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Teacher Candidate: Allison Butcher

Content Area & Grade: Lesson Topic: Length (timing) of Lesson:

English, Language Arts Character Analysis in a Short Story 50 Minutes
9th Grade

WV Standard/s (daily):

Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a literary text, interact with other characters,
and advance the plot or develop the theme.

Learning Objective/s (SWBATS):

SWBAT describe a character in a short story.

SWBAT engage with abstract thinking in terms of assuming a character’s personal traits.

Formative Assessment:
Each activity from the character stations. Character sketch, character sketch worksheet, What Would Phoenix Do? (WWPD?), Character events

Materials/Resources: a copy of “A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty for each student, highlighters, crayons or colored pencils, blank sheets of paper, WWPD?
Worksheet, Character sketch worksheet, Character Events Worksheet, pencils or pens, igniter paper for activating strategy, desks should form four even groups
around the classroom, copies of “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker for homework, printed out homework instructions

*Highlight BLUE for materials/GREEN for technology
*Highlight PINK for instructional strategies
*Highlight YELLOW for discipline-specific academic language/vocabulary
Procedural Steps Questions Differentiated Instruction

Activating Strategy/ Time Students will be given a paint sample as they are walking Does anyone want to share one of Option to share for
Introduction 5 mins into the classroom. Tell the students as they walk in that their experiences while everyone is introverted students.
they will be sitting with the people who have the same still writing?
color paint sample as them.

On the board or smart TV, the following will be

“Do not touch any of the supplies that are in the middle
of your groups. Write 4-5 sentences answering the
following question: What do you do that defines who
you are?”

Students should walk into the classroom, get out their

daily folders, and begin working on the prompt.

While students are working on their igniter, pass out the

materials and worksheets that are needed for the
Core Instruction Time

Reading 18 Read “A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty to the students. What are some questions you have The story read aloud will
mins about the short story? benefit auditory learners.
While you are reading, have the students highlight all of
the quotes by Phoenix, underline places the author Having the students do this
describes her, and circle all of the characters. Draw a activity while the reading is
star beside of something that they would consider a occurring will help ADD
major event. students to stay focused.

7 mins Explain to the students what each group should do, then A combination of group
per tell them to begin working. Each group of students will and individual work within
Group Work group only go to 3 out of the four groups Does anyone have any questions the stations will be
about what each group is supposed beneficial to both
Group 1: Character Chart Worksheet which is attached to do? introverted and
at the end of this plan. Have students choose two rows extroverted students.
to fill out during this time and if they get finished early, Does any group need assistance?
they can work on a third. This will be group work.
Remind students that they highlighted all of Phoenix’s Allowing students to sketch
quotes. the character in group 2
will be beneficial to
Group 2: Sketch your character. Draw a picture of what students who learn best in
you think Phoenix Jackson looks like. This will be a more creative
individual work. Remind students that they underlined assignment.
in the short story where the author described Phoenix.
Allowing the students to
Group 3: WWPD? Worksheet where students will create switch groups every seven
a twitter post for her, a vanity license plate, a dream minutes will be beneficial
vacation, and her favorite song, and then explain why. to students who have
This will be group work. ADHD because it allows
them to get up and move
Group 4: Character Events Worksheet where students which releases energy.
will list three events that are crucial to who Phoenix is in
the story. This will be group work.

Closure Time Tell students that their homework is to read “Everyday Does anyone have any questions
Use” by Alice Walker and do the following. about the homework? Allowing the students to
5 min Circle each character. share specifically from
Underline everywhere the author describes a character. group 2 or 3 allows the
Highlight everything offensive that Dee (Wangero) says. students who learn best in
Pass out homework instruction sheet. Who would like to share their a creative way to express
drawing or WWPD? Worksheet with their skills since most
Give students the remainder of class to share something the class? lessons are not typically
from group 2 or 3 aloud to the class. geared towards them.
Contingency Time If there is extra time, then allow the students to begin
working on their homework.

If there is a planned interruption, only allow the

students to go to two groups each and shorten the
amount of time given. Read the short story at the very
beginning of class rather than doing the activating
strategy and do not have students share at the end.

If there is an unplanned interruption, have the students

go to as many groups as they can, and make sure to give
them the printed homework instructions on their way
out the door.

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