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verses 4 to 14 Krishna is the source of all spiritual and material energies and controller of the three
modes verses 4 to 5 krishna summarizes everything that exists in the material world into two categories
earth water fire air ether mind intelligence and false ego these eight constitute krishna separated material
energies on the other hand the living entities who are exploiting these inferior energies for different
purposes constitute the superior energies of the supreme personality of godhead in the bhagavad-gita
lecture in a bhagavad-gita lecture Shula prophet explains how the material elements are the separated
energy of the Lord pin na means separated and an example is when I speak into the tape recorder when
you are play the tape recorder you hear my voice but it is not me it is my separated energy with my
energy I've spoken I have vibrated some sound and is recorded on the tape when it is played back it
produces exactly the same sound but it is separated from me try to understand this material world is just
like that Binda separate real life is in the spiritual world than these energies the external energy krishna
says are separated separated means you cannot perceive crucially directly from this energy lecture
bhagavad-gita 74 New Vrindaban 1974 everything we see in the material world is crucial is energy the
advanced devotees are aware of the connection between the energy and the energetic that's why working
in the material world they can always remember Krishna see it seems very simplistic but actually one has
to appreciate what's going on here that this element that everything is Krishna and he's breaking it down
material energy right that you're going to be working with is that this is the earth water fire air ether mind
intelligence and false ego that's it everything else is the senses and the sense objects the sense objects
are made out of them right these these elements the senses can perceive them right then there's the
concept of hearing say you know tasting smelling like this so that's created by Krishna so that's what
you're going to do in other words your activities are going to be based on this but what you're dealing with
is only that there isn't something more right so that this is the point is if that's understood what we are
attracted to in this world is just transformations of earth water fire air and ether right and it has a mood to
it there's an ego there's a mind there's you know all the feelings that are there there's a particular
intelligence so the act and you know endeavor in a certain way this does make sense right so if one
breaks it down to this then that means that Krishna has put his energy into this world but it's separated it
still has the effect right but problem is this you won't find Krishna directly because it's separated spiritual
world is not separated so you can directly see Krishna right so the direct devotional activities deal with
Krishna directly on the spiritual platform the indirect means you're taking what is here of this world and
seeing in relationship to Krishna but you indirectly sees through this needle myself so now what's going to
happen is is that whatever is attracting us in this world the point is is that there's so much of that right let's
say you're attracted by food okay and it's a distraction for us but the point is is food all the varieties of food
all that comes from krishna is all in krishna right that's what was in the last chapter you know it's like that
so it's all in krishna so that means it's all there it's not like that something that's far out these different
members it's all in krishna then being in krishna he is the one who's making it work right so you know
thousands of arms thousands of lakes thousand that's that's all within krishna now that's going to then
mean that the potency of that attraction that tastes that fragrances are that looks that's coming from
krishna so immediately you see what's there that matter you can transfer it back to its actual position of
being situated in krishna being a separated energy so the point is as krishna's making it work is it's earth
water fire air neither's dead matter but that means that person is making it work so then naturally one will
look at the person so this is the next step then looking at the brahma and the energies working or part of
mountain and our involvement in it but the point is is it's all happening because of that person that
person's not all he's over there and this is all here no all this is in him at the same time is he's separate
you don't like this Michler well the Michelin's the other kind of Tigers does this make some sense right so
in other words we're seeing I was we're seeing how I'm the Brahman platform then on the paramount the
platform down the bhagavan platform everything's in Krishna so it is this it's not it's not a light thing this
because Krishna says by a higher taste you'll give up a lower taste so if you have lower tastes that bother
you the point is is one of these tastes what are they actually the dead matter what makes them have a
taste that's Krishna's potencies where are these potencies in this dead man is situated in Krishna right
and whatever variety there is it's all there because there's unlimited variety as far as our minds concerned
so by mental speculation we'll say okay this didn't work maybe that'll work but maybe this would work
we've been doing that since time immemorial trying to get in all the variety okay when that's done then
we'll give it up No at some point you just have to understand there's it's not going to work and Krishna
he's the higher taste right so he say tasting a higher taste to go to lower he's the higher taste he's the
taste is there in this but its indirect is separated right but it's coming from him him and his his energies the
internal potency but the point is is it's him that's attractive this make sense so it's a very you know
important technique enough to understand this and be able to apply the advanced devotees are aware of
the connection between the energy and the energetic thus all working in the material world that can
always remember Krishna so seeing the mechanics just the material world separated like this or how
Krishna centred everything or that everything situated in him or that he's in control of it through the modes
of nature he's sanctioning is par mama any of these ways we can see his Krishna's unlimited so unlimited
ways the krishna's giving some very key ways right ones that are always going to work like we have
recipes if you understand the cooking process then there's a certain technique that you can use let's say
you want to cook a particular class of subject right let's say a dry stir fried vegetable right so then that
means you're going to put your gear you're going to put your spices and then you're going to put your
vegetables and you're going to you know they'll be simulcast fried and you put a lid on so they get
steamed right and you'll cook it until it's soft right so now that basic thing is you can put in a variety of
spices right how you can do it you can keep it really simple right just some some chili some cumin some
hang some I say tumeric like that or you can make of the variety of simple spices or combinations right
and then you have all the different vegetables that you can put into that right so you can do that with
basically anything that doesn't have water in it right so you can't do it with spinach or with squashes right
because they're going to they're just going to turn it into soup anyway so you don't you don't bother with
those ones right does that make sense so now in that what is there and then you can combine vegetables
now now in that there'll be certain ones that will be out standing but certain combinations of spices with
certain vegetables that will be special so in this way you can make hundreds of of Heisei preparations but
all of those they'll be certain ones that are outstanding does that make sense the combination is really is
more it more special so in other words there's unlimited ways to see Krishna the Krishna's pointing out
these ones that will be more special to us they'll stand out so that's why then these should be taken
seriously these aren't just okay Krishna's saying this these are ways how you can get out of the material
energy you know we're always saying that is because the best way is just see Krishna surrender to
