Foschini Ar 2010 Corporate Governance

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The board of directors of Foschini Limited risk, remuneration and transformation THE MAIN BOARD OF
(Foschini) remains fully committed to have now been introduced. The aspects DIRECTORS OF FOSCHINI
business integrity, fairness, transparency covered in these reports were previously LIMITED
and accountability in all its activities. In dealt with to a lesser degree within the
support of this commitment, the board Corporate Governance report itself. Role

subscribes to the highest standards of

A more integrated approach to The direction and leadership of Foschini is
corporate governance in all aspects of the
sustainability reporting has been applied the responsibility of the directors of the
business and to the ongoing development
with information being presented main board of Foschini Limited whilst the
and implementation of best practices.
where most relevant as opposed to operating board has responsibility for the
The board is ultimately responsible for being contained strictly within the day-to-day management of the group.
ensuring that the group meets high Sustainability report itself. The board
governance standards and is assisted by believes that the information contained Function
management who aims to instil a culture within the entire integrated report King III imposes various specific
of compliance and good governance and specifically within the Corporate responsibilities on the board and
throughout the group. Governance, Risk, Remuneration, the Foschini directors embrace this
Foschini fully endorses the principles and Sustainability and Transformation reports responsibility and acknowledge that:
practices incorporated in the King Code collectively adequately conveys Foschini’s
sustainability performance. The financial • the board should act in the best
of Governance for South Africa 2009
performance continues to be adequately interests of Foschini;
(King III) and in the Listings Requirements
of the JSE Limited. covered in the annual financial • the board is the custodian
statements. The commentary contained of corporate governance and
GOVERNANCE LANDSCAPE both within these reports, as well as in undertakes to provide leadership
the Chairman’s, CEO’s and FD’s reports, based on an ethical foundation,
The King Code of Governance for
outlines the positives and negatives as as well as ensuring that ethics are
South Africa 2009 became effective on
well as planned action steps. managed effectively;
1 March 2010. In terms of the Listings
Requirements of the JSE Limited The board acknowledges that it has • Foschini is, and must be seen to be, a
application of the changes relating to ultimate responsibility for ensuring the responsible corporate citizen;
King III must be complied with in respect integrity of the integrated report and is
of all financial years commencing on or satisfied that sufficient controls are in • strategy, risk, performance and
after 1 March 2010. place to verify and safeguard the integrity sustainability are inseparable;
Whilst Foschini is therefore required to of the 31 March 2010 integrated report. • Foschini has an effective and
ensure compliance with King III in respect In addition, the board has accepted independent audit committee;
of the year ending 31 March 2011, a the recommendation by the audit
committee regarding the reliability of the • risk management and IT governance:
concerted effort has been made to
produce an integrated report in line with sustainability disclosures that have – The board is responsible for the
the requirements of King III for the year been made. governance of risk (including
ended 31 March 2010. Where a principle Aside from the changes made to the information technology
of King III has not been applied, this has annual report, much of the impact of governance), as well as for
been explained where relevant. King III relates to operational governance determining the levels of risk
Integrated reporting in terms of issues such as board sub-committee tolerance.
King III requires annual reporting of both composition and functioning; as well as
– Whilst management has
financial and sustainability performance, day-to-day board procedures. Foschini’s
responsibility for the
as well as commentary on how the procedures have been strengthened
implementation of the risk
company plans to enhance the positive where relevant to align with the King III
management plan and for
aspects and eradicate or ameliorate the requirements.
providing assurance to the
negative aspects in the year ahead. board in this regard, the board
The board acknowledges that the
The changes to the annual report application of the King Code of will ensure that risk monitoring
resulting from the application of King III Governance continues to serve as a is a continual process and that
have largely been to present the required valuable guide to the entrenchment of risk assessments are performed
information in a more relevant layout strong governance principles throughout on an ongoing basis with
such that separate reports covering the group. appropriate risk responses.

