12 0 0 10 1 78.5 O.K.
12 0 0 10 0 0
2 226.08 O.K. 3 383.08 O.K.
10 2 157 10 2 157
10 1 78.5 10 0 0
3 235.5 O.K. 2 157 O.K.

198.72 Xu 83.52 O.K.

85.0 Mu 52.41 O.K.
51.344973 O.K.
1656 0 0 85027.275 77997.6
51.34 22.00
1656 0 85027.275
51.34 22.00
33.37 Yf 85.70
33.37 O.K.


At B, 0.15 l1 750 mm from B
t reinforcement ) M.R. 20.07 KNm ( remaining Positive Moment reinforcement )
Shear Force 37.96 KN
At A, 0.15 l1 600 mm from B
nt reinforcement ) M.R. 36.35 KNm ( remaining Negative Moment reinforcement )
Shear Force 42.52 KN
Shear at d 42.85 KN
Minimum Design Shear 57.14 KN
At A, Vu 42.85 KN
also Vu 57.14 KN ( Negative Moment reinforcement )
100 As / bd = 0.40
ß= 5.77 > 1 5.77
τc = 0.44 N/mm2
shear of concrete Vuc = 41.73 KN
Vus = 1.12 KN
At A, Vu 42.52 KN 600 mm from A
Moment reinforcement ) also Vu 57.14 KN ( remaining Negative Moment reinforcement )
100 As / bd = 0.32
ß= 7.26 > 1 7.26
τc = 0.40 N/mm2
shear of concrete Vuc = 37.96 KN
Vus = 19.18 KN
At A, Vu 42.85 KN 750 mm from A
oment reinforcement ) also Vu 57.14 KN ( remaining Positive Moment reinforcement )
100 As / bd = 0.16
ß= 14.08 > 1 14.08
τc = 0.30 N/mm2
shear of concrete Vuc = 28.55 KN
Vus = 28.59 KN
Final Vus 28.59 KN
Shear Design is necessary
mm2 use 8 mm Ø two-legged stirrups Asv 100.48 mm2
Sv 525.33 mm Design 415
The spacing should not exceed
(I) 300 mm
( ii ) 310.5 mm
( iii ) 394.33 mm ( minimum )
( iv ) 525.33 mm ( Designed )
mm c/c Provide 8 mm Ø two-legged stirrups 200 mm c/c
Capacity of section 103.64 KN O.K.
At A,Mu1 0.00 KNm
Lo 12 Ø
Ld 47 Ø
Ø <= #VALUE! mm #VALUE!
60.74 x -15.185 x2 - -40.49
x2 -4 x 2.6664472 2.31
0.85 m i.e. 3.15 m from B 3.15
0.00 KNm
0.00 #VALUE!
Ø <= #DIV/0! mm #DIV/0!
Ø <= #VALUE! mm #VALUE!
Negative moment reinforcement curtailed Curtailed
O.K. O.K. Anchorage required 0 0 0 Not O.K. Not O.K.
Table 6-3
Limiting Moment of resistance factor Q lim, N / mm2
For singly reinforced rectangular sections
fck N / fy, N / mm2
mm2 250 415 500 550
15 2.22 2.07 2 1.94
20 2.96 2.76 2.66 2.58
25 3.7 3.45 3.33 3.23
30 4.44 4.14 3.99 3.87

Table 6-4
Limiting Percentage of Reinforcement Pt,lim
For singly reinforced rectangular sections
fck N / fy, N / mm2
mm2 250 415 500 550
15 1.32 0.72 0.57 0.5
20 1.75 0.96 0.76 0.66
25 2.19 1.2 0.95 0.83
30 2.63 1.44 1.14 0.99

Table 6-6
fy N / mm2 d'/d
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
250 217 217 217 217
415 355 355 353 342
500 424 424 412 395
550 458 458 441 419
345 345

Alt 231 τ
Alt 0216 Ø
Alt 225 ß

Development Length Check

Step 1 Find τbd from Table
step 2 Find Ld from formula 0.87 Fy Ø / ( 4 * τ bd )
step 3 put value in equation Ld ≤ 1.3 M1/V + Lo
step 4 Check weather provided Ø is less than required Ø , if yes t

