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Dear delegates,

Counterfeit drugs are being globally distributed, and it is vital to eradicate any fake
drug that will cause harm to human beings. Annually about 250,000 children die after
receiving fake drugs intended to treat malaria and pneumonia alone. Several nations have
established distribution channels to introduce drugs with the correct quality, but these
channels are often undermined and infiltrated this means they still introduce the fake drugs
into the country. South Korea’s pharmaceutical market is one of the largest across the world,
therefore its income is greatly affected, a reported $157.8 million dollars of fake drugs had
been seized by Korean authorities since 2006. The South Korean government has established
certain laws to prevent the counterfeiting of medicines, such as the Patient Safety Act, the
Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, etc.

The most successful strategy added by the government is the successful

pharmacovigilance system installed across the entire nation. The pharmacovigilance system
includes measures such as the creation of the ADR reporting system, mandatory for every
pharmaceutical company and pharmacies, and the creation of the Regional
Pharmacovigilance Centers extended to 27 across the nation, which is dedicated to the
inspection of the drugs that are being imported into the country.

The South Korean Government has proposed actions to eliminate counterfeit drugs,
with resolution in areas such as:

In the legal framework

● Establish legislation to help on the eradication of any counterfeit good, making

emphasis on fake medicines

In Enforcement

● Establish pharmacovigilance systems that inspect and have a quality to be

reached, across entire nations to ensure only correct quality of drugs are sold by
pharmaceutical industries

In Coordination

● Establish a worldwide mandatory WHO Certification Scheme on the Quality of

Pharmaceutical Products moving in International Commerce in coordination with
all the delegations present as a prerequisite for the authorization for the import of

In Technology

● Implement a complete serialization and identification system for pharmaceutical

● Initialize the uses of technology such as holograms, digital watermarks,
chemical and biological tags on the package that provide positive authentication
of the drugs
Dear delegates,

We are facing a global climate emergency. Climate change is an inevitable

catastrophe because of the difficulty of slashing GHG emissions. Even if the agreement of
exceeding 2 degrees celsius was achieved, 2 billion people would still suffer from water
shortages and about 30% of the species would be at risk of extinction. Establishing measures
to combat climate change is an urgency to protect the lives of the people and species from the
effects of climate change.

In the last century, South Korea’s temperature has raised by 1.5 degrees celsius and
along with it, the temperature of the waters surrounding the peninsula are rising too, which
brings perilous consequences for the whole marine environment. With the rise of sea level,
chances of floods are greatly increased, and when the water rises by 1 meter, 2.6% of our
population will be exposed to floods and about 1.2% of our territory will also be lost with it.
The intense heat will increase the chances of casualties and forest fires. Chances of droughts
are increasing due to massive fluctuations in outflows.

The South Korean government committed 2% of the country’s GDP to create a green
growth economy for generations. At the same time the government started a systematic and
accurate structure that will predict early warnings of floods to the central government and
local authorities to minimize the damage from disasters. For a mitigation of 30% GHG
reduction by this year, measures such as the National Greenhouse Gas Reduction Roadmap,
the Target Management Scheme and the Emission Trading Scheme, all of these measures are
based on the Framework Act on Low Carbon that provides the legal basis for climate policies
and actions.

The South Korean Government has proposed actions that should be implemented by
each country to join in the global fight against climate change, with resolutions in areas of
legal work, in technology, in social programs, and in coordination.

In the legal framework:

● Establish mandatory legislation in every country to cut the emission of

heat-trapping gasses which are the main drivers of climate change

In Technology:

● Developing and deploying only new low-carbon and zero-carbon green


In coordination:

● Establish and expand global mitigation and adaptation strategies with all the
coordinating bodies
● Building collaborative systems with international organizations such as IPCC
and UNFCCC to fight against climate change together
● Conducting joint research on how can we stop this global issue with domestic
and overseas organizations

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