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European Journal of Operational Research 143 (2002) 1–18

Invited Review

Modeling and design of global logistics systems: A review

of integrated strategic and tactical models and
design algorithms
Marc Goetschalckx , Carlos J. Vidal b, Koray Dogan c

School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0205, USA
Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia
i2 Technologies, White Plains, NY, USA
Received 10 July 1999; accepted 1 June 2001


The overall focus of this research is to demonstrate the savings potential generated by the integration of the design of
strategic global supply chain networks with the determination of tactical production–distribution allocations and
transfer prices. The logistics systems design problem is defined as follows: given a set of potential suppliers, potential
manufacturing facilities, and distribution centers with multiple possible configurations, and customers with deter-
ministic demands, determine the configuration of the production–distribution system and the transfer prices between
various subsidiaries of the corporation such that seasonal customer demands and service requirements are met and the
after tax profit of the corporation is maximized. The after tax profit is the difference between the sales revenue minus the
total system cost and taxes. The total cost is defined as the sum of supply, production, transportation, inventory, and
facility costs. Two models and their associated solution algorithms will be introduced. The savings opportunities
created by designing the system with a methodology that integrates strategic and tactical decisions rather than in a
hierarchical fashion are demonstrated with two case studies.
The first model focuses on the setting of transfer prices in a global supply chain with the objective of maximizing the
after tax profit of an international corporation. The constraints mandated by the national taxing authorities create a
bilinear programming formulation. We will describe a very efficient heuristic iterative solution algorithm, which al-
ternates between the optimization of the transfer prices and the material flows. Performance and bounds for the
heuristic algorithms will be discussed.
The second model focuses on the production and distribution allocation in a single country system, when the
customers have seasonal demands. This model also needs to be solved as a subproblem in the heuristic solution of the
global transfer price model. The research develops an integrated design methodology based on primal decomposition
methods for the mixed integer programming formulation. The primal decomposition allows a natural split of the
production and transportation decisions and the research identifies the necessary information flows between the sub-
systems. The primal decomposition method also allows a very efficient solution algorithm for this general class of large
mixed integer programming models. Data requirements and solution times will be discussed for a real life case study in
the packaging industry.
 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-404-894-2317; fax: +1-404-894-2301.
E-mail address: (M. Goetschalckx).

0377-2217/02/$ - see front matter  2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 7 7 - 2 2 1 7 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 1 4 2 - X
2 M. Goetschalckx et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 143 (2002) 1–18

Keywords: Logistics systems design; Supply chain design; Global logistics; Transfer prices

1. Introduction When configuring global supply chains, addi-

tional complicating factors arise such as duties,
In today’s rapidly changing world, global cor- taxes, exchange rates, and trade blocks. A corpo-
porations face the continuing challenge to con- ration might want to ‘‘realize’’ profits in different
stantly evaluate and configure their production countries depending on the difference in tax
and distribution systems and strategies to provide treatments and the possibilities of capital repatri-
the desired customer service at the lowest possible ation in those countries. Member countries in a
cost while maximizing their after tax profit. Not trade block might have duty adjustments when
only are the geographical and political boundaries importing goods, if these goods were originally
changing rapidly due to the formation and/or exported from some of the member countries.
further strengthening of trade alliances, but also Long-range survival for international corpora-
the global corporations themselves constantly tions will be very difficult to attain without highly
merge, acquire, and divest themselves of suppliers, optimized strategic and tactical global logistics
product groups, and customer markets. plans. Savings in the 5–10% range, which can be
Logistics, our term for integrated production achieved by using strategic and tactical logistics
and distribution, is one of the factors that tie the models, can dramatically affect the profitability of
different components of a corporation together. the corporation. At the same time, quick responses
The logistics components of a corporation consist to immediate logistics questions should be pro-
of: (1) a number of manufacturing plants, (2) zero, vided consistent with and based on the strategic
one, or more distribution echelons with distribu- logistics plan of the corporation.
tion centers, (3) the customers, (4) the suppliers of Too often the answers to these questions are
components and raw materials, (5) recycling cen- given without much systematic investigation but
ters for used products and returned packaging rather based on previous ‘‘intuitive’’ knowledge.
containers, and finally (6) the transportation The possibilities for failing to consider a more cost
channels that link all of the above components. efficient configuration are obvious. Hence, what
Frequently asked questions of logistics engineers most companies need is a comprehensive method-
and managers are: ology and engineering design method that allows
them to rapidly prototype and evaluate several
• Is it profitable to serve the customers in this logistics chain configurations. This methodology
country with this product? should also make it easy to pose ‘‘what-if’’ ques-
• In which plant and in which country should we tions or, in other words, to perform interactive sen-
manufacture this product? sitivity analyses.
• How should we distribute this product and The authors have been working for a number of
what transportation modes should we use? years on the modeling and design of several vari-
• What is the tactical production plan and how ations of these strategic and tactical logistics sys-
much inventory of which products should we tems. Models and algorithms for specific systems
store where? have appeared previously in the literature. The
• What vendors in what countries should we use focus in this manuscript is on the integration and
for this product? synthesis of the previous research and on the
• Our company acquired another organization identification of future research directions.
and needs to merge two production and distri- In the remainder of this manuscript, Section 2
bution networks, what is the best configuration? provides a review of models and their corre-
• What is the most economical and ecological sponding solution algorithms for the design of
sound way to comply with environmental regu- global logistics systems. Section 3 shows the im-
lations on recycling and disposal? pact of the optimization of transfer prices in glo-
M. Goetschalckx et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 143 (2002) 1–18 3