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– In addition the board will groupings in its decision-making Leadership
ensure that the frameworks process.
are such that they increase The position of chairman is undertaken
– Appropriate consideration by an independent non-executive
the probability of anticipating
is given to the format and director, Mr D M Nurek whose role
unpredictable risks and that
content of communication with is separate and clearly defined from
appropriate risk disclosure is
stakeholders, as well as ensuring that of the chief executive officer
made to stakeholders;
that dispute resolution is an (CEO), Mr A D Murray. There is a clear
• compliance: effective process. division of responsibilities between
– Every effort is made to the chairman and the CEO with both
– The board should ensure
ensure equitable treatment of providing leadership and guidance to
compliance with applicable laws
shareholders; and the company’s board, encouraging
and ensure that compliance
deliberation on all matters requiring the
risk is addressed in the risk • the board should ensure the integrity board’s attention, and obtaining optimum
management process. of the integrated report that should input from the other directors.
– In addition each individual include financial and sustainability
director undertakes to maintain performance.
a working understanding of the
laws, rules, codes and standards
applicable to Foschini.
– Management will be responsible
for the implementation of an
effective compliance function
and processes;
• internal audit:
– Foschini has an effective
internal audit function known
as Group Audit Services, which
follows a risk-based approach to
its plan.
– Group Audit Services is
appropriately positioned to
achieve its objectives and
is overseen by the audit
– Group Audit Services provides
a written assessment of the
effectiveness of Foschini’s
internal controls to the audit
and risk committees of the
• stakeholder engagement:
– Whilst management is tasked
with managing stakeholder
relationships, the board gives
due consideration to the effect
of stakeholder perceptions on
Foschini’s reputation and strives
to achieve a balance between
the various stakeholder

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Composition are non-executive directors (of whom Five sub-committees comprising the
six are independent) and the remaining audit, remuneration, risk, nominations
In line with the requirements of three who are executive directors. and transformation committees assist the
King III, the board of directors of Foschini The executive directors, being the board in the discharge of its duties. The
comprises a majority of non-executive chief executive officer, the financial functions of these sub-committees are

directors, the majority of whom are director and the managing director of discussed later in this report.
independent. The current board structure FG Financial Services, are all salaried The board and its committees are
comprises 11 directors, eight of whom employees of Foschini. currently constituted as follows:

Main Board of directors Remuneration Committee

Independent non-executive directors Prof. F Abrahams (Chairperson)###
D M Nurek (Chairman)# D M Nurek
Directors present by invitation:
Prof. F Abrahams
A D Murray
S E Abrahams
W V Cuba
Risk Committee
K N Dhlomo
D M Nurek (Chairman)
N V Simamane D M Polak##
Non-executive directors A D Murray
M Lewis R Stein
D M Polak
Executive directors Audit Committee
A D Murray (CEO) S E Abrahams (Chairman)
W V Cuba
R Stein (Financial Director)
K N Dhlomo*
P S Meiring (Managing Director FG Financial D M Polak**
Services)## N V Simamane*
Directors present by invitation:
D M Nurek
A D Murray
R Stein

Nominations Committee
D M Nurek (Chairman)##
S E Abrahams
M Lewis***
Directors present by invitation:
A D Murray

Transformation Committee
Prof. F Abrahams (chairperson)#
Appointed as chairperson with effect from 1 April 2009 D M Nurek##
Appointed 1 April 2009
Appointed as chairperson March 2010 A D Murray
* Appointed February 2010 Directors present by invitation:
** Resigned with effect from November 2009
*** Appointed October 2009 R Stein

