Ergot Species of The Claviceps Purpurea Group From South Africa

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Ergot species of the Claviceps purpurea group from

South Africa

Elna J. VAN DER LINDEa,*, Kamila PESICOV A b,c, Sylvie PAZOUTOV
Eva STOD ULKOVA b, Miroslav FLIEGERb, Miroslav KOLAR IKb,**
Biosystematics Division, Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Council, Private Bag X134,
Pretoria 0121, South Africa
Laboratory of Fungal Genetics and Metabolism, Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech
Republic, v.v.i., Vıden  1083, 142 20 Praha 4, Czech Republic
Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Bena tska
 2, 128 01 Praha 2, Czech Republic

article info abstract

Article history: Results of a survey and study of the Claviceps purpurea group of species in South Africa are
Received 29 January 2016 being presented and five new species are described. Morphological descriptions are based
Received in revised form on the anamorphs and four nuclear genetic loci. Claviceps fimbristylidis sp. nov. on Fimbris-
13 April 2016 tylis complanata was discovered wide-spread across five provinces of the country associated
Accepted 9 May 2016 with water and represents the fourth Claviceps species recorded from the Cyperaceae. Clav-
Available online 24 May 2016 iceps monticola sp. nov. is described from Brachypodium flexum growing in mountain forests
Corresponding Editor: in Mpumalanga Province, as well as the northern Drakensberg southwards into the Eastern
Kerry O’Donnell Cape Province. Claviceps pazoutovae sp. nov. is recorded from Stipa dregeana var. dregeana
and Ehrharta erecta var. erecta, also associated with these mountain ranges. Claviceps macro-
Keywords: ura sp. nov. is recorded from Cenchrus macrourus from the Eastern Cape and Claviceps capen-
Alkaloids sis sp. nov. from Ehrharta villosa var. villosa is recorded from the Western Cape Province.
Cyperaceae Claviceps cyperi, only recorded from South Africa is included in the study. Ergot alkaloid pro-
Phylogeny files of all species are provided and showed similarity to C. purpurea. Only C. cyperi and in
Plant pathogens lesser degree C. capensis, C. macroura, and C. pazoutovae produced ergot alkaloids in clini-
Poaceae cally significant amounts. Several reported species infect invasive grass species, native
Taxonomy to South Africa, and thus represent potentially invasive species.
ª 2016 British Mycological Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction Claviceps sulcata and are now spread all over the world (viz.
Pazoutova et al. 2011). A crucial step in the monitoring of ergot
Africa is home to numerous invasive grasses which destroyed host ranges, geographical distribution, and possible invasion
natural grass ecosystems over the world (Williams & Baruch is the characterisation of their host spectrum on native Afri-
2000; Foxcroft et al. 2010). It was also shown that as a result, can grasses. Although some studies on Zimbabwean species
their specific ergot species expanded their host range e.g. Clav- (previously known as Rhodesia) were performed by authors
iceps africana, Claviceps cynodontis, Claviceps fusiformis, and such as Loveless (1964a, 1967), Loveless & Herd (1964), and

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ27 12 808 8288; fax: þ27 12 808 829.
** Corresponding author. Tel.: þ420 29644 2332; fax: þ420 29644 2347.
E-mail addresses: (E. J. van der Linde), (M. Kolarık).
1878-6146/ª 2016 British Mycological Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
918 E. J. van der Linde et al.

Pazoutova et al. (2008a, 2011), no single comprehensive study the dried herbarium collection of the South African Na-
of the South African species has been done; existing research tional Collections of Fungi (PREM) have been examined
papers on southern African species mostly describe single or and are included in this study. Cultures generated have
groups of species, most of which were introduced due to the also been deposited in its live culture collection (PPRI) as
introduction of their hosts, usually for forage purposes. well as in the Culture Collection of Clavicipitaceae at Insti-
The Claviceps purpurea species group is a phylogenetically tute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Re-
well-defined lineage of the closely related species Claviceps public (CCC). Isotypes of some specimens have been
arundinis, Claviceps grohi, Claviceps humidiphila, Claviceps nigri- deposited in the National Museum in Prague (PRM).
cans, C. purpurea, Claviceps spartinae, and Claviceps zizaniae Isolates and their cultivation. Sclerotia were surface sterilized
(Lorenz et al. 2009; Paz  et al. 2011, 2015). Among all ergot for 3 min with 1 % sodium hypochlorite, rinsed three times in
species, the most potent producers of ergot alkaloids, espe- sterilized distilled water, and plated onto Potato Dextrose
cially pharmaceutically and ecotoxicologically important Agar (PDA) containing antibiotics. Honeydew drops found on
ergopeptines, form part of this species group (Lorenz et al. florets of infected grasses were plated onto Water Agar (WA)
2009). Only two species from this group have been identified agar plates containing antibiotics and agar pieces containing
in South Africa to species level namely C. purpurea (with germinating macroconidia were subsequently transferred
a wide host range including mostly introduced hosts such as onto PDA (Paz outova  et al. 2015). Isolates are being maintained
Lolium), as well as Claviceps cyperi (on Cyperus esculentus). The in the PPRI and CCC collection on PDA agar punches covered
conidia seemed to be the only tool for identification of these with sterile water, PDA slants covered with sterile liquid par-
old herbarium specimens. Although the conidia of Claviceps affin, by ultra-low freezing as well as freeze dried cultures
species vary considerably in shape and size, for some species (Table 1).
these features are often quite distinctive; in addition, the
range of size as well as length/width (L/W) ratio is a useful Alkaloid analysis
character as an accessory to shape in the delimiting of species
(Langdon 1954). Loveless (1964b) also demonstrated the use Sample preparation and alkaloid extraction. Pulverized sclerotia
and value of the morphology of the conidia when examining (10 mg) were mixed with extraction mixture consisting of tol-
herbarium material and concluded that in many cases they ueneeethyl alcohol mixture (4:1, v:v, 0.5 mL) and gently stirred
form discriminating taxonomic markers and that these char- for 1 h. Supernatant was separated by centrifugation and kept
acteristics have to be relied upon especially when examining in the freeze until use (M.F., unpubl.).
old herbarium specimens. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analyses. The
According to Paz outova et al. (2011), numerous Claviceps HPLC system consisted of a pump equipped with a 600E sys-
anamorphs are deposited in herbaria, but few were formally tem controller, auto-sampler 717, and dual UV detector 2487
described as the essential teleomorph was lacking. They also (Waters, Milford, MA, USA). The data were processed using
stated that others have found that these conidial dimensions Empower 2 software. Water containing mobile phases were
vary considerably in different collections of the same species filtered through a 0.22 mM GS filter (Millipore, Billerica, MA,
(viz. Muthusubramanian et al. 2005; Paz outova  & USA) and degassed in an ultrasonic bath for 10 min before use.
Frederickson 2005) and that care should be taken to use these A Luna 5 m C18(2) column (250  4.6 mm, Phenomenex)
characters in combination with other morphological e and in with a guard column was used for the analysis. The mobile
recent times, also molecular characters. Paz  et al. (2011)
outova phase consisted of: A.) 10 % acetonitrile in water with
concluded that the coidentification of dated Claviceps herbar- KH2PO4 (9.18 g 1 L1; pH adjusted at 3.12) and B.) acetoni-
ium specimens for which cultures and DNA sequences are trile. Gradient elution: 10 % B (0 min), increasing linearly
available is crucial for establishing past and recent distribu- to 35 % B (40 min), increasing linearly to 65 % B (10 min).
tions and migrations of species. However, despite this vari- Each analysis was followed by a column washing (65 % B,
ability, conidial shape and length/width ratio are often the 10 min) and equilibration step (10 % B, 10 min). Flow rate,
only useful markers for the identification of recently found 1.0 mL min1. UV detection was performed at 288 and
anamorphs by comparison with herbarium specimens of de- 315 nm, respectively.
scribed Claviceps species (Paz outova  et al. 2011). Calibration. A standard solution of ergotamine was pre-
In a comprehensive study, we screened ergotised grasses pared in methanol at final concentrations of 62.5, 125, 250,
in South Africa which included invasive grass species from 500, and 1000 mg mL1. The calibration graphs were con-
the genus Ehrharta and Cenchrus. In this paper we are describ- structed by plotting the integrated peak areas of individual
ing five new species from the C. purpurea species complex; compounds versus concentration. The linear regression equa-
members of this species group were overlooked in South tion ( y ¼ 5946.4x) and correlation coefficient (r ¼ 0.997), were
Africa so far. obtained.
Taxonomy. Following Paz  et al. (2011), we have cho-
sen to describe new species from the asexual stage of develop-
Materials and methods ment in the otherwise teleomorphic genus Claviceps.
Descriptions are based on the appearance of macroconidia
Herbarium specimens and sclerotia, and a sequence of the nuclear ribosomal DNA
region (nrDNA), minichromosome maintenance complex
Apart from the collections done over the past 8 y, other component 7 (MCM7) gene, elongation factor-1a gene (EF1-a),
relevant unidentified specimens of ergotised grasses in and beta-tubulin gene (Tub2).
Ergot species of the C. purpurea group from South Africa
Table 1 e Specimens included in the phylogenetic study, with EMBL accession numbers of their DNA sequences. Holotypes are marked with an asterisk.
Species Specimen Culture reference Host Location Lm  Wma Qmb nrDNA (ITS/LSU) MCM7 EF1-a Tub2