bal logistics. In Section 4, an efficient decom- (1995), Goetschalckx et al. (1994) develop more
position algorithm for multiperiod production– comprehensive models to optimize single-country
distribution networks is presented. Section 5 supply chains.
contains the conclusions and directions for future Cohen et al. (1989) present the main features
research. that differentiate international supply chain mod-
els from single-country models. The most impor-
tant characteristics identified in the paper are the
2. Literature review necessity of treating multinational firms as global
systems to obtain economies of scale in order to
2.1. Mathematical programming models for global reduce raw material and production costs, the ex-
logistics systems istence of duties, tariffs, and differential tax rates
among countries, random fluctuation of currency
This review focuses on the application of exchange rates, and the existence of constraints
mathematical programming models in the strategic not included in single-country models, such as lo-
design and improvement of global logistics sys- cal content rules. To consider these characteristics,
tems. Global supply chains have known significant the authors present a preliminary formulation of
exposure in the business journals in the last few a normative model that is a dynamic, nonlinear
years. However, at the current time there does not mixed integer programming (MIP) formulation.
exist an engineering design methodology to con- The model is nonlinear due to the inclusion of
figure supply chains so that they support the long- markups for transfer prices and decision variables
range logistics vision of the corporation. Vidal to allocate overhead costs derived from fixed
and Goetschalckx (1997) identify several lacking vendor expenses to plants. The objective function
features and opportunities for research in the considers the maximization of the firm’s after tax
methodology for the strategic and tactical design profit. The constraints encompass material supply
of global logistics systems. Much of the research contracts, bill of materials at plants, market de-
ignores relevant international factors such as mand, market cash flows, plant capacity, local
transportation mode selection, the allocation of content rules, and constraints on financial vari-
transportation cost among subsidiaries, the inclu- ables. The main contributions of this model are the
sion of inventory costs as part of the decision explicit inclusion of vendor supply contracts and
problem, the explicit inclusion of suppliers, and the inclusion of local content constraints. Random
the nonlinear effects of international taxation. fluctuations of currency exchange rates, although
There exist many papers on quantitative tech- mentioned, are not explicitly considered in the
niques for the improvement and optimization of formulation. The inclusion of these fluctuations
supply chains without global considerations, and has proven to produce models that are extremely
mixed integer programming models are among the difficult to solve to optimality, even for problems
most widely used techniques. Most models address of modest size, as reported in Hodder and Dincer
the problem in a regional, local, or single-country (1986). As a consequence, the authors do not solve
environment, where international factors do not their original model. Instead, they present a
have a significant impact on the design of the method to solve a simplified model by fixing the
supply chain. We will also use the term ‘domestic’ transfer prices and overhead variables. Fixing
to indicate these single-country models. these variables transforms the model into a more
In one of the earliest papers, Geoffrion and tractable linear MIP model; however, no compu-
Graves (1974) present an algorithm based on tational experience is reported. According to the
Benders decomposition to solve a multicommodity authors, some variants of the model have been
single-period production–distribution problem. successfully developed by them and/or other re-
This work is expanded by Geoffrion et al. (1978, searchers, but no specific results are presented.
1982), Cohen and Lee (1985), Brown et al. (1987), Cohen and Lee (1989) present a simplified version
and Cohen and Moon (1991). More recently, Cole of the original model.
4 M. Goetschalckx et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 143 (2002) 1–18

Hodder and Dincer (1986) present a mixed in- ternational supply chain model that also includes
teger quadratic programming model that combines bill of materials (BOM) constraints. The exact
plant location variables and product flow variables method of solution is not fully described in the
with financial variables. Although the formulation paper, but the authors claim that using ‘non-
includes random variables in the objective function traditional’ methods, such as elastic constraints,
representing the sale price of products and the row factorization, cascaded problem solution, and
fixed costs at plants, the model is only solved for constraint-branching enumeration, allow them to
problems of reasonable size using an approxima- obtain impressive results and optimal solutions.
tion procedure. Finally, Huchzermeier and Cohen (1996) de-
Cohen and Kleindorfer (1993) describe a nor- velop a stochastic dynamic programming formu-
mative model framework for the operations of a lation to analyze global manufacturing strategies.
global company. The model includes the decisions Their formulation includes a stochastic exchange
of location, capacity, product mix, material flow, rate model, a supply chain network model, and a
and cash flow features in an international scenario. valuation model. The supply chain model maxi-
The model framework consists of a Master Prob- mizes the after tax profit of the firm, and considers
lem, which is a multiperiod stochastic program; a plant capacity and customer demand satisfaction.
single-period stochastic program subproblem; and According to the authors, the main contribution of
a set of submodels that interact with both pro- this model is the inclusion of exchange rate risk in
grams, namely, a stochastic supply chain network the valuation of global manufacturing strategies.
model, a financial flow model, a stochastic ex- A small example with three countries and five
change rate model, and a price/demand model. periods is presented as an illustration. No other
The authors state that several versions of this computational experiences are described in the
model have been implemented and tested, and paper.
that research continues with the application of The international features of the main models
the model in different scenarios. However, no for the design of global supply chain systems are
specific mathematical formulations and compu- summarized in Table 1. This table has been up-
tational experiences are given. More recently, dated and expanded from the previously published
Arntzen et al. (1995) present a multiperiod, mul- version in Vidal and Goetschalckx (1997).
ticommodity mixed integer program to optimize Geoffrion and Powers (1995) provide an
the global supply chain at Digital Equipment historical perspective on strategic distribution sys-
Corporation. The objective function considers the tems design. They report that typical cost reduc-
minimization of variable production costs, inven- tions range from 5% to 15%. They also state that
tory costs, shipping costs, fixed production and the process of building a comprehensive logistics
production ‘style’ costs, minus the savings from model is one of the main benefits since it forces
duty drawbacks and duty relieves. All these terms companies to define and understand their logistics
are weighted by a factor a. The objective function functions more accurately. They identify six major
also contains production time and transportation changes during the last 20 years. First, logistics has
time terms, weighted by a factor (1  a). These changed from a neglected activity to an essential
terms are used to model the effects of the ‘‘time- corporate business function. The concept of the
to-market’’ characteristics of the supply chain. Cus- minimization of the total system cost is now widely
tomer demand satisfaction, balance of materials, accepted as the standard logistics objective. A
global BOM, capacity of facilities, system config- second fundamental change has been the intro-
uration constraints, offset trade and local content, duction of computers and communications in the
duty drawback restrictions, and bounds on deci- logistics operations. The third change was the
sion variables are included in the set of constraints. migration from non-optimizing evaluation, to
The main contribution of this paper is the inclu- heuristics, to optimizing using commercially
sion – under some assumptions – of offset trade, available mixed integer programming solvers. Al-
local content, and duty considerations in an in- gorithm acceleration has been based on Benders
M. Goetschalckx et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 143 (2002) 1–18 5

