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Ashley Vining/ Energy Forms & Examples- March 9 th, 2020, 45 mins—Lesson #1 (out of 5)

Ashley Vining
Box #2756
Lesson #1 (out of 5)
I. Topic: What is Energy and the what are the different forms of energy in the world
around us.
II. Objectives:
- TSWBAT complete a quick pre-test that is designed to gauge their level of
knowledge on what energy is and what are the different forms of energy
- Throughout teacher instruction, TSWBAT stay engaged and follow along with the
presentation by filling in their guided notes sheet
- In a group activity, TSWBAT work well with their group on coming up with
words that they know about energy and their previous knowledge together as a
- Independently, TSWBAT color, draw, and fill in their own sheet of the different
types of energy forms to have a studied note sheet guide
III. Standards: given my cooperative teacher
- (Pennsylvania) Science and Technology and Engineering Education-
S4.C.2.1.1 Identify energy forms and examples (light, heat, electrical, sound,
chemical, potential, and kinetic)
IV. Teaching Procedure
- Students will be in the classroom once I arrive to the fourth-grade classroom
and I will start by getting the PowerPoint set up and ready for the class to
A. Anticipatory Set: (10-15mins)
- After the PowerPoint slides are open—I will introduce myself and Mr. Belitz
again to the students since we have not been to the classroom for a while and tell
them that I will be teaching the science lesson that day.
- Alright fourth graders! I have a question for you! What do YOU and other
objects around us need to have when trying to complete a task. Whether that
is talking or whistling or a light bulb being turned on, what is being used?
- Some possible answers may be: nutrition, food, water, sleep…
- Ask for a few answers.. if they do not get it right away – Starts with the letter E,
still don’t get it then go N!!! That’s okay! That is why we are going to learn
about it today! It is ENERGY!!
- I do not want to tell you exactly what energy is or what type of energies there
are.. I want to figure out what you already know!! I am going to handout a
“pre-assignment” I want everyone to know that this will NOT be graded and
it is only for Mr. Belitz and I to figure out what you already know and what
we have to teach you! It is very short and should not take that long! It is okay
if you do not know it, give your best guess and after everyone has completed
it then we will talk among our groups and see what everyone knows already
about ENERGY!!
- Switch Slide—to pre-test slide
Ashley Vining/ Energy Forms & Examples- March 9 th, 2020, 45 mins—Lesson #1 (out of 5)

- Give the students about 10-15 mins to complete the pre-test. It is not too long or
in detail so they should be able to quickly realize if they know the answers or not.
B. Development: (7 mins)
- Once the students have completed their pre-test, we will collect the papers from
the students and have them group up with their peers to start working on the next
- Alright fourth graders, thank you for working independently and quietly on
that assignment. This will help Mr. Belitz and I with how we are going to
continue teaching you about energy!
- New Slide: We are now going to group up within your tables (1,2,3,4,) and
have a brainstorming and idea exercise!
- Mr. Belitz is passing out half blank pieces of papers out to you right now and
in 3 mins I want you to write down everything you can think of about energy
—it is okay if you are wrong but help one another and list everything that
you can.
- On the board, as you call on the students, write some of the correct words that
they have come up with so that the students are participating and working
together to figure out knowledge that they already know about energy!
- After the students do not have anymore words that they know about energy,
move onto the PowerPoint slides with the guided note sheets
V. Guided practice: (15-18 mins)
- I am now going to hand out your guided notes sheet that will follow along
with my presentation and has blanks that you will fill out throughout it
- If you have questions about what the blank is, raise your hand and Mr. Belitz
or I will come and help you
New Slide:
A. What is energy?
- The ability to do work or to start motion
- Boys and girls, what is the first and second blank that you are filling in from
this slide..? Work and Motion
B. Different forms of energy: New Slide
1. Electrical
2. Heat/ Thermal
3. Light
4. Sound
5. Chemical
- Write on your guided note sheet the different forms of energy that we are
learning about today
- We are going to learn about each individual form of energy separately and
write down key words or examples that you learn in the space on your sheet.
C. Electrical energy: New Slide
- energy produced by electrons moving through a substance
- an electron is a particle that is negatively charged
- examples of electrical energy: television, outlets, and batteries
- a lot of how our houses are run and have electricity is because of electrical energy
Ashley Vining/ Energy Forms & Examples- March 9 th, 2020, 45 mins—Lesson #1 (out of 5)