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Sub-committee composition group, its long-term sustainable growth, director of Foschini Limited were both
and the enhancement of shareholder effective on 1 April 2009 and were both
In order to comply as far as practical with value. They review and ratify the group’s reported in the 2009 annual report. Aside
the recommendations of King III, the strategy in addition to monitoring from these changes, no other changes were
nominations committee recommended and measuring its performance and made in respect of the composition of the
the following changes to the various sub- executive management against key main board during the year under review.
committees during the year: performance indicators. They provide
Remuneration committee opinion and advice regarding the group’s Independence assessment
Prof. F Abrahams replaced Mr D M Nurek financial, audit, governance and risk
All directors are required to complete an
as chairperson of the remuneration management controls. In order to ensure
independence questionnaire to establish
committee with effect from March 2010. sustainable leadership they review group
whether they meet the objective
transformation and succession planning
Risk committee independence criteria of
at senior levels, and provide input into
King III recommends that the chairman King III. Six of the non-executive directors
the remuneration process.
of the board should not be the chairman are independent according to the
of this committee. The nominations All directors exercise unfettered King III definition.
committee however recommended that discretion in the fulfilment of their
Mr M Lewis is not considered
Mr D M Nurek continue to serve as the duties, resulting in constructive debate
independent in terms of the King III
chairman of the risk committee as he is at meetings that continues to yield well-
definition by virtue of his indirect
considered to be the most relevant and considered decisions.
shareholding in the group. Mr D M Polak
practical choice. Detailed information on the directors is likewise not currently considered
Audit committee and their credentials appear on pages 10 independent in terms of the King III
Mr D M Polak stood down as a member to 13. definition by virtue of the fact that
of the audit committee (as he is not he was employed by the group in an
considered independent in terms of the Director appointment and executive capacity until December 2007.
King III definitions and therefore not induction He is required to undergo a cooling off
eligible for membership) during the year. Newly appointed non-executive directors period of three financial years (until
hold office only until the next annual 1 April 2011) before he may be
Following his appointment as chairman
general meeting, at which time they considered independent.
of the board, Mr D M Nurek is no longer a
member of this committee, but continues retire and become eligible for re-election Of the six directors that satisfy the
to attend meetings by invitation. as directors. Each year, one-third of the objective independence requirements,
existing board members are subject to three directors have served a term
Nominations committee retirement by rotation. This is in line exceeding nine years. The nominations
Mr A D Murray attends the meetings with the requirements of King III. The committee reviewed the independence of
of this committee by invitation as is nominations committee recommends Mr D M Nurek, Mr S E Abrahams and
recommended by King III. re-election by the shareholders after due Mr W V Cuba and after due consideration,
Transformation committee consideration is given to the individual concluded that their long association
Prof. F Abrahams replaced Mr E Osrin as directors’ attendance and performance. with the group has not impaired their
chairperson of this committee on Non-executive directors have no independence.
1 April 2009. fixed term of employment and the
performance of all directors is subject to Board charter
In order to ensure a majority of non- annual peer review.
executive directors on this committee, The board is governed by a formal charter
Mr R Stein now attends meetings of this A formal induction programme for new supported by relevant authority limits.
committee by invitation. directors is in place with the objective of This charter has been reviewed and
maximising their understanding of the updated where necessary to take into
Directors group and enabling them immediately account the King III requirements.
to provide input and make well-informed
The non-executive directors come from A process is in place to review this
diverse backgrounds in commerce and
charter on an annual basis.
industry. Their collective experience Changes to the board during
enables them to provide sound, Board meetings
independent and objective judgement
the current year
in decision-making that is in the best The appointment of Mr D M Nurek The board typically meets quarterly in
interests of the group. They are ultimately as chairman of the board and the Cape Town, and further meetings are held
responsible for the performance of the appointment of Mr P S Meiring as a at short notice when necessary.

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Proceedings at meetings are directed by This annual evaluation is comprehensive, employees prior to the commencement
a formal agenda. The proposed agenda is encompassing all aspects of the of the closed trading periods of the
circulated prior to the meeting to allow board’s responsibilities. It covers both prohibitions contained in the Insider
board members sufficient opportunity to individual member contributions and Trading Act relating to share dealings
request additional agenda items. the effectiveness of the board as a whilst in possession of price-sensitive

whole. The results of the executive and information.

In addition a comprehensive board pack non-executive directors are separately
is distributed to all members in advance Details of directors’ share dealings are
tabulated, in order to gauge any areas of
of meetings to ensure that they are disclosed to the listings division of the
difference in perception.
properly informed and enable them to JSE Limited and communicated through
undertake meaningful discussion and The evaluation undertaken during the its electronic news service, SENS. These
current year resulted in the following dealings are also disclosed at board
effectively discharge their duties. These
actions being taken: meetings. There is a process in place
packs typically include:
in terms of the requirements of the
• nominations committee to consider JSE Limited for directors to obtain prior
• Agenda
the merits of appointing an clearance before dealing in the company’s
• Previous meeting minutes additional non-executive director shares. All transactions are conducted
who possesses the suggested specific at the ruling market price on the
• Copies of any resolutions passed
additional skills; and JSE Limited.
since the last board meeting
• an additional board meeting has
• Update on matters arising since the been scheduled specifically to deal Directors’ interests in
last board meeting with the three- to five-year strategy contracts
• Minutes of all sub-committee plan. In addition to a formal annual disclosure
meetings which have taken place process, directors are required to make
since the last board meeting
Directors’ remuneration and ongoing disclosures of any interests in
shareholdings contracts. During the year under review
• Shareholder analysis the directors had no interests in contracts
The remuneration paid to directors
• Summary of any announcements on during the current year is disclosed in as contemplated in section 234 of the
SENS (stock exchange news service) the Remuneration report that appears Companies Act.
in the intervening period elsewhere in this report.
• Governance update to assist Information relating to the direct and
It is the responsibility of the nominations
directors in remaining abreast of indirect holdings of the directors at
committee to ensure adequate
relevant legislation 31 March 2010, as well as their
succession planning for all main board
participation in share incentive schemes
All directors have unrestricted access to directors, as well as to ensure that
(where relevant) are likewise disclosed in
the company secretary and all company all sub-committees are appropriately
the Remuneration report.
records as well as to independent constituted and chaired.
Non-executive directors do not
professional advice at the company’s As reported previously the appointment
participate in the share incentive
expense in appropriate circumstances. of Mr D M Nurek as chairman and the
schemes, with the exception of
appointment of Mr P S Meiring as a
Board evaluations Mr D M Polak who obtained options
director were both effective on
whilst still an executive of the company.
An annual evaluation of the board 1 April 2009. No further changes were
and each of the sub-committees is Personal share dealings deemed necessary during the year
under review.
undertaken by means of a questionnaire The board complies with the
sent to all board members. The results requirements of the JSE Limited in The nominations committee believes
are collated by the company secretary relation to restrictions on the trading that advanced planning is the key to
and passed on to the chairman who has a of Foschini’s shares by directors and succession and gives due consideration to
one-on-one interview session with each employees during the defined closed succession planning on an ongoing basis.
director to discuss their feedback as well periods. Restrictions may also be placed
as any areas of concern. The chairman on share dealings at other times if the
Board attendance
provides feedback to the full board on group is involved in corporate activity The attendance of the directors at board
any actions arising from the evaluation or sensitive negotiations. The company meetings and board committee meetings
process. secretary notifies all directors and for the financial year was as follows:

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Remuneration Risk Audit Nominations Transformation
Board committee committee committee committee committee
Number of meetings 4 3 4 3 3 3
Directors’ attendance
D M Nurek 4 3 4 2* 3 3
Prof. F Abrahams 4 3 3
S E Abrahams 3 3 3
W V Cuba 4 3
K N Dhlomo 4 1#
M Lewis 3 1##
D M Polak 3 4 1
N V Simamane 3 1#
A D Murray 4 3* 4 3* 3* 3
R Stein 4 4 3* 3*
P S Meiring 4

* By invitation
Appointed February 2010
Appointed October 2009

MAIN BOARD COMMITTEES Remuneration committee • continue to attract, retain, and

motivate executives of the highest
The main board of directors has Members: calibre;
delegated specific responsibilities to Prof. F Abrahams (independent non-
board committees, each with its own • enable the group to remain an
executive) – chairperson employer of choice; and
charter that defines its powers and
duties. The committees review their D M Nurek (independent non-executive) • ensure a blend of skills that
charters on an annual basis and aim consistently achieves predetermined
Directors present by invitation: business objectives and targets.
to undertake an annual performance A D Murray (executive)
evaluation. All committees are chaired by The committee’s powers regarding non-
an independent non-executive director. This committee is governed by a executive remuneration are limited to
formal charter to ensure that there is making recommendations to the board.
The board committees meet a transparent procedure for developing The committee, which met three
independently and provide feedback policies on executive remuneration and times during the year, comprises two
to the main board through their determining remuneration packages of independent non-executive directors. The
chairpersons. In addition, the minutes individual directors and senior executives, CEO is present by invitation (although
of all committee meetings are included within agreed terms of reference and recuses himself during deliberation of
in the main board packs on a quarterly within the framework of good corporate his own remuneration), as is an external
basis and all directors are given the governance. consultant.
opportunity to raise any questions or
The key mandate of the committee The chairman of this committee attends
concerns arising from these minutes. the annual general meeting.
is to compile emolument proposals
The composition of these committees in accordance with the group’s The Remuneration report that
as well as changes thereto during the remuneration strategy, which are then summarises certain key aspects of the
current year are reflected earlier in this considered by the board. This is designed functioning of this committee is included
report. and tailored to: elsewhere in this annual report.

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Risk committee • there is a documented and tested including internal financial control
process in place that will allow and risk management, and to ensure
Members: the group to continue its critical that effective internal control
D M Nurek (Independent business processes in the event of systems are maintained;
non-executive) – a disaster, inter alia the destruction
chairman • to ensure that written

