How To Reach The Top of The Table and Stay There: This Session Was Presented in Hindi

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350 Focus Sessions: Top of the Table

How to Reach the Top of the Table

and Stay There
Radhakrishna K. Shetty, LUTCF

This session was presented in Hindi. like a stone that is found everywhere.” An arrow can only be
It is said that one might fail 1,000 times, but success dawns shot by pulling it back. When life is dragging you back with
at the 1,001st time. Like Thomas Edison said way back in difficulties, it means it’s going to launch you into something
1879, nonchalantly with a smile on his face, “I have not great, so just focus and keep aiming.
failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways No doubt, scaling the mighty Himalayan mountain range
to not make a light bulb.” And yes, he developed the incan- is definitely a challenge to every mountaineer, and likewise,
descent light bulb. reaching the moon to an astronaut. If you ask the Williams
Everyone wants happiness. No one wants pain. But you sisters how to qualify and win the Wimbledon title, they
cannot have a rainbow without a little rain. find it relatively easy to explain how to qualify and to win. If
Similarly, when I joined the insurance industry, becoming you ask them how to retain the title consistently, they find it
an MDRT Court of the Table or Top of the Table member very difficult to explain despite their past achievements and
was not the sole motive. But when I was actually in the trade, present form.
looking at the king-like stature of the insurance advisors in Michael Schumacher, the best example for consistency
our country who were MDRT members, a materialistic, and real performance, remained the champion of champions
genuinely human desire erupted in my insure-centric heart, despite the stiff competition until he retired.
and I got perplexed and equally ecstatic to answer an urgent In other words, any minute, any second, football fans
question within my inner voice, Why can’t I be an MDRT know the score. Even beer-guzzling “Big George,” dozing
member? Soon after I became an MDRT member, then a in front of the TV set on football Sunday knows. Poke his
Court of the Table, and ultimately—the elixir for every pudgy pot, and in a wink, he’ll tell you who’s winning and
insurance advisor, the pivot of insurance—Top of the Table. who’s losing, and by precisely how many points.
Yes, to reach the pinnacle of success is easier than to Likewise, a Top of the Table member in the insurance
remain pinned to the pinnacle. There is a segment of the trade keeps a tab with him or her counting “chickens” to
insurance industry across the globe that watches with open win and sustain the race of being a Top of the Table member.
and curious eyes as to how these successful people at Top of The key players in the game of life are like Big George. Even
the Table remain there year after year. That is the challenge, when you think they are dozing, they are constantly aware
the fun, the clear, “fun-n-frolic” situation for every Top of of the score between themselves and everyone in their life.
the Table member to be there in the insurance fraternity. Both winning and retaining the title consistently are the
Winston Churchill said, “The positive thinker sees the invis- two unusual situations not only for a player but also to a
ible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible.” Ritu relationship master. My distinguished fellow gold medal
Ghatourey said, “Be like a diamond precious and rare, not winners in the business of insurance fully agree that their

Radhakrishna K. Shetty, LUTCF

Shetty is a 20-year MDRT member with three Court of the Table and 13 Top of the Table qualifications
who regularly appears on various business TV channels in India. He has served on numerous MDRT
committees, including as Divisional Vice President of MCC in 2010 and as a Zone Chair or Area Chair
several times.
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Annual Meeting Proceedings | 2017 ©Million Dollar Round Table