capensis *PREM 61148 CCC 1504; PPRI 16249 & Ehrharta villosa var. villosa Constantia Neck, Cape Town, SA 6.7  3.9 1.7 LN846837 LN846890 LN846862 LN846876
cyperi PREM 61132 CCC 1476; PPRI 16223 Cyperus esculentus Bredell, Kempton Park, Gauteng, 13.7  4.2 3.3 LN846842 n.d. n.d. n.d.
cyperi PREM 60647 CCC 1219; PPRI 10436 Cyperus esculentus Kempton Park, Gauteng, SA 9.8  3.5 2.8 LN846852 LN846884 LN846865 LN846879
cyperi PREM 61149 CCC 1215 & 1217; PPRI 10430 Cyperus esculentus Villiers, Free State Province, SA 9.8  3.5 2.8 LN846853 LN846883 LN846866 LN846878
& 10433
fimbristylidis *PREM 61127 CCC 1472 & 1473; PPRI 16239 Fimbristylis complanata Bronkhorstspruit, Gauteng, SA 8.5  3.6 2.4 LN846841 LN846885 LN846859 LN846872
& 16240
fimbristylidis PREM 60662 CCC 1207e1214; PPRI Fimbristylis complanata Retiefklip, Drakensberg, KZN, SA 8.7  3.8 2.3 LN846854 LN846882 LN846867 LN846877
10563e65, 67, 69e72 LN846855
macroura PREM 61135 CCC 1482; PPRI 16245 Cenchrus macrourus Hogsback, Eastern Cape Province, 7.1  3.5 2.0 LN846844 LN846886 LN846863 LN846873
monticola PREM 61280 PPRI 20146, PPRI 20192 Brachypodium flexum Machadodorp, Mpumalanga, SA 7.4  3.2 2.3 LN880551 LN880553 LN880552 n.d.
monticola *PREM 61136 CCC 1483 & 1484; PPRI 16234 Brachypodium flexum Hogsback, Eastern Cape Province, 7.0  3.1 2.3 LN846845 LN846889 LN846860 LN846875
& 16235 SA
monticola PREM 611441 CCC 1496 & 1497; PPRI 16232 Brachypodium flexum Royal Natal National Park, 7.4  3.1 2.4 LN846836 n.d. n.d. n.d.
& 16233 KwaZulu-Natal, SA
monticola PREM 61119 CCC 1421e1423 Brachypodium flexum Royal Natal National Park, n.d. n.d. LN846856 n.d. n.d. n.d.
KwaZulu-Natal, SA
monticola PREM 60852 CCC 1222 & 1229; PPRI 11976 Brachypodium flexum Royal Natal National Park, 6.5  2.3 2.8 LN846851 LN846888 LN846864 LN846881
& 11983 KwaZulu-Natal, SA LN846846 LN846887 LN846857 LN846880
pazoutovae PREM 61143 CCC 1494 & 1495; PPRI 16254 Ehrharta erecta var. erecta Royal Natal National Park, 5.7  2.3 2.5 LN846838 LN846892 LN846861 LN846874
& 16255 KwaZulu-Natal, SA
pazoutovae *PREM 61137 CCC 1485; PPRI 16247 Stipa dregeana var. dregeana Hogsback, Eastern Cape Province, 7.1  3.5 2.0 LN846840 LN846891 LN880554 LN880555
pazoutovae PREM 61134 CCC 1477; PPRI 16246a & b Stipa dregeana var. dregeana Royal Natal National Park, 7.4  3.2 2.3 LN846843 n.d. n.d. n.d.
KwaZulu-Natal, SA
pazoutovae Honeydew CCC 1424e1426 Ehrharta erecta var. erecta Royal Natal National Park, 5.9  2.3 2.6 LN846849 n.d. n.d. n.d.
depleted; KwaZulu-Natal, SA LN846850
no specimen
pazoutovae PREM 61150 CCC 1393; PPRI 9537 Stipa dregeana Hogsback, Eastern Cape Province, 7.2  3.0 2.4 LN846847 n.d. LN846858 LN846871
pazoutovae PREM 61150 CCC 1397; PPRI 9543 Stipa dregeana Hogsback, Eastern Cape Province, 7.1  3.2 2.2 LN846848 n.d. n.d. n.d.

a Lm e mean spore length (arithmetical mean of all spores, mm), Wm e mean spore width (arithmetical mean of all spores, mm).
b Qm e the mean of quotients of spore length and spore width in any one spore.