Krishna and you're out but it only takes that long how long it took to say that that's all the longer it takes
so that's that's the best if that doesn't happen then you start following the sodden law right and if that
doesn't keep you busy then you bring in these elements on the other hand the materialistic scholars tried
to understand the energy without connecting it with the energetic out of ignorance they limit their study
with the gross material elements only and if they have any idea of the Lord spiritual energy it is very
vague and incomplete as she the prophet explains that his purport to verse 5 here what went just on this
this veena I think is very important is that this point promised saying it's separated energy he's spoken it's
in the tape recorder it can play it back it's not it's not it's not directly connected with him anymore because
he's not speaking it but he says it's it it produces exactly the same sound right but now it's very important
to understand when this separated doesn't mean that it doesn't have the potency material energy is
Krishna separated energy but it has the potency the potencies from the energetic this makes sense so
that means if you have a lecture of proud pod right it has as much validity now that we listen to it as when
he spoken don't fall for the trap that this is just a representation of it but it's only if you were there that's
the real thing because then everything's in the past there's no present spiritual means present it doesn't
go away do you think because if you do that then you always have to be directly in the association of
somebody right but the problem is is then it's only spiritual as long as you right there and hearing
whatever so when they get up and go to the bathroom then you'll be reffed us and any spiritual because if
you think about it you're only thinking about what was spiritual but is not now understand some very very
bogus philosophy but unfortunately the mind likes bogus philosophies or catches on oh yes because
what's the purpose of this because you can't be with these other people you have to be with this particular
person right now otherwise you get no spiritual benefit and then when they're dead same problem so then
everyone will leave that person go off to the next one so in this way then you had like musical chairs
musical Vyasa songs okay as Sheila probably explains in his purport to verse five in the material energy
the principal manifestations are eight as above-mentioned out of these the first five manifestations namely
earth water fire air and sky are called the five gigantic creations or the gross creations these are maja
Buda maja the great elements within which the five sense objects are included they are manifestations of
physical sound touch form taste and smell because they go within these because each one brings out
these different elements so because when you define the creation you can define that we say twenty-four
elements that's because everything is unfolded but everything packs back into itself like all the senses
sense objects and all that so that the the working senses that the the knowledge-acquiring senses and
the sense objects right and then even those you can go back into the mind right does that make sense so
but the thing is is but what they're working with you know sound is working with ether like touch from air
but I say form but sight is from fire taste this from water smell is from Earth all right so they're coming from
there so then you make sense so it's that when you say the great elements is because they're the basis of
everything that we see material science comprises these ten items and nothing more but the other three
items namely mind intelligence and false ego are neglected by the materialists right because they know
nothing about it so it's like they you know they very intelligent but they still know nothing about it this is the
way it works philosophers are deal with mental activities are also not perfect in knowledge because they
do not know the ultimate source Krishna the false ego I am and it is mine which constitute the basic
principle material existence include 10 sense organs for material and for material activities intelligence
refers to this total material creation called the Maha tatva therefore from the eight separated energies of
the Lord are manifested the twenty-four elements of the material world which are the subject matter of
Sankhya atheistic philosophy they are originally offshoots from Krishna's energies and are separated from
him but atheistic Shanthi of philosophers with a poor fund of knowledge do not know Krishna as the cause
of all causes the subject matter for discussion and the sharky philosophies is only the manifestation of the
external energy of Krishna as it is described in bhagavad-gita so we've taken is that you have the five
gross and then these sense objects the tongue mattress okay so those have come from there so these
ten are all that the scientists work with they don't work with beyond that then those who get into the soft
sciences then they work with supposedly with the mind intelligence policy but they don't really they don't
they can't even define what it is because this part when we say I and mine that's your identity and and
therefore what's your so that's your gain and safety I'm the controller the enjoyer it's the whole basis of
polluted consciousness you find the controller means then that's my idea I am and what I could enjoy
that's mine so now we've gotten in the subtle ones right so this is the basic principle of material existence
why we're here is because of the mind so these include the ten sense organs for material activities so the
mind the false ego that means that - it's how we identify the particular manifestation of the mind is the
false ego so this false ego that includes this the ten senses the five working and the five knowledge-
acquiring so those are going to act according to my what's what hope what my identity is and what I
consider mine so then here now you have this sense organs the other ten now now here again ten right
so that's that's everything right that 10 this 10 right then you have mind intelligence and false ego so say
23 and then polluted consciousness I in mind so that comes to the false ego then all this can be taken
back into the modes the mind will go back into goodness the census sense objects into passion but since
I'll just go go back into and then that the Maha Buddhists will be ignorance so between goodness passion
ignorant and also the false ego be ignorant then you get all you'll get everything so that's why the modes
control everything because everything is coming from expanding from the three modes that's what makes
it expand but what we're dealing with is these five gross elements the the sense objects then the five
senses I mean the ten senses right and then mind intelligence and false Neko and polluted
consciousness iron mine that's the twenty-four evidence polluted consciousness and false ego means
basically you could say not much the polluted consciousness is false ego pure consciousness is real ego
in other words that how you identify yourself what type what how you see yourself involved you know
what because you're going to do something in a field based on your identity and so then they bring that
up as these 24 discussed in the Shrunk yet but in the atheistic so now we're bringing it up to the actual
platform of the proper understanding of these twenty-four elements according to how krishna defines
them so we've dealt with it the material scientists we've dealt with all this psychologists and philosophers
and now we've dealt with zhang qian so that covers everything in the creation now that will be defined in
in the gita set okay his intelligence is discriminating between what's there and what our options are so
that means when Mahatma's manifests the souls along with false ego come into the into the endtime they
come into the pradhan so pradhan transforms into my heart so in there's all the principles everything that
can be defined because your primary creation will happen in that state someone is able to perceive all
that so that gives you your options by which then your false ego you can try to control and enjoy but what
you're seeing it would be that the the gross manifestation but actually it's based on the subtle in the
bhagavad-gita the Lord refutes the atheists that Kapila schanke's philosophy following the process
