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1. If you got a bunch of money, … it on stupid things?

a. would you spend

b. would you have spent

Your answer:

2. If the student had got enough sleep, she … difficulties in reading the
a. wouldn’t have faced
b. wouldn’t has faced

Your answer:

3. If I … you, I would look for my passion to find a new career.

a. am
b. were

Your answer:

4. When he ... to sleep, he never counts sheep leaping over fences.

a. goes
b. will go

Your answer:

5. If I advise her about travelling by plane with children, … to me?

a. will she listen
b. she will listen

Your answer:

6. It would be fun if the button to lower volume on my PC … properly.

a. could worked
b. could work

Your answer:
7. … good quality cookware, we mightn’t have needed to get rid of burnt
taste in this food.
a. We had used
b. Had we used

Your answer:

8. Your calls … if you had replied her text message fast.

a. wouldn't have ignored
b. wouldn't have been ignored

Your answer:

9. Unless it rains, I … clothes in the sun instead of using the dryer.

a. would dry
b. will dry

Your answer:

10.Your sister … to you if you don’t stop yelling at her.

a. won't be nice
b. wouldn't be nice

Your answer:

11.If adults ... a single espresso, it can slow the flow of blood to their heart.
a. drink
b. will drink

Your answer:

12.… I tall, I would consider joining the army.

a. If were
b. Were
13. If we had left the house earlier, they……………….(be; negative) so late getting to the
14. If I finish the assignment before Saturday, I………………..(submit) it to my lecturer.
15. If I had seen the concert, I………………..(tell) you about it last night.
16. Had Juki not interfered in his brother’s marital problems, there…………………(be)
peace between them.
17. She would give you the money if she……………………(have) it.
18. They would call you immediately if they………………….(need) help.
19. Had my mother arrived at the sale early, she……………….(find) a better dress.
20. If you have enough time, please…………………..(clean) your room before you go to
21. They could go for a drive if today…………………(be) Sunday.
22. If I win the prize, it will be because I………………………(write) very well.
23. If your sister………………….(buy) that chocolate for you, will you be happy?
24. If she…………………..(decide) earlier, she could have left on the morning flight.
25. Had I known his address, I…………….(write) him a letter.
26. If the roofer doesn’t come soon, the rain………………………(leak) inside.
27. My cat always sleeps if it……………………(watch) drama on TV.
28. If you………….(see) John tonight, please ask him to call his mother.
29. If I……………(do) a good job, I would get the raise.
30. My lecturer will not accept my work if I…………….(submit) it in late.
31. If we had known her, we……………………(talk) to her.
32. They would understand it if you……………….(explain) it to them more slowly.
33. I……………..(rich), I would travel around the world.
34. She would have understood her English teacher if she………………(speak) slowly.
35. If my headache disappeared, I……………………(play) tennis this morning.
36. If today………………….(be) Sunday, we could go to the beach.
37. We……………….(go) tonight if we didn’t have to study.
38. If the fireman hadn’t arrived earlier, they…………………(save; negative) the house.
39. Peter……………..(pass) the examination if he studied well.
40. Roni could win the competition if he…………………(practice) more.
41. We wouldn’t know that our parents came if my teacher………………..(tell; negative) us.
42. Don’t expect too much if you………………(want) to be happy.
43. Had I known that Desti was a liar, I………………(tell) my secret.
44. If she………………(know) there was a test, she would have prepared for it well.
45. We……………..(do) our work if our computer had not broken down.
46. If he…………….(be) more confident during the interview, he might have the job he
47. They would have lost their bag if they…………………..(leave) it in the hotel.


1. would not have been

2. can submit
3. would have told
4. would have been
5. had
6. needed
7. would have found
8. clean
9. were
10. write
11. buy
12. had decided
13. would have written
14. leaks
15. watches
16. see
17. did
18. submit
19. would have talked
20. explained
21. were
22. had spoken
23. could play
24. were
25. would go
26. would not have saved
27. would pass
28. practiced
29. did not tell
30. want
31. would not have told
32. had known
33. had done
34. were
35. had left
36. Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris: So, Too, Neither, Either
37. Choose the best answer!
38. * Wajib
39. 1. Tio: I like watching movie.
40. 10 poin
41. So do I.
42. Neither do I.
43. 2. Juna: Rina didn't go to school.
44. 10 poin
45. Neither did I.
46. I did either.
47. 3. Hani: I will go to post office.
48. 10 poin
49. I won't either.
50. I will too.
51. 4. Pen: Nina isn't at library.
52. 10 poin
53. So am I.
54. Neither am I.
55. 5. Wina: I bought new bag.
56. 10 poin
57. I did too.
58. I did either.
59. 6. Putra: Tina doesn't like flower.
60. 10 poin
61. Neither do Sheryl.
62. Sheryl doesn't either.
63. 7. Yuli: I can drive a car.
64. 10 poin
65. So can I.
66. Neither can I.
67. 8. Ajeng: I have visited Floating Market.
68. 10 poin
69. I have either.
70. I have too.
71. 9. Annisa: I am a Pharmacist.
72. 10 poin
73. Neither am I.
74. So am I.
75. 10. Yogi: I can answer all questions.
76. 10 poin
77. I can too.
78. I can either.