of a distribution centre, head office, representations on internal control

D M Polak (non-executive) or computer facility, that affects its are submitted to the board annually
A D Murray (executive) activities; by all divisional managing directors
R Stein (executive) • a risk register is maintained and kept and general managers (these
up to date; and being representations that provide
The board is responsible for risk assurance on the adequacy and
• appropriate insurance cover is placed
management, while divisional and effectiveness of the group’s systems
and regularly reviewed, and that all
operational management are accountable
uninsured risks are reviewed and of internal control);
to the board for this process.
managed. • to monitor and supervise
The group has adopted an ongoing, the effective functioning and
systematic and documented risk The risk committee comprises two non-
executive directors and two executive performance of the internal auditors;
management process that ensures that
directors as at the financial year-end. • to ensure that the scope of the
all material risks are identified, evaluated,
Meetings are held four times a year. internal audit function has no
effectively managed, and where this
is practical, quantified. This process is limitations imposed by management
The Risk report that summarises certain
undertaken within each division as well and that there is no impairment on
key aspects of the functioning of this
as by the operating board. It has served its independence;
committee is included elsewhere in this
to ingrain a sustainable risk awareness annual report. • to evaluate the independence,
and culture at all levels. The assessments effectiveness, and performance of
are aligned to the immediate, medium- Audit committee the external auditors and obtain
and long-term strategic and business assurance from the auditors that
objectives within each division, as well as Members: adequate accounting records are
those of the group as a whole. S E Abrahams (independent
being maintained;
non-executive) –
All significant projects undertaken chairman • to recommend the appointment of
by the group are subject to formal the external auditors on an annual
W V Cuba (independent
risk assessments. Ongoing business basis;
sustainability is addressed as part of this • to ensure that the respective roles
process. K N Dhlomo (independent
and functions of external audit
The risk committee is responsible for and internal audit are sufficiently
N V Simamane (independent clarified and co-ordinated; and
ensuring that:
• appropriate risk and control policies • to review financial statements for
Directors present by invitation: proper and complete disclosure
are in place and are communicated
throughout the group; D M Nurek (independent of timely, reliable and consistent
non-executive) information and to confirm that
• the process of risk management and
the system of internal control are A D Murray (executive) the accounting policies used are
regularly reviewed for effectiveness; appropriate.
R Stein (executive)
• there is an ongoing process of The committee consists of four
The committee is governed by a independent non-executive directors.
identifying, evaluating and managing
formal audit committee charter that It typically meets three times per
the significant risks faced by the
has recently been updated to ensure annum. Executive directors, members of
group, and that this is in place
compliance with the requirements executive management, internal audit,
throughout the year;
of King III. This charter guides the and the external audit partners and staff
• a formal risk assessment is committee in terms of its objectives, attend meetings at the invitation of the
undertaken annually; authority and responsibilities. committee.
• there is an adequate and effective
system of internal control in place The role of the audit committee is, The Audit Committee report that
to manage the more significant risks inter alia: summarises certain key aspects of the
faced by the group to an acceptable • to review the effectiveness of the functioning of this committee is included
level; group’s systems of internal control, elsewhere in this annual report.

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Nominations committee general meeting. The committee gave The Transformation and CSI report that
due consideration to the outcome of summarises certain key aspects of the
Members: the performance evaluation process functioning of this committee is included
D M Nurek (independent and determined certain actions arising elsewhere in this annual report.
non-executive) – therefrom. The committee is tasked with
chairman finding a suitable successor to the audit THE OPERATING BOARD OF
S E Abrahams (independent committee chairman within the next five
The operating board is responsible for
M Lewis (non-executive) This committee met three times during the group’s strategy formulation, as well
Directors present by invitation: the year. It comprises three non- as the day-to-day management of all
A D Murray (executive) executive directors. The chief executive aspects of the operations of the trading
officer attends meetings by invitation. and service divisions.
This committee is governed by a formal
charter to ensure that there is a process Transformation committee Currently the operating board is
in place to identify and assess new responsible for all operational matters in
executive and non-executive directors Members:
relation to the group’s fashion retailing
fairly and thoroughly. The committee’s Prof. F Abrahams (independent
and financial services businesses and
responsibilities include: non-executive) –
support functions, including but not
• reviewing the board structure, size limited to:
and composition; D M Nurek (independent
non-executive) • merchandise sourcing, buying,
• reviewing the nature, size and planning, warehousing and
composition of the board sub- A D Murray (executive) distribution;
committees; • store location, leasing, operations,
Directors present by invitation:
• succession planning; R Stein (executive) design and architecture;
The scope of authority of this committee • human resource recruitment,
• reviewing the balance between non-
is clearly defined in a formal charter. training, development and
executive and executive directors;
• ensuring that the directors have the The committee has established a broad- • information systems acquisition,
required blend of experience, skills based BEE strategy aligned to the Broad- development and maintenance;
and knowledge to guarantee the based Black Economic Empowerment
continued success of the group; Act of 2003 and the associated codes of • credit management and customer
good practice, including a BBBEE-level relationship marketing and systems;
• ensuring the existence of a formal
contributor target with timelines. Clear • financial management and
process of performance evaluation;
guidelines have been defined for each administration;
of the seven elements of BBBEE, being • strategic plan formulation,
• compliance with the principles of equity ownership, management control, development, execution and
good governance and the code of employment equity, skills development, refinement;
best practice. preferential procurement, enterprise
• development, review and
development and socio-economic
During the year this committee analysed achievement of budgets in relation
board and sub-committee composition development.
to sales, operating expenses and
in light of the requirements of King III The committee has an ongoing capital expenditure;
and made certain recommendations responsibility to monitor and review all • identification, assessment, mitigation
for changes that are discussed earlier in aspects of the group’s BBBEE strategies and management of risk;
this report. The committee considered and to ensure the achievement of its
the independence of all independent targets. In order to attain these targets, • development and refinement of
non-executive directors whose term sub-committees for each of the seven business philosophy and the value
exceeded nine years and satisfied elements have been established, with system;
themselves that all directors who are meetings taking place at least quarterly. • development, monitoring and audit
described as independent in the annual of internal controls;
report, are indeed believed to be so. The transformation committee comprises
The performance and attendance of two independent non-executive directors • development, review and
all directors retiring by rotation was and the CEO. The financial director implementation of the employment
considered by the committee prior attends meetings by invitation. The equity plan;
to requesting that they stand for committee met three times during the • development and monitoring of
re-election at the upcoming annual last year. operational policies and procedures;