initiated by Kapila people failed to understand the truth about the Lord and his energies for hundreds and
thousands of years in verse 4 to 5 the supreme personality of Godhead lifts the shroud of mystery and
Veals the truth with a few simple words unless one listens from krishna or krishna's representative one
cannot understand krishna's opulences potencies fame beauty knowledge and renunciation and unless
one knows about the lord's opulences one can never enter into the realm of pure devotional service nor
can he deliver others from the material existence as stated in the chicken shed Amita - 1:17 and madhya-
lila 2265 ashes a a sincere student should not neglect the discussion of such philosophical conclusions
considering them controversial for such discussions strengthen the mind thus one's mind becomes
attached Lord Krishna one who is expert in logic argument and in the and the revealed scriptures and
who has firm faith and Krishna is classified as a top mass most devotee he can deliver the whole world so
these philosophical conclusions one should all but some one can say this one say that I've heard
devotees who don't really want to get into philosophy or study because they say is you can take the verse
and interpret in so many ways yes it's true because that's what the meaning of me mum said is that
mimamsa means the method of interpretation of this and then English were to be hermeneutics so that
defines how you would interpret the verse so yes you get so you get six major schools and then from
these six major schools you take bits and pieces and combine them together you either have those main
six or you'll end up for the whole bunch of others another another twenty odd you know manifestations of
different varieties of these is that does that make sense so that's true but the point is is the acharya is
give us what is the actual understand so you understand it in light of what they give then there is no
controversy then you can see as you're given discussing it from different angles of vision this is called V
chart there's different sides that means that then then strengthens to the mind is the mind that sees
through so many ways it gets much more understanding but it has to be a line of the acharya say so
generally what happens is that there's a difference means you are actually thinking uh maybe mum stuff
something else not of what prophets saying not what the acharya story when I was situated and
knowledge of Krishnan acts accordingly is executing devotional service or as Sheela prophet writes in
renunciation through wisdom devotion resides in perfect knowledge of the supreme this is confirmed and
this is in the note this is confirmed in the buck-buck even at the purport is CC adi-lila seven 120 know 102
bhakti develops and pursuant to Vedanta philosophy this is stated in srimad-bhagavatam right so then
trying to understand the philosophy once devotion develops why would it develop what is the philosophy
defining Krishna and his energies how they work how it all that work so therefore then one develops one's
affection for Krishna that's why it said it's very important to understand his his name form qualities and
pastimes his opulences because only then can you get out of the material world because if you don't
understand them then you won't get out of the material world the Brahma body and the one who you
know is absorbed in Parma but don't get out of the material world someone who's absorbed in Bhagavad
he gets out of the tree the others they stay the seriously inquisitive student or saves well equipped with
knowledge and detachment realizes that absolute truth by rendering devotional service in terms of what
he has heard from the Vedanta Shuki so in other words we render service according to what we've heard
we don't make it up it's very important the words bhakti Sutra gris-gris Heat ayah in this verse are very
important for they indicate that bhakti must be based upon the philosophy of the Upanishads and beta-2
Sutra surely surely rupa goswami said devotional service performed without reference to the vedas
puranas pancha rathas etc must be considered sentimentalism and it causes nothing but disturbance to
society right so many times devotees like to being in quoting from somewhere else some modern
contemporary environment some modern contemporary work you know it's saying you to Vairagya fine
but the point is is they can't take that back too vague Anton so it's not exactly group to vairagya it's
sentimentalism because we see with time it causes a disturbance because it is so great means we're still
talking Gita right now right but these other books they come and go right means last couple of years is a
rage in something before that there was some other thing back in the 90s there was some other thing and
it's always going and we see if you look at it has it actually improved the social environment no it's just the
disturbance so you could've I Raya that's okay as long as you can bring it in line with Vedanta you can't
bring in line with Vedanta don't fool yourself and say it's you've divided you right because you've done
means connected to Krishna you can only connect the Krishna through Vedanta Vairagya means you've
give this nice car me you've given up the attachment to the result but why are you saying no we do by
Roget because you're attached to the results of dealing with that thing that you don't see in connection to
Krishna so there's no uke to end no Vairagya right but you see that that's you've divided you right
prophesying the tape recorder in this example in connection to Krishna that's you've Divya he's seeing
how the tape record is working in the same potency how the the Lord you know and his energies the
separator net how that functions that's you could buy rocket but otherwise it's sentimental right it sounds
nice it sounds great sounds fabulous but none of its work nothing zip if it's work that's another thing but
it's not working you know I'm saying that's that's that's the point yes what makes us believe it'll work
means which the things that don't work because we do we believe in the material world yes but doesn't
work it does it gets through what you want you're happy you're satisfied five million people are sitting in
the promised land of milk and honey in Canaan and perfect peace and harmony with 100 million
neighbors around them that wish they were there so is it working no so that's the problem the problem is
is the material well it sounds great it's a good concept but the point is is if it's not connected to Vedanta it's
just sentiment that it works you connect it to Vedanta then it actually does work but what does it work for
elevating yourself from here through the spiritual platform and if you use it according to Vedanta you can
actually make the material world work properly as good as it works but it's designed to its inherent means
as I say you know it's like the modern economic theory planned obsolescence you make something in this
but it'll fall apart so you buy it buy it again so it's made that way it will fall apart you know you set things up
you know you set up your business the family and this and that it will fall apart you set up the family
tradition and all these that it will fall apart this is the way it's designed it's done that way just so that the
living entity starts to contemplate why am I so frustrated when everything seems so real right that you
know we're here where the body we make the endeavor we may get the results you know the feelings
that they have in the mind that are shared with others achieve so much substance right but in the event
ultimately there is nothing we're left with nothing right it's all memories in the past something that was or
maybe something that will be you know but what's going on now you know what what do you actually
have that's the problem so by seeing connection with de don t you understand is yes because the soul
doesn't belong here they belong in the service of the Lord so but since were situated here in the inferior
enemy no actually it's the superior and the inferior energy so well actually maybe the inferior enemy
because ourselves is the greater enemy that is so then then one can see how crucian is in everything and
so one can see how to connect it to Krishna and by being connected to Krishna it works according to the
Lord's laws but he controls the material energy material energy works according to his laws you follow the