920 E. J. van der Linde et al.

Fig 1 e Bayesian phylogenetic inference based on four gene dataset showing position of species from the Claviceps purpurea
species group. Specimens studied during our study are printed in bold. The outgroup branch is fourth times shortened for
visual reasons. Thick branches indicate Bayesian posterior probabilities [ 1.00.

Morphology gene (ca. 0.46 kbp) was amplified and sequenced with new
designed primer pair CARCA-F (CARCACAARAAGGCN-
Conidia were washed off sclerotia from plant specimens and TAYAGC) and M456-5R (TGTTCCATGACTTCGTGGAT). Primers
used for observations and measurement of conidial size. EF1-983F/EF1-2218R were used for amplification of the EF1-
Spores were mounted in a drop of water and photographed a gene (ca. 1.0 kbp) (Rehner & Buckley 2005). The same primers
and measured using a Zeiss Axio Scope A1. Microscope prep- were also used for DNA sequencing. The Tub2 gene (ca. 1.5 kbp)
arations were made in water and observed with an Axio Scope was amplified with primer pair T1/T22 and it was sequenced
A1 microscope (Carl Zeiss, Jena) using differential interference with primers T2 and T12 (O’Donnell & Cigelnik 1997). The
contrast (DIC) illumination. The measurements were done on PCR reaction conditions in a Mastercycler Gradient thermocy-
photos recorded with a ProgRes SpeedXTcore 5 digital camera cler (Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany) were as follows: one cy-
(Jenoptik Optical Systems, Jena) using the ProgRes image pro- cle of 3 min at 95  C, 30 s at 55  C, and 1 min at 72  C; 30 cycles
cessing software. At least 30 conidia measurements per spec- of 30 s at 95  C, 30 s at 55  C, and 1 min at 72  C; one cycle 30 s at
imen were performed. The statistical treatment of spore size 95  C, 30 s at 55  C, and 10 min at 72  C. The reaction mixture
data was done using KyPlot 2.0 beta 15 (Yoshioka 2002). consisted of 1 U of PerfectTaq DNA polymerase (5 Prime) or
PerfectTaq Plus DNA polymerase (5 Prime) or Maximo Taq
Polymerase (GeneON), respective PCR buffer, 0.2 mM deoxy-
DNA extraction, amplification, and sequencing nucleotides, 2 pmol of each primer, and 5e50 ng of DNA in
25 ml of total volume. Custom sequencing of DNA was per-
DNA was purified from 4e7-d old mycelium grown on T2 formed at Macrogen Inc. (Seoul, Korea).
plates using an ArchivePure DNA Yeast & Gram  Kit (5 PRIME,
Hamburg) as described in Paz outova  et al. (2015). Nuclear ribo-
somal DNA containing internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and Phylogenetic analysis
ITS2), 5.8S, and the 50 end of the large subunit ribosomal RNA
gene (LSU) was amplified with primer pair ITS1F-KYO2/NL4 The phylogenetic position of new species in the genus Clavi-
(ca. 1.2 kbp) (O’Donnell 1993; Toju et al. 2012). The MCM7 ceps was established using single locus analysis and
Ergot species of the C. purpurea group from South Africa 921

multilocus analysis. The rDNA dataset consisted of 29 isolates

Relative content [%]

(Online Resource 1), from which 12 were selected for multi-
gene analysis (Fig 1). The dataset of nrDNA contained 29 se-
quences and consisted of 1326 positions (87 parsimony

informative, 204 variable, 115 singleton, and 1067 conserved).
The number of positions after Gblocks curation was 1110 (83 %
of the original 1326 positions) (44 parsimony informative, 134
variable, 90 singleton, and 976 conserved). Sequences were
aligned using MAFFT (Katoh & Toh 2008) and curated in
Total [mg g1]

Gblocks software (Castresana 2000). A suitable model for

each locus was selected using MEGA6 (Tamura et al. 2013):
K2 þ G (nrDNA, MCM7), TN93 þ G (EF1-a), HKY þ G (Tub2),
TN93 þ G þ I (concatenated dataset). The aligned concate-
nated dataset (20 sequences) consisted of 4301 positions (in-
Rt ¼ 27.63 min

cluding gaps), 322 of them were parsimony informative, 783

of them were variable, 451 of them were singleton, and 3405

of them were conserved. The new number of positions after

Gblocks curation was 3982 (92 % of the original 4301 positions).
Two hundred and sixty (260) of them were parsimony infor-
mative, 678 of them were variable, 418 of them were singleton,

and 3304 of them were conserved. The MCM7, EF1-a, and Tub2
datasets for single locus analysis were created from the con-
catenated curated dataset.
Bayesian phylogenetic analyses were performed by using
MrBayes v3.2.4 (Ronquist et al. 2012). A metropolis-coupled

Markov chain Monte Carlo search algorithm with 10 000 000

Table 2 e Quantitative and qualitative analysis of ergot alkaloids in six studied Claviceps species.

20 588.14

generations was used. Burnin was determined with Tracer

1.4 ( and discarded.
Epichlo€e typhina X52616 was used as a sister group to the Clav-
iceps purpurea lineage based on nrDNA phylogeny of the whole
genus (data not shown). All datasets were deposited in Tree-

BASE database (, accession number 18831








All studied species can be distinguished based on ITS rDNA, as

well as using single protein coding genes (Online Resource 1,
2). Bayesian analysis of the concatenated multigene dataset
separated species of the Claviceps purpurea species group into

three main lineages (Fig 1). The first lineage consists of the

species Claviceps cyperi, Claviceps grohii, Claviceps nigricans,

and the newly described Claviceps fimbristylidis. This lineage
is homogenous in its ecology (growing in wetlands), and its
host specificity to sedges (Poales: Cyperaceae). The second lin-
Specimen no.

eage includes Claviceps arundinis, Claviceps humidiphila, Clavi-


ceps spartinae, and Claviceps zizaniae, of which the species


seem to be host specific to the level of subfamily of grasses

from the Poaceae family. Species from this group live in hu-
mid locations or directly in wetlands. The third lineage is

formed by C. purpurea which is basal to the group of species



described in this study e Claviceps macroura, Claviceps capensis,



Claviceps pazoutovae, and Claviceps monticola. Ecologically this

lineage infects four subfamilies of Poaceae and contains spe-

cies growing in grasslands including mountainous habitats.

