Audit Commitee Report: Financial Results

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This report by the audit committee to • the appointment of the external Financial results
the shareholders of Foschini Limited auditors on an annual basis;
(Foschini) is in compliance with the • to consider any accounting
• approval of audit fee and fees in treatments, significant unusual
requirements of the Companies Act of
respect of any non-audit services; transactions or accounting
South Africa and as far as possible with
judgements that could be contentious;
Audit committee REPORT

the King Code of Governance for South • to consider and respond to any
Africa 2009 (King III). Whilst compliance questions from the main board • to review the integrated report, as
with King III is mandatory for the 2011 and shareholders regarding the well as annual financial statements,
year-end, the committee has attempted resignation or dismissal of the interim reports, preliminary reports
to ensure compliance where possible in external auditor; and or other financial information prior
respect of the 2010 year-end. to submission and approval by the
• to ensure that the scope of the board; and
The committee is governed by a external audit has no limitations
formal audit committee charter that imposed by management and • to provide as part of the integrated
has recently been updated to ensure that there is no impairment on its report, a report by the audit
compliance with the requirements independence. committee.
of King III. This charter guides the
committee in terms of its objectives, Internal control and internal COMMITTEE COMPOSITION
authority and responsibilities. audit The committee comprises four
The audit committee recognises its • to review the effectiveness of the independent non-executive directors and
important role as part of the risk group’s systems of internal control, the chairman of the committee is not the
management and corporate governance including internal financial control chairman of the board.
processes and procedures of the Foschini and risk management, and to ensure As at the date of this report, the following
group. that effective internal control directors served on the committee:
systems are maintained;
• Mr S E Abrahams (chairman)
• to ensure that written • Mr W V Cuba
The role of the audit committee is, inter representations on internal control
alia: • Ms N V Simamane
are submitted to the board annually (appointed 24 February 2010)
General by all divisional managing directors
• Ms K N Dhlomo
and general managers (these
• to ensure that the respective roles (appointed 24 February 2010)
being representations that provide
and functions of external audit assurance on the adequacy and Mr D M Polak stepped down from this
and internal audit are sufficiently effectiveness of the group’s systems committee during the year as he does
clarified and co-ordinated, and that of internal control); not currently meet the independence
the combined assurance received is requirements of King III.
appropriate to address all significant • to monitor and supervise
the effective functioning and Details of the qualifications of the
performance of the internal auditors; directors appears in the directorate
• to assist the board in carrying out its and section of this annual report.
risk and IT responsibilities; and
• to ensure that the scope of the Details of fees paid to committee
• to receive and deal appropriately internal audit function has no members appear in the Remuneration
with any complaints. limitations imposed by management report.
and that there is no impairment on The chief executive officer, the financial
External auditors
its independence. director, the head of Group Audit
• to evaluate the independence, Services, the company secretary and the
effectiveness and performance of Finance function external audit partners and staff attend
the external auditors and obtain • to consider the appropriateness of meetings at the regular invitation of the
assurance from the auditors that committee. In addition, other members
the expertise and experience of the
adequate accounting records are of executive management are invited to
financial director; and
being maintained and appropriate attend various meetings on an ad-hoc
accounting principles are in place • to satisfy itself of the expertise, invitational basis. The chairman of the
which have been consistently resources and experience of the group also attends meetings of the audit
applied; finance function. committee by invitation.

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The committee typically meets three
times a year with the main focus of each
respective meeting being as follows:
• approval of interim results;
• consideration of control risks and
risk management; and
• approval of annual results.
Independently of management, members
of the committee meet separately
with the head of internal audit and the
external auditors respectively.
Meeting dates and topics are agreed
well in advance each year. Each meeting
is preceded by the distribution to each
attendee of an audit committee pack
• detailed agenda;
• minutes of previous meeting;
• report by the external auditors; and
• written reports by management
– compliance;
– Group Audit Services;
– loss statistics; and
– fraud.
The chairman of this committee has
a “white card invitation” to attend
meetings of the risk committee.
• review of audit committee issues on an ongoing basis.
The committee held three meetings composition; and • Various changes have been
during the 2010 financial year. The
committee considered the draft interim • evaluation of external audit requested in respect of the internal
and annual financial reports prepared by performance is to be formalised. audit function, including:
management and recommended their – the internal audit plan being
adoption to the board subject to certain KING III CONSIDERATIONS approved by this committee
amendments. The chairman provided As a result of the pending (previously approved by the risk
a written report to the main board implementation of the King III committee); and
summarising the committee’s findings recommendations, the following actions – the head of Group Audit
and recommendations. have been taken: Services providing a written
During the 2010 financial year • The audit committee charter has assessment regarding internal
an evaluation of the committee’s been updated. controls on an annual basis
performance was undertaken. The • The head of Foschinidata has been • Various performance assessments
feedback received resulted in the requested to continue reporting to will be considered by this
following actions being taken: the committee on IT governance committee, including:

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– evaluating the performance of During the course of the 2010 financial • determining the nature and extent
Group Audit Services; and year, the committee considered the of any non-audit services which
– evaluating the expertise and risk management approach, as well the external auditors provide to the
experience of the finance as key control risks and believes that company.
function the approach is relevant and that all
Audit committee REPORT CONTINUED

key control risks are being adequately The committee gave due consideration
• The audit committee has accepted to the independence of the external
addressed by management.
the responsibility of recommending
auditors and is satisfied that
the integrated report to the Further details on the risk management
board (including reviewing the KPMG Inc is independent of the group
approach and process are included in the
sustainability information). and management and therefore able to
Risk report.
express an independent opinion on the
SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES External auditors group’s annual financial statements.

Internal control The group’s external auditors are Financial director

KPMG Inc and the designated partner is
Whilst the board is ultimately responsible In accordance with the JSE Listings
Mr H du Plessis.
for the system of internal control, Requirements, the committee considers
this committee, together with the KPMG is afforded unrestricted access to
the appropriateness of the expertise and
risk committee, the internal auditors the group’s records and management and
experience of the financial director of the
and external auditors, assist the board present any significant issues arising from
company on an annual basis.
in monitoring the effectiveness and the annual audit to the committee. In
adequacy of the control environment. addition, Mr Du Plessis raises matters of In respect of the above requirement, the
concern directly with the chairman of the committee believes that Mr Ronnie Stein,
During the 2010 financial year, the
committee. the group financial director, possesses the
committee was not made aware of any:
In respect of the committee’s appropriate expertise and experience to
• material breaches of any laws or
responsibilities relating to the external meet his responsibilities in that position.
legislation; and
auditors, the committee confirms that it
• material breach of internal controls has carried out its functions in terms of Finance function
or procedures. the Corporate Laws Amendment Act The committee considered the expertise,
24 of 2006 by: resources and experience of the finance
Risk management
• confirming the nomination of function and concluded that these
Whilst the board is ultimately responsible
KPMG Inc as the group’s registered were appropriate based on the nature,
for the maintenance of an effective risk
auditor and being satisfied that it is complexity and size of the group’s
management process, the committee,
independent of the company; operations.
together with the risk committee, assist
the board in assessing the adequacy of • approving the terms of engagement
the risk management process. and fees to be paid to KPMG Inc; and
The committee recommended the
approval of the annual financial
statements to the board and confirmed
that the sustainability information
contained throughout the remainder
of the annual report was in no way
contradictory to that disclosed in the
annual financial statements.

S E Abrahams
Chairman: Audit committee
21 June 2010

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The board recognises the critical role of management and integrating it into the strategic and business objectives within
risk management in the organisation and day-to-day activities of the group. each division, as well as those of the
accepts responsibility for ensuring that group as a whole.
The audit committee plays an
risk is appropriately governed through the
important supplementary role in the risk All significant projects undertaken
implementation of a formal system and
management process. by the group are subject to formal
As mentioned in the Corporate risk assessments. Ongoing business
The board is assisted in this regard by the
Governance report, the group has sustainability is addressed as part of this
risk committee of the board which meets
adopted an ongoing, systematic and process.
on a quarterly basis. The risk committee
documented risk management process
comprises both executive and non-
that ensures that all material risks are RISK MANAGEMENT
executive directors. The committee gives
identified, evaluated, effectively managed,
due consideration to the effectiveness of
the risk management activities, the key
and where this is practical, quantified. Risk review
This process is undertaken within each
risks facing the group and the responses The primary identified risks to the group
division as well as by the operating board.
identified to address the key risks. are listed below, with their management
It has served to ingrain a sustainable
Management is accountable for risk awareness and culture at all levels. strategies to contend with them being
designing, implementing and monitoring The assessments are aligned to the stated. These risks are largely unchanged
the system and process of risk immediate, medium, and long-term from the previous year.