Table 1
International characteristics of published strategic logistics models
International characteristics [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Stochastic features
Exchange rate fluctuation X X X X X
Suppliers’ reliability X
Reliability of transportation channels
Lead times X
Stochastic facility fixed costs X
Stochastic demand X X
Uncertainty of market prices X X X X
Political environment
Stochastic customer service level
Taxation and cash flow features
Taxes and duties X X X X X X X
Modeling of profit repatriation
Duty drawback and duty relief X
Modeling of transfer prices X X
Non-international features
Selection of manufacturing technology X
Product differentiation by country
Bill of materials (BOM) constraints X X X X
Impact of economies of scale X X
Excess capacity determination
Financial decisions X X X
Infrastructure modeling X
Cash flow modeling X
Information flow modeling
Global supply chain coordination X
Modeling of competitors’ actions X
Modeling of alliances
Trade barriers
Quotas X
Local content X X
Offset requirements X X
Subsidies X
[1] Hodder and Dincer (1986), [2] Cohen et al. (1989), [3] Cohen and Lee (1989), [4] Cohen and Kleindorfer (1993), [5] Arntzen et al.
(1995), [6] Huchzermeier and Cohen (1996), [7] Vidal and Goetschalckx (1996).

decomposition, primal network simplex algo- nizations from focussing solely on warehouse
rithms, and factorization. They observed that location to supply chain design. They conclude
Benders decomposition has not become wide- that the future is likely to see a growth in the ca-
spread, mainly because it requires a significant pabilities of design models and algorithms but that
technical expertise. The fourth factor has been the the size of feature requirements by industrial or-
growth and use of database tools. The fifth de- ganizations will continue to outstrip the available
velopment has been the systematic growth of lo- methodology.
gistics design models to encompass more features It is clear from the previous results that the in-
and a larger segment of the supply chain. Finally, corporation of stochastic elements into the tradi-
the sixth change is the extension of the use of lo- tional mixed integer programming formulations
gistics decision support tools by industrial orga- for supply chain design yields very difficult
6 M. Goetschalckx et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 143 (2002) 1–18

formulations. Only for very specific stochastic based on current regulations, in most of the cases,
constraints, such as supplier reliability and on-time companies have some range of values for their
performance, can the linear MIP model be ex- transfer prices.
tended and remain solvable, as shown by Vidal and Few researchers have addressed the transfer
Goetschalckx (2000). In the remaining part of this price problem as an integral component of the
paper, we will describe two significant extensions to optimization of a global supply chain. Nieckels
the state-of-the-art in logistics models and algo- (1976) presents a nonlinear mathematical model to
rithms. determine optimal transfer prices and resource
allocation in a multinational textile firm. His
2.2. Role and models for transfer prices in global formulation includes transfer prices as decision
logistics systems variables and a linear objective function for max-
imizing the global net income after taxes. The
In this section, we will present a model for the model assumes that the company has a central
design of global logistics systems that includes the distribution center from which all products are
determination of transfer prices. Assuming given distributed to the sales subsidiaries and does not
exchange rates, the resulting formulation is a bi- include bill of materials constraints. Instead, the
linear program. We will demonstrate a heuristic problem is formulated as a raw material based
algorithm capable of solving problems of real model using some transformations of products
world size. into raw materials. The transportation costs are
A transfer price (TP) is the price that a sell- always charged to the destination subsidiary.
ing department, division, or subsidiary of a com- Nieckel’s solution approach begins with a heu-
pany charges for a product or service supplied to ristic procedure that assigns initial values to the
a buying department, division, or subsidiary of transfer prices, equal to either their lower or their
the same firm, Abdallah (1989). According to upper bound. The remaining program is a linear
O’Connor (1997), ‘‘Transfer pricing is the most program (LP) that is solved for the optimal flows.
important international tax issue facing multina- Given these flows, the set of transfer prices be-
tionals today, and is expected to remain so for the comes variable again. To find the new set of
near future’’. In his survey of over 200 multina- transfer prices, a systematic heuristic procedure
tional corporations, 80% of them identified trans- based on the sign of the derivative of the objective
fer prices as the number one issue they have to function with respect to the transfer prices is then
face. Most researchers in the operations manage- applied. The solution method iterates between the
ment area have considered transfer prices a typical optimization of the LP and the heuristic procedure
accounting problem rather than an important de- to change transfer prices until no further increase
cision opportunity that significantly affects the in the objective function is possible. According to
design and management of a global supply chain. the author, when the solution procedure stops, a
In general, when a logistics analyst attempts to local optimum is found. No upper bound to gauge
determine the optimal flows of products among the quality of the heuristic solution is computed.
facilities, the price of a product is almost always More recently, Canel and Khumawala (1997)
considered a given parameter. The impact of TP propose a mixed-integer single-product model for
policies on taxable income, duties, and manage- the optimization of a global supply chain. The
ment performance is significant. According to authors include transfer price decisions in their
Nieckels (1976), small changes in transfer prices analysis, but they fix the transfer prices to either
may lead to significant differences in the after tax their lower or upper bound before solving the
profit of a company. On the other hand, the ar- model depending on the first derivative of the
bitrary manipulation of transfer prices, such as objective function with respect to the transfer
presented by Cohen et al. (1989), is currently under price. Additionally, transportation costs are al-
careful observation by tax authorities and is ways allocated to the destination subsidiary. As a
strictly penalized. Despite these limitations and consequence, this model does not include the
M. Goetschalckx et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 143 (2002) 1–18 7

