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Credit value: 10 ey ications oe eS ei Ta is téchnicians Engineering involves a wide range of activities, so itis important that there is effective communication between the people doing them. This may take a variety of forms, but it must always be done in a way which ensures that data is accurately conveyed. In engineering there is no place for ambiguity because mistakes cost money, and this ultimately affects the profitability of a business. nponent drawing which hi hich incorrectly species the ncociecty. Time and money wll have tobe spent sm. To prevent thi happening agai, designers need to know that they have made « mistake, Suppose you ere an apprentice engineer respons ring the smponent. You would have to tel the designer that there isa preblem. What information wil need and what the best way to present i? In this unit you wl explore the principles and use ol vaual communication method report writing and verbal presertation. Yo wll ‘teemology (CT operates in engineering atings. Learning outcomes ‘Alter completing this un you should: tablets ier and ue anginaarng sketches! crenata chagrae Communicate technical information tre abl to we verbal and writen communication tls in egireering settings ieee settee eee en areata ee ean pee ae erate et creer information in engwnaering settings Secretar Birk io Interpret an enginestng saving! Oo eminatwork agri ‘Assestmont activity 1 ge 43 a G Produce an engineering sketch! ‘reuitnetwork dlagram ‘Assessment activity 2 page 47 « 1 sPeropriate standards, symbols ‘nd-conventons in an engineering skoter/oreut/network diagram ‘Assessment activity 2 page 47 ‘communicate information © Srccively in writen work ‘Assessment activity 3 page 52 6 communicate information ‘flectvely using verbal method ‘Assessment activity 3 page 53 © 2° 2Peroprito information ‘Sources to solve an engineering tock ‘Assessment activity 4 page 58 Gv evproprioe ICT software packages and hardware devices to present information ‘Assessment activity 5 page 62 Assessment and grading criteria evaluate a wren communication ‘method and emf ways which iReould be improved ‘Assessment activity 3 page 53 8 review th information sources ‘obtained to salve an enginesting task and explain why some sources have been used but others jected ‘Aasosement activity 4 page 58 evaluate the effectiveness of an ICT ‘oftware package and its tools for the preparation and presentation finformation ‘Assessment activity 5 page 62 Peet eee eae ee? Sanka eee Serer et SMEs ust your choice ofa specie communication mathod and the rescore fornot wing posable bhemacive Assessment activity 3 page 53 evaluate the use of en ICT pretentation method and ident Sn-altecnatve approoch ‘Assessmant activity § page 62 Unt 2 Communicators for engineering tecnica MVCN elcr-tsercscle) cers through assignments designed and marked by the staff at supported by a written cert E oer enteryor en ing and us I started my apprenticeship straight from schocl and am now inthe second year, At the moment, | arm working inthe product quality assurance (QA) department, where help with testing amplifiers and power supplies During testing we record data such as power consumption, voltages and temperatures, and this numerical data is entered into an ICT system, | algo havo to write ‘evaluation reports, which are presented tothe product designers. I studied this communications uni ast year Ithas really helped me n my present ob and ‘thas made me more confident, particularly when | have to talk to other technicians and 8se8es, + sas + 853039 + 852917 + 84058, Key term Hard copy 2 physical pt elcome version ofa camer CRetn in ee ‘Allworks for NUE Lt, 2 small business that ‘manufactures printed circuit boards The company has network of computes and peripheral equipment connected to cenva server Allis anIT technician responsible for keeping everything working and for insaling new pieces of equipment. INDE® hos jut taken delivary of new computer controlled machine and itis proving dificult link ‘hismachine othe IT network There are sofware and eee ua) ‘You only nae to cory out one ofthe Pate. Choose a task that eats your ata of terest. © Find a lativay sine engineared component, sch as puleybracet ora tookmakers clamp, and brodoce a feshand seth oft © Froskce apaeustc cit diagram comprising | attest 0 ferent components oa standard hat | ieceptbie tinct, |) @ Procice an electronic crt agra comprising | 7 atleast 10forent component standard hat i sccopiable tiny © atornewmanitacrrng machina hve been ‘etal a work rn, they a comiasones | Wing nemo cages an test eaupment. | technica coy out procedures to ensue that Sl the varus mech rite etre ro | fenctning cones Const your on exemgle ohanemo doen, GeNohienes The vases picture peal thousand word strbuted to Chinese emperor ho ned abot 00 yeas 290, The sayings si eevantin he wens cent, but engineers are mare iy {ay's eaningis wort a thousand wos This book Contains many images: ick one ofthem a andor Jed irk now many words mightbe mended 0 eserbe \ ‘Unt 2Communiions for enginaering technicians ‘connector ncompanbity problems —the machine Fefizes to ‘soe the network “The manufacturing drectors very concerned and asks Alito sor out the prablem as at prot Suppote you are Al How will you go about this ek? Yourwork-whetheritis sketch, cet aga or anstwork gram shoul be presented ‘hing the conect 6S vandard, bal ond comerton © ent 8S stand, sol and convertion you hove used edingbie notes {olhard