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Review Article

Scapular Dyskinesis and Its

Relation to Shoulder Injury

W. Benjamin Kibler, MD The scapula plays a key role in nearly every aspect of normal
Aaron Sciascia, MS, ATC, shoulder function. Scapular dyskinesis—altered scapular
NASM-PES positioning and motion—is found in association with most shoulder
Trevor Wilkes, MD injuries. Basic science and clinical research findings have led to
the identification of normal three-dimensional scapular kinematics
in scapulohumeral rhythm and to abnormal kinematics in shoulder
injury, the development of clinical methods of evaluating the
scapula (eg, scapular assistance test, scapular retraction test), and
the formulation of rehabilitation guidelines. Primary scapular
presentations such as scapular winging and snapping should be
managed with a protocol that is focused on the scapula. Persons
with associated conditions such as shoulder impingement, rotator
cuff disease, labral injury, clavicle fracture, acromioclavicular joint
injury, and multidirectional instability should be evaluated for
scapular dyskinesis and treated accordingly.

From The Shoulder Center of

Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
Dr. Kibler or an immediate family
member serves as an unpaid
O ptimal scapular function is a key
component of all shoulder func-
tion. It is critical to proper alignment
icle fractures, AC joint pathology, and
multidirectional instability (MDI). Re-
gardless whether these alterations cause
consultant to and has stock or stock
options held in Alignmed and serves and function of the glenohumeral and or are caused by the shoulder pathol-
as a board member, owner, officer, acromioclavicular (AC) joints. Physio- ogy, they have an impact on maintain-
or committee member of the
International Society of Arthroscopy,
logically, it is important in scapu- ing and/or exacerbating the functional
Knee Surgery, and Orthopaedic lohumeral rhythm, the coupled and co- consequences of the shoulder pathol-
Sports Medicine and the American ordinated movement between the ogy.
Orthopaedic Society for Sports scapula and the arm that allows place- Management of shoulder pathol-
Medicine. Dr. Wilkes or an
immediate family member is a ment of the arm in the optimum posi- ogy should include evaluation and
member of a speakers’ bureau or tion and achievement of the proper management of the scapula and
has made paid presentations on motion to accomplish tasks. Biome- scapular motion. Frequently, findings
behalf of Arthrex. Neither
chanically, the scapula provides a sta- related to scapular motion and posi-
Mr. Sciascia nor any immediate
family member has received ble base for muscle activation and a tion provide information that is help-
anything of value from or owns moving platform to maintain ball-and- ful in determining management op-
stock in a commercial company or socket kinematics. It also serves as an tions, rehabilitation protocols, and
institution related directly or
efficient link between the core, which return to activity.
indirectly to the subject of this
article. develops force, and the arm, which de-
livers the force.
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2012;20:
364-372 Alterations in these roles and mo- Scapular Function
tions are associated with most types of
JAAOS-20-06-364 shoulder pathology, including shoulder In normal scapular function, three-
impingement, rotator cuff disease, dimensional (3D) scapular motions and
Copyright 2012 by the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. labral injury (eg, superior labral translations integrate and coordinate
anterior-posterior [SLAP] lesion), clav- with arm and trunk motions to enable