transfer price problem and the allocation of should consider four disjoint regions for the Net
transportation costs as part of the decision pro- Income Before Tax (NIBT): both subsidiaries
cess. They develop two acceleration rules for the make a profit, only subsidiary a makes a loss, only
branch-and-bound based solution method, which subsidiary b makes a loss, and both subsidiaries
compute profit increases for closing an open fa- make a loss. Fig. 3 shows the global NIAT versus
cility and for opening a closed facility. In their the transfer price t for different values of the ma-
numerical experiments, this decreases the solution terial flow x. Obviously, for the NIAT to be
times by a factor of up to 50 compared with the bounded, there must exist an upper bound on the
standard MIP solution method of LINDO. For flow x from a to b. This bound is determined by a
small cases the acceleration rules allowed the so- limited capacity of one or the two subsidiaries, by
lution of the problem at the root node. a limited demand, and/or by other flow constraints
imposed on the system. Notice that the optimal
solution to the problem depends on both, the flow
3. Models and solution algorithms for the determi- and the bounds on the transfer price: the optimal
nation of transfer prices in global logistics systems transfer price may be equal to the lower bound, or
to the upper bound, or may fall strictly between
A simple example will be used to illustrate the them.
fundamental ideas. Fig. 1 shows the supply chain The NIAT is modeled traditionally by substi-
under consideration. Subsidiary a, located in tuting two nonnegative variables, representing the
country A, manufactures a single product and sells profit and loss of a subsidiary, for the free variable
it to subsidiary b, located in a different country B. that represents the NIBT of that subsidiary. In
The material flow is represented by x, the transfer the resulting model, for every flow the product of
price by t, and the allocation proportion of the the transfer price multiplied by the material flow
transportation cost by p. Since tax authorities quantity, denoted by tx, appears in the two equa-
disallow the use of different transfer prices for the tions that determine the NIBT of the origin and
same product to different destinations, the trans- destination country. A verbal description of the
portation costs must be modeled separately for model is shown below.
every combination of origin, destination, and
commodity. The allocation proportion p models Maximize global after tax profit (given in
what fraction of the transportation cost each dollars for the time period under analysis) ¼
subsidiary will pay for. After tax profit of internal suppliers
Fig. 2 illustrates the corporate tax rate function +After tax profit of plants
we consider for all countries. No tax credit for +After tax profit of DCs
losses is included in the initial analysis. When the
corporate tax rate function is more complex, that
is, when it has more ‘steps’ and breakpoint values,
additional analysis is necessary. However, for large
companies the function considered here is realistic
and valid in most countries.
To derive the general function of the global Net
Income After Taxes (NIAT) in this example, we

Fig. 1. Two country supply chain schematic. Fig. 2. Tax rate step function.
8 M. Goetschalckx et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 143 (2002) 1–18

Fig. 3. NIAT for the two country supply chain example.

Subject to: Expressions for the NIBT of vexity of the feasible set is relaxed are more diffi-
internal suppliers, plants, and DCs cult problems to solve (Al-Khayyal, 1990). All
Suppliers’ capacity (internal and external computational results reported in the research lit-
suppliers) erature on global and bilinear optimization for this
Production capacity at plants problem correspond to relatively small instances of
Customer demand constraints this problem. However, in global supply chain
Bill of materials at plants and balance models, we usually face medium to large-scale
constraints at DCs optimization problems for which none of these
Minimum profit for internal suppliers, global optimization approaches appear to work
plants and DCs (optional) satisfactorily. For this reason, and given the
Bounds on transfer prices and general structure of the problem, an optimization-based
bounds on decision variables heuristic procedure using successive LP solutions
has been developed initially.
The transportation cost allocation reflects the
The detailed expression for the net income be- terms of the transaction, which are more precisely
fore tax of distribution centers located in countries defined as INCOTERMS. Some of these are,
where duties are charged on the FOB value is for example, free on board (FOB), free alongside
provided in Appendix A as an example. The full ship (FAS), and cost, insurance and freight (CIF).
model is described in Vidal and Goetschalckx It is important to note that the proportion of
(1998). transportation costs, represented by the variables
This model, denoted as Pðx; t; v; pÞ, is a non- propwjkm and prospijm , are allowed to be different
convex optimization problem with a linear objec- from a specific origin to different destinations,
tive function, a set of linear constraints, and a using a given transportation mode. This is so be-
set of bilinear equality constraints. As such the cause there is more flexibility allowed by the tax
problem is NP-hard and difficult to solve for large authorities to define the subsidiary that pays for
instances. This problem belongs to the more gen- the transportation costs and the terms of each
eral class of a general bilinear problem having bi- transaction. Consequently, the bilinear terms in x
linear constraints, as shown in Al-Khayyal (1992). and p can be linearized by using the following
Bilinear programming problems when the con- substitutions:
M. Goetschalckx et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 143 (2002) 1–18 9

prospijm Wr sijmr ¼ zijm ; By doing this, we are now able to make the
r following substitutions to linearize the remaining
X nonlinear terms existing in the bilinear constraints
propwjkm Wp xjkmp ¼ zjkm : of problem Pðx; t; v; zÞ:
tpsuplijr sijmr ¼ yijr ;
The rationale for the definition of these vari- m2T ði;jÞ
ables comes from the fact that the proportions to
allocate transportation costs do not depend on the X
tppldcjkp xjkmp ¼ yjkp :
specific component or finished product since these m2T ðj;kÞ
costs are expressed per unit of weight. The result-
ing problem will be denoted as Pðx; t; v; zÞ. The resulting problem will be denoted as
Observe that we cannot use the same approach Pðx; y; v; zÞ. For the problem Pðx; y; v; zÞ to be
to linearize the bilinear terms in x and t since the equivalent to the original problem Pðx; t; v; pÞ, we
former variables differ from the latter in the sub- need to add constraints that ensure that all trans-
index j (for tpsuplir and sijmr ), and in the subindex fer prices from a given origin to all destinations for
k (for tppldcjp and xikmp ). As a requirement for the a given raw material or finished product are equal.
justification of transfer prices to tax authorities, More precisely, these constraints are the following:
all the transfer prices from a given origin and for yijn r yijnþ1 r
a given component or finished product must be P ¼P ;
m2T ði;jn Þ sijn mr m2T ði;jnþ1 Þ sijnþ1 mr
the same for all the destinations. The transfer
price, of course, does not include the transpor- yjkn p yjknþ1 p
P ¼P
tation cost, which is modeled separately. This can m2T ðj;kn Þ xjkn mp m2T ðj;knþ1 Þ xjknþ1 mp
be thought of as the transfer price being deter-
mined based on production costs, and therefore for all possible combinations of jn and jnþ1 , and kn
there is no reason to allow it to be different for and knþ1 . Evidently, the relaxation of Problem
different buyers. In addition, all transfer price Pðx; y; v; zÞ without the additional constraints
variables have a lower and an upper bound, which provides an upper bound on the original problem
reflect feasible markups for production costs and Pðx; t; v; pÞ. Let us call this relaxed problem
a profit margin, or for possible discounts from PR ðx; y; v; zÞ. This upper bound will be used for
market prices. establishing the performance of the overall proce-
We can relax the constraint that all transfer dure.
prices must be the same from each origin to all Clearly, if we fix the set of variables x in
destinations for a given raw material (or finished Problem Pðx; t; v; zÞ, then the problem becomes
product) by redefining the transfer price decision linear in t, and vice versa. Thus, we can iterate by
variables to include the destination facility as fol- successively fixing one set of variables and solving
lows: the remaining linear program for the other set. The
process can be terminated when the change in
the objective function value is negligible. We use
tpsuplijr ¼ transfer price of raw material r the notation Pðx; t; v; z j xÞ and Pðx; t; v; z j tÞ to
shipped from supplier i to plant j (not denote Problem Pðx; t; v; zÞ with fixed flows and
including transportation costs); with fixed transfer prices, respectively. The diffi-
[monetary units of home country of culty in solving the original problem Pðx; t; v; pÞ to
supplier i /unit of r ], optimality is due to its multi-extremality charac-
tppldcjkp ¼ transfer price of finished product p teristic, that is, the existence of multiple local op-
shipped from plant j to distribution tima. Consequently, the local solution obtained by
center k (not including transportation the heuristic procedure is highly dependent on the
costs); [monetary units of home starting point. We compared several different al-
country of plant j/unit of p]. gorithms for determining the starting point.
10 M. Goetschalckx et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 143 (2002) 1–18