copy of whet ou have cas, Grading tips Your seth or dingrom must be iconty ated so tht tweety coneruncate technicalnfomaton toa hid party Ws goed proceso use rong tempat ao tat you can ‘skis infmstion siya yourname and ae ard the date your produced He work © You neato demonte hat you eertand sande sma and conventions Do ths by annotating you cram Tnng about what you are ging to seth or daw requres creat tao squte lel that you wll have discussed and reaewed you des with your ‘utr Tisai help you ere ides and expe poss Perec 2.2 Be able to use verbal and written communication Perea skills in engineering settings 2.2.1 Written work “The es contact hat potential customers have with a businssis usually trough the written word. For ‘example 2 prospective customer might read the company website andits promotional teature, or inight have been sent letters and ema. this wring is badly presented o ambiguous, orf contains speling nd gratia errs it wil be cul to resd tw cartainy notimpress any potental or existing customers, and they may decide to take their business elsewhere Much of th communication n an engineering busines iby se of technical drawings and graphics, ‘util the accompanying documentation is p00 wll ‘cause confusion and doubt nthe minds of people looking at CAD aystems make streighforwerd to produce ‘perfect drawings, and desgn and simulation software packages can perform complex ‘alelatons, but wring ood documentation cannot be automated, andi requires special kil on the par ofthe wer Notetaking When taking notes at meeting it isimoorant that you capture the key points being dscussed so that you Robust - waterproof, shock proof Visual enhanced grapical interface ‘erste east playthrough the TV. ‘game consoles and other media can follow up by wrtinga fullrepor of the discussion (f required). You can tabe notes on paper, but many people prefer to use a lyptop computer so that they can easily fil out headings and move blocks of text ‘round. Making als okey points i a simple way of getting information down on paper and could act as prompts when canying aut further research or follow= Lp activities, ‘When you are working on the design and project units (0 thi engineering course, there willbe times when youneed to bounce ideas around between yourself and other people. Producing a mine map on afip chart orinteractve whiteboard is 2 good way to get started, You write downa central key word or idea, and then create a spiders web of thoughts, words cr ideas arcund thisides. Mind maps encourage creative thinking, and sometimes an initial ‘ff the wall idea which seems Hogieal may, in ft, be the ‘one to develop. Thought showering’ is another term that people use when thinking creatively or problem solving in a team. [At the end ofa productve mind mapping session it is usual to agree an action plan so that ideas can be taken forward, Tis coud involve drawing up a low chart which sets out thesteps to be followed and the names of people resporsble for specifi actions Green solar calito recharge battery Wireless ~tacity to dowloal tracks ivlesiy ‘Suppose you and colleague workin the design department ofa company that makes products forthe lelsue market A eatevan manuiocurer wants your company to design a vontlator uit that canbe ited to new caravans and motor homes or bought as an accessory by owners for revving. Your manager ass you produce alist of eight key features that the new product must have. Star by producing a mind map, anduse eto identity the key features ofthe product Writing styles The writing styles used in engineering re varied, nd they include diferent styles appropriate for letter and ‘efor writing, for memos (paper based and emai) and farfaxing information, Later writing ranges from 2 simple one line email for handwritten note to 2 formal eter presented on headed company natepaper and signed by hand. “The degtee of formality depends on the relationship between the people who are communicating, When “wring to someone for tha fret ime itis good practice to use a formal tone; you can always adopt a more familiar style as you get to know them, Fo most types of written communiction the key to success i to be svecnet and! to keep tothe point People in business do not have the tine or patience to read long documents padded out with unnecessary words, 50 short paragraphs and bulleted headings ‘make for simpler and more accurate reacing. Paperbased memos are rapidly being replaced by tlectrone forms of communication uch as emails and tents, However if you do write a memo, be sure to incude thi information: + name of intended recipient + name of sender + subject + date. “Wrting a good technical report requires a fair degree of kil, and thisis something you wll practise and develop on this BTEC National programme. There is r0 one sze fits al rule for preparing reports, and ‘many businesses have their own special requierments. Unit 2 Communications for engineeing tachiiane (CC means catoon copy. Hyouwantto send on ems te group cf people and you use BCC ind carbon ‘apy. then each prea eessing the er wl nok see the other people aderesses When preparing 2 repo itis worth checking to se if theresa template into which you can type or te When yu ae writing, keepin ind who willbe reading your report. Suppote you ar wing 2 report preserting avery detailed design proposal which Contains drawings, text, calculations, ected research material nd proposals. subject specials, sich 2 your ttor wil read the document ight trough ad pick upon all