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• development, implementation • FG Financial Services’ retail 24 October 2010. In addition, industry

and monitoring of transformation credit and technology products’ codes will detail how industries ensure
strategy; compliance; and that consumer rights are upheld in
• approving transactions regarding • compliance within the RCS Group. businesses within an industry.
investment, disinvestment, The responsibilities of the three areas of Based on core laws that are effective as

refinancing and restructuring, in the compliance function include: at 31 March 2010, there are no material
accordance with parameters set by areas of non-compliance.
• identifying and advising the group
the main board; and
on existing and new legislation that Changes arising from the National Credit
• adopting and implementing is applicable to the group’s business; Act and amendments to the Regulation
corporate governance practices and of Interception of Communications Act
• facilitating compliance with
meeting standards set out in King III. have been implemented and business
relevant legislation and assigning
This board typically meets monthly, and responsibility for areas of processes changed to ensure compliance.
further meetings take place at short compliance;
There are ongoing changes to fiscal
notice when necessary. • facilitating compliance with internal legislation. These are monitored and
policies, rules, guidelines and implemented by the group’s tax
Operating board of procedures; and
directors of the group department.
• monitoring of compliance. During the year a gap analysis
A D Murray There have been many changes to between the group’s current practice
(Chief Executive Officer) laws and regulations in the previous and that recommended by King III
R Stein years, with more laws to be finalised or was undertaken. Many of the King III
(Financial Director) effective shortly. practices and recommendations were
M Mendelsohn New pieces of legislation that will affect already in place. Those areas requiring
(Retail Director) the group are: corporate governance changes have been
H B Godfrey identified and are in the process of being
• Consumer Protection Act (not yet
(Managing Director – @ Home) implemented.
effective; regulations needed);
P S Meiring • Companies Act (not yet effective and The group compliance officer gives
(Managing Director – FG Financial to be amended before operational; report-backs at each audit committee
Services) draft regulations need to be meeting.
B J Curry finalised); and The internal audit department and the
(Managing Director – Foschinidata) • Protection of Personal Information compliance function work closely together,
G S Naidoo Bill (not yet finalised). with the former assisting at times with
(Managing Director – Group Human monitoring compliance. Where significant
The group has working groups and project compliance issues are identified they
Resources) boards in place to ensure that there are referred for independent review to
A R Bisogno are impact assessments on new laws outsourced experts.
(Managing Director – Foschini division) or amendments. Thereafter timelines,
implementation areas and business
D B Gedye
owners to implement changes are agreed.
(Managing Director – Sports division) The group’s policy is to align the
Detailed information of the operating The Consumer Protection Act will impact, remuneration structure of the executive
board and their credentials appear on among other things, the merchandise directors and staff with the interests of
pages 14 and 15. sold in stores. Certain services are also shareholders, and consequently a portion
affected, such as repairs. Working groups of their packages is performance-related.
LEGAL COMPLIANCE have identified certain products, such as Share options and incentives are based
cosmetics, homewear, sports equipment, on the performance of the individual as
The compliance function’s purpose is cellphones, as examples where this Act well as the performance of the group
to provide assurance to the board that has particular application. as a whole, aligned to specific business
the group is compliant with applicable objectives and bottom-line absolute
legislation. This is in addition to, and often
profits. The principle adhered to is that
overlapping with existing laws, such
The group’s compliance function is bonuses are self-funded out of profits in
as the Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and
divided into three areas: excess of targets.
Disinfectants Act. In order to assess the
• general compliance, a focus on full impact of the Consumer Protection Remuneration of non-executive directors
new or amended laws and the co- Act, final regulations are needed. These is reviewed annually by the remuneration
ordination of group compliance; regulations need to be finalised by committee for proposal to the board.