The first starting point is generated by the so- Table 2

lution of problem PR ðx; y; v; zÞ and taking the Main characteristics of the small and medium instances solved
optimal set of flows. A second starting point is Characteristic Small Medium
instances instances
generated by taking the solution of problem
PR ðx; y; v; zÞ and taking the optimal set of transfer Total number of suppliers 11 50
Number of internal suppliers 3 12
prices. If the optimal solution to problem
Number of manufacturing plants 3 8
PR ðx; y; v; zÞ contains at least a set of transfer Number of distribution centers 8 10
prices that are not feasible, we use the weighted Number of customer zones 20 80
average of all different transfer prices, so that the Number of components 10 35
total amount transferred from the given origin Number of finished products 5 12
Average transportation modes/arc 2.8 3.1
remains constant. If there is no flow from some
Number of decision variables 1544 10,100
origins, then we select the lower bound on the Number of constraints 521 2926
transfer price to start the process. The expression
for the NIAT of the global corporation contains
terms of the form ½ð1  TAXAÞ  ð1  TAXBÞ ð1 þ then improvements level off. The user can limit the
DÞ tx. This suggests that if the expression in the allowed computation time as an alternative stop-
brackets is greater than zero, then the transfer ping criteria.
price should be set to its upper bound; otherwise, it It should be observed that the user has no
should be set to its lower bound. Nieckels (1976) control over the achieved optimality gap. If the
presents the same heuristic to start his solution optimality gap of a solution is unacceptable, the
procedure, as do Canel and Khumawala (1997). only action a user can take is to try a different
We also have examined the behavior of the pro- starting point heuristic. To overcome this problem,
cedure when setting all the transfer prices either to Vidal (1998) developed a global optimization
their lower bound (LB) or to their upper bound procedure that solves the above problem to within
(UB). In addition, we allow the procedure to begin a predetermined optimality gap. To improve the
with all the transfer prices set to the middle of the feasible solutions and tighten their upper bounds,
interval, that is, equal to (LB + UB)/2. a global optimization procedure based on the
The procedure described in the previous section work by Ben-Tal et al. (1994) was implemented.
has been implemented using AMPL and CPLEX. The particular structure of the problem was ex-
All the experiments have been done on an IBM ploited to calculate dual bounds and specialized
RS6000 model 590 with 512 MB of RAM. We branching rules were implemented. The global
have conducted extensive computational experi- optimization procedure improved the feasible so-
ments using diverse starting points and two sets of lutions and/or tightened the upper bounds in ac-
instances of different sizes. All instances have been ceptable computation time, showing that the
carefully generated to approximate the costs and original solutions given by the primal heuristic
constraints of real instances as much as possible. procedure were closer to optimality than could
The main characteristics of these instances are originally be established.
shown in Table 2. Further details can be found in To measure the impact of the simultaneous
Vidal and Goetschalckx (2001). determination of the transfer prices and the ma-
Computational experiments with various pro- terial flows in the international logistics systems,
cedures to determine the starting points yielded we compared the results of the following two
optimality gaps less than 2.2% for the medium procedures. The first procedure is the global and
instance in less than 384 seconds. For most of the integrated optimization procedure described
instances solved, the best solutions have been ob- above. The second procedure has several variants,
tained when the starting point is either the optimal all of which are likely to be used in practice. We
flows or the optimal transfer prices from the re- assume that each transfer price has an upper and
laxed problem. The iterative procedure tends to lower bound mandated by the tax authorities of
quickly converge to a high quality solution and the origin and destination country. The upper and
M. Goetschalckx et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 143 (2002) 1–18 11

