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This guideline is to help

enhance the work place safety to
reduce risk of Corona Virus
(COVID-19) infection and
applicable for all plants of OPL &
OCL during the Pandemic of
COVID-19 in Bangladesh.

Safe Work-Instructions (SWI)

Against COVID-19 (Corona Virus)
Spread out
Safe Work Version: 00
Ref: SWI/COVID19/Omera-2020
Against COVID 19 (Corona
Virus) Spread-out

Safe Work - Instructions (SWI)

Against COVID-19 (Corona Virus) Spread
Prepared by Reviewed by Reviewed by
Name: Ruhulullah Shahnawaz Khan Name: Mukit Hasan Name: Liaquat Ali

Designation: Project Manager Designation: DGM, Mongla, MI Designation: GM, Tech & SHE

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Reviewed by Reviewed by Reviewed by

Name: Name: Name:

Designation: Designation: Designation:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Approved by
Name: Shamaul Haque Ahmed

Designation: Chief Executive Officer, OPL & OCL


Safe Work Version: 00
Ref: SWI/COVID19/Omera-2020
Against COVID 19 (Corona
Virus) Spread-out

SL Topic Page
01 What is COVIR 19 or Corona Virus 3
02 How it can be transmitted 3
03 What are the symptoms 3
04 General Instructions at work place 4
05 Recommended Social behavior 4
06 Instruction for work place safety from COVID 19 4
06.a Instruction for plant entry administration (personnel) 4
06.b Instruction for vehicles & vehicle operators 5
06.c Instruction for Administration office 5
06.d Instruction for filling hall operators/worker/vendor trucks 5
06.e Instruction for ship & shore operators 6
06.f Instructions for Food workers and Kitchen hygiene 6
06.g Instruction for local travel 6
06.h Stay Safe at Home 6
06.i Instruction for Manufacturing unit (OCL) 7
07 Disinfectant formula 8
07.a For personal use 8
07.b For floor, surfaces & high touch objects cleaning 8
07.c For trucks, cylinders & mass surfaces 8
08 Awareness Posters from WHO 9
09 Awareness poster from Bangladesh Government 10

Safe Work Version: 00
Ref: SWI/COVID19/Omera-2020
Against COVID 19 (Corona
Virus) Spread-out

01 What is COVID 19 (Corona Virus) ?

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. This
virus can spread animal to animal easily. Large number infected worldwide proofs its devastating nature.

The incubation period of the coronavirus, the length of time before symptoms appear, is between one
and 14 days.

02. How it can transmit?

 The coronavirus - known as COVID-19 - spreads from person to person in close proximity, similar
to other respiratory illnesses, such as the flu.
 Droplets of bodily fluids - such as saliva or mucus - from an infected person are dispersed in the
air or on surfaces by coughing or sneezing.
 These droplets can come into direct contact with other people or can infect those who pick
them up by touching infected surfaces and then their face.
 Traveling through mass transports, touching common surfaces (like- armrest, railing etc.) attend
social gathering may increase risk of infection highly.

03. What are the symptoms?

It took 5 to 14 days to be visible after

 High fever (more than 37.3 ̊ C
or 99.5 ̊ F)
 Dry cough with long spell
 Weakness/ fatigue
 Shortness of breathing

Safe Work Version: 00
Ref: SWI/COVID19/Omera-2020
Against COVID 19 (Corona
Virus) Spread-out

04. General instructions at work place

 Avoid shake hands & close proximity with others
 Maintain social distance of 03 feet at least
 Wear full sleeve, ankle long trouser, socks while at work.
 Wash your hands frequently with soap water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer while not
using gloves
 Use face masks.
 Cover your mouth and nose while coughing and sneezing.
 Don’t touch your nose, mouth & eyes with dirty hands & with gloves on
 Don’t touch your mask with dirty hands otherwise it will be a potential source of contamination.
 Dispose your single use PPE (mask & hand gloves) properly.
 Wash your multi use PPE with disinfectant
 Drink lukewarm water and avoid ice-cream or cold water
 Conduct safety awareness at least once a day to the employees. Each session should not content
more than 15-20 people.

05. Recommended social behavior

 Avoid public gathering at market/shops or meeting and maintain social distance 03 feet
 Avoid touching common surfaces (like railing, door handles etc.) and random things/goods at
 Avoid contact with live animals
 Avoid hand shake or physical contacts as greeting
 Keep meetings as short as possible. Pre-work before meeting may reduce meeting duration
 Avoid visiting people specially who has travel history
 Wash your hands, face , feet and cloths after returning home from outside

06 Instruction for work place safety from COVID 19

06.a. Instruction for plant entry administration (personnel)
 ‘No MASK NO ENTRY’. OPL will arrange and distribute face masks (reusable ones) and hand
gloves for its employees. However, all employees are responsible to maintain their personal
hygiene outside plant premises.
 Body temperature of all employees & visitors must be monitored before entry to the inside
plant. Infra-red type thermometer will be used in this case.

Safe Work Version: 00
Ref: SWI/COVID19/Omera-2020
Against COVID 19 (Corona
Virus) Spread-out

 All employees and visitors must be interviewed and observed for physical condition (symptoms
like – coughing, clod/ running nose , fever, weakness etc). Suspected one must investigate
further or restrict to entry inside plant.
 Every entry must wash their hands for 20 seconds at least. OPL will arrange temporary wash
basins with soap solution with proper drainage system.
 All employees are recommended to wear full sleeve and ankle long trousers with socks.

06.b. Instruction for vehicles & vehicle operators

 All vehicle must stop at gate and complete security and safe protocols
 Every one ware mask and come forward to check body temperature. Then go for hand wash.
 Meanwhile disinfectant spray should be applied on truck/tanker/car door handle and inside
 Disinfectant spray should be applied on those parts that are being touched regularly (like- valve
handle, hose etc.).
 Disinfectant also applied on the wheels with one full rotation of wheels to cover full surfaces.
 Avoid to touch documents (like challan ) with bear hands.