Risk How we manage this risk

Customer base retention • the establishment of a customer relationship management department with the
Retaining our existing customers and specific objective of maximising customer value and duration of relationship by
attracting new customers creating an unbeatable customer experience over all legs of the relationship life

Supply chain • considering all possible occurring events and factors that can cause a disruption in
The inability to provide our customers with our supply chain
the desired merchandise at the right price • examining possible scenarios from past experience and analysing changing market
and time as a result of deficiencies in the forces
management process of the supply chain
• creating solutions culminating in improved stock-turn and customer satisfaction;
• implementing changes in the supply chain methodically within appropriate and
achievable time frames
• continuing significant support for our local apparel supplier base in order to ensure
sustained merchandise manufacture and supply
Further detail is provided in the Group Logistics section of this report

Fashion trends • development and retention of talented merchandise teams that keep abreast of
The misreading of fashion trends by the global fashion trends
merchandise teams • extensive input from international fashion fairs, consultants, the internet as well as
local fashion research
• based in the southern hemisphere, benefiting from the knowledge of the
forthcoming season’s successful trends in the northern hemisphere
• utilising advanced systems to ensure that purchasing volumes are correct

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Risk How we manage this risk

Bad debts Account origination

Within the context of the current financial • credit applications are reviewed for fraud indicators, and assessed against NCA
environment and the threat of escalating

compliant internal scorecards, credit bureau scores and verification of employment

unemployment, there is a risk of increasing where necessary
bad debt
Account management
• analytic decision systems determine appropriate collection strategies, approved
credit line adjustments and authorisations by utilising internal behavioural and
credit bureau scores
Systems and strategies are subject to ongoing management review within both of
the above risk areas

Information technology (IT) • constant senior management review and updating of the IT strategic plan
Ever-increasing reliance upon computer • maintaining a comprehensive, regularly tested disaster recovery plan that should
systems necessitates a stable, secure and provide seamless computing capacity in the event of a disaster, involving the
uninterrupted computer infrastructure establishment of secure computer suites in separate locations with adequate
capacity to provide backup access to critical systems
• strict change control procedures for all system enhancements
• conducting risk assessments for all significant projects
• ensuring that access controls are implemented and enforced
• ongoing consolidation and standardisation of applications and infrastructure
• an ongoing upgrade and technology “refresh” programme to ensure that our
applications and infrastructure are current and supported
• instilling employee awareness of the need for responsible use of computer facilities
(all employees being required to abide by a formal computer code of conduct)
• ongoing emphasis at all levels on enhancing IT security from all potential threats,
both internal and external
• adopting strong IT governance policies and best practice IT service delivery models

Crime • continually reviewing security at stores

Crime, particularly armed and violent crime, • providing staff training on how to deal with armed robberies
which continues unabated, creating losses
• maintaining a strong focus on syndicated identity fraud via a dedicated forensics
and, in particular, trauma to our staff
• maintaining regular communication with anti-crime fora to ensure that we
minimise the impact of crime in all of its forms
• utilising an anonymous toll-free whistle-blowing facility for the reporting of criminal
acts (details of which are contained later in this report)

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Risk How we manage this risk

Business continuity • maintaining separate head office buildings and distribution facilities, and providing
The loss of a major head office facility backup facilities for critical functions
or distribution centre could impact upon • splitting the computing capacity over four server rooms in separate locations
critical business functions
• maintaining current business continuity plans for all trading and service divisions
• maintaining and regularly reviewing comprehensive physical protection measures
• maintaining appropriate insurance cover

Shortage of skills and expertise • maintaining an effective nominations committee for succession planning and
Without insightful, specialised and talented appointment of senior executives and board appointments
staff at all levels, our continued success • ensuring that processes are in place to attract, retain and develop high-quality staff
and growth through innovation would be within an environment that can satisfy ambition
• having access to a pool of skills in all key areas via our divisionalised structure, which
lends itself to seamless resource transference
Legal compliance • ongoing review of legislation (existing, new and pending)
The legislative framework within which we • meeting with regulators and government departments, in particular the Department
operate has become increasingly complex. of Trade and Industry
Amendments to existing laws, new laws • submitting comments on Bills to government, in our name, or as part of the
and pending Bills have to be tracked Retailers’ Association and Business Unity South Africa
and continuously assessed to ensure
• compliance report-backs given to committees such as the internal risk committee
compliance. Business processes have to be
aligned to ensure compliance • compliance reports submitted to the board audit committee three times a year
• Group Audit Services audits the group’s compliance with certain key laws
In particular, we have focused on the
National Credit Act, the Consumer • fora, workshops and task teams are formed within our business to assess the impact
Protection Act, the Protection of of laws and to agree on implementation action items. Implementation is then
Personal Information Bill, the Regulation monitored
and Interception of Communications • awareness sessions for our staff on new laws
Amendment Act and the new Companies
Relevant subordinate legislation as well
as applicable codes and best practices are
assessed and requirements implemented
We have also assessed the impact of
King III ensuring that we are compliant