lower bound should not exceed 10% from the lution procedures require a fast solution method
mean so that the company can justify its transfer for the subproblem. In Section 4, we will develop
prices to tax authorities. Assume that the company such an efficient and effective solution procedure
first sets the transfer prices with one of four poli- for the domestic subproblem based on Benders
cies: mid point of the interval, based on the de- decomposition.
rivative of the objective function (this heuristic has
been described above), at the lower bound, and at
the upper bound of the interval. After that the 4. Models and solution algorithms for the design of
company solves for the optimal material flows to multiperiod logistics systems
maximize the after tax profit. The savings gener-
ated by the integrated procedure as compared with The location decisions in a domestic logistics
the four hierarchical procedures are given in Table model involve the geographical placement and size
3. For the five instances of the medium problem of the corporate facilities such as the manufac-
instance, the average profit increase was 17.3% and turing plants and distribution centers. We also
ranged from as small as 0.18% to 95.2%. There consider the establishment and size of individual
was not an a priori characteristic that predicted the production lines part of the strategic decisions,
savings for a particular instance. Clearly, signifi- because of the cost and time involved in moving
cant savings could be achieved, depending on the such a production line. In general, manufacturing
individual logistics systems data, by using the in- companies produce finished goods in multiple
tegrated procedure as compared to state-of-the-art stages. Without loss of generality, we considered a
hierarchical procedures. manufacturing process consisting of a primary and
The above model assumed that the location and secondary production phase. For each phase one
existence of facilities are known. However, cor- or more alternative manufacturing lines exist,
porations may be interested in determining the which differ by their technology or capacity. The
optimal configuration of international logistics manufacturing lines have maximum production
systems to test the economic feasibility of new capacities expressed in time units, e.g. hours per
configurations and new products. The above pro- month. The resource requirement for manufac-
cedure for the global logistics system design can turing a particular product on a particular pro-
be extended to incorporate these configuration duction line is known and expressed in hours per
decisions. In the above solution procedure, the ton. Similarly, the constant marginal cost for every
problem Pðx; t; v; z j tÞ is repeatedly solved as a combination of product and production line is
subproblem. This subproblem can be extended to known.
incorporate binary decision variables correspond- The different manufacturing and distribution
ing to decisions to open or close a facility. This facilities are connected geographically by trans-
subproblem exhibits the standard mixed integer portation channels and temporarily by seasonal
linear structure of domestic design models. How- inventory. At all facility sites, cycle inventories are
ever, the overall global heuristic and optimal so- created by the incoming and outgoing shipment

Table 3
Profit increases using integrated planning versus hierarchical planning
No. Middle point (Mid_TP) Heuristic rule (Heu_TP) All TP set at lower bounds All TP set at upper
(LB_TP) bounds (UB_TP)
Medium instances profit increase (%)
1 2.40 0.18 0.75 4.06
2 23.22 12.08 17.09 29.22
3 22.59 30.23 39.93 16.24
4 45.63 65.03 95.20 32.05
5 2.29 0.24 0.68 3.90
12 M. Goetschalckx et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 143 (2002) 1–18

flows each with its own frequency. Selection of the representation of the network for a single period is
transportation channels between the facilities is shown in Fig. 5, copied from Goetschalckx and
driven by the transportation costs and the pipeline Dogan (1999).
inventory costs. The transportation channels have The arcs between a pair of nodes in the supplier
a throughput capacity expressed in material flow region allows us to model joint product capacity
units, e.g. tons per month. constraints in each of the mills. Each facility in the
The only customer service constraints consid- primary and finishing region is represented by a
ered are the full satisfaction of the seasonal de- sequence of four nodes. The arcs between the first
mands of the customers. We assumed that and second node allow us to model fixed and
customer demand is deterministic and ignored the variable cost and capacity constraints for the
impact of safety stocks. production section of the facility. The arcs be-
The integrated production–distribution net- tween the second and third node allow us to model
work design problem can be represented by a fixed and variable costs and capacity constraints
multicommodity, fixed charge network flow for individual production lines in the facility. Fi-
problem. The network has multiple regions in nally, the arcs between the third and fourth facility
general and four regions in our example (see Fig. allow us to model fixed and variable costs and
4, copied from Goetschalckx and Dogan (1999)). capacity constraints for the warehousing section of
The first region corresponds to the suppliers or the facility.
mills in our case study. The second region corre- Since this a multiperiod problem, the complete
sponds to the first phase of the manufacturing network consists of a number of identical planes,
process and the third region corresponds to the with each plane dedicated to a period. The only
second phase of the manufacturing process or connections between the parallel planes of the
distribution centers. Finally, the fourth region network are the arcs between the nodes associated
corresponds to the customers. We will call these with the same warehouse in subsequent periods.
regions supplier, primary manufacturing, finish- The overall production–distribution network de-
ing, and customer regions, respectively. Trans- sign problem can be decomposed into two sub-
portation arcs connect the regions. A schematic problems. The first subproblem determines the

Fig. 4. Overview of the two-stage production–distribution network.

M. Goetschalckx et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 143 (2002) 1–18 13

duction lines, and the production and inventory

quantities. The transportation subproblem is then
solved to obtain the transportation flows with the
lowest costs. This transportation solution is added
to the master problem as an additional constraint,
and the mixed integer master problem is forced to
search for a solution with a lower total cost. This
total cost includes the resource allocation plus the
transportation costs. The algorithm terminates
when the master problem cannot find a solution
with a lower total cost; i.e. the master problem has
become infeasible. Several acceleration techniques
Fig. 5. Single time period network schematic. for the decomposition scheme have proven to be
very powerful. We applied cut decomposition, cut
resource location and sizing and the production strengthening through dual variable adjustment,
allocation. The second subproblem determines the and adaptive optimization of the master problem.
tactical transportation flows. The verbal formula- The original primal problem contains the fol-
tion of the domestic logistics model is given next. lowing conservation of flow constraints from
suppliers, between the different facilities, and to
Minimize: Total cost ¼
the customers
Supply cost +
Fixed manufacturing cost + X
xtpsi ¼ stps t 2 T ; s 2 S t ; p 2 P ½a ðsupplyÞ;
Variable manufacturing cost + i2I t
Fixed facility operating cost +
Variable facility operating cost + xtpsj ¼ vtpjl t 2 T ; j 2 I t;
Warehousing cost + s2S t l2Lj
Cycle inventory cost at the facilities +
p2P ½b ðinput stage oneÞ;
Pipeline inventory cost +
Inventory carry-over cost + X X
Transportation cost xtpjk ¼ vtpjl t 2 T ; j 2 W t;
k2J t l2Lj

p2P ½c ðoutput stage oneÞ;

Subject to: Customer demand satisfaction
Conservation of flow at facilities X X
xtpij ¼ vtpjl t 2 T ; j 2 J t;
Conservation of flow at suppliers
i2W t l2Lj
Conservation of flow at machines
Supplier capacity p2P ½d ðinput stage twoÞ;
Facility capacity X X
Machine capacity xtpjk ¼ vtpjl t 2 T ; j 2 X t;
Single facility type at a site k2K t l2Lj