Shear Check
Step 1 Find τv from formula Vu / ( b x d)
Step 2 Find Pt from Formula 100 x As / ( b x d )
Step 3 Find ß from formula 0.8 fck / 6.89 Pt should not be less th
step 4 Find Permissible τc from formula [0.85 x sqrt ( 0.8*fck ) x (

step 5 Find Maximum Shear stress τc

step 6 if τv < τc ,Display " No shear reinforcement required " , oth
step 7 Find Spacing of Stirrup from formula 0.87 x Fy x Asv / ( 0.4
step 8 Provide stirrup spacing minimum of given code and calcul

Deflection Check
Step 1 Find Basic Span / d Ratio
Step 2 Find Pt for Tension Bottom steel from formula 100 x As / (
Step 3 Find fs from formula 0.58 Fy x As Required / As Provided
Step 4 Find Modification Factor for tension from formula 1/[0.22
Step 5 Find Modification Factor for Compression from formula 1+
For Flanged Beam Step 5 Should be 0.8+(2/7(bw/bf-0.3))
Step 6 Calculate Span / d Permissible = Basic Span / d Ratio x mo
Step 7 Calculate Actual Span / d should be less than permissible S

Cracking Check ( Spacing of Bars Check )

Step 1 Find Clear Distance Between Bars.
Step 2 Minimum Clear Distance Permitted is greater of "aggregat
Step 3 Maximum Clear Distance Permitted is 300 mm for Fe 250,
Step 4 Check if Step 1 > Step 2 and Step 1 < step 3 , both conditio
Table 7-6
Development length for single mild steel bars
fy N / Tension bars Compression bars
mm2 15 20 15 20
250 55 26 44 37
415 56 47 45 38
500 69 58 54 46
6 T-Beam
8 L-Beam
10 Rectangle
415 12
250 415 500 550 14
20 2.96 2.76 2.66 2.58 16
415 40
250 415 500 550
20 1.75 0.96 0.76 0.66

/d 0.14 0.14
0.2 1
217 217 217.00 217.00
329 329 345.00 345.00
370 370 399.64 399.64
380 380 425.00 425.00
than required Ø , if yes than Display " O.K." otherwise Display " Change Lo "

Pt should not be less than 1 if less than 1 than take ß = 1

[0.85 x sqrt ( 0.8*fck ) x (sqrt ( 1+ 5 * ß )-1)]/(6*ß)
orcement required " , otherwise Display " Shear Design is Necessary "
ula 0.87 x Fy x Asv / ( 0.4 x b ) if No shear reinforcement required otherwise 0.87 x Fy x Asv x d / ( Vu - τc b d ) if shear design is necessary.
of given code and calculation.

rom formula 100 x As / (b x d )

Required / As Provided
on from formula 1/[0.225+(0.00322xfs)+(0.625*log10(Pt))] ≤ 2 otherwise 2.
pression from formula 1+(Pt/(3+Pt)) ≤ 1.5 otherwise 1.5
be 0.8+(2/7(bw/bf-0.3))
asic Span / d Ratio x modification factor for tension x modification factor for compression.
be less than permissible Span/d than it is safe otherwise unsafe.

d is greater of "aggregate size+5 mm" or "Dia. Of Bar "

ed is 300 mm for Fe 250, 180 mm for Fe415,150 mm for Fe500.
1 < step 3 , both condition satisfied it is safe otherwise it is unsafe.
15 20 15 20
415 56 47 45 38
ear design is necessary.
Fck 20
Fy 415

U.D.L. 28 U.D.L. 28

5000 5000
70 70 70

70 59.39 59.39
33.91 #REF! 33.91 #REF!
B 0 E F G 0.379 H B 0 E
0.379 0.379 C D

Support Centre Support Centre
Top Throughout 12 2 12 2 12 2 12
0.25 L Extra Top 12 2 12 0 12 2 12
0.25 L Extra Top 10 0 12 0 226.08 8 0 12
0.15 L Extra Top 14 2 14 2
0.15 L Extra Top 10 0 759.88 10 0 759.88