laws you know and with the philosophy you can connect to Krishna right so you get efficiently work within
the material environment the same time as you elevate yourself to the transcendental platform make
sense so you get both but that you can only get because you're working on nice cardio we have this false
concept that all want and all get some of when you don't want you get when you want you can't get it's
just the way it works you know so the problem is is we have a false premise on how it should function and
it will never function according to that false premise if you can't you know because the mental speculation
doesn't make it work as we see the mind the senses and the viga or all those things like that but it's
actually the intelligence is the place where the mehat is that everything's based on the heart the
secondary manifestation is based on on so that's why krishna miss mentioned before through spiritual
intelligence he's by being conscious of krishna one can use spiritual intelligence to therefore deal with the
with the material energy problem see it relationship [Music] yeah yeah but that you'll do anyway means
means you use something but the problem is is you have to function within the social system in the social
system as you increase prestige then you know something is always out of fashion even if it works good
so fashion is but it's perceived as important not actually what works you know I'm saying it's just like let's
say before you know perceived value was let's say you know a gold pocket watch you know with these
amazing movements in it that we're so well made that you buy it and then it gets given to your son and
your grandson can use it you know by that time then it might you know wear out but even then these
companies you can give it in and they'll fix it and replace the part so you know I'll keep going but now it's
like this you know some big huge monster plastic you know thing that you know it's like it's something like
previously like when I was a kid that's what kids would wear you know little kids you get a you know a
three-year-old but now that's like you know fashion so but it doesn't it's not so good so like what you're
saying it's it's you're creating a perception you know because ultimately if they wanted it to work how it
would be would be is it you know you'd buy it and it would fall apart you know immediately and then how
to how to generate your desire to always buy something that falls apart so therefore it's easier to change
your focus from one thing that falls apart to another one that falls apart and as you said better is that says
you can't it can't fall apart immediately and then be too obvious there for you so therefore the phrase oh
that's so last week well the material energy wealth the cause of our variety is net natured natural to the
salt is a Souls energy so energy means variety all right so that's inherent in the soul because Ananda
means you're going to be taste means that but tasting the different varieties based on the situation
because when you you have a situation you perform an activity you'll get a result the result becomes part
of the situation the situation has changed so now again you act on that situation and then that will
generate another result which will come back and become part of the situation so the situation is
constantly changing because you're constantly adding something to it that's why the energy expands
because that's what it does it adds more and more right but here you add more and more and then one
day you die so there's kind of like a limit on how much you can add but in the spiritual world is just it's
unlimited there isn't there's no end so the variety is so variety is inherent so all they're doing is playing
upon this so basically your marketing is just taking the psychology of how people think and all that so they
don't know why they don't know that these needs desire needs inheriting the soul the soul is coming from
God you know how the mind works out the intelligence they just know the effect so they studied an effect
of what they want to get which is economics so that's why you're always going to have a problem with all
these modern theories that you want to engage in the Lord's service is that they're not connected to the
Lord devotees only connect you know that they'll gets the results of the Lord so that's good but they don't
understand the mechanics that is there is limited you notice that it was just like it's geared in economics
like some bunda I'll be day in perugia where you are now where you want to get to how to get there right
that's the basis of the strategic planning no but that's that is your plan not just whether you want to start
with where we want to go then where we are then make the plan or we're here and we want to get there
and make the plan you know somehow they think using two different schools right but you know whatever
so but that concept that's been on the on you know they're in the in the ISKCON you know kind of like
administrative scene now for what ten years or something like that being but it just got thrown out if the
last GBC minutes then you're working on it for ten years you just threw it out why because it's based on
economics if you look at the things that belts cut define as some bunda it's all consideration of economics
so therefore you can't make a complete system based on economics minimum you can work at as is
Dharma and that will include artha kama and Moksa but to start on that it'll never work you can't work you
knows that then you're gonna make everything prosperous brighter than these money but is prosperity
only only defined by facility or by management but about knowledge what about devotion is this
generating knowledge is the situation we're in of ignorance and the plan to get knowledge is that part of
this plan no why because it's not part of how the materialists make that make that concept right
businessman use it for economics you know that the military uses it for for for their work and that's where
it is you know you might have a school ok they may do their thing there for knowledge but the point is is
it's not complete so some bunda OB de empleo ja that's complete it's a philosophy it's Vedanta but when
they discuss strategic planning there is no big answer therefore it fails not because the principle is wrong
because they don't even know what the principle is that's the problem so this is the difficulty with the
yuktah by Raja of these kind of concepts because they have no idea they don't know not that what they're
talking about isn't valid that what they're talking about is only valid because it is it is defining something of
Krishna's creation now what defines Krishna's creation better then they don't so whatever you're looking
for it's there you just have to have your intelligence to apply it so we don't have that someone else had it
they observe material energy they came up with these plans these ideas but they're their observance is
polluted so that means this application is polluted so unless you can draw from the essence but how will
you draw the essence unless you know vanitha you know instead if you say that this oh we don't know so
much philosophy we're just practical managers know how to get things done yeah you just got yourself
thrown in that's real practical does that make sense you know so I only was giving this this directive a
thing otherwise we'll always keep into that oh yes no but let's just bring out anyone you want and they'd
never work they can't work until they're connected you it something you want to say something you notice
that so this is the difficulty is that it's not being seen according to what Lord see Tonya says you know the
seriously inquisitive student or stage well equipped with knowledge and detachment well equipped with
knowledge and detachment realizes that absolute truth by rendering devotional service in terms of what
he has heard from the vena antha Shruti okay then rupa goswami says devotional service performed
without reference to the vedas puranas partridges etc must be considered sentimentalism and it caused
us nothing but disturbance to society that's all it does you know it doesn't do anything more if it would why
hasn't it that's the point there are different grades of vice novice kanistha adhikari madhyama Adhikari
and automatic art but to be a monument Akari preacher one must be a learned scholar in the vedanta-
