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Fahrenheit 451 Discussion/Debate

Fahrenheit 451 has many options for moral questions. Though some of the
answers may seem easy, both sides of the argument will be debated within
each group. Tomorrow, we will debate several of these questions. Each
group will be assigned a question.

Prepare a 1-1½ minute speech in which you argue your point. Another person will argue
the other side of the questi on. Each of you will tell what the stance you are representi ng
is and off er support for your argument (citi ng the text). Aft er you have argued your
points, there will be a brief period for questi ons. You may have notes when you present,
but do not read directly from the paper.

Group Roles:
Speaker: This person in the group will deliver the speech. They must be prepared to answer
any questions about their topic asked by the other groups.

Journalist 1: Find evidence within the text that backs up your argument, you should find at
least 2 quotes.

Journalist 2: You will be supporting both of the people in your group by making connections
between them. Show the speaker how the quotes can better their argument.

**all group members above will write the speech together. You will turn in your speech and
quotes after your group has presented.

Audience: After you hear the argument presented, one person from each group will ask a
question regarding their presentation.

Step 1: Assign Group Roles: Who is going to have which job? Why
is this person best fitting for the job?

Step 2: Find Evidence: Finding the quotes that best support your
argument before you write your speech will be beneficial to
writing it.

Step 3: Write the Speech: Use the quotes that you have found in
the book to establish a strong argument for your point.
Points: You can earn up to 10 points for delivering a fluent argument
in class.
You can earn up to 5 points for having a well-prepared, well-
organized sheet of notes to turn in.
You can earn up to five points for asking strong and relatable
questions to each group.

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