- What did someone put in the blanks for the guided notes sheet? Give me one
each… Correct answers: moving, substance
D. Heat energy/ thermal energy: New Slide
- Heat or thermal energy is the energy an object has because of the movement of
the molecules- for example this happens when you warm something up in a
- Anyone have any questions about this?
- Examples: sun, stove-top, fire, toaster
E. Light energy: New Slide
- Travels in light waves
- Only energy that we can see visible to the eye
- Examples: light bulb, flashlight, stars, and candles
F. Sound Energy- New Slide
- Sound energy is produced when an object is made to vibrate. Sound energy
travels out as waves in all directions
- What word should you be writing down in the blank on the note sheet??-
- Examples: voices, whistles, car horns, and musical instruments
G. Chemical energy- New Slide
- The energy that keeps substances together- Substances are any object that the
chemical reaction is happening in
- Usually happens when a chemical reaction happens
- Examples: striking a match and breaking a glow stick
- Something else that is very interesting is FOOD- WHAT WE EAT is also
considered chemical energy because when we eat the food our body is
breaking it down!
H. Check in!! –New Slide- have the students talk with one another about the five energy
forms that were just learned with their partner
I. How is energy used in our daily lives- New Slide
- Boys and girls I have given some examples of energy forms.. can you think of
any others??
- Ask the students to try to come up with other examples that we see in daily
life of energy…
- Some More Examples:
- Electrical energy: Lights being turned on
sound energy: watching tv
chemical energy: gasoline powering cars
Heat energy: cooking on the stove top
light energy: burning a candle
- If I have time: Have a student stand up and find an item in the classroom that
shows some time of energy- ringing a bell for sound, opening a cabinet for
VI. Independent Practice- New Slide (10-15 mins)
- Alright students, we are going to a closing activity now that will work on
your understanding of the new energy forms that we just learned and have as
a later study tool.
Ashley Vining/ Energy Forms & Examples- March 9 th, 2020, 45 mins—Lesson #1 (out of 5)

- I am going to be passing out a blank piece of paper and crayons to draw,

color of what each form is, what it is, and an example of each form of energy.
You may use an example that I have given in class or you could ask Mr.
Belitz or I if your new example is correct.
- I challenge you students to try to come up with another example that is not in
your notes we are happy to help!
- I will then show them a good example of what I am expecting out of the
- My example is electrical energy-
Definition: the type of energy that happens when electrons move through a
substance and create a charge.
Example: batteries and then I would draw batteries that would help me
remember when studying to relate to definition
- Any Questions before we begin???
VII. Closure (3 mins)
- Alright Fourth- Graders! Great job today! Thank you for working hard and
staying on task when I asked you to work independently on a task.
- Can someone tell me something that they learned about today…?:
Take 2-3 students answers!
- Great, I am glad that you learned something! Wednesday I will be teaching
again and we will be looking a little deeper into energy forms and when the
energy is moving!
- I want to make sure you come prepared because I have a fun hands-on
activity that we are going to be doing, so get excited!!

VIII. Materials:
- pre-assignment
- projector/ computer for PowerPoint
- half blank pieces of paper
- white board/ markers
- guided notes sheets
- students must have writing utensil
- closing activity papers for students
- markers/ crayons for students

IX. Adaptions
- There are a few students in the class that do have IEP’s. There are two learning
support students in the classroom and usually get their tests read out loud to them.
If the students are struggling with the pre-test, Jesse and I ill read the test out loud
to them. However, since it is not graded and it is just to gauge their previous
understanding of the topic, I am going to try to have them do it on their own.
They usually are given less options for word blanks or multiple choice so If I
notice they are struggling with the one multiple choice question on the pre-
assignment then I will take a few off their choices.
- Other than the pre-assignment I do not think they will struggle with the note-
taking or the closing activity because it is not heavily reading or test-taking based.
Ashley Vining/ Energy Forms & Examples- March 9 th, 2020, 45 mins—Lesson #1 (out of 5)