1. You are so beautiful,______________?

2. we haven’t do our homework for tomorrow,__________?
3. they did not come,________________?
4. we are friends,__________________?
5. my father is so rich,_______________________?
6. I and you will not be forever,____________________?
7. She and her boyfriend will be last forever,_______________?
8. Don’t speak,_________________?
9. Let’s go now,___________________?
10. Everything is nice,_________________?
11. There is an old house,_____________________?
12. we are a big family,_________________?
13. he is a handsome teacher,____________________?
14. she is a pretty girl,_______________________?
15. nothing is impossible,___________________?
16. I am right,_______________?
17. I will never be wrong,_________________?
18. this house is so big,____________?
19. we should do this,__________________?
20. Nobody came late,__________________?
21. she ate a delicious food,____________________?
22. My boyfriend is not stingy,________________?
23. she is not too beautiful,______________?
24. you haven’t finish your homework,_______________?
25. they will attend the party,________________?
26. I can not come home,___________________?
27. we can not come together,___________________?
28. we will never fall in in love,_______________?
29. she likes a flower,______________?
30. they have a big car,___________________?
31. she likes this music,__________________?
32. we can not come home late,______________________?


1. aren’t you?
2. have we?
3. did they?
4. aren’t we?
5. isn’t he?
6. will us?
7. won’t them?
8. will you?
9. shall we?
10. isn’t it?
11. isn’t it?
12. aren’t we?
13. isn’t he?
14. isn’t she?
15. is it?
16. aren’t I?
17. will I?
18. isn’t it?
19. shouldn’t we?
20. did they?
21. didn’t she?
22. isn’t he?
23. isn’t she?
24. have you?
25. won’t they?
26. can I?
27. can we?
28. will us?
29. isn’t she?
30. haven’t they?
31. isn’t she?
32. can us?

A. Choose the correct answer.

1. Somebody cleans the room every day.

Passive voice is:

(A) The room was clean by somebody every day.

(B) The room is cleaned by somebody every day.
(C) The room is clean by somebody every day.
(D) Somebody is cleaned the room every day.

>>> Ulasan:
Pada soal ini jawaban yang paling tepat adalah B. Mengapa? Karena kalimat pada soal diatas
mengacu kepada Simple Present Tense (Cleans/ Every day) adalah kata kuncinya, jadi apabila
sebuah kalimat aktif menggunakan Simple Present Tense maka anda harus menjawab dengan
mengunakan struktur berikut ini To be (is/am/are + V3) anda harus menyesuaikan To be
dengan Subjek kalimat Pasif yaitu The room (singular) oleh sebab itu To be yang digunakan
adalah is.

2. Sam has taken an English course.

Passive voice is:

(A) Sam has been taken an English course.

(B) An English course taken by Sam.
(C) An English course has been taken by Sam.
(D) English courses have taken by Sam.

>>> Ulasan:

Pada soal ini jawaban yang paling tepat adalah C. Mengapa? Karena kalimat pada soal diatas
mengacu kepada Present Perfect Tense (has taken) adalah kata kuncinya, jadi apabila sebuah
kalimat aktif menggunakan Present Perfect Tense maka anda harus menjawab dengan
mengunakan struktur berikut ini To be (has/have been + V3) anda harus menyesuaikan To
be dengan Subjek kalimat Pasif yaitu An English Course (singular) oleh sebab itu To be yang
digunakan adalah has been.

3. The students are using the computers now.

Passive voice is:

(A) The computers are being used by the students now.

(B) The computers are used by them now.
(C) The computers were used by them now.
(D) The computers is being used by them now.

