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A. All Questions are Compulsory

B. Questions numbers 1 to 5 very short answer questions carrying one marks each
C. Questions numbers 6 to 11 are very short answer questions carrying two marks each
D. Questions numbers 12 to 17 are short answer questions carrying three marks each
E. Questions numbers 18 to 20 are long answer questions carrying five marks each
1. What is basis?
2. Calculate the angle of 1 degree
3. 1 Fermi = 1 angstrom =
4. Find the relative error in Z. Z =A4B1/3/CD3/2
5. Static analysis is used to handle__________

6. What is parallax error?

7. Define accuracy
8. Define absolute error
9. A man wishes to estimates the distance of a nearby tower from him. He stands at a point
A in front of the tower C and spots a very distant object O in live with AC. He then walks
perpendicular to AC upto B, a distance of 100m and looks at O and C again, since O is very
distant the direction BO is practically the same as AO, but he finds the line of sight of C
shifted from the original line of straight by an angle ᴓ= 40ᶿ. Estimate the distance of the
tower c from his original position A . tan 40ᶿ=0.8391.
10. Write technological applications of physics?
11. The resistance R=V/I , where V=(100±5)v and I=(10 ±0.2)A. find the percentage error in R
12. What is unification and reduction?
13. The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum is T=2π √l/g. measured value of L is 20.0cm
known to 1mm accuracy and time for 100 oscillations of the pendulum is found to be 90s
using a wrist watch of 1s resolution . what is the accuracy in the determination of g?
14. What are the rules followed in significant figures?
15. Let us consider an equation ½ mv2 = mgh. Check whether this equation is dimensionally
16. State the number of significant figures in the following, 0.007m2 , 6.320J, 0.23707 gm
17. Explain any three systematic errors

18. Explain fundamental forces in nature

19. Explain combination of errors
20. The refractive index (µ) of water is found to have the values 1.29, 1.33, 1.34, 1.35, 1.32,
1.36, 1.30 and 1.33. Calculate the mean value absolute error. The relative error and the

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