Bottom Throughout 12 2 12 2 12 2 12
Extra Bottom 10 0 12 2 452.16 8 0 12
226.08 226.08
At Centre of the beam
b 230 b 230
d 264.00 d 264.00
100As/bd 0.74 100As/bd 0.74
ß= 3.12 ß= 3.12
τc = 0.56 τc = 0.56
shear of concrete Vuc = 33.91 shear of concrete Vuc = 33.91
Use 6 Ø bar Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar
fy 250
minimum spacing Sv 133.62 minimum spacing Sv 133.62
Provide 6 Ø bar 130.00 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar
shear of stirrup Vus,min 24.96 shear of stirrup Vus,min 24.96
shear resistance of section 58.87 shear resistance of section 58.87
so, provide 6 Ø bar 130.00 mm c/c so, provide 6.00 Ø bar
At d from face, Vu 59.39 At support A Vu 59.39
At support A Shear design is necessary Shear design is necessary
Vus 25.48 Vus 25.48
Use 6 Ø bar Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar
Sv 127.38178 fy 250 Sv 127.38178
Spacing should not exceed Spacing should not exceed
133.62 ( Minimum ) 133.62 ( Minimum )
127.38178 ( Design ) 127.38178 ( Design )
300 300
198 198
Provide 6 Ø bar @ 120 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar @
Shear reinforcement is required for distance Shear reinforcement is required for distance
= 0.28 m = 0.28 m
No. of stirrups = 4 No. of stirrups = 4
At support B At support B
Vu 59.39 Vu 59.39
Shear design is necessary Shear design is necessary
Vus 25.48 Vus 25.48
Use 6 Ø bar Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar
Sv 127.38178 fy 250 Sv 127.38178
Spacing should not exceed Spacing should not exceed
133.62 ( Minimum ) 133.62 ( Minimum )
127.38178 ( Design ) 127.38178 ( Design )
300 300
198 198
Provide 6 Ø bar @ 120 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar @
Shear reinforcement is required for distance Shear reinforcement is required for distance
= 0.28 m = 0.28 m
No .of stirrups = 4 No. No .of stirrups = 4
Finally,At support A 0.28 m from face Finally,At support A 0.28
6 mm Ø @ 120 mm c/c 4 6 mm Ø @ 120
Finally,At support B 0.28 m from face Finally,At support B 0.28
6 mm Ø @ 120 mm c/c 4 6 mm Ø @ 120
For rest of portion For rest of portion
6 mm Ø @ 130 mm c/c 6 mm Ø @ 130
U.D.L. 28.42875 U.D.L. 28.42875

5000 4000
70 96.47 60.21 79.89

96.47 79.89
83.99 69.12
33.91 #REF! 26.22 #REF!
E F G 0.379 H B 0 E F G 0.439 H B 0 E
0.439 0.379 C D

59.39 47.73
70 60.21
Support Centre Support Centre
2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12
0 14 2 12 0 8 2 12
0 226.08 10 0 12 0 226.08 10 0 12
14 2 10 2
8 0 841.52 8 0 483.56