sutra and other vedic literatures because when bhakti-yoga develops on the basis of a tanto philosophy it
is factual and steady the perfect knowledge of the absolute truth must result in pure devotional service to
the supreme personality of Godhead there's no devotional service performed we must assume that the
knowledge of the absolute truth has not reached maturity this is confirmed in bhagavad-gita 1519
whoever knows me as the supreme personality of Godhead without doubting is the knower of everything
he therefore engages himself in full devotional service to me o son of Bharata right so from knowledge
then we don't doubt then we're going to engage ourselves how do we engage yourself is according to
what's given in the trustor what's the philosophy and so in sensible Vedanta it means the philosophy so
the so all activities are based on the philosophy and if it's based on anything else it will be the disturbance
it's not called devotional service okay you can say devotional service performed without reference that
would mean that you're following the rituals of devotional service but if you you're not doing it according to
the Vedas and pancha rathas what's the meaning they had bhagavad-gita that's the essence means
Vedanta means the end of knowledge right so the Veda itself you have the Samhita which is the verses
then so that's the beginning right then you have the brahmanas the second book which which defines
how to use them in the various aspects of ritual right according to the Kriya sutras and Dharma sutras
then you're a third that so that's the first that's that's porvo then iturra that means the second half then
then you have the hanukkah so it gives the you know the esoterics of what's going on the ritual the
metaphysics and all these furnaces and then the fourth is view party shots which is the conclusion of the
Veda like what's the philosophical purpose of it what's the ultimate goal so that's Vedanta right so the
view so the apana shots then our vedanta the end of knowledge so vedanta-sutra is written to give the
essence of what's in all the Upanishads in Sutra form and Gita is the Gita Upanishad it is the essence of
all them to follow all of the the Upanishads but given in these this you know Quranic form so bhagavad-
gita is vedanta-sutra because it means Vedanta is you know is this means the end of knowledge so
obsessed Vedanta shooty here so then what's been authorized we have Puranas bhargava we have the
punch for our trailer province giving us up there you know we have what's what's important he's given us
so that will define so if you work according to these books it works now I can say if one says well we've
tried that it didn't work then it means you didn't didn't try good enough the man tried business it didn't fail it
didn't work so then he says okay economics doesn't work I'll try some other method to make money is
that gonna work no so if you try to apply the scriptures that doesn't work in your life you can't say well I'll
use some other alternative there isn't any because gods are control the material energy that works
according to his direction his direction is defined ins in descriptions with you you want to get anywhere in
the material world you have to follow the scriptures let me set this up so like that then that there isn't an
alternative to that other things can be seen in relationship to but they can't replace you know it's like
someone in the meeting then they bring up something that's incorrect with our philosophy you know like
that they'll make a comment in a management meeting and then you raise your hand your sex excuse me
but you know according to you that's not correct and then the person will say and get away with it oh so
on this point we agree to disagree it's kind of like no we don't you don't know the philosophy what you're
saying is bogus philosophy so it's not it's not a matter we agree okay as long as we agree that what I'm
speaking is correct philosophy what used to be can is bogus philosophy then we agree to you know that
we have differences of opinion unless you stay like that then we don't we don't I don't agree so this goes
on why because this point of oh then we agree to disagree this is all part of your political correctness this
is all part of your what we call that you know the problem-solving what's that facilitating and all those
kinds of things it all comes out of there it's born from that which is simply some so-called psychological
understanding of how to use the the mind and emotion intelligence to get a political solution accomplished
or a social solution but it does not see this knowledge and connects your the Supreme Lord therefore it
will give trouble because here so much completely miss applying it is the point ultimately is Nietzsche get
done what you need to get done because they never function on Darla they're not functioning on moksha
right they wouldn't have a clue what kama is that only leaves the MARTA you know the Westerners have
facility wouldn't know how to enjoy it you know yes it depends upon who you listening to listening to those
those schools of say you know speak the truth and all this and that but generally they'll say no you have
to be nice and support and let them do whatever they like you know but then then to you know others who
speak the truth in like that so in other words it you have to discriminate in all these generally most of these
schools not all of them but anything to do with the political correct and all these things if it's to do with
authority then you're truthful and direct and blunt and gross and disgusting but if it's with somebody who's
not an authority then you have to be completely supportive and everything like this and you know
whatever they want to do is okay and everything like that so you have to be able to make these two
opposing I say approaches but the way you tell the difference on who to apply it to is are they in a position
of authority or are they not so that's that's how you tell would that be fair yeah so in other words what
bhakti the notochord says you know putting this this this stuff aside because it doesn't always work
because most people can't tell when to use it or not to use it in that way and the point is is it's it's what's
the problem with authority so the generally boils down to Authority issues so now the real point is this
what are they saying all right what's the situation what are they saying you have to go to the essence of it
because the principle of everything is not wrong I mean your principle of anything is not wrong it's the not
seeing in connection to Krishna and when they apply it in the detail this is where the problems come up
but the principle is not wrong you know say there say well you know I can't always you know you know do
like that I can't always chant and you know so many other things to do and it gets so distracting and stuff
like that so the point is you have to see is is what's the point they don't know what the point is they're just
saying these things but the point is is that rupa goswami mentions you got about you have to balance you
know your how much you can do in devotional service and how much you should do right so in other
words you should chant sixteen rounds but you can only chant eight you know because of your
distractions and attachments and this and that or whatever it is that's how much you are willingly able to
do so the point is is this then you're trying to help them find so you're saying no no well it's okay you know
you chant what you can and all this than that but you're not being sentimental here because you know the
philosophy that's just what I'm saying it goes back to Vedanta so rupa goswami is saying this but the point
is this so now you do that you have all these other things but as time goes and all these other things will
become you know more more balanced and all that then you'll be able to chant more and all that because
you know but you don't get you know you know and say so if it's on the relationship then you don't get all
preachy about it at the same time as you do say what's there because it's a friend so you have to know
when you say truth that doesn't mean facts truth means Krishna truth means Vedanta you know I'm
saying so even here we're saying what we talked the truth you know we're straightforward yet that's good
but why is it but what is truth and what is straightforward that they don't know but the principle of being