364 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

W. Benjamin Kibler, MD, et al

task-specific activities involving the composite of the three motions and rotation and posterior tilt.4 As the
shoulder and arm. Basic science stud- two translations. The motions and arm elevates to >90°, the lower tra-
ies using both motion tracking systems translations are usually coupled to pezius serves to increase and main-
and indwelling bone pins have been describe common clinical patterns. tain scapular upward rotation and
able to accurately and reproducibly The coupling of scapular external ro- the serratus anterior stabilizes the
demonstrate these motions. These mo- tation, posterior tilt, upward rota- medial border of the scapula against
tions have been categorized according tion, and medial translation is called the thorax, acting as a scapular ex-
retraction. The coupling of internal ternal rotator. Activation of the
to standards developed by the Interna-
rotation, anterior tilt, downward ro- lower trapezius muscle is also impor-
tional Society of Biomechanics as indi-
tation, and lateral translation is tant in the descent of the arm from a
vidual motions (rotations around axes)
called protraction. The coupling of
and translations (sliding along a sur- position of maximum elevation. This
upward translation, anterior tilt, and
face).1,2 muscle is activated eccentrically to
internal rotation is seen as a shrug.
The three motions are upward/ control excessive anterior tilt. Other
The clavicle and the SC and AC
downward rotation around an axis intrinsic muscles (ie, rhomboids, pec-
joints are among the most important
perpendicular to the scapular body, toralis minor) play important but not
components in achieving the individ-
internal/external rotation around a ver- primary roles. The rhomboids assist
ual and composite scapular posi-
tical axis along the medial border, and tions, motions, and translations. The the trapezius in stabilizing the scap-
anterior/posterior tilt around a hori- clavicle is the only bony connection ula, particularly in regard to control-
zontal axis along the scapular spine.1 of the scapula to the axial skeleton. ling medial and lateral translation.
In a study incorporating indwelling To maximize scapular movement The pectoralis minor assists the ser-
bone pins, Ludewig et al2 demon- and scapulohumeral motion during ratus anterior muscle in anterior tilt,
strated that the resting position of maximal arm elevation, the clavicle internal rotation, and protraction
the scapula in relation to the thorax retracts, elevates, and posteriorly ro- when the arm is in lower levels of el-
averages 5.4° of upward rotation, tates on its long axis.2 All these mo- evation (ie, <60° of abduction). Extrin-
41.1° of internal rotation, and 13.5° tions are dependent on the SC joint. sic muscles, chiefly the latissimus dorsi
of anterior tilt. As the arm moves to AC joint motions are the result of and pectoralis major, affect scapular
maximum elevation, the scapula acromial motion on the clavicle.2 motion in their role as prime movers of
moves in all three motions. The scap- These constrained motions create re- the arm. Humeral motion also can cre-
ula rotates upward, tilts posteriorly, producible motion about the screw ate scapular motion by placing tension
and moves into first internal and axis (ie, rotational axis and transla- on the glenohumeral capsule and mus-
then external rotation, with a net tion) between the clavicle and scap- cles, especially in the presence of gleno-
change toward external rotation.2 ula through the AC joint, which al- humeral internal rotation deficit.
The largest part of these motions oc- lows the 3D motion.3
curs with arm elevation >80°. The scapula has relatively limited Normal Shoulder Function
Two types of scapular translation bony attachment; thus, it is depen- The scapula contributes to efficient
can occur in the presence of an intact dent mostly on muscle activation for scapulohumeral rhythm in several
clavicular strut and AC joint: up- mobility and stability. This anatomic ways. First, it facilitates congruency
ward or downward sliding of the construct allows a great degree of in the glenohumeral ball-and-socket
scapula on the thorax as the result of mobility and accommodates many configuration through the full ranges
upward or downward clavicular mo- demands in different arm positions, of arm motion by maintaining gleno-
tion at the sternoclavicular (SC) but it also requires considerable ec- humeral alignment within physio-
joint, and anterior or posterior slid- centric muscle activation to with- logic limits, thereby maximizing the
ing around the curvature of the tho- stand high distraction loads in activi- concavity compression capability of
rax as the result of anterior or poste- ties involving forward motion of and the joint. Second, the scapula pro-
rior clavicular motion at the SC loading on the arm. vides a stable base for optimal acti-
joint. Although these descriptors and The upper and lower trapezius mus- vation of the scapular muscles. Dem-
conventions provide a basis for more cles and the serratus anterior muscle onstrated rotator cuff strength can
detailed understanding of scapular are the greatest contributors to scapu- be improved when the scapula is sta-
motion, their clinical application is lar stability and mobility.4,5 Force bilized in a position of neutral re-
limited. coupling of the trapezius and serra- traction.6 Increases in strength rang-
Clinically, scapular movement is a tus anterior muscles initiates upward ing from 13% to 24% have been