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Further details relating to the strives to foster sound relationships (, via the JSE
remuneration policies and practices are between the company and each stock exchange news service, in the press
included in the Remuneration report stakeholder grouping. The identified (where this is required) and through the
which appears elsewhere in this report. stakeholder groups include: distribution of annual and interim reports
• employees; in the mail.
STAKEHOLDER RELATIONS • shareholders and investors;
Executive directors and senior
The board recognises the important role • banks and other financial institutions; management are accessible to investors,
it has to play as the ultimate custodian
• customers; and regular meetings are held with
of the corporate reputation of Foschini
and its relationships with stakeholders. • suppliers; local and international shareholders,
Whilst management is responsible for • government, regulatory authorities both current and prospective. In
the implementation of the policies and industry bodies (including the addition, invitations are extended to
and processes relating to stakeholder Department of Labour, Unions, members of the Investment Analysts
engagement, the board performs an CCMA, Labour courts); and Society to attend results presentations
oversight role in ensuring that there are • community. to provide them with timeous and
no significant gaps between stakeholder relevant information regarding financial
Foschini acknowledges that the
perceptions and the performance of the
main audience of this integrated performance and prospects.
report is shareholders and investors.
Foschini acknowledges the importance Communication with these stakeholder A summary of the group’s engagement
of proactive engagement with all of groupings is primarily through formal with its various stakeholder groups is
its stakeholders and in this connection means via the group’s investor website provided in the following table:

Principal methods of Key issues and concerns

Stakeholder group engagement raised by the stakeholders How we are responding

Employees • Regular dialogue and Requests relating to employee Human resources policies are
communication sessions benefits all available to staff on our
• Breakaways intranet. Ad-hoc requests are
discussed on an individual
• Team-building exercises
basis, either in person,
• Notice boards telephonically or via e-mail
• Newsletters
• Union meetings
• Training and development
• Intranet
• E-mail
• Store visits by senior
• Staff meetings

Institutional shareholders • Presentations arranged Consistency of trading New management recently

and investment analysts through the Investment performance particularly with put in place with turnaround
Analysts Society respect to the Foschini brand strategy well under way.
• Regular local and Performance is improving
international investor and the processes being
relations meetings with implemented should ensure
executive directors and senior consistent results in future

T4IB02815-Foschini AR Com.indd 131 2010/07/27 4:52 PM


Principal methods of Key issues and concerns

Stakeholder group engagement raised by the stakeholders How we are responding

Shareholders • Annual reports Consistency of trading New management recently

performance particularly with put in place with turnaround

• SENS announcements
respect to the Foschini brand strategy well under way.
• Profit announcements
Performance is improving
• Annual general meetings and the processes being
• Advertisements implemented should ensure
• Group website consistent results in future
• E-mail

Banks and other financial • Regular meetings with senior Bank facility reviews and There are no specific areas of
institutions management general banking issues concern

Customers • Interaction with store and Customers most frequently We monitor issues raised by
head office staff raise specific issues relating to customers via our customer
• Customer call centre an in-store experience services call centre, our
websites and we are linked
• Through our website
to external customer service
• E-mail and SMS websites
• Monthly statements
• Advertising
• Sponsorships
• Store promotions and

Suppliers • Suppliers participate in task Longevity and sustainability Group Merchandise

teams and sessions with of relationships between Procurement (GMP) division
the group aimed at further the group and suppliers. established to oversee
developing our supply chain Illegal imports are and ensure responsible
initiatives increasingly impacting on the management and quality
• Communication with store competitiveness of the local assurance in procurement
and head office staff supply base practices. Formalised processes
are in place to evaluate existing
• Regular site visits
and potential suppliers, and
• Audits and meetings monitor supplier performance.
• Video conferencing GMP assists suppliers requiring
• Requests for general and corrective action to be taken
compliance information and in order to ensure compliance.
supplier fora The group meets with SARS
and DTI through the NCRF to
address concerns around illegal
and under-invoiced imports

T4IB02815-Foschini AR Com.indd 132 2010/07/27 4:52 PM

Principal methods of Key issues and concerns
Stakeholder group engagement raised by the stakeholders How we are responding

