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Specialization 1 : Python for Everybody


Course 1: Programming for Everybody (getting started with Python)

week 1: Chapter One - Why we Program? (2h) [optional]

week 2: Installing and Using Python (4h)
week 3: Chapter One: Why We Program (continued) (2h) [optional]
week 4: Chapter Two: Variables and Expressions (3h)

Course 2: Python Data Structures

week 1: Chapter Six: Strings (3h)
week 2: Installing and Using Python (4h) [optional –Course 1]
week 3: Chapter Seven: Files (3h)
week 4: Chapter Eight: Lists (3h)

work load:: 16h (22h including optional)

Specialization 2: Applied Data Science with Python Specialization


Course 1: Introduction to Data Science in Python

week 1: Introduction to data science (3h)
week 2: Fundamentals of pandas (3h)
week 3: Deepen understanding of the python pandas library (3h)
week 4: Statistical techniques such as distributions, sampling and t-tests (6h)

Course 2 : Applied Plotting, Charting & Data Representation in Python

week 1: Principles of Information Visualization (5h)
week 2: Basic Charting (7h)
week 3: Charting Fundamentals (8h)
week 4: Applied Visualizations (5h) 25

Course 3: Applied Machine Learning in Python

week 1: Introduction to SciKit Learn (8h)
week 2: Supervised Machine Learning - Part 1 (9h)
week 3: Evaluation (7h)
week 4: Supervised Machine Learning - Part 2 (10h)

work load:: 74h

Total work load: 90h (96h including optional)

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