June 2012, Vol 20, No 6 365

Scapular Dyskinesis and Its Relation to Shoulder Injury

Figure 1 Figure 2

Clinical photograph demonstrating scapular windup as a

Clinical photograph demonstrating scapular dyskinesis result of glenohumeral internal rotation deficit. Because
in which the medial inferior angle is prominent and the of tight posterior soft-tissue structures, the scapula
scapular position is protracted and internally rotated. moves with the humerus as the arm is internally rotated.

reported.7 Third, the scapular mo- trolled factors (eg, tardive dyskine-
tion causes the acromion to elevate sia). Because many other factors ex- Causes of Scapular
on arm elevation. This requires ist that can cause altered position Dyskinesis
scapular upward rotation and poste- and motion (eg, clavicle fracture, AC
Multiple causative factors exist for
rior tilt to allow maximum arm flex- joint separation, muscle detach-
dyskinesis. Bony causes include tho-
ion.8 ment), we use the more inclusive
racic kyphosis, clavicular fracture
Finally, the scapula plays a critical term dyskinesis in this article.10
role in the kinetic chain. The scapula nonunion, and shortened clavicular
Dyskinesis in and of itself is not an
facilitates optimal force transfer malunion. Joint-related causes in-
injury, it does not result in injury in
from the site of largest force develop- clude high-grade AC instability, AC
all cases, and it is not always directly
ment (ie, the core) to the most com- related to a specific injury. Clinically, arthrosis and instability, and gleno-
mon force delivery site (ie, the hand). it can be characterized by promi- humeral joint internal derangement.
The shoulder acts as a funnel, and nence of the medial or inferomedial Neurologic causes include cervical
dynamic stability is required to border, early scapular elevation or radiculopathy and long thoracic and
achieve efficient transfer of energy. shrugging on arm elevation, and/or spinal accessory nerve palsy.
This dynamic stability is created by rapid downward rotation on lower- The most common causative mech-
the actions of the scapular stabiliz- ing of the arm10 (Figure 1). The alter- anisms of scapular dyskinesis involve
ers, which are maximized when hip ation of motion reduces the effi- alterations in the soft tissues, whether
and trunk strength is maximized.9 ciency of shoulder function in several in the form of inflexibility or intrinsic
ways, with resulting changes in 3D muscle pathology. Inflexibility and
Scapular Dyskinesis glenohumeral angulation, AC joint stiffness of the pectoralis minor and
Dyskinesis (dys [alteration of] kinesis strain, subacromial space dimen- short head of the biceps muscles create
[motion]) is a general term that is sions, maximal muscle activation, anterior tilt and protraction as a result
used to describe loss of control of and optimal arm position and mo- of their pull on the coracoid.11 The
normal scapular physiology, mechan- tion. Each of these scapular compo- most common form of soft-tissue in-
ics, and motion. The term dyskinesia nents individually can generate flexibility is glenohumeral internal
is often used interchangeably with symptoms. Alternatively, they may rotation deficit, which creates a
dyskinesis. Typically, the term dyski- interact with other shoulder pathol- “windup” of the scapula on the tho-
nesia is applied to abnormal active ogy to exacerbate dysfunction and rax with arm internal rotation or
(ie, voluntary) movements that are thereby affect the management pro- horizontal abduction (Figure 2).
mediated by neurologically con- tocol and outcomes. Alterations in periscapular muscle

