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1- Complete the text with words from the list.

cheap compact designed did friendly idea launched stylish trials well

An electronics company wanted to develop a new product for the British market. They had an 1 ______ for a calculator
with big keys, so that older people could use it easily, but which was 2 ______ so that it could fit into a pocket or bag.
They 3 ______ some market research and found that people would buy it if it was 4 ______ -designed and quite 5
______ – no more than £10. They 6 ______ the product and asked a research company called TBT to do some product
7 ______ . These found that the new calculator was very popular with younger people too, as they thought the bright
colours and big keys were very 8 ______ . The company 9 ______ the product two years ago, and it has been a great
success: older people find it user- 10 ________ while teenagers love its ‘look’.

2- Write a positive sentence (+), a negative sentence (-), or a question (?) from the prompts. Use the past simple.

11 Felipe / go / to Paris yesterday (-) _____________________________

12 you / see / the new consultants / last week (?) _____________________________

13 I / receive / your letter (-) _____________________________

14 The sales team / meet / the new director this morning (+) _____________________________

15 the product / have / any success at the conference (?) _____________________________

3- Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

16 We didn’t found the presentation very interesting._____________________________

17 The company buyed a lot of new furniture._____________________________

18 Francesca not enjoyed the meal with the sales manager._____________________________

19 They arrive at the airport at 6 p.m. yesterday._____________________________

20 The report didn’t be very informative._____________________________


4- Complete the sentences. Write one word in each space.

1 Unfortunately we cannot pay an annual b______ this year.

2 I need to u______ my CV before I apply for the job.

3 We have fifteen candidates on the s______ for interviews.

4 My company gives six months of maternity l______ if you have a baby.

5 We get s______ childcare, which is very useful.

6 You need to fill in an application f______ .

7 Most big companies have a pension s______ for their employees.

8 There is a vacancy for the p______ of Director of Marketing.

9 Flexible h______ are good for me, because I have to take the children to school before I start work.

10 He saw a job a______ in the newspaper.

5- Order the words to make sentences or questions in the present perfect or past simple. (2 points each)

11 applied / for / have / job / the / yet / you / ? __________________________________

12 already / company / CV / have / I / my / sent / the / to__________________________________

13 any / did / get / holiday / last / not / paid / they / year__________________________________

14 been / France / has / month / she / this / to / ? __________________________________

15 did / job / last / leave / when / you / your / ? __________________________________

Unit 6

6- Read the text and choose the correct answer from the words in italics.

Our company does everything to 1meet / keep the needs of our customers. As the leading online electronics retailer, it is
important we always 2agree / keep to our delivery dates, and get the goods to our customers 3on time / in time. When we
receive complaints about this, we make sure we 4provide / deal with them immediately. Sometimes we have to give
customers their money 5away / back.

Of course, we try to 6design / encourage customer loyalty in various ways – for example, returning clients receive a 10%
discount on the second order. In a survey that we 7made / conducted last year, we found that 98% of our customers are
satisfied / reliable. But we want to do better, and we are now looking at ways of offering a 9personalized / loyal service
to our long-term clients. Above all, it’s vital to 10provide / design the service that people want.

Unit 9

7- Choose the correct answer from the words in italics.

1 Carrefour improved / entered / boosted the Chinese market in 1995.

2 The best way to attract / offer / launch customers is to cut prices!

3 We need an advertising mail / campaign / outdoor to promote our new range.

4 The best way of advertising is by word of recommendation / truth / mouth.

5 The company advertised / boosted / promoted its sales by putting fresh fruit in its stores.

6 It increased its market share / position / sales by 10% last year.

7 We have decided to set / put / launch five new products next year.

8 John works in ads / advertisement / advertising.

9 Direct / Outdoor / Loyalty mailing is a very simple way of advertising.

10 They have to offer / expand / share their range of services if they want to succeed.

8- It is Min’s first day at work. Complete the conversation with a colleague with the correct form of have to, need to,
can, or allowed to.

Min I see you’re wearing a tie. Do I 11 ______ wear one?

Dag No, you 12 ______ wear whatever you like. But you 13 ______ look smart if you’re meeting customers.

Min I guess we 14 ______ (not) smoke in here?

Dag Absolutely not. There’s a part of the garden where you 15 ______ smoke. And you 16 ______ (not) to drink tea
or coffee in any of the work areas – that’s not possible at all.

Min So what time 17 ______ to start in the morning?

Dag Most people start at 8.30, but you 18 _______ arrive at work any time until 10 a.m. But you 19 ____________ to
stay after 6.30 p.m., because they close the building then.

Min And what do I call my line manager?

Dag Don’t worry – you 20 ______ call him Mr Jones. We all call him Frank.

Unit 10

9- Complete the sentences with a word from the list.

convenient effective friendly initiative original popular recycled unusual useful value

1 This is the most ____________ computer in our range – over 1 million were sold last year.

2 We need to use environmentally- __________ products in the new factory.

3 The company has started an ____________ to reduce waste by 20% over ten years.
4 This shop is very ____________ – only five minutes’ walk from here.

5 These shoes were expensive, but they’ve been good _________ for money as they’ve lasted so long.

6 The management is 100% women, which is very _________, even nowadays.

7 Most companies have a box near the photocopier for waste paper to be ____________.

8 The sales campaign was not very ____________ – we’ve only managed to sell 600.

9 His ideas for going green are completely ____________ – I’ve never seen any of them before.

10 Thank you very much for your very ____________ suggestions.

10- Read the description of the recycling of glass, and put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense in the active or the

In the past, not many bottles 11________ (recycle), but nowadays, people 12 ________ (want) to be green, and
13________ (take) their empty bottles to the bottle bank. From there, the bottles 14________ (collect) and 15________
(transport) by lorry to the recycling centre. A large furnace 16________ (melt) the bottles at very high temperatures.
The melted glass 17________ (make) into new bottles, which 18 ________ (buy) by drinks companies. The companies 19
________ (fill) the bottles with new drinks and the bottles 20 ________ (sell) to supermarkets.

Unit 11

11- Choose the correct answer from the words in italics.

1 The company is planning a corporate event / venue next July.

2 The venue / trip for this will be the Open Golf Championship.

3 We are going to offer / entertain our clients over three days.

4 On the first evening, hosts / guests will attend a luxury buffet supper.

5 For the second day, we have booked / accepted golf lessons with a local professional golfer.

6 On the third day, a trip to a local whisky producer has been arranged / held.

7 We are going to send out offers / invitations to selected clients next week.

8 We think that about 50–70 people will accept / book.

9 You may ask: what is the event / purpose of the project?

10 It is to hold / reinforce our relationships with our most important clients.

12- Write the correct form of the verbs.

a If the weather 11 ____________ (be) good tomorrow, they 12 ____________ (play) the match.

b What 13____________ (you / do) for transport if the taxis for the clients 14____________ (not / arrive)?

c If the delivery 15____________ (get) there late, the customer 16____________ (not / be) very happy.

d If a lot of people 17____________ (accept) the invitation, we 18____________ (have to) find a new venue.

e What 19____________ (your boss / think) if all the staff 20____________ (ask) for a pay-rise?

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