Government and regulatory • Ad-hoc formal meetings On occasion government The group submits comments
authorities • Written and oral submissions and regulatory authorities on draft laws to the relevant
regarding relevant draft approach the group with government department
legislation queries on compliance with or authority. Government
the law, or requesting input on representatives may ask for
draft legislation. Recently the clarification on a submission or
group has been extensively ask for suggested wording for
involved with the process draft laws. Where government
of drafting the Consumer and regulatory authorities
Protection Act; we are now approach the group with a
focusing on the anticipated concern or question they may
content of the regulations and have on the law, we will either
have sent a written submission meet with the government
to the Department of Trade or regulatory representative
and Industry. In addition we are in person or submit a
considering our involvement written reply. Where it is
in the drafting and adopting recommended or advised that
of an industry code. Recently the group change a practice
we have also submitted based on a government
comments on legislation that or regulatory authority’s
falls within the Department interpretation of the law, this
of Justice’s responsibility, is discussed with the authority
such as the Protection of and we will take measures to
Personal Information Bill. On ensure compliance
the National Credit Act, we
meet with the National Credit
Regulator as and if required.
We are currently engaging
with a task team that has
been set up by the National
Credit Regulator to address
the bottlenecks in the debt
review process. Business Unity
South Africa communicates to
its members any government
and regulatory authority
concerns as regards businesses,
and also provides opportunity
for member organisations
to meet with government
and regulatory authority
representatives, submit
comments on draft laws and
be represented at formal
interactions between business
and key government and
regulatory representatives

T4IB02815-Foschini AR Com.indd 133 2010/07/27 4:52 PM


Principal methods of Key issues and concerns

Stakeholder group engagement raised by the stakeholders How we are responding

Department of Labour • Via e-mail Key issues of interest We engage on a continuous

include implementation of basis with the DoL on various

• Ad-hoc meetings
employment equity plans, issues, including on our
• Inspections in stores
and ensuring compliance employment equity plans.
with legislation regarding We provide proof that the
PAYE, COIDA, skills levies and payments as required by
employment equity relevant legislation have been

Unions • Annual wage negotiations Issues pertaining to wage We strive to gain consensus in
meetings negotiations terms of wage demands and
• Ad-hoc meetings as per we manage any workplace
workplace disputes disputes and determine an
agreement. Where it is policy
• Workplace disputes
related, this could necessitate a
policy change

Community • Community social investment The most frequent questions NGO’s requesting CSI funding
initiatives undertaken by the we deal with are (a) requests are referred to our CSI website
group and by staff members for information on how for information. If they believe
• Meetings with social we fund from external that their application meets
investment representatives stakeholders wanting to apply our funding criteria, they can
for funding and (b) questions submit an application. These
• Sponsorships
from internal stakeholders applications are screened by
• Advertisements wanting to know more about the CSI department. Short-
• Website and media releases our CSI activities listed projects are visited
before a final decision is made.
All successful and unsuccessful
applications are acknowledged
in writing. Funding is usually
allocated for a maximum
period of three years. We
engage with our internal
stakeholders via annual
communication campaigns
involving various channels of
communication. From time to
time, staff are also invited to
participate in or support CSI

T4IB02815-Foschini AR Com.indd 134 2010/07/27 4:52 PM

Principal methods of Key issues and concerns
Stakeholder group engagement raised by the stakeholders How we are responding

Retailers’ Association • Monthly meetings Common issues relevant to the Active engagement on how
• Correspondence via e-mail members of the association; to approach these matters as
this could be of a legislative, they will impact our business
socio-economic nature and in order to determine whether
that could have a direct impact a collaborative/business
on our business only approach should be

Retail and Wholesale SETA’s • Monthly meetings Common issues relevant to Continuous engagement with
• Correspondence via e-mail training and development the SETA regarding mandatory
within the wholesale and and discretionary skills levy
retail sector; this could be of refunds and requests for the
a legislative, socio-economic approval of learnerships
nature and could have a
direct impact on the skills
levy refunds received by our

CCMA • Meetings in the form of a Issues referred to the CCMA Defend the matter with
Conciliation/Con-Arb or are that of dismissals, specific focus on the
Arbitration process retrenchments or any substantive and procedural
• Telephonic queries disciplinary process where the issues pertaining to those
employee is dissatisfied with dismissals/disciplinary actions
• Written correspondence
the outcome
regarding referrals sent to the
CCMA and the group

Labour Courts • Advocate representation at Review of arbitration awards as Reasons for the dismissal
the Labour Court set down by the CCMA and the of the award received at
merits pertaining to that case; the CCMA; response to the
defence of the award as set applicant in defence of the
down by the CCMA award received at the CCMA


No donations are made to political parties.

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