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Pathar Country of the Food: India | Email to Author Posted on 20 April

Manshor 2003 @ 12:18:52

Lomba jhol
Ingredients for Cooking:
Admin :: Edit
1kg of Mutton cut into good pieces
2 Medium sized potatoes to be peeled off and Cut into medium pieces
4 tbsp of Mustard Oil
1 tbsp of Salt and turmeric powder
2-4 Bay leaves

Grind into smooth paste with little water:

2 tsp of whole Jeera
2 tsp dhania
1 piece of Ginger
4-5 Green Chillies or Red Chillies
1 piece of Cinnamon
2 cardamom
2 Cloves

Methods of Cooking:

Clean and wash the mutton pat it dry

Add 1 tsp salt and turmeric
Keep it aside for sometime.
Now heat the kadai on the gas and put 4 tbsp of oil
Put the potatoes pieces
Add 1 tsp of salt and turmeric powder in it and fry till golden yellow, it
should not be fried very much.
Keep the potatoes aside.
Put the mutton in the kadai add all masalas and fry it till the oil leaves
the masalas.
Add 2 cups of water and put the whole thing in the pressure cooker and
cover it with lid and wait till 2 -3 whistles
Open it add the potatoes and keep it for another whistle.
Put off the gas and simmer it for sometime
Serve it with hot rice.

Badam Bata Country of the Food: India | Email to Author Posted on 20 April
Diye Chicken 2003 @ 12:18:08

Admin :: Edit Ingredients for Cooking:

1 kg of Chicken, it can be boneless or with Bones.

50gms of Mustard Oil or any Refined Oil.
1 Tbsp of salt for marination and taste.
1 Tbsp of Garam Masala paste (2 cardamom,2cloves,cinnamon sticks
small one)

Make fine paste of :

25gms of Soaked Groundnut, skin to be peeled

25 gms of Soaked Almond, skin to be peeled
25 gms of Soaked Cashew nuts,the skin of Almond and Groundnut
5-6 Cloves of Garlic pods
5-6 Green Chillies if not then Red chillies can be used
1/4 cup of Milk

Methods of Cooking:

Chicken pieces should not be big it should be cut into small pieces, wash
Pat it dry and rub it with 1 tbsp of salt and keep it aside for 10 minutes.
Heat the kadai add 50 gm oil in it, it can be used less as people are
conscious about their health.the recipe is also quiet rich in calories.
Put the chicken which is already marinated in the heated oil
Fry till it becomes slight brown in colour add the masala paste in it and
cover it with lid for sometime on slow flame for 10 minutes.
As soon the chicken gets boiled add the garam masala paste into it
Simmer it for sometime at least another 10 minutes.
Serve it with rice or chapattis.
Turmeric powder should not be added into it.

Sarse Diye Country of the Food: India | Email to Author Posted on 20 April
Murgir 2003 @ 12:17:29
Ingredients for Cooking:
Admin :: Edit
1 kg of Boneless chicken.
100 gms of Mustard Oil.
1/2 bunch of Coriander for Garnishing.
1 tbsp of Salt and Turmeric Powder.
2 Medium sized Onion chopped finely.

Make fine paste of:

1 bunch of Coriander leaves

4-5 green chillies
4-6 cloves of Garlic pod
3-4 Yellow Mustard seeds
1 medium sized Tomato

Methods of Cooking:

Make good pieces of boneless chicken

Clean it and strain the water pat it dry marinate with 1 tbsp of salt,
turmeric powder and 1 tsp of Vinegar
Keep it for sometime at least 1/2 an hr.
Heat the kadai and add 50 gms of oil in it
As soon as the oil gets heated add the chopped onions till it gets brown
Put the marinated chicken and fry on slow flame
Fry till the water leaves the chicken
Then add all the masalas and keep it in slow flame for 10 minutes.
Always cook it with covered lid.
As soon as the chicken get boiled put the coriander leaves for
garnishing .
The gravy will be thick,It really goes well with rice or chapattis.

Boneless Country of the Food: India | Email to Author Posted on 20 April

Chicken 2003 @ 12:16:36
Keema Curry
Ingredients for Cooking:
Admin :: Edit
1/2 kg of Boneless Minced Chicken.
1/2 cup of Maida.
1 tsp of salt
1 tsp of turmeric powder.
1 tbsp of Ginger Garlic paste
2 tbsp of Onion paste.
Whole Garamasala for fine paste.or 1 teaspoon of Garam Masala Powder.
Mustard Oil for Frying and for making curry.