366 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

W. Benjamin Kibler, MD, et al

activation are common in patients The resting posture should be checked Figure 3
with scapular dyskinesis. Serratus for side-to-side asymmetry. In particu-
anterior activation and strength are lar, the examiner should assess for ev-
reduced in patients with impinge- idence of a SICK position (Scapular
ment and shoulder pain; this contrib- malposition, Inferior medial border
utes to loss of posterior tilt and up- prominence, Coracoid pain and malpo-
ward rotation, causing dyskinesis.12 sition, and dysKinesis of scapular
In addition, the force couple of the movement) and prominence of the in-
upper and lower trapezius muscles feromedial or medial border.
may be altered; delayed onset of acti- The SC and AC joints should be eval-
uated for instability, and the clavicle
vation in the lower trapezius muscle
should be evaluated for angulation,
alters upward rotation and posterior
shortening, or malrotation. AP laxity
of the AC joint is evaluated clinically
The end result of most of these
by stabilizing the clavicle with one
causative factors is a protracted
hand while grasping and mobilizing the Clinical photograph demonstrating
scapula with the arm at rest or an
acromion in an AP direction with the assessment of acromioclavicular
excessively protracting scapula with joint laxity in a patient with
other hand (Figure 3).
arm motion. This position of scapu- suspected scapular dyskinesis. The
Dynamic examination of scapular clavicle is stabilized with the left
lar protraction is unfavorable for ev-
motion can be reliably performed by hand, and anterior- and posterior-
ery shoulder function except the
clinical observation of the motion of directed forces are applied to the
“plus” position (ie, maximum for- distal end of the acromion with the
the medial border as the arm elevates
ward motion of the arm and scapula) right hand.
and descends. With a 3- to 5-lb
in weight lifting. It results in de-
weight in each hand, the patient
creased subacromial space and in-
raises the arms in forward flexion to scapular contributions to impinge-
creased impingement symptoms, de-
maximum elevation and then lowers ment and rotator cuff strength, and
creased demonstrated rotator cuff
them to the starting position. This the SRT is used to evaluate contribu-
strength,6,7 increased strain on the
exercise is done three to five times. tions to rotator cuff strength and
anterior glenohumeral ligaments, in-
Prominence of any aspect of the me- labral symptoms.
creased risk of internal impinge-
dial scapular border on the symp- In the SAT, the examiner applies
ment,13 and increased strain on the
tomatic side is recorded as “yes” gentle pressure to push on the infe-
scapular stabilizing muscles. Most of
(prominence detected) or “no” rior medial scapular angle to assist
the chief goals of management of
(prominence not detected). Clinical scapular upward rotation and poste-
scapular dyskinesis relate to regain-
observation of medial border promi- rior tilt as the patient elevates the
ing functional retraction capability.
nence in symptomatic patients has arm (Figure 4). In our practice, we
been correlated with biomechani- have found that the chief biomechan-
Clinical Evaluation of the cally determined dyskinesis. This ical effect of the SAT is in increasing
Scapula method is reliable enough to be used scapular posterior tilt by 7° to 10°
as the basis for determination of the throughout the entire arc of arm ele-
Physical examination of the scapula presence or absence of dyskinesis vation. A positive result is indicated
is done to establish the presence or (sensitivity, 78% [arm flexion] and by relief of painful symptoms related
absence of scapular dyskinesis; eval- 74% [scaption]; positive predictive to the arc of impingement and on in-
uate joint-related, muscular, and value, 76% [arm flexion] and 78% creased arc of motion. This test has
bony causative factors; and employ [scaption]).14 been shown to have acceptable inter-
dynamic corrective maneuvers to as- The scapular assistance test (SAT) rater reliability.15
sess the effect of correction of dyski- and scapular retraction test (SRT) The SRT is used to grade supraspi-
nesis on symptoms. The results of are corrective maneuvers that can al- natus muscle strength following stan-
the examination are used to establish ter the injury-related symptoms and dard manual muscle testing proce-
a comprehensive diagnosis and guide provide information on the role of dures and evaluate labral injury in
management and rehabilitation. scapular dyskinesis in the dysfunc- association with the dynamic labral
The scapular examination should be tion that accompanies shoulder in- shear (DLS) test.7,16 The examiner
done mostly from the posterior aspect. jury. The SAT is used in evaluating places the scapula in a retracted posi-