you have ween A busy taining manage o¢ direct at your place of work may be tote intrested in ist geting an overview of what you are proposing, Te help them ifs worth nelciog 2 summary section at the sar of the repo: wth Key fects, findings and recommendations Beware of using shorthand that may not be understood by everyone reading your wor. When preparing documentation you should explain the tearing of any acronyms that you ure, An acronym is» word formed by the ial eters of aname or ‘brace euch as sonar which formed fom the rst Teters of the wor sound navigation and ranging Most people understand what B8C' means whan looking trough the television listings, but the earings of many other acronyms are much fess well known, You wil come across many acronyms related te education nour course, Make se you know what PLUS, FS and BTEC stand fo. Key terms “Template 2 docurent that has topic headings and page “Write 2 100-word overview ofthe material you have just read on note taking and writing styles. SBTEC Fe Proofreading and amending text In 8 professional context, such as business and engineering, any written work that willbe read by people other then the witer should be grammatically correct, contain no spelling mistakes and use proper punctuation. This can be aiffcult to achieve, even with the help ofthe spel and grammar checkers in a wocd processing package. Many people who produce and write reports and books (including the publishers of this book) employ the help of prootreaders. nthe past, a prookeader would mark up any mistakes on a aper copy of the raxt using a coloured pan; now many proofresders markup text electronically on screen Using the highlighters availabe in computer programs. You can also proofread your own work by sitting back and quietly working through the text. The problem here that mary people skim read, particularly when their writing has been worked on several ies and they can almost emember t word for word ‘When you ask someone to proottead a document or technical report, be careful to mako sure that they do not change the meaning ofa block of text when they ‘make amendments. They may not have the in-depth technica! knowledge that you have, eventhough their English writing skills may be excellent ‘Wotten text canbe quite dificult to folow fit isbsdly Presented with, for example, an unclear typeface, long “sentences and huge paragraphs. Iv much better to ‘break text down into manageable blacks and, where 20proptate to use bullets or paragraph numbers. Tis ‘3 panicularly important for technical reports. You may have some experience of improving the presentation ‘of repos: think about a report that you have written “and which you have tidied up following scusson with ‘your tuto "When you arnond text, think about the people who ‘nll be reading your work. You need to capture and ‘keep thie attention it may be worth adding images ‘or diagrams to lighten the appearance ofthe page, or [perhaps think about adding some colour ‘We ate moving towards a paperiess environment, ‘wth all documentation being written and worked on ‘slectronicall, Tris fine, but many people who write ‘echrical repors sil prefer to print tout so that they ‘can spread the document out and look over theppages. Eros ae usualy easier to spot, amendments can be Fighl ghted with a markor pon and corrections can be ‘made tothe orignal document in one hit ‘Amendments to word-processed documents can be ‘racked using the ‘rack changes’ command. Th really helpful f several people are involved with wrting ‘report over a period of time. I provides an aul rll ‘of thir amendments and a cue to their thoughts sod yen gobs ct seat you should select» document tht you have ‘repared witha word-processor Email your ‘Socuments to each other an then prooiead ‘each others document, Return the amended documents and look over the changes. Disess your findings Functional skills Frookering techie document il help hrprove Your Engl hl eed) Presentation “This book uses a renge of writing and graphic styles. The aimis to capture your attention and to make you want to ead tram cover to cover Itis interesting to see how these styles have chenged lover the years. useful exercise isto find an engineering textbook written several years ago, and then compare the style of presentation between now and then Ideally you should look for one covering the same level ard type of course. You might find one tucked anay atthe back ofa college teaching room, Start by picking a page from this book and one ram the old one, and count up the number of words on ‘each page. Then look a the font style and size, Which books the more attractive to work with? You need io ensure that any document you produce is ptched at the right love! forthe intended aucionce andi set aut clearly Diaries and logbooks Keeping & logbook or days 3 good way to maintain an up-to-date record of event as they take place ‘Many people kep elecrone notebots, but mos of the great inventors and engineers wrote everthing, down by hand. Using a diary is a good way to capture information that wl help you plan and pivite work schedules, but when youneed to record something in more deta ‘etter to ue a logbook. Logbooks are used to teop detalled record of what happened cing 2 projet. Your cour logbooks should contain ext, falelatons, sketches, drawings ad images, 2 well ts feedback and comments om your hr, mentor oF supers at work Good personal organisational sls are needed if

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