Methods of Cooking:

Mix the chicken mince with 1/2 cup of maida

Add 1 tsp of ginger-garlic paste, 1/2 bunch of finely chopped coriander
leaves, 2-4 green chillies finely chopped, 1 tsp salt and turmeric powder.
Mix it properly and keep it aside.
Heat the kadai with required quantity of oil for frying.
Make small balls out of mixture and fry till golden brown.
Keep the balls separately.
Add more oil and fry the masalas till the oil separates
Add 2 chopped tomatoes in it
Again fry it on slow flame.add salt and turmeric powder also.
Add 2 cups of hot water in it and put the ball
Keep it for boiling for 5 minutes and simmer it for sometime.
Serve it with Rice.

Kasa Murgir Country of the Food: India | Email to Author Posted on 20 April
Mansho 2003 @ 12:16:01

Admin :: Edit Ingredients for Cooking:

1 kg of Fresh chicken.
1 tbsp of Ginger paste
1 tbsp Onion paste
1 tbsp Garlic paste
1 tsp cinamon,cloves and Cardamom (grinded together) paste.
1 tsp of Chilly powder.
100 gm of Mustard oil for frying
3-4 Chopped Onions.
1/2 cup of Coconut, kaju, kismis, khus khus paste.
1/2 Coconut grated along with 20-25 gms Kaju, same amount for Kismis
and khus khus make it wet grind with 3/4 cup of milk .
5-6 Green chillies can be added instead of Red chilly powder.

Methods of Cooking
Clean and cut the chicken
Pat it dry after straining the water, rub it with 1 tsp of salt .
Heat the kadai with 100gms of oil if its less its better.
Add the chopped onions fry till pink in colour
add the chicken for frying till 5-10 minutes.
Add the masalas into it and fry it in slow flame till 5 minutes with
covered lid.
When the chicken gets boiled add garam masala into it.
Serve it with rice.
Never put turmeric powder in this recipe.

Magur Country of the Food: India | Email to Author Posted on 20 April

Macher Jhol 2003 @ 12:15:25

Admin :: Edit Magur Fish is available everywhere in India.Its known as Cat Fish
also.Small one which are available mostly in ponds are always tasty but
now -a-days its cultivated.Its good for children also.Its generally given to
the children as its believed to be nutritious and fish is believed to be
good for skin if taken very often.


1/2 Kg of Magur Or Cat Fish (it should be live if possible)

3-4 Green Chillies slitted.
1 tbsp of Salt and Turmeric powder.
3 tbsp of Dhara Mustard Oil,If good mustard oil is not available its better
to switch on to Dhar mustard Oil which is available in India, not sure
about other places.
1 tsp of Jeera(whole) and one teaspoon of Jeera powder.
One Cardomom,one Clove and one Cinnamom and two Bayleaves.

Method of Cooking:

Get the fishes cut from the market as its not easy to cut the live
fishes,other wise its very easy to kill them by putting salt over their head
and cover it with lid.
It dies very fast and can be cut easily.
Heat the skillet or non stick kadai with 2 tbsp oil.
Till the kadai or skillet gets heated, rub the fish pieces with 1 tsp of salt
and turmeric powder.
Fry the fishes in the kadai (shallowfry).
Keep it aside.
Put the rest 1 tbsp of oil in the kadai and put cardomom, clove,
cinnamon and two bayleaves along with jeera.
Put the green chillies, 1 tsp of turmeric powder and 1 tsp of salt along
with jeera powder
Slow the gas flame and put 1 cup of warm water in it.
When it starts boiling put the fishes in it cover it with lid and simmer it
for sometime.
Serve with Rice.
Puti Macher Country of the Food: India | Email to Author Posted on 20 April
Chochori 2003 @ 12:14:22

Admin :: Edit This Puti fish is liked by Bengali khadyo rasik who really enjoys fish. it
can be found in 2 varieties.One is shor puti which is bigger in size each
weighing 200gms to 3 00gmsand the other is Puthi which is smaller in
size but very tasty. Smal ones are difficult to clean its better way to
clean is to rub under the water the scales comes out very fast.If the fish
is fresh you can see shine on the fish the sacles will be shining.