Linkage constraints between machines and p2P ½e ðoutput stage twoÞ;

xtpjk ¼ Dtpk t 2 T; p 2 P;
The structure of the tactical production–distri- j2X t
bution problem leads naturally to a primal de- k2K ½f ðdemandÞ;
composition scheme, which was first described by
Benders (1962). At each iteration, the mixed inte- where x indicate the various flows in the trans-
ger master problem is solved to obtain a solution portation channels; and s, v, and D, indicate ag-
that specifies the status of the facilities, the pro- gregate flows from the supplier, aggregate flows
14 M. Goetschalckx et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 143 (2002) 1–18

through the facilities at site j of type l, and ag- It can be decomposed into the following three
gregate flows to customers, respectively. Subscripts types of cuts:
t and p indicate the time period and the product.
The associated dual variables are shown after each adtps stps  bdtpj vtpjl 6 z1tp t 2 T; p 2 P;
constraint type. s2S t j2I t l2Lj
The dual of the transportation problem is ex- XX X
pressed by edtpj vtpjl  fdtpk Dtpk 6 z3tp t 2 T; p 2 P;
" "
X X X XX j2X t l2Lj k2K
Max atps stps þ ctpj vtpjl XX XX
t2T p2P s2S t j2W t l2Lj cdtpj vtpjl  ddtpj vtpjl 6 z2tp t 2 T; p 2 P
## j2W t l2Lj j2J t l2Lj
þ etpj vtpjl þ ftpk Dtpk
j2X t l2Lj k2K t and the substitution of the following sum for Z0 in
" " ## the objective function:
 btpj vtpjl þ dtpj vtpjl X X 
z1tp þ z2tp þ z3tp :
t2T p2P j2I t l2Lj j2J t l2Lj
t2T p2P
s:t: The transportation subproblem exhibits signif-
atps  btpj 6 ctpsj t 2 T ; p 2 P ; s 2 St ; j 2 I t ; icant primal degeneracy; i.e. there are many dual
solutions associated with the primal optimal so-
ctpi  dtpj 6 ctpij t 2 T ; p 2 P ; i 2 W t; j 2 J t;
lution. The selected dual optimal solution has an
etpi  ftpk 6 ctpik t 2 T ; p 2 P ; i 2 X t; k 2 Kt: effect on the strength of the generated cut and
hence on the number of cuts needed to prove op-
A disaggregation of the primal cut is obtained
timality. If the associated primal flow variable (s,
by exploring the subproblem structure. The sub-
v, D), which is determined by the primal master
problem consists of jP j disconnected networks for
problem, is zero, then the associated optimal dual
each product, which can also be separated into jT j
variable can be increased (a; c; e) or decreased
disconnected problems for each season. As it is
(b; d; f) as long as the dual feasibility constraints
presented in the dual feasibility constraints, the
remain satisfied without affecting the optimality of
transportation channels are grouped in three dis-
the dual solution. However, the adjusted dual
connected networks, i.e. from suppliers to first
variables become larger (a; c; e) or smaller (b; d; f)
stage production facilities, from first stage ware-
coefficients in the cuts for primal flow variables
housing facilities to second stage production facil-
with a positive or negative sign, respectively, and
ities, and from second stage warehousing facilities
thus strengthen the cuts when they are added to
to customers. Using this disconnected networks
the master problem.
structure of the subproblem, the primal cut is
The seasonal production–distribution model
strengthened by being replaced by 3
jP j
jT j
and the associated primal decomposition method
constraints. The initial cut is specified by
described above were tested on a real-life logistics
" " reorganization project of a company that supplies
adtps stps þ cdtpj vtpjl cardboard packages to breweries and soft drink
t2T p2P s2S t j2W t l2Lj manufacturers. The company ships 12 types of
XX X paper products from paper mills, through a two
þ edtpj vtpjl þ fdtpk Dtpk stage manufacturing process, to more than 200
j2X t l2Lj k2K t customers around the nation. Both stage one and
" " ##
X X XX XX stage two manufacturing lines are constrained by
 bdtpj vtpjl þ ddtpj vtpjl the available production hours on the machines.
t2T p2P j2I t l2Lj j2J t l2Lj Different manufacturing lines can be installed with
6 Z0 ; d 2 D: different processing capabilities and costs for each
M. Goetschalckx et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 143 (2002) 1–18 15

product. The demand exhibits a strong seasonal represent the three seasons. For the seasonal model,
pattern. The production resources required differ the cuts are also disaggregated by season. This
significantly from cardboard type to cardboard reduced the solution times further from 1958 to
type and from manufacturing line to manufactur- 154 seconds, a reduction by a factor of more than
ing line. In order to satisfy the peak period’s de- 12. Detailed statistics on the data and the compu-
mand, additional manufacturing capacity must be tational experiment can be found in Goetschalckx
purchased, inventory needs to be built up during and Dogan (1999) and Dogan (1996).
the off period, or the company must use subcon- Comparing the solution configurations of the
tractors. The latter option should be avoided if at one-season and seasonal model showed that in-
all possible due to quality concerns. ventory was built up during the off-peak periods,
Initially, the system was configured using the which in turn reduced the number of required
data from a single season. The demands for this machines from 19 to 16. The average cost of paper
season were the peak demands. The season ran product was reduced by $20 per ton when inven-
from May to July and all costs and parameters tory buildup was allowed, which yielded approxi-
were adjusted based on the length of this planning mate savings of $8.3 million dollars per year. The
period. The size parameters of the test case and of total cost was approximately $401 million dollars
the resulting mixed integer programming formu- per year, for savings of 2% versus the best case
lation are given in Table 4. without inventory. These savings clearly show the
The total running time of a mixed integer pro- importance of integrating tactical production and
gramming algorithms depends on the interaction inventory decisions, when making strategic deci-
between a variety of factors, such as strength of sions such as the location of manufacturing plants
the integer cuts and linear and integer program- and manufacturing lines for logistics systems with
ming tolerances. The disaggregation of the cuts in seasonal demand variances. It should be noted
the master problem and the strengthening of the that both configurations are optimal with respect
dual variables reduced the running times from 865 to their respective objective functions and the
seconds for a standard implementation of the savings differential is possible only because the
primal decomposition method to 21 seconds, a multiperiod system has more flexibility. It is ex-
reduction by a factor of more than 40. pected that the savings of the integrated approach
The multi-season model divided the year into will increase with the size of the variance in the
three unequal seasons. The seasons run from seasonal demand, but additional testing is required
January to April, May to July, and August to De- to demonstrate this relationship.
cember, respectively. All costs are adjusted based
on the length of the corresponding season. The
number of customers was three times as large to 5. Conclusions