922 E. J. van der Linde et al.

Fig 2 e Claviceps capensis (PREM 61148T, culture PPRI 16249). (A) Sclerotia on Ehrharta villosa. (B) Sclerotium (bar 10 mm). (C)
Macroconidia (bar 10 mm). (D) Culture on medium PDA (21 d old).

An exception is C. macroura, which infect Cenchrus (Panicoi- Specimens examined. SOUTH AFRICA. CAPE PROVINCE:
deae), a grass group associated with humid locations. Cedarberg, on Ehrharta calycina, Jan. 1948, N.J.G. Smith (as
C. purpurea, PREM 41843); CAPE PROVINCE: Cape Town,
Lions Head, on Ehrharta calycina, Jan. 1921, M.R.H. Thomson
(as C. purpurea, PREM 14266); CAPE PROVINCE: Kirsten-
bosch, on Ehrharta sp., Dec. 1920, I.B. Pole Evans (as C. pur-
Sclerotia of the studied species contained alkaloids typically
purea, PREM 14249).
found in Claviceps purpurea, a well-studied member of this spe-
Diagnosis. Macroconidia hyaline, distinctively ovoid to
cies group (Table 2). Only three species, Claviceps capensis,
broadly cylindric (5.2e)5.7e8.6(e9.1)  (2.5e)
Claviceps cyperi, and Claviceps macroura produced alkaloids in
3.0e4.7(e5.2) mm, mean 6.7  3.9 mm. Sclerotia brown to
amounts reaching 7 mg g1 or higher. The total amount pro-
dark brown, protruding, 15  2 mm. Teleomorph not
duced by other species was minute.
Cultural characteristics. Colonies (21 d, 24  C) on PDA 30 mm
Taxonomy in diameter, aerial mycelium off-white, buff reverse fading
towards the margin; velutinous, with diffuse margin.
Commentary. C. capensis is phylogenetically closest to C.
macroura and is grouped in a clade separate from C. pazou-
Claviceps capensis E. van der Linde, K. Pesicova
 , M. Kolarık, tovae. Conidia of C. capensis are distinctively ovoid with an
sp. nov. L/W ratio of 1.7, which clearly distinguishes it from both
MycoBank No.: MB815478, Fig 2. these species. It shares its host genus Ehrharta with that
Typification. SOUTH AFRICA. WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE: of C. pazoutovae, also described here, which includes iso-
Cape Town, Constantia Neck, on Ehrharta villosa var. villosa, lates and specimens from Ehrharta erecta var. erecta and E.
Sep. 2013, Alan Wood, CS 369 (holotype PREM 61148). Isotype calycina. Together with its molecular data, C. capensis is dis-
PRM 933998. Ex-type culture CCC 1504, additional cultures tinct from any other previously described species. Ehrharta
CCC 1505, PPRI 16249, 16250. See Table 1 for accession villosa var. villosa is recorded as endemic to South Africa
numbers. and noted on the South African National Botanical Insti-
Etymology. Based on its limited distribution, the Western tute’s endangered list (, accessed
Cape Province, South Africa. 22 Oct. 2015). Closely related Ehrharta villosa var. maximensis
Geographic distribution/host range. South Africa: Western has however been introduced to other parts of the world to
Cape Province on Ehrharta villosa var. villosa. stabilize sand dunes and is now recorded to be a serious
Ergot species of the C. purpurea group from South Africa 923

Fig 3 e Claviceps cyperi (PREM 61132, culture PPRI 16223). (A) Sclerotia on Cyperus esculentus. (B) Sclerotium (bar 10 mm). (C)
Macroconidia (bar 10 mm). (D) Culture on medium PDA (21 d old).

invasive weed in Australia and New Zealand (CABI 2015). paper to distinguish between species occurring on the
There is no report of ergotised Ehrharta villosa outside of Cyperaceae. Examined material had macroconidia hyaline,
South Africa. narrowly oblong or narrowly elliptic (5.5e)
Claviceps cyperi Loveless 8.0e10.5(e13)  2.0e3.5(e4) mm. Sclerotia dark brown to
MycoBank No.: MB328385, Fig 3 e included as species of the black, protruding, variable length, most commonly
C. purpurea group, only recorded from South Africa. 8e15 mm long, straight to slightly curved, floating on water
Typification. SOUTH AFRICA. GAUTENG: Pretoria, on Cyperus for 30 min or sometimes longer. Colonies reaching up to
esculentus, Apr. 1944, E.J. Scott (holotype PREM 34102, 20 mm in diameter (21 d, 24  C) on PDA, densely growing,
Loveless 1967). velutinous, buff reverse fading towards the margin; colo-
Etymology. Referring to the name of the host, Cyperus nies raised and slightly wrinkled in the centre. Teleomorph
esculentus. described by Loveless (1967).
Geographic distribution/host range. South Africa: widely dis- C. cyperi is sister to C. fimbristylidis based on our phyloge-
tributed in association with its host which is a common netic analysis (Fig 1, Online Resource 2). Sclerotia of C.
weed in Gauteng, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal, and Mpuma- cyperi are dark brown to black, 8e15  1.5 mm (Loveless
langa Provinces; on Cyperus esculentus and Cy. rotundus. 1967) compared with C. fimbristylidis sclerotia of
Specimens examined. SOUTH AFRICA. GAUTENG: Kempton 4e5  0.5e0.8 mm (mean length and width; up to 7 mm
Park, Bredell, on Cyperus esculentus, Mar. 2014, W.M. Kriel, long). Conidial shape in C. cyperi is narrowly oblong or nar-
CS 328 (PREM 61132), cultures CCC 1476, PPRI 16223; GAU- rowly elliptical, varying from 8.5e11.0  2.5e3.5 mm (with
TENG: Kempton Park, Bredell, on Cyperus esculentus, Mar. a mean of 10.7 and L/W ratio 3.1 in this study for specimens
2013, W.M. Kriel, CS 226 (PREM 61115); GAUTENG: Kempton examined) compared with conidia from C. fimbristylidis that
Park, on Cyperus esculentus, Mar. 2011, E.J. van der Linde, CS are oblong (mean 8.5; L/W ratio 2.3). C. grohii and C. nigricans
124 (PREM 60647), cultures CCC 1219, PPRI 10436. FREE have never been recorded from South Africa (Paz outova
STATE PROVINCE: Villiers, along N3 highway, on Cyperus et al. 2008b). Cyperus esculentus, and to a lesser degree also
esculentus, Mar. 2010, E.J. van der Linde, CS 83 (PREM 61149), Cy. rotundus, occurs as invasive weed in almost all temper-
cultures CCC 1215, 1217, PPRI 10430, 10433. ate, tropical, and subtropical regions of the world. Once
Commentary. Originally described by Loveless (1967) from established, it is extremely difficult to eradicate (CABI
Cyperus esculentus and Cy. rotundus and included in this 2015,, accessed 28 Aug. 2015). The
924 E. J. van der Linde et al.

