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Adverbs of Frequency

Put the adverb in the right place in the sentence:

1. She goes to bed early (always)

____She always goes to bed early___________________________

2. We watch TV (never)
____We never watch TV____________________________________

3. Julie and Tom go to the cinema (often)

___Julie and Tom often go to the cinema_______________________

4. Alex meets John (once a week)

___Alex meets John once a week_____________________________

5. I eat fast food (sometimes)

___I sometimes eat fast food__________________________________

6. They cook at home (hardly ever)

___They hardly ever cook at home_____________________________

7. He studies English (every night)

___He studies English every nigth_______________________________

8. You drink coffee (normally)

___You normally drink coffee_________________________________
9. I go to the park (rarely)
___I rarely go to the park_________________________________________

10.They go to a restaurant (from time to time)

___They go to a restaurant from time to time_________________________

11.You visit your parents (several times a year)

___You visit your parent several times a year__________________________

12.She goes to museums (seldom)

___She seldom goes to museums____________________________________
1. She always goes to bed early.
2. We never watch TV.
3. Julie and Tom often go to the cinema.
4. Alex meets John once a week.
5. I sometimes eat fast food.
6. They hardly ever cook at home.
7. He studies English every night.
8. You normally drink coffee.
9. I rarely go to the park.
10. They go to a restaurant from time to time.
11. You visit your parents several times a year.
12. She seldom goes to museums.
Plural Nouns

A) Change each of the singular nouns below into plural nouns.

1. Book: Books 3. Day: Days

2. Table: Tables 4. Car: Cars

B) Change each of the singular nouns below into plural nouns.

1. Watch: Watches 4. Quiz: Quizes

2. Fox: Foxes 5. Class: Classes
3. Glass: Glasses 6. Bus: Buses

C) Change each of the singular nouns below into plural nouns.

1. Baby: Babies 4. Party: Parties
2. Body: Bodies 5. Dictionary: Dictionaries
3. Monkey: Monkies 6. City: Cities

D) Change each of the singular nouns below into plural nouns.

1. Calf: Calves
2. Hoof: Hooves 4. Dwarf: Dwarves
3. Elf: Elves 5. Thief: Thieves
6. Loaf: Loaves

E) Change each of the singular nouns below into plural nouns.

1. Tooth: Reeth 4. Person: Pëoples

2. Child: Childreen 5. Foot: Feet
3. Man: Men 6. Mouse: Mice

F) Change each of the singular nouns below into plural nouns

1. Potato: Potates 7. Deer: Deers
2. Goose: Gooses 8. Ox: Oxes
3. Tomates 9. Mosquitos
Tomato: Mosquito:
4. House: Houses 10. Sheep
5. Cherrys 11. Hero: Heroues
6. Mice 12. Box: Boxes

G) Change the following sentences to singular.

1. Paws are to cats as feet are to humans: A paw is to cat as a foot is to a human
2. Keys are to doors as passwords are to computers: A key is to door as a
password is to a computer
3. Girls are to boys as women are to men: A girl is to a boy as woman is to a man
4. Geese are to flocks as dogs are to packs: A goose is to a flock as a dog is to a

Photocopiable © 2011 Rob Woodward – - Classroom and Personal Use Permitted

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