How to Reach the Top of the Table and Stay There 351

aim is not only to win the title, but also to retain the title, for for a rainy day will vex the burdens of the dependents in the
we are the builders of the bridges between two ends and not case of an unforeseen contingency happening.
the builders of a horizontal wall. When you undergo this situation with your clients, there
A successful value creator is one who not only catches is a big lesson to learn. Losing someone important in a family
an elephant but also teaches it the language of his own. and the sufferings a family undergoes—one needs to see it to
A successful value creator must know how to swim like a believe it. We need to see it, feel it, and experience it before
fish, fly like a bird, and creep like a snake. It means he must it actually happens to us. We are in the insurance profession,
know something about everything and everything about and the things we see and experience, our clients don’t.
something. In a way, I have a reason to say that the secret of success
Qualifying for Top of the Table is definitely a huge task in the insurance trade lies in bringing out the understanding
for any advisor or agent in the world. However, to become of our business prospects, the experience and feelings of life’s
Top of the Table in the business is a golden dream, a close-to- turmoils. There should be a scientific process through which
the-heart fantasy in the life of any serious insurance advisor. slowly, definitely, systematically, and surely we can make the
Everybody believes these golden words “Nothing is impossi- prospects realize the value of life, emotionally through the
ble,” but everyone is averse to say with belief, “It is possible.” heart. Therefore, I always take clients through the process I
But with dedicated determination, determined dedication, call the R-Factor questionnaire in the first meeting through
profound sincerity, hard work, and most importantly, com- which I am able to determine whether the prospect is quali-
mitted to commitment combined with a passion, one can fied or otherwise.
achieve Top of the Table. To be a successful insurance advisor, one needs to be a
I have a passion to achieve Top of the Table every year face reader. Every body movement of the prospect should ring
because I am confident there is a huge commission income warning bells in our thought process during the sale process.
coming my way, which helps me to become financially inde- In other words, it is like an “eyeball selling” concept. The
pendent and also helps me achieve all my goals in my life human body is like a 24-hour broadcasting station that trans-
along with the golden honor of being one of the top advisors mits “You thrill me,” “You bore me,” “I love that aspect of your
in the world. product,” or “That one puts my feet to sleep.” We need to set
It is not just the money that motivates me to qualify for the hidden cameras behind our eyeballs to pick up all of our
Top of the Table, but it is also the purpose behind the pur- customers’ and prospects’ signals. Then we need to plan our
pose, which I see today as being also important to qualifying pitch and pace accordingly. If we practice this concept, why
for Top of the Table. not Top of the Table? One can be double Top of the Table!
While my first purpose is earning money, the real pur- Knowing the prospect is qualified, the next task is to show
pose behind the purpose is that I am going to make many value creation. It is a value creation, a significant incalcu-
lives worth a purposeful living. I am going to make many lable human life value in monetary terms, that the prospect
entrepreneurs financially independent. I am going to create owes to his family in particular and the society in general.
value for many individuals. I am going to make individuals Therefore, I make the prospect stay focused and motivate
feel relaxed during critical times, such as financial turmoil, him or her to cooperate with me to go through the process
topsy-turvy upheavals in the market conditions, any untow- of value creation.
ard incidents happening, or any financial emergencies arising I start my process working on a sheet called the DOS
accidentally. Our job is to have answers ready for individu- worksheet. In this worksheet, I talk about the dangers,
als during accidental situations and emergencies that come opportunities, and strengths of becoming a financially inde-
without warning. pendent person with a feeling of value or a good leader in the
I have faced difficulty many times being in the insurance process. Before I actually begin, I tell them the significance of
industry over the last 25 years. In other words, I have seen transformations in life and the escalations in individualistic
with my own eyes how people suffered when they didn’t plan wants and desires. The purpose is to establish an emotional
their financial buffers for emergencies or sudden contingen- chord with the prospect over an elaborate discussion, ini-
cies. I have witnessed how the death of the breadwinner in tiating an intuitive, inquisitive dialogue to understand his
the family creates lengthy and burdensome issues in the lives experiences and share my personal experience. I make sure
of the dependents. A small laxity in taxing away the earnings he is ready for this process, which he feels is magical.

©Million Dollar Round Table Annual Meeting Proceedings | 2017

352 Focus Sessions: Top of the Table

Therefore, I tell the client that I will be asking certain per- to the customer, he has to feel that you are talking his lan-
sonal questions that he needs to answer and that which will guage and you are there to solve his problems. So it is not
be just between him and me strictly within the four walls of that you are selling the product; you are solving problems.
the room where we are seated. Once he is confident that all When it comes to solving problems, the customer is now
the information he is giving is to remain confidential, I take interested and ready to listen to you and ready to give you a
out my fact-finder sheet. Further, I tell him that this fact- huge amount of premium. This is the reason that if you take
finder sheet is going to help me create a proposal for him. an average of any insurance company in the world, 80 per-
I take him through the process, make him feel confident, cent of people bring 20 percent of premiums, and 20 percent
overcome his skepticism and cynicism using all my wisdom of people bring 80 percent of premiums.
to make him feel like, “Yes, here is the king of value creation Focus on your personal, unique ability and use it to the
I was looking for.” So I provide direction, confidence, cre- maximum to make it successful. Nothing is more powerful
ativity, and value for him. than an idea. If you want to be a successful person in the
To have a successful carrier and to reach the top and world, have more and more ideas and keep acquiring more
remain there, a few principles need to be adopted: Convert and more ideas, and different ideas.
your sales to big, bigger, and biggest ticket-size sales. Most people are complacent about success. It is nothing
Usually, when an insurance professional approaches pros- but a stepping-stone. I dare to say simple success, or an ini-
pects or clients, most of them want to run away from him or tial success, is dangerous for anyone. If the success does not
avoid meeting him. The reason is that most of the time, the multiply day after day, month after month, year after year,
professionals do not use the right approach, and the pros- do not carry your mistakes around with you. Instead, place
pects or clients see them as hard-core salespeople. them under your feet and use them as stepping-stones.
It is obvious why an individual wants to keep himself Success should be a habit. Every small success gives finan-
away from any salesperson. Hence, the approach method cial freedom to the person. Loads of success is something
must be different. And by doing so, there is a higher level of everyone should look for. Once you reach the upper floors of
acceptance. As Mr. Shiv Khera says, “Winners don’t do dif- success, you reach a position of excellence (Top of the Table).
ferent things. They do things differently.” One who practices I am sure, from the bottom of my heart, everyone wants
this different approach will have faster acceptability, and as a to reach the position of excellence, but the key is making it
result, sales will become easier. happen as desired. I am confident that the above formulas
In the insurance sales business, your thought process has and success stories combined with the methods I explained
to be customer centered. Everything you think should be will surely lead everyone to excellence.
focused on the customer’s benefit and should use very com- Excellent people never think of the past, nor the future; they
mon and customer-oriented language. When you are talking function in the present situation.

Annual Meeting Proceedings | 2017 ©Million Dollar Round Table

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