June 2012, Vol 20, No 6 367

Scapular Dyskinesis and Its Relation to Shoulder Injury

tion and manually stabilizes it, then tachment, the injury creates the dys- may be a response to injury, creating
repeats the test to evaluate strength kinesis, which in turn affects pathomechanics that increase the ex-
or DLS (Figure 5). Our own data in- shoulder function. In other cases, isting dysfunction.
dicate that the biomechanical effects such as rotator cuff disease, labral
are a combination of increased exter- injury, and MDI, the dyskinesis may Primary Scapular
nal rotation and posterior tilt. The be causative, creating pathomechan- Involvement
test is positive when the demon- ics that predispose the arm to such Scapular winging and the snapping
strated supraspinatus strength is in- injuries. Alternatively, dyskinesis scapula have been well reviewed
creased or the symptoms of internal elsewhere.17,18 Dyskinesis also can be
impingement in the labral injury are Figure 4
caused by proximal kinetic chain
relieved with the scapula in the re- weakness and muscle imbalance.19
tracted position.
Table 1
Pathologic Conditions
Scapular Dyskinesis and Associated With the Scapula
Shoulder Injury Primary scapular pathology
Neurologically based scapular winging
Scapular dyskinesis may be the pri-
Snapping scapula
mary instigator in the pathologic
Kinetic chain–based scapular dyskine-
process that results in shoulder dys- sis
function; an associated condition
Scapular muscle detachment
that contributes to injury causation,
Associated shoulder injuries
exacerbates shoulder symptoms, or
adversely influences management or Clinical photograph demonstrating
the position of the examiner’s Rotator cuff disease
outcomes; or an adaptive condition
hands and the patient’s scapula at Superior labral injury
that arises to compensate for other the end of the scapular assistance Clavicle fracture
injury or discomfort (Table 1). The test. The examiner assists serratus
Acromioclavicular joint pathology
relationship between dyskinesis and anterior and lower trapezius muscle
activity by manually “assisting” the Acromioclavicular separation
shoulder symptoms is not always
scapula in upward rotation as the Multidirectional instability
clear. In cases of nerve injury, frac- arm is elevated.
ture, AC separation, and muscle de-

Figure 5

Clinical photographs demonstrating the scapular retraction test. A, First, the examiner performs a traditional “empty
can” manual muscle test to assess supraspinatus muscle strength. B, The examiner then stabilizes the medial
scapular border and reapplies the muscle test.

