Teaching Philosophy - Updated

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Teaching Philosophy

Teaching is about raising a new generation to be smarter and better than the previous. My
job as an educator is to cultivate an environment of respect, integrity, passion, creativity, and
internal motivation. I want to influence children to always be on the lookout for new
opportunities and have an open mind. These qualities are all reachable with students, but they
will not reach that high without the opportunity and direction. Sometimes these qualities are
natural and inbreed in the student, but students are made of both genetics and their environment.
They must be pushed to achieve all they can for the sake of their future lives and education.
As an educator, I believe critical thinking is one of the building blocks of education. We
are raising a new generation in a world of technology and science, art and drama, and
opportunity. Critical thinking teaches students how to navigate the world of tomorrow, as well as
today. It pushes them to think through their ideas and persevere when problem solving. It helps
them personally, as well, by helping them think through real life issues they are having. They
will be able to analyze their emotions, how they feel, and look at the big picture of the problem.
The steps that need to be taken to move forward will become clear to them. I believe students
oversee their own thinking. If they believe they are capable, and they are fully supported, they
have the freedom to build their thinking to the point of self-sufficiency and thrive.
I believe in the idea that all students should be treated fairly and equally, regardless of
how they behaved and treated previous teachers and students. Freshly entering a new school year
gives the child a break from past actions. I wish to treat each student without bias and give them
hope for a new day. If a student is treated as if they are capable of all things and with respect,
there is a high likelihood that they will try to reach expectations.
It is important to remember that each student is different, though, and each one has their
own story. Sometimes people get so caught up in their own lives, beliefs, and environment they
live in, that they have a tough time putting themselves into different shoes. As a teacher, I
believe that I should always have an open mind and continuous thoughts of why a student acts
the way they do, and where they come from. Regardless of culture, race, class, and ethnicity,
every child deserves the right to be in a learning environment which helps shape them into the
generation of tomorrow. Instead of approaching situations I do not understand with the idea of
changing a student, I will approach students with understanding and open ears. There is always
room for listening and growth, even for adults. Children teach adults new ways of thinking
constantly, for they see the world with different eyes. I wish to help students learn to the best of
their abilities. If you give a man a fish, he will eat for a day. If you teach a man to fish, he will
eat for a lifetime.

Sydney Matthews
Spring 2020

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