06.c. Instruction for Administration office

 All surfaces & objects that come in touch of employees on regular basis (like- handle of chairs,
keyboard, mouse, desk/table, telephones, touch pads etc) should the swipe with disinfectant
solutions at least 03 time a shift.
 Swipe office floor with disinfectant solutions 02 times a shift.
 Rearrange and keep work stations (man to man) at least 03 feet or as maximum as possible.
 Avoid indoor meeting with close proximity. It happened then meeting should consist of not
more than 03-06 persons based on room size.
 Try to use natural ventilation where possible, avoid running AC (specially common air
circulation system)
 Clean air filters of AC every 02 or 03 days and apply proper disinfectant on it
 Rearrange duty roster and optimize man power utilization.
 Wash basins and pans twice a shift.

06.d. Instruction for filling hall operators/worker/vendor trucks

 Driver and helper must be moved to designated location after safe parking of vehicles at loading
unloading point.
 Wash all cylinders through wash unit with disinfectant solutions.
 All employee must wear PPE (including face mask and hand gloves)
 In case of job rotation (who are involved in loading & unloading cylinders) , employees are
requested no to touch surfaces randomly . they should not touch their faces, nose or eye with
gloves on or with dirty hands.

Safe Work Version: 00
Ref: SWI/COVID19/Omera-2020
Against COVID 19 (Corona
Virus) Spread-out

 At other stations try to maintain social distance of 03 feet minimum.

 Swipe all touch points (key boards, monitor etc. ) at least 04 times or when operator changes.
 Put used PPE , tissues in to the designated dustbin only.

06.e. Instruction for ship & shore operators

 Before/ right after berthing Ship/Barge captain should declare ‘Not infected by COVID-19 virus’
 All employees & ship/barge operator ware PPE (including face mask & hand gloves) .
 All touch points (like- valve handle, hose end and monitor etc) must swipe with disinfectant
 OPL must check body temperature of all relevant at ship and shore.

06.f. Instructions for Food workers and Kitchen hygiene

 All daily purchases (like-fruits, vegetables, fish or meat) must be washed thoroughly.
 All related employees wash their hands, feet, shoes, lower part of trouser after returning from
 As the food workers are deal with water for long, it is recommended to use long rubber hand
gloves while there are in touch of water.
 Hands must be washed before process foods
 Foods must be cooked thoroughly. Green vegetables and salads should be avoid to serve.
 Food should be served by designated persons to reduce multiple touches.
 Plates & glasses must be washed with hot water or soap solutions after every use.
 Swipe dining tables and chair before and after every batch of eaters.
 Wash hands before and after eat.

06.g. Instruction for local travel

 Avoid mass transports. In case of using mass transports, avoid to touch common surfaces like –
handle, door nob etc.
 Travel with mask and hand gloves on. In case of no hand gloves try to use hand sanitizer to wash
 Don’t put your hands-on face, nose and eye.
 Avoid rush and heavily loaded vehicles.

06.h. Stay Safe at Home

 Once returned from outside home wash your cloths, hands & face with soap solution.
 Avoid cold water & ice cream or such like things .
 Drink lukewarm water frequently if you feel sore throat, cough or cold.
 Swipe floor twice a day with disinfectant solution
 Clean door nobs regularly.
 Eat fully cooked food.

Safe Work Version: 00
Ref: SWI/COVID19/Omera-2020
Against COVID 19 (Corona
Virus) Spread-out

 Resist children to play outside.

 Spend time with kid and family member. Educate them about personal hygiene and virus
 Try to explore new things like reading books, painting, home art/decoration etc.

06.i. Instruction for Manufacturing unit (OCL)

All above relevant instructions are applicable for employees & vendor of Omera Cylinder limited.
However, production floor activities are bit deferent than LPG bottling plant. People work more in
cluster than individual at manufacturing plant.

Considering this please follow the below instruction:

 Identify work stations where required single operator and multiple operators.
 Ware full sleeve & ankle long trouser with socks.
 Ware face mask & hand gloves.
 Don’t touch surfaces with bare hands
 Dispose used PPE properly.
 Wash hands with soap water frequently.
 Conduct awareness session twice a day.

Safe Work Version: 00
Ref: SWI/COVID19/Omera-2020
Against COVID 19 (Corona
Virus) Spread-out

07. Disinfectant formula

07.a. For personal use
 Alcohol based hand sanitizer like – Hexisol,
 Soap solution
 Soap bar & water
 Diluted antiseptic liquid like Savlon, Detol mixed with water.

07.b. For floor, surfaces & high touch objects cleaning

 Diluted antiseptic liquid like Savlon, Detol mixed with water as per manufacturer instructions.
 Bleaching powder and water solution. Mix 01 tea spoon of bleaching powder with 01 liter of

07.c. For trucks, cylinders & mass surfaces

 Use bleaching powder with water at a ratio of 1:100.
 01 tea spoon (05 gm) for 10-liter water.

Safe Work Version: 00
Ref: SWI/COVID19/Omera-2020
Against COVID 19 (Corona
Virus) Spread-out

08 Awareness Posters from WHO

Safe Work Version: 00
Ref: SWI/COVID19/Omera-2020
Against COVID 19 (Corona
Virus) Spread-out

09. Awareness poster from Bangladesh Government

10 | P a g e
Safe Work Version: 00
Ref: SWI/COVID19/Omera-2020
Against COVID 19 (Corona
Virus) Spread-out

Be Aware, Follow Safety Instructions

Be Humble, Stay Safe

11 | P a g e

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