Fig 4 e Claviceps fimbristylidis (PREM 61127T, culture CCC 1472). (A) Sclerotia on Fimbristylis complanata. (B) Sclerotium (bar
1 mm). (C) Conidia (bar 10 mm). (D) Culture on medium PDA (21 d old).

distribution of C. cyperi however, seems to be restricted to 3.7e4.5(e5.0) mm, mean 8.5  3.7 mm. Sclerotia smooth,
South Africa. dark brown to black, protruding, straight to slightly curved,
Claviceps fimbristylidis E. van der Linde, K. Pesicova  , M. more or less triangular in cross section, most commonly
Kolarık, sp. nov. 4e5 mm long but reaching up to 7 mm, floating for several
MycoBank No.: MB815479, Fig 4. days. Teleomorph not observed.
Typification. SOUTH AFRICA. GAUTENG: Bronkhorstspruit, Cultural characteristics. Colonies (21 d, 24  C) on PDA 30 mm
on Fimbristylis complanata, Apr. 2014, W.M. Kriel, CS 305 (ho- in diameter, aerial mycelium off-white, buff in the centre,
lotype PREM 61127). Isotype PRM 933997. Ex-type culture in reverse fading towards the margin; velutinous, with dif-
CCC 1472, additional cultures CCC 1473, PPRI 16239, fuse margin.
16240. See Table 1 for EMBL accession numbers. Commentary. Three Claviceps species were previously de-
Etymology. Named after its host Fimbristylis complanata, be- scribed from the Cyperaceae: C. cyperi from Cyperus esculen-
longing to the Cyperaceae. tus and Cy. rotundus (Loveless 1967), Claviceps grohii on Carex
Geographic distribution/host range. South Africa: Eastern (Groves 1943) and C. nigricans on Eleocharis and Scirpus (Brady
Cape Province, Free State Province, Gauteng, KwaZulu- 1962). Fimbristylis complanata is associated with water and
Natal, and Mpumalanga; on Fimbristylis complanata. commonly found in the Eastern Cape, Free State, Gauteng,
Specimens examined. SOUTH AFRICA. GAUTENG: Pretoria, KwaZulu-Natal, and Mpumalanga Provinces. C. fimbristylidis
Rietvlei Nature Reserve, on Fimbristylis complanata, Apr. is phylogenetically close to C. cyperi and other species with
2013, S. Pa zoutova, CS 279 (PREM 61123); Bronkhorstspruit, host plants from the Cyperaceae family (Fig 1, Online
on Fimbristylis complanata, Apr. 2011, W.M. Kriel, CS 165 Resource 1). Sclerotia of C. fimbristylidis are smaller
(PREM 60684). MPUMALANGA: Warburton, on Fimbristylis (4e5 mm) than those of C. cyperi, conidial shape in C. cyperi
complanata, Mar. 2011, E.J. van der Linde, CS 144 (PREM is cylindrical and longer (mean 10.3; L/W ratio 3.2) and ob-
60846). KWAZULU-NATAL: northern Drakensberg, Retief- long in C. fimbristylidis (mean 8.5; L/W ratio 2.3). C. grohii
klip, on Fimbristylis complanata, Mar. 2010, E.J. van der Linde, and C. nigricans have never been recorded from South Africa.
CS 85 (PREM 60662), cultures CCC 1207e1214, PPRI Although Fimbristylis complanata has a pantropical distribu-
10563e65, 10567, 10569e10672. FREE STATE PROVINCE: tion and very common throughout these areas (WCSP
Warden/Bethlehem, on Fimbristylis complanata, Mar. 2011, 2015), its parasitization by ergot has not yet been reported
W.M. Kriel, CS 139 (PREM 60661). outside of South Africa.
Diagnosis. Macroconidia hyaline, varying in shape, most Claviceps macroura E. van der Linde, K. Pesicova  , M. Kolarık,
commonly oblong (5.5e)6.5e10.7(e11.7)  (3.2e) sp. nov.
Ergot species of the C. purpurea group from South Africa 925

Fig 5 e Claviceps macroura (PREM 61135T, PPRI 16245). (A) Sclerotia on Cenchrus macrourus. (B) Sclerotium (bar 10 mm). (C)
Macroconidia (bar 10 mm). (D) Culture on medium PDA (21 d old).

MycoBank No.: MB815480, Fig 5. Etymology. Gr. makros long, oura tail, ‘long-tailed’, with ref-
Typification. SOUTH AFRICA. EASTERN CAPE PROVINCE: erence to the name of the hostplant. The specific epithet is
Hogsback, on Cenchrus macrourus, Apr. 2014, W.M. Kriel, CS a noun in apposition and hence indeclinable.
337 (holotype PREM 61135). Isotype PRM 934000. Ex-type Geographic distribution/host range. South Africa: Eastern and
CCC 1482, additional isolate PPRI 16245. See Table 1 for Western Cape Provinces; on Cenchrus macrourus
EMBL accession numbers. (¼Pennisetum macrourus) and Cenchrus sphacelatus.

Fig 6 e Claviceps monticola (PREM 61136T, culture PPRI 16234). (A, B) Sclerotia and honeydew on Brachypodium flexum. (C)
Sclerotium (bar 10 mm). (D) Culture on medium PDA (21 d old). (E) Macroconidia (bar 10 mm).
926 E. J. van der Linde et al.

Fig 7 e Claviceps pazoutovae (PREM 61137T, culture PPRI 16247). (A) Sclerotia on Stipa dregeana. (B) Sclerotium (bar 10 mm). (C)
Culture on medium PDA (21 d old). (D) Macroconidia (bar 10 mm).