- if I have extra time in my lesson, which I would be surprised about because of the
amount of activities that I have planned, I will have the students share their
closing activities with one another. I will have them share what they decided to
draw and why they think that will help them remember the definition of the
energy form.
- If I am running out of time, I will have the students finish their closing activity on
their own time for next time I come, and I will say that I will be excited to see
what they have made. I would also shorten my closure and not specifically call on
students on what they have learned that day, but only do my Segway into the next
lesson on Wednesday.
X. Evaluation
- Formative:
 Pre- assignment
 Multiple choice questions
 Group thinking activity
 Guided notes sheet
 Closing activity

- Summative:
 There are no summative assessments in this lesson plan, I will look closely
at their pre-assignments that I will keep to gauge how I will teach the next
 At the end of the unit on energy there will be a project or test that will
count for a grade

XI. Reflection
- Write a general assessment of the student’s performance and mastery in terms of
each stated objective. List each objective’s evaluation separately.
My first objective was for the students to be able to complete a quick pre-test
for us to gauge their prior knowledge. The students were able to complete
this assignment successfully and quietly, however, like expected the students
did not know many answers at all. They left a lot of the questions blank
which means they will be able to grow in their knowledge very much.
The second objective that I had for the students was that the students to be
able to stay engaged and follow along with the presentation with their guided
notes sheet. The students at the beginning were engaged and thought it was
cool for the us to be teaching the lesson. However, they started to talk and get
distracted as the lesson went on. I learned that I need to make sure I am
keeping the students busy that are ahead of others. Some students took a lot
longer to fill in the blanks than other students and I was trying to give those
students plenty of wait-time so they were not rushed and behind but left the
other students with nothing to do but start being distracted.
My third objective for the students was that the students would do a good job
with brainstorming words for the group activity. The students did such a
great job with this activity, they loved how each group had to come up with
Ashley Vining/ Energy Forms & Examples- March 9 th, 2020, 45 mins—Lesson #1 (out of 5)

their own words and then was able to write what they came up with on the
The last objective I had for the students was their closing activity of filling in
all the different types of energy and drawing an example of the type of
energy form. I think that activity went the best out of the entire lesson. the
students really enjoyed it and were focusing on what they were doing. I loved
being able to see their creativity come out in the work that they were
- Write a general self-evaluation including explanation for success or lack of it.
Discuss: what changes might have produced better results and could be used in
subsequent lessons?
From what the teacher told me and what I saw, I believe that the lesson went
very well especially being the first time in the classroom for a while. The
behavior of the students made it a little difficult because some of the boys
were acting up which honestly distracted me in the lesson because there was
a lot of calling out of answers. I did a good job at managing the boys in the
beginning of the lesson but at the end it was starting to get hard to try to get
the lesson across while also managing behaviors. The students overall were
engaged in the lesson and wanted to learn, but many students were at
different levels in learning and note taking. For my next lesson I would make
sure I have something for the students to be doing while other students are
finishing up filling in the guided notes sheet. This is when the talking would
start happening.
- Explain what specific changes were implemented from your professor’s
suggestions prior to teaching and the results.
Some of the changes that I implemented after listening to the comments of
Mrs. Dreves was implementing more student interaction (the student finding
something in the room that shows energy and also having the students come
up to the board to write down some of the answers they came up with during
the brainstorming activity). I also changed some of the blanks on my guided
notes sheet that were more important in the definition. Overall, the changes
that I made to the lesson that Mrs. Dreves gave me made the lesson go over
smoother and be more engaging for the students.
- Explain what specific changes were implemented from your cooperating teacher’s
suggestions and the results.
She did not give me any suggestions after I sent her my lesson plan.

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