368 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

W. Benjamin Kibler, MD, et al

Associated Scapular with rotator cuff tears may be a rehabilitation to improve scapular
Involvement compensatory strategy to increase or retraction. Rehabilitation should in-
Conditions in which scapular dyski- maximize arm elevation or position- clude mobilization of tight anterior
nesis may play a role include shoul- ing in the setting of weakened or ab- muscles and institution of scapular
der impingement, rotator cuff dis- sent rotator cuff activation. Dyskine- stability exercises.
ease, labral injury, clavicle fracture, sis is associated with low function
AC joint injury, and MDI. scores in all of these cases. Clavicle Fracture
The scapular examination in pa- Fracture fragment alignment may
Shoulder Impingement tients with rotator cuff disease disrupt the relationship of the scap-
and Rotator Cuff Disease should emphasize evaluation of ula to the axial skeleton, which may
Studies have demonstrated altered lower trapezius and serratus anterior in turn affect scapulohumeral kine-
scapular kinematics in persons with muscle weakness and the effect of matics. Alterations in clavicular
rotator cuff weakness,7,20 rotator cuff corrective maneuvers (ie, SAT, SRT). anatomy include true shortening as
tendinopathy or impingement,21,22 A positive SAT confirms that exces- the result of fragment overlap or but-
and rotator cuff tear.20 Studies have sive anterior scapular tilt is a factor terfly fragments, anterior/posterior
almost uniformly identified dyskine- in the external impingement symp- or inferior/superior angulation, or
sis in patients with rotator cuff im- toms. Management should include external rotation of the distal frag-
pingement or tendinopathy.21-23 The exercises to increase flexibility in the ment. Scapular protraction and tilt
exact nature of the alterations is var- pectoralis minor and short head of may result in altered scapular me-
ied, with combinations of changes in the biceps and to strengthen the ser- chanics. Malunited fractures with 15
upward rotation (most showing a de- ratus anterior muscle (a scapular ex- mm of shortening have been shown
crease), posterior tilt (most showing ternal rotator) and the lower trape- to demonstrate notable scapular pro-
a decrease), and internal/external ro- zius muscle (a retractor). Scapular traction and anterior tilting, along
tation (no change or increased inter- stability exercises are effective in with lower subjective scores and no-
nal rotation). All studies of patients achieving these goals.26 A positive table decreases in strength.29,30
with demonstrated rotator cuff tear SRT indicates scapular involvement In a study comparing plating with
have shown increased upward rota- in the muscle weakness. For these nonsurgical management of dis-
tion of some magnitude, and most patients, rehabilitation should begin placed midshaft clavicle fractures,
also have shown decreased posterior with exercises to enhance scapular the surgical group was found to have
tilt.20,23 stability in retraction rather than higher patient satisfaction and signif-
It is not clear whether dyskinesis with exercises focused on the rotator icantly better Constant and Disabil-
causes, is caused by, or develops to cuff. ity of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand
compensate for rotator cuff pathol- scores (P = 0.001 and P < 0.01,
ogy. If dyskinesis is a cause, it could Superior Labral respectively).31 The factors that cor-
be that decreased scapular upward Anterior-posterior Injury related most strongly with poor
rotation and posterior tilt alters rota- Dyskinesis is frequently seen in asso- outcomes scores were abduction
tor cuff clearance under the coraco- ciation with superior labral injury.27 strength and endurance as well as
acromial arch, thereby producing The increased internal rotation and flexion range of motion, which can
mechanical abrasion and wear; that anterior tilt alters glenohumeral been related to dyskinetic position
decreased external rotation creates alignment, placing increased tensile and motion.
anterior glenoid tilt during arm mo- strain on the anterior ligaments, in- Clinical examination of scapular
tion, leading to internal impinge- creasing peel-back of the biceps/ position should be performed when
ment; or that it causes increased labral complex on the glenoid,28 and evaluating patients with clavicle frac-
strain within the rotator cuff creating pathologic internal impinge- ture. If the examination reveals the
tendon.23-25 If dyskinesis is an effect, ment.27 Evaluation of dyskinesis in medial border prominence that is in-
it is likely the result either of the in- patients with suspected SLAP injury dicative of dyskinesis, management
hibitory effect of pain on individual can be helpful in determining reha- should be directed toward anatomic
muscle activation and the subsequent bilitation protocols. Frequently, the restoration of clavicle length, angula-
disruption of normal activation pat- symptoms found in the DLS test are tion, and rotation. Specialized radio-
terns, or of the effect of pain avoid- corrected on the SRT.16 This finding graphic views or CT may be required
ance on kinematic patterns. In- confirms the presence of dyskinesis to adequately evaluate the fracture
creased upward rotation in patients and indicates the need for scapular pattern.