Ingredients for Cooking

1/2 of puthi not sorputhi (Rub it under the tap of the sink the sacles will
come out nicely)
1 small bunch of Corriander leaves to be thoroughly washed and chopped
2-4 Green chillies slitted ones.
Salt and Turmeric powder for taste and colour.
2 tbsp of Mustard oil.
1 small onion
2 flakes of Garlic for grinding or can be chopped and used.(The taste will
be different )
1/2 teaspoon of Kala jeera for Tarka or Chok.

Methods of Cooking

Marinate the fish with the paste of onion and garlic with green chillies
and 1/2 tsp of salt and turmeric powder.
Heat the mustard oil in kadai
Put the kalajeer on it let it splutter
Add the marinated fish slowly stir it and keep it in low flame.
It gets boiled very fast, add the chopped corriander in it
Simmer for sometime with covered lid.
Serve it with Rice.

ILish Bhape Country of the Food: India | Email to Author Posted on 20 April
2003 @ 12:13:50
Admin :: Edit

2kg fresh Ilsa Fish Remember if its not good the fish might turn pale and
look dull).Cut it into bengali cut from the shop.Its better to buy 1kg of
fish from the bigger one weighing 2 -2 and 1/2kg.

3 tbsp of Mustard Oil.

Salt and Turmeric powder for taste and colour.
One Pressure Pan.

Grind together:
2 tsp yellow mustard seed
3-4 green chillies and
bit of water.

Methods of Cooking:
Wash the pieces of fish properly and drain the water properly .
Marinate with mustard paste, oil, salt to taste and 1 tsp turmeric powder.

Keep it for sometimes at least 1 hr.

Take a pressure pan put a 1 glass of water in it and keep a steel bowl in
Put all the fish pieces properly in it and if needed 1 tsp mustard oil can
be added.
Put the lid on it and if u are in hurry keep it for a single whistle.
Otherwise it can be steamed for 15minutes without the whistle.
Simmer it for sometime and serve with rice.
Tip: Never use ginger, garlic or corriander powder for Bhape Ilish. It will
spoil the taste of the fish. I had gone thru very renounced cooker show
where even poppy seed was added for Bhape Ilish.

Haser Dimer Country of the Food: India | Email to Author Posted on 20 April
Kasa or Jhal 2003 @ 12:13:05

Admin :: Edit Ingredients

Duck eggs are found mostly in eastern India and previously Bengalis use
to have duck eggs which is really tasty and did from poultry eggs but its
rich in fat .

6 Eggs, boiled
Salt and turmeric powder for taste.
50ml of Mustard Oil.

Whole Garam Masala to be pounded (1 stick of Darchini, 2 cardamoms, 2


Grind together:
1 onion
4 cloves of garlic
1 piece of ginger
5-6 red hot chillies
1 tomato (or little water if tomato is not available)

Methods of Cooking

Shell out the eggs and slit it on 4 sides keep it aside.

Heat the oil in kadai and saute the eggs rubbed in salt and turmeric
Put all the masalas except garam masalas.
Fry it with the eggs till the oil leaves the masala in slow heat otherwise it
may burn.
Put 1 cup of hot water in it and let it boil for 5 mins. and put the garam
masala in it.
Simmer it for sometime and serve with rice.
Tangra Country of the Food: India | Email to Author Posted on 20 April
Macher 2003 @ 12:12:24
Sukno Jhol
Admin :: Edit
1/2 kg of Tangra Fish (Try to get black tangra if possible or tangra -
Striped one on the skin).
1 small bunch of Coriander leaves for garnishing.
Salt and Turmeric for taste and colour.
100 gms of Mustard Oil

Grind into Paste:

1 big Onion
1 whole garlic
5-6 hot red chillies


The fish can be cleaned and cut from the market and washed properly
because this fish is very difficult to be cut by anybody except experts.
Try to get the live one if its possible or fresh ones.
Wash it properly and pat it dry rub with the salt, turmeric and the
grounded paste for sometime with one tbsp of oil in it.
Heat the oil in kadai about 25gms and put the marinated fishes
Saute the fish and keep it on slow flame.
After the oil starts separating put 1/2 cup of hot water and let it boil.
Garnish it with coriander leaves
Serve it with Rice.
This fish can be cooked as same as Parse mach with Kalajeerer jhol.

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