truthful being straightforward that's a good thing you know you want to be all you know natural and in
harmony with the universe and not to do anything and not disturb but that is the principle is good why
because it's God's creation so be in harmony with God's truth with God in His creation but that approach
is not Vedanta is sentimental but within that the basis of the principle is you can it's there in vain on top
you just have to connect it and to bring it out from there so the problem is that devotees to take these
things up they sound great but without connecting the Vedanta they're absolutely useless it make you feel
good for some time and then that's it and then you have to find something else otherwise if one thing
worked wouldn't people be using it you know why is it you go online there'll be millions of solutions to your
problem all right so that's that that's that's the difficulty so what we're saying here is very practical but it
means intelligence means one has to be one must be a learned scholar and debate on to Sutra and the
Vedic and other Vedic literature's right because one who develops but when bhakti-yoga develops on the
basis of a dr. velocity it is factual and steady it's real it's steady because you see like this then you can
make it like that and then you can help others that's how you preach saying the person is you know a
celebrity and so the things like that and they're very prominent to think it's Oklahoma that's important to
them but the point is is that performing if that's your duty performance if you do how to perform your duty
properly you know how to see that proper connection are you doing how Jesus you know are you being
are you in public do people know that you're there and can be a celebrity if nobody knows who you are
right so you have to be on test so that means you have to be in the public eye you know and so there's
certain things you have to do but that's because that's how Krishna's made it you know saying so so that's
that's the thing he said yeah it means the king he was to get something done but you know it's it's it's
something new in the public and all that then he has people go out his people go out into the the market
and they start talking about it let's arthashastra you know saying so you understand like that then you can
do all they say so what's the problem you never say but we're doing it because that's what Shastra says
not because that's what you know the you know you know I say you know Herman's book on you know I
say political you know this make some sense this wasn't too blunt this otherwise we have been very
unblended quite a few months yes I already explained it means his point is no no thought you know or no
work actually it's completely useless there's always something used to learn it because it's connected with
Russia this creation the uselessness is that you don't see it's connection to Krishna so if you see the
connection then you can start to work that that means you have to know the philosophy to connect it as a
mug you Commissioner doesn't know this from that they do the best I can okay fine everyone's going to
preach one has to know so one can't claim to be a preacher and then speak you know modern
gobbledygook you know one has to one has to base it on philosophy on the vedic literatures otherwise
one is not knowledgeable you know it's like like I was saying you have so many zeros they're worth
nothing but you put a 1 in front then they're a value so if whatever it is that you know whatever does you
do you connect that to Krishna concept to Krishna through the philosophy of Krishna consciousness then
it has value but before that moment it has no value why because it's not connected so bhakti north of
course point is you can connect anything but you have to know how to find what is connectable missing
the helmet in verse 5 the Lord explains that that the living entities who are exploiting the material
elements are his superior energy and she the prophet writes in renunciation through wisdom it is easy to
discern the superiority of spirit over in that matter the Jiva principle is setting into motion and sustaining
everything in this world and if the Jebus did not try to lord it over the material nature then there would be
no variegatedness in this phenomenal world the material elements would have remained unchanged if the
Jebus had not been inclined to control it and join them only through the material energies Kempe that only
through the material energies connection with the conscious living entity can such substances as earth
wood stone and iron be orchestrated so as to give rise to huge opulent buildings factories and cities
matter cannot organize itself matter just sits there man organize it so that's why Christian or later would
say that the Jeeva is sustaining the universe they say no Christian assist and not Krishna's maintaining
controlling the universe but the only reason it's there is because the because the because the jiva's are
sustaining there's every sense you know it's just like why does the baby have diapers so this diapers are
sustained by the baby it's arranged by the parents when the diaper by the baby doesn't need diapers
there are no diapers so when the diva doesn't require then it's not here it's only here because people
required okay so it's easy to see what's doing what material energy is just there and then then the Jiva
manipulates it and creates things yes although superior to inert matter the living beings remain energy
nonetheless they are not to become the energetic nor the enjoyer and any level of their spiritual
emancipation thus the attempts of the Jeeva to enjoy matter are never successful because energy cannot
enjoy energy as she the Prophet explains in renunciation through wisdom the jiva's being a product of the
spiritual energy tried to exploit the material energy but ultimately such attempts failed because it is
impossible for one energy to always exploit and lord it over another energy because they're always
changing can't the Jebus can however eternally served the supreme energetic Lord Krishna when the
Jeeva exploits the material energy in this endeavor to serve the Lord that activity is transcendental the
performance of sacrifice and the other kind of activity amounts to nothing but materialistic fruits at work so
here's you know the key here Jeeva exploits the material energy in his endeavor to serve the Lord that
activities of transcendental the performance of sacrifice so in other words you're exploiting the material
energy look at you can look at it from your engaging according to what you're interested in but you're
connecting it to the Lord so that sacrifice so this way then that term exploit would would work here unless
exploit you're just taking at being you know engage you know without it's necessary approval since dead
matter doesn't approve anyway so there's no other way of dealing with it but exploitation um just a
question it's been in my mind for the last some days so as we're going through there before there were
more questions there's more interaction is that because now there's less because the lawyers are
learning more so they understand more so we're speaking these things there's an understanding or it's a
matter of you know what we're speaking is this too esoteric it doesn't have Lily any you know that or is
just downright boring trying to figure out what's this new mood yes if it's in if it's directly in connection with
this then then that would be nice but if it's going to take it off on a tangent somewhere like that then then
that's not so important but if it's to bring out the understanding of what's in other words if it's a question of
what's directly been said that's fine if it's a question on the example that's not so important no sense you
know somebody now it starts the whole thing about you know the you know whether you pure le or
Michelin is the you see actual that's not important and probably the wool underwear this is that is that
okay so I mean so I mean any other how you say perspective is on this so that's what everybody's doing
okay so just everyone that looked is reflection rather than what is this guy but what the Wraith is is
anybody is anybody getting bored that's that's an important thing is if the boredom setting in that's a
problem if it's if it's contemplation reflection everybody knows more because I've seen that what would
