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PEANUT MARKETING NEWS – April 29, 2020 – Tyron Spearman, Editor (51)

from USDA each Tuesday at 3 PM, USDA - 9 - Mo. loan Average prices (USDA)
Good til Next day at 12:01 am EST. insp. = Inspected Marketing by type
Week- Apr 28, 2020 Date – Apr 28, 2020 Farmer stock tons Date – 4-18-2020
$424.13 per ton/Runners Shelled Runners/ 2018 Crop 2019 Crop Runners - $.196- $392 t
$416.70 per ton/Spanish USDA Neg/Afla- Jum - $.85+, Date 5-1-2019 4-29-2020 None
Blanched Whole $.85-90.
$430.94 per ton/Valencia Raw whole - +/Thin trading Loans 2,339,940 2,340,990 Virginia - $.228 - $456 t
$430.94 per ton/Virginia 4-30-19 Jum $.46,Med. $.45 Redeemed 951,927 1,065,363 Average - $.208- $416 t
Same as last week 5-2-18 Jum $.49 Med $.48 In Loan 1,388,013 1,275,627 Runners –46,451,000
pending Splits $.47 Estimate 2,730,800(F) 2,748,043 Virginia – 27,886.000 #
(2-28-2020) Inspected 2,744,494 t 2,752,280 t Spanish – None
2020 Farmer Stock Contracts – Runners(SE) - $400 per ton, $425 per ton, High Oleic - $450 per ton TOTAL – 74,337,000 #
2019 Crop USDA Estimate- 1,391,700 acres harvested X 3,949 lbs. ac = 2,748,043 tons UP $0.1 cts/lb
2019 Peanut Inspections: (2-28-2020) = 2,751,138 tons
Prices Received Jul 2019 Aug 2019 Sept 2019 Oct 2019 Nov 2019 Dec 2019 Jan 2020 Feb 2020 Projected PLC
by Farmers $.206 $.205 $.198 $.204 $.192 $.196 $.209 $.205 $.0615
$412 ton $410 ton $396 ton $408 ton $384 ton $392 ton $418 ton $410 ton $123 per ton

PEANUT STOCKS AND PROCESSING REPORT– USDA’s Peanut Stocks and Processing Report was released April 27, 2020
for the month of March 2020, the 8th month of the marketing year. The reports shows shelled edible grade to date utilization is
up 3% from last year.
Peanut stocks in commercial storage as of March 31, 2020 totaled 3.69 billion pounds equivalent farmer stock, compared to
3.98 billion pounds last year, DOWN 7.3%. This total includes 2.92 billion pounds of actual farmer stock, down 5.2% from
last year.
Shelled peanuts on hand farmer stock equivalent totaled 744 million pounds, DOWN 5.5% from last year. Roasted
stocks were 30.9 million pounds, down 32.8% from one year ago. Total shelled peanut stocks showed 559 million pounds of
which 525 million pounds were considered edible grades. Oil stocks totaled 34.6 million pounds, up 75.6% from same time
last year.
Edible stocks of shelled peanuts by type, Virginia & Valencia stocks are at 91.2 million pounds, up 8.3% from last year.
Runners were 390 million pounds, DOWN 12% and Spanish totaled 43.2 million lbs, down 2.7%.
In March, shellers milled 408 million pounds, 8.7% less than same month last year.
Commercial processors used 205 million pounds of shelled edible peanuts, 2.3% less than last year.
Government purchases for Nutrition Programs in March totaled 1.172 million lbs of peanut butter, DOWN 3.9%
compared to same month last year. However, for the first 8 months, government purchases are up 24.1% to 17.4 million lbs.
Month(1000 #) Peanut candy Snack peanuts Peanut butter Total edibles In-shell P'nuts
Aug 2019-Mar 2020 249,662 320,192 921,638 1,558,196 94,736
Aug 2018-Mar 2019 251,520 307,961 880,215 1,508,600 92,622
DOWN – 0.7% UP + 4.0% UP + 4.7% UP + 3.3% UP + 2.3%
Mar .20 vs Mar.19 DOWN - 1.0% UP + 4.0% DOWN - 3.1% DOWN – 2.2% UP + 16.0%
Use of raw shelled peanuts in primary products dropped slightly in March, down 2.2% compared to the same month last
year. The impact of the Coronavirus “Stay Home” directive will likely not show up until the April numbers. Peanut butter
usage was down 3.1% in March, but still a major increase for the year, up 4.7%. Snack peanut usage is up 4% for the month
and the year, but peanuts in candy is about the same as last year. USDA has increased peanut butter and roasted peanut
volume for the year, up 24%, but March showed usage for these programs down for the Month, down 3.9%.

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