2 12 2 12 2 12 2 10
2 452.16 10 1 12 2 452.16 12 0 10
226.08 226.08

b 230 b 230
d 264.00 d 264.00
100As/bd 0.74 100As/bd 0.39
ß= 3.12 ß= 5.99
τc = 0.56 τc = 0.43
shear of concrete Vuc = 33.91 shear of concrete Vuc = 26.22
Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar
fy 250 fy 250
minimum spacing Sv 133.62 minimum spacing Sv 133.62
130.00 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar 130.00 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar
shear of stirrup Vus,min 24.96 shear of stirrup Vus,min 24.96
shear resistance of section 58.87 shear resistance of section 51.18
130.00 mm c/c so, provide 6.00 Ø bar 130.00 mm c/c so, provide 6.00 Ø bar
At support A Vu 83.99 At support A Vu 69.12
Shear design is necessary Shear design is necessary
Vus 50.08 Vus 42.90
Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar
fy 250 Sv 64.804722 fy 250 Sv 75.652694
Spacing should not exceed Spacing should not exceed
( Minimum ) 133.62 ( Minimum ) 133.62 ( Minimum )
64.804722 ( Design ) 75.652694 ( Design )
300 300
198 198
120 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar @ 60 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar @
s required for distance Shear reinforcement is required for distance Shear reinforcement is required for distance
= 1.15 m = 0.89 m
No. of stirrups = 21 No. of stirrups = 8
At support B At support B
Vu 47.73 Vu 49.97
Minimum shear reinforcement is sufficient. Minimum shear reinforcement is sufficient.
Vus 13.82 Vus 23.75
Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar
fy 250 Sv 234.84305 fy 250 Sv 136.6568
Spacing should not exceed Spacing should not exceed
( Minimum ) 133.62 ( Minimum ) 133.62 ( Minimum )
234.84305 ( Design ) 136.6568 ( Design )
300 300
198 198
120 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar @ 130 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar @
s required for distance Shear reinforcement is required for distance Shear reinforcement is required for distance
= -0.13 m = 0.22 m
No. No .of stirrups = 1 No. No .of stirrups = 3
m from face Finally,At support A 1.15 m from face Finally,At support A 0.89
mm c/c 4 6 mm Ø @ 60 mm c/c 21 6 mm Ø @ 130
m from face Finally,At support B -0.13 m from face Finally,At support B 0.22
mm c/c 4 6 mm Ø @ 130 mm c/c 1 6 mm Ø @ 120
For rest of portion For rest of portion
mm c/c 6 mm Ø @ 130 mm c/c 6 mm Ø @ 130
U.D.L. 30.37 U.D.L. 30.37

4000 4000
60.74 60.74 60.74 60.74

60.74 60.74
42.85 42.85
34.05 #REF! 34.05 #REF!
E F G 0.379 H B 0 E F G 0.589 H B 0 E
0.589 C D 0.589 C D

49.97 42.85
60.74 60.74
Support Centre Support Centre
2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12
0 10 1 12 0 10 1 12
0 226.08 10 0 12 0 226.08 10 0 12
10 1 10 1
10 0 383.08 10 0 383.08

2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10
1 235.5 10 0 10 1 235.5 10 0 10
157 157

b 230 b 230
d 414.00 d 414.00
100As/bd 0.25 100As/bd 0.25
ß= 9.39 ß= 9.39
τc = 0.36 τc = 0.36
shear of concrete Vuc = 34.05 shear of concrete Vuc = 34.05
Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar
fy 250 fy 250
minimum spacing Sv 133.62 minimum spacing Sv 133.62
130.00 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar 130.00 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar
shear of stirrup Vus,min 39.15 shear of stirrup Vus,min 39.15
shear resistance of section 73.19 shear resistance of section 73.19
130.00 mm c/c so, provide 6.00 Ø bar 130.00 mm c/c so, provide 6.00 Ø bar
At support A Vu 42.85 At support A Vu 42.85
Minimum shear reinforcement is sufficient. Minimum shear reinforcement is sufficient.
Vus 8.81 Vus 8.81
Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar
fy 250 Sv 577.90771 fy 250 Sv 577.90771
Spacing should not exceed Spacing should not exceed
( Minimum ) 133.62 ( Minimum ) 133.62 ( Minimum )
577.90771 ( Design ) 577.90771 ( Design )
300 300
310.5 310.5
130 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar @ 130 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar @
s required for distance Shear reinforcement is required for distance Shear reinforcement is required for distance
= -0.59 m = -0.59 m
No. of stirrups = -4 No. of stirrups = -4
At support B At support B
Vu 42.85 Vu 42.85
rcement is sufficient. Minimum shear reinforcement is sufficient. Minimum shear reinforcement is sufficient.
Vus 8.81 Vus 8.81
Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar
fy 250 Sv 577.90771 fy 250 Sv 577.90771
Spacing should not exceed Spacing should not exceed
( Minimum ) 133.62 ( Minimum ) 133.62 ( Minimum )
577.90771 ( Design ) 577.90771 ( Design )
300 300
310.5 310.5
120 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar @ 120 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar @
s required for distance Shear reinforcement is required for distance Shear reinforcement is required for distance
= -0.59 m = -0.59 m
No. No .of stirrups = -4 No. No .of stirrups = -4
m from face Finally,At support A -0.59 m from face Finally,At support A -0.59
mm c/c 8 6 mm Ø @ 130 mm c/c -4 6 mm Ø @ 130
m from face Finally,At support B -0.59 m from face Finally,At support B -0.59
mm c/c 3 6 mm Ø @ 120 mm c/c -4 6 mm Ø @ 120
For rest of portion For rest of portion
mm c/c 6 mm Ø @ 130 mm c/c 6 mm Ø @ 130
U.D.L. 30.37 U.D.L. 30.37