take sometimes days to discuss in this kind of open forum when it's newer people and someone who's
been around a long time they've explained in five minutes so that's understood that would happen yes
what is this guy talking about okay yesyes what we're doing is the examples will generally be sometimes
unique or even bizarre or that that's just to create the element of consciousness or you know wake the
wakeful State but it's not actually the point of the discussion it's just it's just a way of dealing but
sometimes then it catches and people catch those things and we spend a lot of time yes as long as as
long as something's going on as long as you're hearing and digesting and it's meaning something then it's
fun but if there is a question that should be asked what shouldn't be afraid at the same time is you know if
it's not everyone is falling asleep and it's not very practical okay so starting to make some more sense
okay that's good no it's just good I didn't think it would happen so quickly but it seems to happen a lot
sooner I thought it would happen much later I kind of thought it would happen to the second year it seems
to be happening halfway through the first which is good this is good so you can imagine the fun of the
second okay verses six to seven Krishna introduces himself as a separate category everything that exists
in the material world is a product of matter and spirit Christian is the original cause and the dissolution of
both besides this he is the maintainer because everything rests on him as pearls strung on a thread when
pearls are strung on a thread we see the pearls of knot the thread still the thread exists and holds the
pearls together in the same way Krishna as the creator the maintainer and the dissolver is always present
although not seen so that's the importance because we can't perceive it with the senses we're so useful
this idea of cut yaksha that if we can't see it then it doesn't exist so that's the importance of Shastra but
you probably listen to them that I'm sure it's important but so Krishna's separate that's the important thing
I mean is a blazer is that lecturer promise describing that Krishna is beyond spiritual because spiritual is
coming from him I mean the definition of spiritual meaning not material yes that's there as far as the
spiritual world he's beyond that he's the source of it so it means Krishna's something beyond Bhagavad
Shri Krishna's the origin of para mama and the brahmajyoti there is no truth superior to Krishna as Sheila
prophet writes in his purport to verse seven there's a common controversy over whether the supreme
absolute truth is personal or impersonal as far as bhagavad-gita is concerned the absolute truth is the
personality of Godhead Sri Krishna and this is confirmed in every step in this verse in particular it is
stressed that the absolute truth is a person the impersonalists however argues on the strength of the
Vedic version given in the straightest matter Upanishad 3:10 tatar yad hoot-hoot aadat um Todd a loop
um an arm I am yeah eight a vid or unretouched a Parvati I think a theta day to come Oh a a vow Chianti
in the material world Brahma the material living entity within this the primeval living entity within this
universe is understood to be the supreme amongst demigods human beings and lower animals but
beyond Verma there is the transcendence who has no material form and is free from all material
contamination anyone can know him also anyone who can know him also becomes transcendental but
those who do not know him suffer the miseries of the material world the personals puts more stress on
the word our rule pump but this our roopam is not impersonal and indicates the transfer form of eternity
bliss and knowledge so he's establishing that he's beyond the Vermont and that he's not material so but
being not material doesn't mean that there's no form it just means there's no material form he's his
spiritual is there in other words if there is transcendence like that so he's the source of this transcendence
see otherwise they think the ramon is there but then how do you get all this coming out where does it
explain they can't explain it if everything is one where does illusion come from and from this illusion how
does how does how does illusion cover Brahman which is superior and then all this happens if they say
past time then that indicates personality and according to their definition Vermont there is no personality
so why would Vermont want to have it passed on so if there is a past time it is person then that means
there's a person beyond the promise so they're miss applying this is that there's transcendence and it
also constantly first it was he right they missed that point also and and if one who knows him so that out
indicates to who the big entity and the Lord so if you know him but if it's all one you have just have to
know yourself all right but not you have to know him so it indicates that there has to be there has to be
personal yes mizu yes no it means in any case is going community his his plenary expansions are taking
care of the material existence but that doesn't mean Chris wasn't aware because it's him so he's aware of
everything just like you you know are you aware of the end of your toe you know but the point is is you
can be absorbed in interaction with someone else and not be specifically aware of of your body right but if
you want to be you can be you know saying you're talking and all this then that's going on and then they'll
say you know there's someone they'll say oh you know something and then you can become aware does
that make sense so Krishna's absorbed in his pastimes with the devotees so he's unaware but at the
same time is you know being God he is aware is every sense so he's aware of whatever's going on so be
sure not points out is so one doesn't have to worry that Chris was so busy in his pastimes he doesn't hear
your prayers that's the point is that would be the anxiety okay yes earlier in the class means it's based on
Vedanta yeah it's the words used the seriously inquisitive student Estates well-equipped and knowledge
and detachment realizes the absolute truth by rendering devotional service in terms of what he's heard
from the manor yes one of his expert in lodging an argument in the revealed scriptures news for faith is no
stubbornness this is okay a so Sears students should not neglect the discussion of such philosophical
conclusions considering them controversial process discussions strengthen the mind thus one's mind
becomes attached to some Krishna because they're defining be not the means it defines Krishna you
know so in other words this is discussion we don't several shruti mantras such as a come a voddy Ava
Ava VTR Brahma Brahman is one without a second Neha Gnostic in China besides this nothing exists
sarvam called it on Brahma everything and everywhere is Vermont and Humber mas me I am by nature
Vermont find the perfect explanation in verses 6 to 7 actually profit rights in renunciation through wisdom
the Supreme Lord endowed with the six transcendental opulences to the absolute degree is the highest
governing principle thus no other personality is equal to or greater than he Lord Krishna confirms his point
by saying there's no truth superior to me and then explaining how he's present everywhere and intimately
connected with everything through his all pervasive energies material energy is the result of the
transformation of the Lord's energies both the energies and the energetic are inconceivable and they are
simultaneously one and different hence the phrase sarvam called me Don Brahma everything is Vermont
in fact declares that everything consists of transformations of the supreme lord's material and spiritual
energies Shakti parinamavada the transformation of his energies neither increases nor decreases the
supreme absolute truth hence Vermont is described as changeless and the ethereal energy being only
the reflection of Vermont is near a car impersonal so the material energy is near a car it's impersonal
because it's just dead matter that's where the concept comes from so material concept where you're
seeing something without the Lord in ball that's in person so actually the material consciousness the
material existence that's impersonal right but the point is is that there's only transformation you take one
of the transfers into something else transition to something else so this is party nama bond so it's not an