Specimens examined. SOUTH AFRICA. EASTERN CAPE PROV- 2008a, 2011). Cenchrus macrourus is native to southern and
INCE: Hogsback, on C. macrourus, Mar. 2011, E.J. van der eastern Africa but widely introduced on all continents, in-
Linde, CS 146 (PREM 60668); Hogsback, on C. macrourus, cluding Australia and New Zealand where is reported as
Apr. 2008, E.J. van der Linde (PREM 61150). CAPE PROVINCE: a highly invasive species (CABI 2015,,
Sir Lowrys Pass, on C. macrourus, Feb. 1978, C. J. Rafin accessed 28 Aug. 2015). There are no records of ergotised
(PREM 45338); Stellenbosch, on C. macrourus, Oct. 1943, Dip- C. macrourus outside of South Africa.
penaar (PREM 33983); Stellenbosch, on Cenchrus sphacelatus, Claviceps monticola E. van der Linde, K. Pesicova
 , M. Kolarık,
Jan. 1941, L. Verwoerd (PREM 32494). sp. nov.
Diagnosis. Macroconidia hyaline, oblong to broad cylindric MycoBank No.: MB815481, Fig 6.
(5.3e)5.9e8.5(e9.1)  (2.5e)2.8e4.4(e4.7) mm, mean Typification. SOUTH AFRICA. EASTERN CAPE PROVINCE:
7.1  3.5 mm, and L/W ratio 2.0. Sclerotia brown to dark Hogsback, on Brachypodium flexum, May 2014, W.M. Kriel,
brown, protruding, up to 22 mm long. Teleomorph not CS 339 (holotype PREM 61136). Isotype PRM 933996. Ex-
observed. type cultures CCC 1483, 1484. See Table 1 for EMBL acces-
Cultural characteristics. Colonies on PDA 25 mm in diameter sion numbers.
(21 d, 24  C), velutinous, aerial mycelium off-white, buff Etymology. Referring to its association with mountain
reverse. ranges in South Africa.
Commentary. C. macroura is phylogenetically closest to, but Geographic distribution/host range. South Africa: along
morphologically clearly distinct from C. capensis which mountain ranges, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal, and East-
has ovoid conidia. Another clade formed by C. pazoutovae ern Cape Provinces; on Brachypodium flexum.
is closest to these two species. C. macroura however, has Specimens examined. SOUTH AFRICA. MPUMALANGA PROV-
oblong to broad cylindric, and a mean L/W ratio of 2.0, op- INCE: Machadodorp, Bermanzi hiking trail, on Brachypo-
posed to the 2.0e2.6 (mean of 2.3 on all hosts) of C. pazouto- dium flexum, May 2015, W.M. Kriel, CS 372 (PREM 61280).
vae. Brewer & Loveless (1977) examined four South African EASTERN CAPE PROVINCE: Hogsback, Amathola hiking
Claviceps specimens from Cenchrus macrourus collected in trail, on Brachypodium flexum, May 2014, W.M. Kriel, CS 336
close proximity in the Western Cape Province (one of (PREM 61136). KWAZULU-NATAL: northern Drakensberg,
which was PREM 32494) and noted mean conidial dimen- Royal Natal National Park, on Brachypodium flexum, Apr.
sions of 5.9  2.46 mm (L/W ratio 2.4) which were identified 2014, W.M. Kriel, CS 361 (PREM 61144), cultures CCC 1496,
as C. purpurea. However, re-examination of the specimens 1497, PPRI 16232, 16233; KWAZULU-NATAL: northern Dra-
in PREM collected in the Western Cape Province demon- kensberg, Royal Natal National Park, on Brachypodium
strated conidial sizes well within the range noted for the flexum, Mar. 2013, S. Pazoutova, CS 253 (PREM 61119), cul-
specimens from the Eastern Cape Province. Two other spe- tures CCC 1421, 1422, 1423; KWAZULU-NATAL: northern
cies were recorded from Pennisetum and Cenchrus; C. fusifor- Drakensberg, Royal Natal National Park, on Brachypodium
mis and C. tenuispora are phylogenetically not close to the C. flexum, Mar. 2012, W.M. Kriel, CS 205 (PREM 60852);
purpurea group and have distinct fusiform and narrowly KWAZULU-NATAL: northern Drakensberg, Royal Natal Na-
allantoid macroconidia respectively (Paz outova  et al. tional Park, on Brachypodium flexum, Mar. 2011, W.M. Kriel,
Ergot species of the C. purpurea group from South Africa 927