4000 4000
60.74 60.74 60.74 60.74

60.74 60.74
42.85 42.85
34.05 #REF! 34.05 #REF!
E F G 0.589 H B 0 E F G 0.589 H B 0 E
0.589 C D 0.589 C D

42.85 42.85
60.74 60.74
Support Centre Support Centre
2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12
0 10 1 12 0 10 1 12
0 226.08 10 0 12 0 226.08 10 0 12
10 1 10 1
10 0 383.08 10 0 383.08

2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10
1 235.5 10 0 10 1 235.5 10 0 10
157 157

b 230 b 230
d 414.00 d 414.00
100As/bd 0.25 100As/bd 0.25
ß= 9.39 ß= 9.39
τc = 0.36 τc = 0.36
shear of concrete Vuc = 34.05 shear of concrete Vuc = 34.05
Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar
fy 250 fy 250
minimum spacing Sv 133.62 minimum spacing Sv 133.62
130.00 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar 130.00 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar
shear of stirrup Vus,min 39.15 shear of stirrup Vus,min 39.15
shear resistance of section 73.19 shear resistance of section 73.19
130.00 mm c/c so, provide 6.00 Ø bar 130.00 mm c/c so, provide 6.00 Ø bar
At support A Vu 42.85 At support A Vu 42.85
rcement is sufficient. Minimum shear reinforcement is sufficient. Minimum shear reinforcement is sufficient.
Vus 8.81 Vus 8.81
Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar
fy 250 Sv 577.90771 fy 250 Sv 577.90771
Spacing should not exceed Spacing should not exceed
( Minimum ) 133.62 ( Minimum ) 133.62 ( Minimum )
577.90771 ( Design ) 577.90771 ( Design )
300 300
310.5 310.5
130 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar @ 130 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar @
s required for distance Shear reinforcement is required for distance Shear reinforcement is required for distance
= -0.59 m = -0.59 m
No. of stirrups = -4 No. of stirrups = -4
At support B At support B
Vu 42.85 Vu 42.85
rcement is sufficient. Minimum shear reinforcement is sufficient. Minimum shear reinforcement is sufficient.
Vus 8.81 Vus 8.81
Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar
fy 250 Sv 577.90771 fy 250 Sv 577.90771
Spacing should not exceed Spacing should not exceed
( Minimum ) 133.62 ( Minimum ) 133.62 ( Minimum )
577.90771 ( Design ) 577.90771 ( Design )
300 300
310.5 310.5
120 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar @ 120 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar @
s required for distance Shear reinforcement is required for distance Shear reinforcement is required for distance
= -0.59 m = -0.59 m
No. No .of stirrups = -4 No. No .of stirrups = -4
m from face Finally,At support A -0.59 m from face Finally,At support A -0.59
mm c/c -4 6 mm Ø @ 130 mm c/c -4 6 mm Ø @ 130
m from face Finally,At support B -0.59 m from face Finally,At support B -0.59
mm c/c -4 6 mm Ø @ 120 mm c/c -4 6 mm Ø @ 120
For rest of portion For rest of portion
mm c/c 6 mm Ø @ 130 mm c/c 6 mm Ø @ 130
U.D.L. 30.37 U.D.L. 30.37