>>> Ulasan:

Pada soal ini jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A. Mengapa? Karena kalimat pada soal diatas
mengacu kepada Present Countinuous Tense (are using/ now) adalah kata kuncinya, jadi
apabila sebuah kalimat aktif menggunakan Present Countinuous Tense maka anda harus
menjawab dengan mengunakan struktur berikut ini To be (is/am/are being + V3) anda harus
menyesuaikan To be dengan Subjek kalimat Pasif yaitu The computers (plural) oleh sebab
itu To be yang digunakan adalah are being.

4. My father fixed the car yesterday.

Passive voice is:

(A) My father was fixed the car yesterday.

(B) My father was being fixed the car yesterday.
(C) The car was fix by my father yesterday.
(D) The car was fixed by my father yesterday.

>>> Ulasan: 

Pada soal ini jawaban yang paling tepat adalah D. Mengapa? Karena kalimat pada soal diatas
mengacu kepada Simple Past Tense (fixed/ yesterday) adalah kata kuncinya, jadi apabila
sebuah kalimat aktif menggunakan Simple Past Tense maka anda harus menjawab dengan
mengunakan struktur berikut ini To be (was/ were + V3) anda harus menyesuaikan To
be dengan Subjek kalimat Pasif yaitu The Car (singular) oleh sebab itu To be yang digunakan
adalah was.

5. The kid has broken the window.

Passive voice:

(A) The window has been broken by the kid.

(B) The window will be broken by the kid.
(C) The window is being broken by the kid.
(D) The window is broken by the kid.

>>> Ulasan:
Pada soal ini jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A. Mengapa? Karena kalimat pada soal diatas
mengacu kepada Present Perfect Tense (has broken) adalah kata kuncinya, jadi apabila sebuah
kalimat aktif menggunakan Present Perfect Tense maka anda harus menjawab dengan
mengunakan struktur berikut ini To be (has/have been + V3) anda harus menyesuaikan To
be dengan Subjek kalimat Pasif yaitu The window (singular) oleh sebab itu To be yang
digunakan adalah has been.

B. Change into Passive Voice!

1. He fixes the computers.

 The computers are fixed by him.

2. They are fixing the computers.

 The computers are being fixed by them.

3. John fixed a computer.

 A computer was fixed by John.

4. Rudolph will fix the computers.

 The computers will be fixed by Rudolph.

5. He has fixed the computers.

 The computers have been fixed by him.

Catatan khusus:

Dari contoh di atas, perhatikan penggunaan kata:

– The computers (Plural)
>> yang berarti kalian harus menggunakan to be (are, will, were, have) untuk Plural/ Jamak. 
– A computer (Singular)
>>yang berarti kalian harus menggunakan to be (is, will, was, has) untuk Singular/ Tunggal. 

C. Change into Passive Voice!

1. She buys a novel.

 A novel is bought by her.

2. They are buying some novels.

 Some novels are being bought by them.

3. John bought some novels.

 Some novels were bought by John.

4. Jane will buy a novel.

 A novel will be bought by her.

5. Lucy and Tina have bought the novels.

 The novels have been bought by them.

Catatan khusus:

Dari contoh di atas, perhatikan penggunaan kata:

– some novels (Plural)
– the novels (Plural)
>> yang berarti kalian harus menggunakan to be (are, will, were, have) untuk Plural/ Jamak. 
– A novel (Singular)
>>yang berarti kalian harus menggunakan to be (is, will, was, has) untuk Singular/ Tunggal. 

Simak Pembahasan dari Passive Voice dalam Simple Present Tense di sini:

 Soal Passive Voice dan Jawaban Lengkap dengan Pembahasan Simple Present Tense

Silahkan mencoba soal pada bagian D.


D. Change the active into passive voice.

1. My mother bought many oranges.

Passive voice is______________

2. Dolph will play the guitar at the stage.

Passive voice is______________

3. Sandra uses the glasses every day.

Passive voice is______________

4. The students spoke English at class last night.

Passive voice is______________

5. We have watched the movie.

Passive voice is______________

6. Gina does this assignment.

Passive voice is______________

7. They don’t do this assignment.

Passive voice is______________

8. Does Lucy do this assignment?

Passive voice is______________

9. The lion eats meat.

Passive voice is______________

10. The cow doesn’t eat meat.

Passive voice is______________

11. Does that animal eat meat?

Passive voice is______________

12. We watch a movie.

Passive voice is______________

13. I don’t watch the news.

Passive voice is______________

14. Does John watch the big matches?

Passive voice is______________

15. My mother makes some cakes.

Passive voice is______________

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