CS 150 (PREM 60672); KWAZULU-NATAL: northern Dra- (as C. purpurea, PREM 14266); CAPE PROVINCE: Kirsten-
kensberg, Royal Natal National Park, on Brachypodium bosch, on Ehrharta sp., Dec. 1920, I.B. Pole Evans (as C. pur-
flexum, Apr. 2010, E.J. van der Linde, CS 88 (PREM 60841); purea, PREM 14249). KWAZULU-NATAL: Royal Natal
KWAZULU-NATAL: northern Drakensberg, Royal Natal Na- National Park, on Stipa dregeana var. dregeana, Apr. 2014,
tional Park, on Brachypodium flexum, Mar. 2009, E.J. van der E.J. van der Linde, CS 332 (PREM 61134), cultures CCC 1477,
Linde, CS 99 (PREM 60845). NATAL: Cathedral Peak area, PPRI 16246; KWAZULU-NATAL: Royal Natal National Park,
Indumeni Forest, on Brachypodium flexum, Aug. 1944, E. on Stipa dregeana var. dregeana, Mar. 2013, S. Pazoutova , CS
Schelpe (PREM 34132); NATAL: Donnybrook, Xumeni Forest, 255 (PREM 61120). EASTERN CAPE PROVINCE: Hogsback,
on Brachypodium flexum, Jun. 1938, K.E. Morgan, E.M. Doidge on Stipa dregeana var. dregeana, Mar. 2009, E.J. van der Linde,
(PREM 32770). CS 90 (PREM 60842); EASTERN CAPE PROVINCE: Hogsback,
Diagnosis. Macroconidia hyaline, oblong to broadly cylin- on Stipa dregeana var. dregeana, Mar. 2008, W.M. Kriel
dric (4.8e)5.7e8.9(e12.2)  (1.9e)2.6e3.6(e4.8) mm, mean (PREM 61150), cultures CCC 1392e1394, PPRI 9535e9537;
7.2  3.1 mm, L/W 2.3. Sclerotia greyish brown to brown, EASTERN CAPE PROVINCE: Hogsback, on Stipa dregeana
protruding, variable in length, up to 50 mm long, slightly var. dregeana, Mar. 2007, W.M. Kriel, CS 215 (PREM 60860).
to strongly curved to coiled, not floating on water. Teleo- Diagnosis. Macroconidia hyaline, oblong or broadly cylin-
morph not observed. dric (4.3e)4.8e7.3(e11.1)  (1.7e)1.9e3.9(e4.5) mm, mean
Cultural characteristics. Colonies on PDA reaching 6.6  2.9 mm, mean L/W ratio from all hosts 2.3. Sclerotia
20e30 mm in diameter in 21 d at 24  C, sparsely with dif- variable on different hosts: on Ehrharta erecta var. erecta
fuse margin, somewhat irregularly raised in the centre, ae- dark brown to almost black, up to 12 mm long and on Stipa
rial mycelium white, reverse off-white, and yellowish in dregeana var. dregeana sclerotia greyish brown to brown to
the centre. dark brown or almost black, slightly curved to spirally
Commentary. C. monticola is phylogenetically close to one coiled, up to 40 mm long. Teleomorph not observed.
clade formed by C. pazoutovae (on Ehrharta erecta and Stipa Cultural characteristics. Colonies relatively fast-growing
dregeana) as well as a second clade formed by C. capensis (21 d, 24  C) on PDA up to 70 mm in diameter, aerial myce-
(on Ehrharta villosa) and C. macroura (on Cenchrus macrourus) lium off-white, colonies irregularly raised in the centre, re-
(Fig 1, Online Resource 1). The conidial L/W ratio in C. mon- verse buff, velutinous, with diffuse margin.
ticola varied between 2.3 and 2.9 (mean of 2.6 in specimens Commentary. C. pazoutovae is phylogenetically close to the
examined) when compared with C. pazoutovae with a conid- two other (but separate) clades formed by C. monticola (on
ial ratio of 2.0e2.6 (mean of 2.2 in specimens examined). In B. flexum) and C. capensis (on E. villosa) respectively. Al-
addition, the conidia of C. capensis are distinctively ovoid though the conidial shape is much the same as the latter
with an L/W ratio of 1.7. Brachypodium spp. are also typical two species (i.e. most commonly oblong to broadly cylin-
hosts of Claviceps purpurea in Europe (Barger 1931; Langdon dric), the conidial L/W ratio of C. pazoutovae varies between
1952; Paz outova et al. 2015). The potential distribution of C. 2.0 and 2.6 (mean of 2.3), differing from C. monticola which
monticola is the whole of tropical Africa, where its host is varies between 2.3 and 2.9 (mean of 2.6 in specimens exam-
spread (WCSP 2015,, accessed ined); these dimensions also falls outside the range of C.
28 Aug. 2015). purpurea (Paz outova et al. 2015). It also differs from the con-
Claviceps pazoutovae E. van der Linde, K. Pesicova  , M. idia of C. capensis (on Ehrharta villosa) which is distinctively
Kolarık, sp. nov. ovoid with an L/W ratio of 1.7. The conidial shape was the
MycoBank No.: MB815482, Fig 7. same on both hosts: oblong or broadly cylindric. On Ehr-
Typification. SOUTH AFRICA. EASTERN CAPE PROVINCE: harta the conidia were (4.8e)5.3e7.2(e7.7)  (1.7e)
Hogsback, on Stipa dregeana var. dregeana, May 2014, W.M. 1.9e2.7(e2.9) mm, mean 5.9  2.3 mm, and L/W 2.6, while
Kriel, CS 342 (holotype PREM 61137). Isotype PRM 933999. those on Stipa were (5.1e)6.0e10.1(e11.0)  (2.1e)
Ex-type CCC 1485, 1486, additional cultures PPRI 16247, 2.8e3.2(e3.9) mm, mean 6.5  2.8 mm, and L/W 2.3. Although
16248. See Table 1 for EMBL accession numbers. the conidia on Ehrharta were slightly shorter than those on
Etymology. In honour of the late Dr Sylvie Paz outova who Stipa, it is clearly evident from molecular data that these
dedicated a lifetime to Claviceps research. are the same species. Such differences in size of sclerotia
Geographic distribution/host range. South Africa: Eastern and conidia had previously been described as phenoplas-
Cape Province, KwaZulu-Natal, and Western Cape Prov- ticity especially observed in C. purpurea from different
ince; on Ehrharta erecta var. erecta, Ehrharta calycina, and hosts (Paz outova  et al. 2015). Only Langdon (1952) referred
Stipa dregeana var. dregeana. to Claviceps on Ehrharta calycina and Ehrharta capensis, as
Specimens examined. SOUTH AFRICA. KWAZULU-NATAL: sp. indet. Ehrharta erecta is native to a large part of eastern
northern Drakensberg, Royal Natal National Park, on Ehr- Africa, whereas E. calycina is native to South Africa. Both
harta erecta var. erecta, Apr. 2014, E.J. van der Linde, CS 360 Ehrharta species have spread to various countries on all
(PREM 61143), cultures CCC 1494, 1495, PPRI 16254, 16255; continents and often behave as strong competitors and in-
KWAZULU-NATAL: northern Drakensberg, Royal Natal Na- vasive species (CABI 2015,, accessed 28
tional Park, on Ehrharta erecta var. erecta, Mar. 2013, S. Aug. 2015). There are no records of ergot on these two hosts
Pazoutova , cultures CCC 1424e1426. CAPE PROVINCE: outside of South Africa. Stipa dregeana occurs only in Africa
Cedarberg, on Ehrharta calycina, Jan. 1948, N.J.G. Smith (as is commonly found in South Africa associated with for-
C. purpurea, PREM 41843); CAPE PROVINCE: Cape Town, ested mountainous areas (, http://red-
Lions Head, on Ehrharta calycina, Jan. 1921, M.R.H. Thomson, accessed 22 Oct. 2015).
928 E. J. van der Linde et al.