4000 4000
60.74 60.74 60.74 60.74

60.74 60.74
42.85 42.85
34.05 #REF! 34.05 #REF!
E F G 0.589 H B 0 E F G 0.589 H B 0 E
0.589 C D 0.589 C D

42.85 42.85
60.74 60.74
Support Centre Support Centre
2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12
0 10 1 12 0 10 1 12
0 226.08 10 0 12 0 226.08 10 0 12
10 1 10 1
10 0 383.08 10 0 383.08

2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10
1 235.5 10 0 10 1 235.5 10 0 10
157 157

b 230 b 230
d 414.00 d 414.00
100As/bd 0.25 100As/bd 0.25
ß= 9.39 ß= 9.39
τc = 0.36 τc = 0.36
shear of concrete Vuc = 34.05 shear of concrete Vuc = 34.05
Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar
fy 250 fy 250
minimum spacing Sv 133.62 minimum spacing Sv 133.62
130.00 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar 130.00 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar
shear of stirrup Vus,min 39.15 shear of stirrup Vus,min 39.15
shear resistance of section 73.19 shear resistance of section 73.19
130.00 mm c/c so, provide 6.00 Ø bar 130.00 mm c/c so, provide 6.00 Ø bar
At support A Vu 42.85 At support A Vu 42.85
rcement is sufficient. Minimum shear reinforcement is sufficient. Minimum shear reinforcement is sufficient.
Vus 8.81 Vus 8.81
Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar
fy 250 Sv 577.90771 fy 250 Sv 577.90771
Spacing should not exceed Spacing should not exceed
( Minimum ) 133.62 ( Minimum ) 133.62 ( Minimum )
577.90771 ( Design ) 577.90771 ( Design )
300 300
310.5 310.5
130 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar @ 130 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar @
s required for distance Shear reinforcement is required for distance Shear reinforcement is required for distance
= -0.59 m = -0.59 m
No. of stirrups = -4 No. of stirrups = -4
At support B At support B
Vu 42.85 Vu 42.85
rcement is sufficient. Minimum shear reinforcement is sufficient. Minimum shear reinforcement is sufficient.
Vus 8.81 Vus 8.81
Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar Asv 56.52 Use 6 Ø bar
fy 250 Sv 577.90771 fy 250 Sv 577.90771
Spacing should not exceed Spacing should not exceed
( Minimum ) 133.62 ( Minimum ) 133.62 ( Minimum )
577.90771 ( Design ) 577.90771 ( Design )
300 300
310.5 310.5
120 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar @ 120 mm c/c Provide 6 Ø bar @
s required for distance Shear reinforcement is required for distance Shear reinforcement is required for distance
= -0.59 m = -0.59 m
No. No .of stirrups = -4 No. No .of stirrups = -4
m from face Finally,At support A -0.59 m from face Finally,At support A -0.59
mm c/c -4 6 mm Ø @ 130 mm c/c -4 6 mm Ø @ 130
m from face Finally,At support B -0.59 m from face Finally,At support B -0.59
mm c/c -4 6 mm Ø @ 120 mm c/c -4 6 mm Ø @ 120
For rest of portion For rest of portion
mm c/c 6 mm Ø @ 130 mm c/c 6 mm Ø @ 130

E F G 0.589 H

2 12 2
0 10 1
0 226.08 10 0
10 1
10 0 383.08

2 10 2
1 235.5 10 0

b 230
d 414.00

Asv 56.52
fy 250

130.00 mm c/c

130.00 mm c/c

rcement is sufficient.
Asv 56.52
fy 250

( Minimum )

130 mm c/c
s required for distance

rcement is sufficient.

Asv 56.52
fy 250

( Minimum )

120 mm c/c
s required for distance

m from face
mm c/c -4
m from face
mm c/c -4

mm c/c

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