The process of risk management is enhanced through the contribution of a proper system of internal control, an effective internal audit
function, and the existence of an entrenched code of ethics. A whistle-blowing facility is in place to identify suspected fraud and/or
unethical behaviour.

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Internal control The internal control systems are governed fellow employees, customers, suppliers,
by a comprehensive internal control competitors, shareholders and society at
The board of directors is responsible for standards manual that is available to all large. It requires, inter alia:
the group’s systems of internal control. staff via our intranet. Compliance with
Effective internal control systems have • conformance with all laws and
these standards rests within each division

been implemented and are continuously and is monitored by internal and external
evaluated: audit checks. • disclosure of any gifts offered or
• to provide reasonable assurance as received and which must be within
The board is not aware of any material
to the integrity and reliability of the prescribed financial parameters;
breakdown during the past year in the
financial statements; functioning of these controls. • disclosure of any direct or indirect
conflict of interest;
• to safeguard, verify and maintain Internal audit
accountability of its assets; • that no bribes be accepted or
The internal audit department carries proffered;
• to detect and minimise fraud, out an independent appraisal and
potential liability, loss and material assurance function. Although it is • reporting of any unethical or harmful
misstatement; and responsible to the group’s financial behaviour; and
• to review compliance with applicable director for administrative matters, it • compliance with all of the group’s
legislation and regulations. reports to the audit committee of the standards and procedures, including
board. This structure does not impair the the computer usage policy.
function’s independence or objectivity.
An internal audit charter, approved by Sound processes are in place to manage
the audit committee and conforming any deviations from this code.
to the International Standards for the Whistle-blowing
Professional Practice of Internal Auditing,
determines the mission and scope of the A whistle-blowing facility has been
function. in place since February 1998 for the
reporting of suspected fraud and
Further information on the internal audit unethical behaviour. Use is made of
function is contained in the divisional an outsourced, anonymous, toll-free
reports section of this annual report. hotline. All reports are submitted to the
centralised risk management department,
Code of ethics which ensures that all incidents are
The board has adopted a code aimed logged and resolved. A minimum reward
at creating a culture of the highest of R5 000 (increased to R10 000 with
standards of ethics and uncompromising effect from 1 May 2010) is paid when
honesty among all employees throughout follow-up confirms evidence of fraud
the group. The code is founded on or unethical behaviour. There is a
the principles of integrity, good faith, strong focus on staff awareness of this
impartiality, openness and accountability. facility through regular distribution of
The code of ethics forms an integral part informational cards, e-mails and posters.
of the induction programme and all new An additional reward of R10 000 is paid
employees agree to subscribe to the twice annually to a randomly selected
code. It is available to all staff members staff member who has already been
on our intranet. awarded the initial reward.
It is comprehensive in nature, clearly During the year 109 reports were
outlining the full obligations of every received, resulting in 16 dismissals and
member of staff in their dealings with 23 resignations before enquiry.