Cyperaceae is concerned, Cyperus esculentus has a worldwide

Discussion distribution and often considered a noxious weed, often asso-
ciated with disturbed soils including farming activities any
Most of the almost 50 species in the genus Claviceps (Paz outova  crop. Native to the Mediterranean, it was cultivated in ancient
2001; Alderman 2003; Paz outova  et al. 2008a) have a defined, Egypt for its taste tubers. The only other host to Claviceps from
narrow host range representing single plant species or several this family now recorded from South Africa is Fimbristylis com-
related genera. Among them some species of the Claviceps pur- planata; Claviceps cyperi and Claviceps fimbristylidis are phyloge-
purea species group are unique by way of their host range. An netically closely related but infection of Cyperus by C.
extreme example is C. purpurea infecting various unrelated lin- fimbristylidis was not confirmed during our study.
eages of Pooideae or Claviceps humidiphila and Claviceps arundi- Ergot alkaloids and their derivatives are used worldwide as
nis with hosts belonging to both to Arundinoideae and therapeutic agents. The capacity for the alkaloid production
Pooideae (Neg ard et al. 2015; Pazoutova  et al. 2015). The same differs widely within the genus in dependence to the complex-
is true for Claviceps pazoutovae which was found on Ehrhartoi- ness of the ergot synthesis gene cluster. Only the species from
deae as well as Pooideae. Consequently, the wide host spec- the C. purpurea group have complete gene cascade and pro-
trum of the whole species group includes all lineages of ergot duce the ‘high-end’ ergopeptines including pharmaceutically
hosts covering Arundinoideae, Chloridoideae, Cyperaceae, Ehr- important ergotamine (Paz outova  et al. 2008b; Lorenz et al.
hartoideae, Pooideae, and Panicoideae (Fig 1, Paz outova  et al. 2009). The new species described in our study contained alka-
2015). Surprisingly, all species outside of the C. purpurea species loids typically found in C. purpurea (Table 2) including ergo-
group possess a much less diverse set of hosts, infecting vari- peptines and apart from the biotechnological relevance (i.e.
ous lineages of Panicoideae and Chloridoideae only discovery of new alkaloids) represents interesting models in
(Pazoutova  2001; Lorenz et al. 2009; Pazoutova  et al. 2011). the study of the alkaloid gene cluster evolution. Four of
It is evident that species of the C. purpurea species group them, Claviceps capensis, C. cyperi, Claviceps macroura, and C.
have great evolutionary adaptability and tendency for the pazoutovae produced alkaloids in amounts ranging from 2 to
rapid spreading and subsequent cosmopolitan distribution is 9.5 mg g1 which is comparable to the maximal values re-
seen at least in C. purpurea which is thought to be spread by ported in the wild populations of C. purpurea sensu lato (it
humans over the world as well as Claviceps spartinae recently means C. arundinis, C. humidiphila, C. purpurea, and C. spartinae)
invading various areas of Northern America and Europe (Pazoutova et al. 2000; Uhlig et al. 2007). Total alkaloid content
(Boestfleisch et al. 2015). With this in mind, it is important to found in C. capensis (9.46 mg g1) even exceeds the highest
study the diversity, host, and geographical ranges of these er- value so far reported in C. purpurea s.l. (Uhlig et al. 2007).
gots. African grasses are often reported as invasive; in our Naude  et al. (2005) studied C. cyperi sclerotia responsible for
study we identified ergot parasitizing a number of these inva- the ergotism of cattle and found total alkaloid values reaching
sive grass species. Ehrharta erecta (erect veldt grass, panic veldt 4 mg g1 with dominance of ergocryptine. In our study, we
grass) native to Africa has been introduced to Europe confirmed C. cyperi as extremely potent alkaloid producer
(Holverda & Denters 2006), China (Weber et al. 2008), Australia, with dominance of ergocryptine in sclerotia (Table 2). The to-
and New Zealand. Introduced to the USA as experimental tal amount produced by other species was minute. This brings
grass, it is now commonly found along California’s coastline to five the total number of mycotoxigenic Claviceps species in
in disturbed areas, including riparian areas, scrub, grassland, South Africa: C. capensis, C. cyperi, C. macroura, and C. purpurea.
woodland, urban areas, and turf (Steers et al. 2013, http:// In 1993, Schneider et al. (1996) diagnosed in cattle in the West- ern Cape Province, after feeding barley screenings (broken and
ecta.php, accessed 22 Oct. 2015). Its congeneric species, Ehr- undersized barley and grass seeds) heavily contaminated with
harta villosa var. villosa is endemic to SA; E. villosa var. annual ryegrass (Lolium sp.) seeds and C. purpurea sclerotia. A
maximensis is reported as invasive in both Australia and New similar syndrome in dairy cattle occurred in 1996/97 following
Zealand (Hilton et al. 2007). Ehrharta calycina native to southern feeding of maize silage or teff hay contaminated with Cy. escu-
Africa has been introduced to at least 17 countries around the lentus containing numerous sclerotia of C. cyperi (Naude  et al.
world (North and South America, Europe, and Australasia; 2005). One other clavicipitaceous fungus reported to cause
Calflora 2015,, accessed 28 Aug. gangrenous ergotism in South Africa is Neotyphodium coeno-
2015) including western Australia, with most records in the phialum, in an endophyte of Festuca elatior producing high
Perth area (CABI 2015,, accessed 28 levels of ergovaline (Botha et al. 2004) which, in combination
Aug. 2015), as well as in four other states (Blood 2001). It with C. purpurea, caused the syndrome.
should be noted that E. calycina is, at least regionally, a species
of greatest concern (, accessed 22 Oct.
2015). Cenchrus macrourus (African fountain grass or feather
grass) is a perennial grass native to South Africa. It has been Acknowledgements
introduced to New Zealand and Australia, where it has estab-
lished and is known to replace desirable stock grass with grass Funding for this research has been provided through grants
of low palatability in pastoral areas and has the potential to from:
become a major weed of production forestry, roadsides, coast- Czech Science Foundation (GACR, 13-00788S). European
lines, wetlands, amenity, and urban areas in New Zealand and Regional Development Fund BIOCEV (CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0109).
Australia (Global invasive species database, http://www.iss- South African National Department of Science and Tech-, accessed 22 Oct. 2015). As far as the nology and the Professional Development Programme of the
Ergot species of the C. purpurea group from South Africa 929

Agricultural Research Council for financial support and Loveless AR, 1967. A new species of Claviceps on Cyperaceae.
facilities. Transactions of the British Mycological Society 50: 19e23.
Ms Wilmarie Kriel is acknowledged for technical assis- Loveless AR, Herd GW, 1964. Studies of Rhodesian ergots 2. A re-
description of Claviceps sulcata Langdon. Kirkia 4: 41e43.
tance, photography, and field work, and Mr Riaan Stals for
Lorenz N, Haarmann T, Paz  S, Jung M, Tudzynski P, 2009.
his assistance with species etymologies. The ergot alkaloid gene cluster: functional analyses and evo-
lutionary aspects. Phytochemistry 70: 1822e1832.
Muthusubramanian V, Bandyopadhyay R, Tooley PW, Reddy DJ,
Appendix A. Supplementary data 2005. Inoculated host range and effect of host on morphology
and size of macroconidia produced by Claviceps africana and
Claviceps sorghi. Journal of Phytopathology 153: 1e4.
Supplementary data related to this article can be found at
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der Walt SI, Rottinghaus GE, Van Jaarsveld L, Lawrence AN,
2005. Claviceps cyperi, a new cause of severe ergotism in
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references nated with ergotised Cyperus esculentus (nut sedge) on the
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