Writing An Informal E-Mail To A Friend - Invite

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Writing an informal e-mail to a friend - invite

Hello Anna,

It is great hearing from you after such a long time. How are you holding
up lately? I am dying to invite you to an ongoing campaign fighting
global warming. If you wonder how do we have any chance to stand up
against the main problem that humanity is facing recently, you came to
the right person.

If I am to be sincere, climate change is a tremendous challenge that

humankind has been dealing with since the past decade. The crux of
the matter is the complex shifts affecting our planet’s weather and
climate systems. This encompasses not only rising average
temperatures but also extreme weather events, shifting wildlife
habitats, rising seas, and a range of other impacts. All of these changes
are emerging as humans continue to play with fire, adding heat-trapping
greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, due to the lack of awareness of
what’s at stake.

Nevertheless, many have proposed bold and comprehensive yet simple

plans for reversing our current course. The ideas vary, but the message
is consistent: We already have many of the tools needed to address
climate change. Some of the concepts are broad ones that governments
and businesses must implement, but many other ideas involve changes
that anyone can make—eating less meat, for example, or rethinking
your modes of transport.

I strongly believe that people should take the initiative, breaking the
vicious cycle of pollution. I hope you are on the same page with me! Till
then I'm looking forward to hearing from you again, especially regarding
your involvement in environmental-related issues.

Best regards,


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