June 2012, Vol 20, No 6 369

Scapular Dyskinesis and Its Relation to Shoulder Injury

Figure 6 scapular protraction and simultane-

ous humeral head migration away
from the center of the joint on arm
motion.33 When patients with MDI
elevate the arm, the scapula deviates
from the normal kinematic pattern
of upward rotation, posterior tilt,
and minimal internal rotation and
instead follows a pattern of upward
rotation, anterior tilt, and excessive
internal rotation.24 This altered posi-
tion allows the glenoid to face inferi-
orly and diminishes the bony con-
straint to inferior translation, which
allows the humeral head to translate
inferiorly out of the glenoid socket,
Clinical photograph demonstrating altered scapular position as a result of thereby creating instability. Altered
disruption of the acromioclavicular joint. The altered scapular position scapular muscle activation patterns
becomes evident as the patient raises and lowers the arms overhead. produce scapular protraction and in-
creased humeral head motion. Inhi-
Acromioclavicular Joint Injury amination is indicative of functional bition of activation of the subscapu-
Dyskinesis has been demonstrated in stability of the AC joint, and these laris, lower trapezius, and serratus
73% of patients with high-grade AC patients may progress as rapidly as anterior muscles, coupled with in-
symptoms (ie, Rockwood types III, tolerated through physical therapy. If creased activation of the pectoralis
IV, and V).32 High-grade AC separa- dyskinesis is demonstrated on the minor and latissimus dorsi muscles,
tions alter the strut function of the clinical examination, a management has been shown to place the scapula
clavicle on the scapula and change protocol should be instituted to cor- in a protracted position.34 The hyper-
the biomechanical screw axis of the rect the scapuloclavicular biome- active latissimus is the main dynamic
scapulohumeral rhythm, thereby al- chanical abnormality. Bracing should deforming force that pulls the hu-
lowing excessive scapular internal include retraction of the clavicle and meral head inferior. Rotator cuff and
rotation and protraction as the acro- scapula with a figure-of-8 brace. biceps activation increases to com-
mion slides inferior and medial to Physical therapy should be directed pensate for this altered scapu-
the clavicle and decreased dynamic toward first achieving scapular re- lohumeral rhythm, which tends to al-
acromial elevation on arm elevation traction and external rotation, fol- low the humeral head to migrate
(Figure 6). This motion is referred to lowed by posterior tilt. Persons who away from the joint center, translate
as the third translation of the scapula fail a supervised 3- to 6-week pro- inferiorly, and move anterior or pos-
on the thorax. The protracted scapu- gram frequently continue to demon- terior.33
lar position creates many of the dys- strate dyskinesis and functional The seeming paradox of a pro-
functional problems associated with symptoms, and they should be coun- tracting scapula in the setting of
chronic AC separation, including im- seled regarding surgical options. Sur- posterior-directed instability is ex-
pingement and decreased demon- gical management should include not plained by the same mechanical al-
strated rotator cuff strength. only coracoclavicular ligament re- terations. As the scapula protracts
Scapular and shoulder dysfunction construction but also AC ligament and the posterior cuff muscles are
can also occur in type II injuries if reconstruction to restore the screw weakened and/or inhibited, the lax
the AC ligaments are torn. This cre- axis mechanism and stabilize both capsular structures cannot constrain
ates AP AC joint laxity around the inferior/superior and AP motion. the action of the latissimus dorsi,
axis of the intact coracoclavicular which first pulls the humeral head
ligaments and can be associated with Multidirectional Instability into internal rotation and horizontal
pain, clicking, decreased arm eleva- Inherent capsular and ligamentous adduction and then pulls the hu-
tion, and decreased shoulder func- laxity is only one component of the meral head posteriorly. Frequently,
tion. unstable shoulder in persons with patients can reduce the degree of
Lack of dyskinesis on clinical ex- MDI. Many patients have increased subluxation by externally rotating

370 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

W. Benjamin Kibler, MD, et al

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exacerbate altered glenohumeral ki-
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nematics and muscle activations, Journal of Sports Medicine 2011;45(4):
31, and 33 are level I studies. Refer-
with resulting increases in dysfunc- 320.
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tion. Evaluation for the presence or level II studies. References 5, 12, 15,
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