Thailand and Laos

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SEA Travels -Thailand and Laos


Here are some expressions you will hear in this lesson.

1. “ I went trekking and rode elephants. ” When you go trekking

that means you go hiking but for a longer stay.

2. “That was one of the highlights  of my tri.” A highlight is one

of the best parts of an event

3. “I moved on by land to Laos.” Here, move on means to travel

or go to another place

4. “I went zip-lining.” Zip-lining is a sport that is flying in the air

by a wire or cable and moving from tree-to-tree or place-to-

5. “It was quite an experience.” This phrase is a collocation. We

often say "quite an experience" to mean a very memorable time.


Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

trek highlight move on
zip-lining to quite

1. He has to   . It is late.

2. Her trip was   an experience.

3. I love to go   in the rain forest.

4. He went on a   across the Alps.

5. The festival was the   trip.

6. The police went    the door looking for the man.


Abidemi talks about her trip to Southeast Asia, where she started her trip
in Thailand before moving on to Laos. Listen to the information she gives,
complete the gaps below choosing the correct option.

1) She visited _____ countries. 

 a) two
 b) three
 c) four

2) She was in Thailand for about _____ days. 

 a) seven
 b) fourteen
 c) thirty

3) She could not _____ the names of Thai food. 

 a) say
 b) remember
 c) read

4) She went to the _____ . 

 a) beach
 b) forest
 c) both

5) She stayed in _____ . 

 a) a treehouse
 b) a nice resort
 c) a private villa

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