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Remuneration report
ROLE OF THE implementation of our business strategy, policy, must be deemed to be a 70%
REMUNERATION COMMITTEE towards sustained and long-term returns match with the survey role in order for
for shareholders. survey information to be utilised. Market
The remuneration committee is a
information sourced is not limited to
committee of the board of directors and Remuneration of executives seeks to
retail companies, to ensure that the
is responsible for: achieve the following principal objectives:
true market for executive talent in an
• making recommendations to the • external equity, ensuring executives environment of our size and complexity is
board of directors on executive are rewarded in line with the market, considered when setting pay.
remuneration practice and policy, taking all relevant and appropriate
Each role is benchmarked against the
across all remuneration components; factors into account;
market taking accepted operating and
• internal equity, ensuring that demographic measures into account
• determining remuneration for executives are remunerated correctly such as market capitalisation, turnover,
executive and senior management, relative to each other, in recognition employees, payroll size and profit
including base pay, benefits, short- of their individual contribution and measures.
term incentives and long-term/ accountability;
Individual, divisional and group
share-based incentives.
• remuneration that rewards contribution are taken into account, as
Remuneration committee performance against defined and well as any changes in accountability and
membership challenging objectives, appropriate structure in the past year.
to the stage of the business cycle,
The remuneration committee consists of Benefits
whilst recognising the need for
two members: The remuneration committee reviews
retention; and
executive benefits annually against
• Prof. F Abrahams (chairperson) • an appropriate mix of remuneration market benchmarks. Medical aid
• D M Nurek components, each one sized so and pension benefits are provided in
as to align remuneration with the proportion to the base salary of each
An independent advisor attends meetings appropriate short-term and long- executive, as is the case for all group
by invitation, as does the CEO although term objectives. employees, defined in medical aid and
he is not present when his remuneration retirement fund rules. Vehicle benefits are
is discussed. Components of remuneration provided linked to organisational level,
The committee met three times during Components of remuneration and the as defined by our car allowance and fleet
the 2010 financial year. policies. Dread disease cover is also in
applicable policy are detailed below. In
In line with King III corporate determining the mix and structure of
governance principles, in March 2010 these components, a balance is sought Short-term incentives
Mr D M Nurek stepped down as chair of between the retention of key executive An annual bonus is payable to all
the remuneration committee, and this talent through competitive guaranteed executives, subject to the performance
role is now fulfilled by Prof. F Abrahams. pay, with the need to drive short- and of their division and/or the group against
long-term performance through variable a stretch target set above budgeted
Remuneration committee pay and share-based incentives. performance. These targets are defined
advice and education Each component, as well as the mix
at the start of the financial year and the
remuneration committee recommends
An additional independent remuneration between components, is benchmarked
payments once they have verified
consultant with extensive experience in against the market.
achievement of the relevant targets.
executive remuneration has been retained
Base pay
to advise the new chair and members of The annual bonus is determined as a
Base pay is reviewed annually, with
the remuneration committee, as well as factor of each individual’s base pay and
reference to the market, and is targeted
provide formal training where required. the extent to which stretch targets have
around the median of aggregate market
been attained, i.e. at divisional or group
REMUNERATION POLICY level. The bonus multiple applicable for
Aggregate market information from group achievement of stretch targets
Principles at least two appropriate and credible is in excess of any bonus payable for
The group’s remuneration approach executive remuneration survey providers achievement at divisional level, in line
seeks to attract, motivate and retain the is obtained for each executive director with the board’s focus on collaboration
executive talent that is essential for the role. Each role, in terms of our base pay between divisions.

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Group operating board members are Newly appointed executives and growth in the share price on a defined
measured against group stretch targets managers may have their allocations number of shares between the date of
only, regardless of whether they are a gradually increased in cases where the grant and the date of conversion.
head of a division that has achieved the guideline required holding for their role
The entitlement to these shares is subject
divisional stretch target. has not yet been reached.
to group performance criteria, linked to

Our group bonus scheme will be re- All allocations are recommended to the inflation.
examined in the coming year to ensure board by the remuneration committee.
The minimum period between grant and
that there is the greatest potential Two schemes are currently in place, with conversion is three years, and all rights
alignment with our business strategy, key a third proposed for introduction during expire after six years.
business measures, shareholder interests the 2011 financial year.
and governance principles. Forfeitable Share Scheme
Foschini 1997 Share Option Scheme A further share incentive scheme is
Share-based/long-term incentives Executives still hold share options granted proposed for introduction during the
Long-term incentives are in place to align under the group’s share option scheme, coming year, a forfeitable share scheme.
executive and key management interests introduced in 1997. This scheme entitles
with those of shareholders. This share scheme will also have
participants to take delivery of share
performance criteria in place for
The value of shares awarded does not options on dates defined for each grant
executive staff.
exceed the required percentage limits, date. Delivery takes place in thirds in
i.e. total awards under all share incentive two-year intervals from the grant date. No This scheme will be used in tandem with
schemes does not exceed 31,4 million delivery may take place after six years. the share appreciation right scheme,
shares, nor does the amount awarded to create the optimum combination
The final grant made as part of this
to any one individual exceed 6,3 million of retention and alignment with
scheme was during the 2008 financial
shares. organisational performance, both in the
year. No further allocations will take
long-term interests of shareholders.
Allocations are made using predefined place and thus all options will have been
factors based on organisational level delivered by 2014. Key talent at senior and middle
management levels will also be
and guaranteed remuneration, in line Foschini 2007 Share Incentive
considered for allocations for this plan as
with market guidelines and benchmarks. Scheme
part of the group’s retention strategy.
Benchmarks used define both an A share appreciation right scheme was
appropriate face value per allocation, as implemented, after shareholder approval, As at 31 March 2010, directors had the
well as an expected value to be held by in 2008. Participants are entitled to following interests in the company’s
each executive. receive shares in value equal to the issued shares:

