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Self-study 2

Bohdana Boiaryn
Task 1:
Synthetical Analytical
Affixation: books, theirs, shows, cats come - have come
Sound-interchange: take-took, goose- beautiful - more beautiful – most
geese, foot-feet, tooth-teeth beautiful
Suppletivity: go-went, good-better- a bit of joy
the best
the last two items of news
thousands and thousands

Task 2:
1. That’s the case of biological development of auto genetic development. That’s
plainly pre-programmed in the essence but takes place after birth. In fact, we might
say that something even death for the matter is generically determined. We are
biologically constructed and some processes begun when we had an independent
existence. It tells us nothing about whether it’s generically determined.
2. We are as human beings very rigidly pre-programmed. There are certain things we
can understand, certain we can communicate and anything that falls outside we
simply can’t.
Synthetic language, any language in which syntactic relations within
sentences are expressed by inflection (the change in the form of a
word that indicates distinctions of tense, person, gender, number,
mood, voice, and case) or by agglutination (word formation
by means of morpheme, or word unit, clustering).

A typological classification groups languages into types according to

their structural characteristics.

Opposition is a semantic relation in which one word has a sense

or meaning that negates or is, in the sense of scale, distant from a related

Part of speech - a category to which a word is assigned in accordance

with its syntactic functions. In English the main parts of speech are noun,
pronoun, adjective, determiner, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction,
and interjection.

Function - an activity that is natural to or the purpose of a person or


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