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Signature Assignment and Course Reflection

The signature assignment for my precalculus course involved mass-spring

systems. Mass-spring systems are all around us and are extremely important parts of

our daily life. For example the springs in our cars. When manufactured engineers must

pay careful attention to the amplitude, frequency and period of the springs in the shocks

to make sure they perform properly. They must have the proper sized period and

tension when resting at equilibrium. This allows the shocks to have enough room to flex

and contract without bottoming out the vehicle. Minor adjustments in the frequency can

make the difference between a smooth ride and a very bumpy and uncomfortable ride.

A trampoline is another everyday example of mass-spring systems. The equilibrium

position of the spring must hold the tarp taught and have enough resistance that the

tarp won't touch the ground when bounced on. Flaws in the amplitude of the springs can

make the trampoline dangerous for users.

There are many things that I have learned in my precalculus class that apply to

the real world. I am working toward becoming a chemical engineer and the concepts

that I have learned in precalculus have come into play in my chemistry courses,

especially logarithms. I have used logarithms in at least 50 percent of the calculations

conducted after collecting experimental data. For example when conducting calculations

involving kinetics I had to use the natural logarithm and ​e​ to find the rate constant of the

experiment. In this course I mastered logarithmic functions and trigonometry and I know

that I will use these concepts when I begin my engineering courses. The skills that I

have mastered reflect in the signature assignment and in my other course work through
its quality and accuracy. I have worked hard this semester to master concepts and get

good grades and it has paid off. I feel that mathematics is an extremely useful tool and

understand it can help you in everyday situations. It can help you understand systems

and machines around you, it can help you save money and put your finances in order,

and it can help you further your career in most fields. The objective of this course was to

gain a theoretical and operational understanding of topics required for a first semester

calculus course and I feel that I have achieved that objective and am ready to move into

a calculus course.

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