Non-executive Executive Total

D M Nurek M Lewis D M Polak A D Murray R Stein P S Meiring 000’s
Beneficial 257,1 1 950,0 1 050,0 666,8 150,3 4 074,2
Non-beneficial 10,0 12 559,7 200,0 250,0 275,7 294,9 13 590,3
10,0 12 816,8 2 150,0 1 300,0 942,5 445,2 17 664,5

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Remuneration report
As at 31 March 2010, executive directors had exercised the following options:

Executive Total
Price per executive
option options
Year of delivery (R) A D Murray R Stein P S Meiring 000’s
2011 60,95 133,3 76,7 60,0 270,0
2011 36,00 116,7 90,0 66,7 273,4
2012 60,55 83,3 83,3
2013 60,95 133,3 76,7 60,0 270,0
2014 60,55 83,3 83,3
549,9 243,4 186,7 980,0
As at 31 March 2010, Mr D M Polak (previously an executive of the company) had exercised the following options,
which were granted whilst he was still an executive:

Price per
option D M Polak
Year of delivery R 000’s
2011 60,95 150,0
2011 36,00 200,0
2013 60,95 150,0
As at 31 March 2010, directors had accepted the following share appreciation rights (SARs):

Executive Total
Price per SARs
Year of earliest delivery SAR (R) A D Murray R Stein P S Meiring 000’s
2011 41,87 555,0 225,0 180,0 960,0
2012 40,00 250,0 130,0 130,0 510,0
2012 42,28 275,0 130,0 130,0 535,0
1 080,0 485,0 440,0 2 005,0
Executive service contracts
Certain key executives have formal service contracts to ensure stability and continuity. These contracts include restraint of trade
stipulations. No agreements provide for ex gratia or other lump sum payments on severance or retirement.

Executive director remuneration

Pension Travel Other Total
Remuneration fund allowance Bonus# benefits* R’000
A D Murray 3 543,0 425,2 297,6 1 500,0 119,8 5 885,6
R Stein 2 075,0 249,0 228,1 600,0 74,7 3 226,8
P S Meiring 1 801,0 216,1 228,1 800,0 76,2 3 121,4
7 419,0 890,3 753,8 2 900,0 270,7 12 233,8
Relates to performance in the prior year
* Other benefits include medical aid and group life cover

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Non-executive directors Fees

Non-executive directors are paid a base Fees paid in proposed in
fee, plus a committee fee. Fees for the respect of respect of
coming year have been derived on a 2010 2011
similar basis, but a per-meeting fee has R’000 R’000

also been calculated for instances where

the anticipated number of meetings is D M Nurek 800,0 850,0
exceeded. Prof. F Abrahams 250,0 269,0
Aggregate market information and S E Abrahams 300,0 341,0
benchmarks derived from all JSE listed W V Cuba 220,0 235,0
companies are used to determine non-
executive director fees. This takes industry K N Dhlomo 192,2 235,0
and organisation size into account. M Lewis 175,0 206,0
Moderate fee increases are proposed
D M Polak 257,5 227,0
for 2011, in order to ensure that non-
executive director remuneration is N V Simamane 192,2 235,0
commensurate with this responsibility in 2 386,9 2 598,0
an organisation the size and complexity
of Foschini.
Non-executive directors do not receive
any payments linked to organisational
performance, nor are they entitled to take
part in any long-term incentive/share
schemes, with the exception of
Mr D M Polak who obtained options
whilst still an executive of the company.
Non-executive directors’ fees are
recommended to the board by the
remuneration committee.
The fees for the past year, as well as the
2011 fees for shareholder approval, are
presented alongside.

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