illusion it just transforms then because it just transforms it doesn't lose the quality that it has so that
means Vermont has changes it's made of Vermont it remains Vermont transformation doesn't mean it
switches from Vermont to illusion that's be Bart Devon that's what the maya bodies say they say
vivartavada is that it's illusion that what's here is illusion it doesn't exist right there's only Vermont but
we're saying the same thing yes there's only Vermont Vermont transforms that's the B part divided but it's
still the same Vermont so brahmana's chasin changeless a good variety show today Bengali tete-a-tete
musical exposition verses 8 to 14 fun pyres if you're in the grass house you don't even notice this but in
these buildings they you not even know what floridans sometimes then you hear this in there on the roof
you know sort of plenty far enough away there's some kind of these buildings echo that's where these are
not actually very ideal for kids at least the boys the grass absorbs its like acoustically dead so you know
someone could be in the back over there playing the Dungan we can have class it wouldn't bother us in
verses 8 to 11 the Lord explains how everything is strung on him the Lord gives examples as to how we
can remember him while working in the material world in this way the Lord helps us attain the stage of
Maya mana the mind attached to Krishna Bobby begin at 71 Krishna is the light of the Sun and the moon
is syllable all in the Vedic mantras the sound and ether and the ability in man the original fragrance of the
earth heat and fire life in all existence the intelligent of the intelligent the prowess of all powerful men the
strength of the strong devoid of passion and desire sex life which is not contrary to religious principles and
the taste of water Krishna that three hears from election Venus Stockholm and not on that Krishna's even
the taste of the wine I am the taste of any liquid that attracts you even if you are a drunkard and fond of
wine I should recommend that you simply think that this taste of wine is Krishna that will make a yogi of
you that will make you the greatest yogi simply repeat I am tasting wine a very nice taste this is Krishna
isn't that easy this is Krishna and we may laugh but I either met a devotee who used this on one of the
drunkards or I actually met the devotee it was used on and forget what it was 10 days for something that
became a development so it's not an excuse but the point is because you're looking for Krishna so you
free appreciating is Krishna then you're going to appreciate because all these things the point to note in
them is is the essential point the light of the Sun and the moon what do you appreciate about with the Sun
the light the moon the light so the light that's Krishna it's got you like the Sun and Moon but what you like
about it is the light and that's Krishna rights or appreciating Krishna but we think it's oh it's the Sun in the
moon yes yes but he's the principle what you're looking for he's not the material cause means his
energies then it's a separated energy starts working through there but still his energy but what makes the
energy work is still him it's just like this that the machine is being run by the electricity does the electricity
become contaminated no energy separate potencies separated but this manifestation of that that's
powered by Krishna's overtures why yes but the point is is what are you looking for how does dead matter
how does a bunch of rotten grapes attract the attention right it's because of Krishna's potency so they
think it's the wine but it's actually it's Krishna that they're attracted to that's the point whatever it is in this
world that you're attracted to it's actually Krishna so we've discussed this before on how Krishna and his
potencies and how they work so in the Vermont level or working with the parma but here he's bringing an
out bhagavad aspect so we're seeing this he's given this before you know but seeing this in connection
with him as a person so the point is this it's his potency that makes you know any liquid appreciated no
I'm saying because one person tastes taste something and said this is nice another person things like this
is terrible yeah you know it's one person's three keepers you know wheatgrass juice so he's think about
this is so nice in other words he knows like you know what's this you understand so it's that so it's Krishna
it's not the wheatgrass does that example work better who can see why these have a problem they're
very rarely brought up you'll see this one time here because it's made the point is made but it's not
regularly bright otherwise then we take it that you know this is okay no he's trying to point out someone
who's so sinful and attached to these you can even find Christian there are the Vedanta it means what we
say Christian is everything we mean it so point is as you see that and you contemplate that because the
be a yogi doesn't mean oh it means you saw yesterday today's drinking the wine but not thinking of
Krishna but yesterday he did he's not a yogi today your yogi when you're thinking of that you keep
thinking of that then that brings you to Krishna so now in the association of devotees who hear this why
did the wisest heard this from devotees so he's so sick he starts to hear then he starts to see and then
slowly slowly these things yes that's why you have to be careful of these because when you're dealing on
this Vermont level and all these different things you have to be very careful otherwise they can move
misused but the point is is it's only one is understood the knowledge by Vedanta then you're connected
otherwise then you know you're like the people who say well the Vedas say animal sacrifice is all right so
Buddha has to come and say okay don't follow the Vedas so if you're gonna take this and miss apply it
then you know don't bother with this one Shasta's also say no intoxication we're talking about someone
who's not following the shots below that standard you know so we can't say oh it's alright - no because
standard is no one doesn't take alcohol Brahmins don't so therefore that's just the standard so if you are
that means you're below that so first of all acknowledge you know that you're you know something you
know you know the garbage of the gutter and you are basically not different so as long as you
acknowledge that then then we can start talking but don't go to say saying no no but I'm doing this and I'm
on the same platform the guy who's you know doing puja all day that doesn't fly because the point is as I
said before with sufficient knowledge and detachment so much the Tunya was saying where was it the
one before yeah barber table 1 to 12 the series inquisitive student a sage well equipped with knowledge
and detachment realizes that absolute truth by remembering devotional service in terms of what he has
heard from the main artists routine so he has some knowledge of description and some detachment that
he understands that it's it's it's God so therefore he has to respect that taste right so then that bring that
that little bit will power it and then they'll get more it will stop hearings were over but then will continue with
this tomorrow cuz new pedestrian reader will finish today that's already finished 11 to 12 so we're thinking
that possibly for Monday since we're a little bit slower on the Gita that we might use the huh the fourth
period means this is two periods then you have 10 to 11 11 to 12 so you might also add in 11 to 12 just so
that it moves more if people are comfortable he's come means the point I'm working on the principle that
you were coming anyway for the in pedestrian reto so if I'm coming Fupa - Arita and that's replaced by
eita should be a problem if you're not coming to possession that's more for who pedestrian enhance for
nectar devotion I was saying the same coming both so I take it everyone here does not go to the ten to
twelve classes some response would be good yes no so the ones who are coming then are very
enthusiastic promises this goes into the day that's why previously where I was we were always we're
doing less periods in the you know early so would fit in but then the problem is is the massage problem to
temple program then we put it so close to the day you get more done but then the difficulty comes up as
then it interferes with life you

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