To remain competitive global corporations

Table 4
Test case and formulation size parameters
need a methodology to evaluate and efficiently
configure global logistics systems. While at the
Item 1 Season 3 Seasons
current time, there exist several comprehensive
Number of products 12 12
models and solution algorithms for the design of
Number of locations 6 6
Number of manufacturing lines 81 87 strategic single-country or domestic logistics sys-
Number of customers 238 714 tems, such methodology does not exist for global
Number of transportation channels 1358 3738 logistics systems or for systems where strategic and
Number of nodes 355 1065 tactical considerations are combined.
Number of arcs 1470 4074 One of the most significant issues in global lo-
Number of capacitated arcs 88 102 gistics systems is the determination of the transfer
Number of integer variables 88 102 prices between subsidiaries of the global corpora-
Number of continuous variables 17,640 48,888
tion. Tax authorities have limited the flexibility to
16 M. Goetschalckx et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 143 (2002) 1–18

set these transfer prices, but at the current time, their profits significantly and to remain competi-
the prices can still be set within a prescribed in- tive.
terval. We have developed a comprehensive bilin-
ear model to determine optimally the transfer
prices within a prescribed tolerance. Computation Acknowledgements
times are in the order of minutes for realistically
sized problems. Making the decisions on transfer This research was partially funded by The
prices and material flows simultaneously yield Instituto Colombiano para el Desarrollo de la
significant after tax profit increases for the cor- Ciencia y la Tecnologia ‘‘Francisco Jose de Cal-
poration when compared to the most sophisticated das’’, COLCIENCIAS; by the Universidad del
sequential decision processes. Valle, Cali, Colombia; and by the Fulbright
For domestic logistics systems, we have devel- Commission, administered by the Latin American
oped a comprehensive and multiperiod design Scholarship Program for the American Universi-
model. The model is capable of determining the ties (LASPAU).
optimal configuration of the logistics system, in-
cluding which manufacturing lines should be lo-
cated in which facilities. It also determines the Appendix A. Net income before tax expression
production and inventory schedule for systems
with seasonal demands. This mixed integer linear The net income before tax, which can be posi-
model can be solved efficiently with an adaptation tive or negative, at a distribution center k, located
of Benders decomposition. Computation times are in a country where duties are charged on the FOB
in the order of tens of minutes for realistically value, is defined by the following equation. In
sized problems. The simultaneous decision on fa- general, parameters are denoted in capital letters,
cilities, manufacturing lines, production, and in- while variables are denoted in lower case letters.
ventory schedules can yield significant savings
compared to the sequential decision process where X X X 1 
first the facilities are located and then the tactical MPRICElp wklmp
l2CðkÞ m2T ðk;lÞ p2P
production–distribution–inventory flows are de-
termined. X X X  1 
At the current time, we are developing a com-  HANDCkp
l2CðkÞ m2T ðk;lÞ p2P
bination of the above models, which will allow the

simultaneous optimization of facilities and pro- þ TRCWMklm Wp wklmp

duction–distribution–inventory flows in a global
X X X  VPkp H h
logistics system. It is clear that such a model and  TTWMklm
solution methodology can yield significant sav- l2CðkÞ m2T ðk;lÞ p2P
ings for a corporation interested in expanding glob-
ally. þ ðCSFk ÞSHIPFREQklm
A drawback of the above models and solution pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi i
algorithms is the significant level of technical ex- þ SSFWkp TTWMklm wklmp
pertise required to achieve the fast solution times. X X X  1   
A very important area of future research is the  tppldcjp 1 þ DUTYjkp
standardization and technology transfer process j2M m2T ðj;kÞ p2P ðjÞ
E j

of these solution methodologies so that they can  

be more widely applied. Global corporations are þ 1  propwjkm TRCPWjkm Wp xjkmp

adopting enterprise resource systems at ever in-  
creasing rates. The models and methodologies  FIXDCk
presented here allow these global corporations to
use this information in a timely fashion to increase ¼ ibtwfkþ  ibtwfk ; k 2 W f:
M. Goetschalckx et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 143 (2002) 1–18 17

CSFk ¼ cycle stock sharing factor at and destination facility l

distribution center k, ex- with transportation mode m
pressed as a percentage be- VPkp ¼ unit value of commodity p
tween 0 and 1 and in home country of facility
indicating the aggregate k
storage required compared Wp ¼ unit weight of commodity p
to the sum of the storage ibtwfkþ ; ibtwfk ¼ net income or loss before
required by the individual taxes of distribution center
commodities k
DUTYjkp ¼ import duty for a unit of propwjkm ¼ proportion of the transpor-
commodity p imported tation cost between plant j
from the home country of and distribution center k
plant j into the home coun- over transportation mode m
try of distribution center k paid by the origin plant j
El ¼ exchange rate of the coun- tppldcjp ¼ unit transfer price for com-
try in which customer or modity p from plant j
facility l is located wklmp ¼ number of units of com-
FIXDCk ¼ fixed cost of distribution modity p flowing from dis-
center k per time period tribution center k to
H holding cost (monetary unit customer l over transporta-
per monetary unit per time tion mode m
period) xjkmp ¼ number of units of com-
HANDCkp ¼ unit handling cost of com- modity p flowing from plant
modite p in distribution j to distribution center k
center k over transportation mode m
MPRICElp ¼ market price of commodity
p in home country of cus- The full model for the determination of transfer
tomer l prices and transportation cost allocation can be
SHIPFREQklm ¼ shipping frequency between found in Vidal and Goetschalckx (1998).
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