Amount of Fe

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Course No, Ch $106 o2 Experiment No. se ofthe Experiment determination of the amoual of Fe(it) and _ pe! alien 0) a ee Felt) mo gives sample using a standord dichromate solu Pee electrode potentials a4 25°° nh below. QH* tse - mn* 4 4,0 E ‘ ey WH" + Ge” = acy?" +740 € Toyh “¥aCr; 07 iy less powerful oxidizing agent ; several adyantag es in tittimetnic analy 55 over” KMnOy « - folassum dichromate ib stable up. fo its UsiAg point ond * therefore td am excellent primmaer a ap ue ou solutlon of Ky CW $0n of exactly known concentration can be prepawd by oi hing nd the solvtion thus prepa oo atable a" if we from evaporation. KxCt, 07 aa & Fe i 2+ 4 : ree att > 9On7" 4 Cee” 4 7H,0- ate 0: vend small ae ences, a hol Hel solution of athe F mee of the reaction in at 24 fee 2 re” + sy"* 26 a Be Se 4g ce et Mee th ton auch, the secopd she replaced, al least Boe i by the reaction; + 2+ oe? + tg? Bee SA ig the occutance of the latter process ) ruimsll the de terminatia of ion. Thu» the quantity at ShCiured in the first atep in eritical. Fortunately > the selution of FeQi) w Hel media becomes bight cellow when heated, Thin mokes il eos ef deteel( the “porn! shedee-veluelonuaal fe by AQ Abin colowt jul dinappeors One on of the dilute Smety’ solition is the, we thal ® slight excess of Sa(I) te j procedure 3s performed properlg 2 ail g i OW Cl, oppems when ae is pred ee eo Ts precipitate for-ws we: ot been addéd ond a & , must be repeated, = e Ws pertormed in presence of m amintue hl eS 45. Sulpuric acid provides mainly = oe ey H* ions while H5POy converts Feet jon Melero slave [Fe(iWPouy)* complex, thu» rendiing ie cabot ee NE Removal of Fo by comelte frmation also lowers the yeduetion potential of the FAut) - Fe) couple gmd thus tend fo inereare the be ion. indicator jn the tichyomate titrations — ag ich is 0 pedow miicalor , gives a : 30. Procedure: ——— © 5:0 mt of given Yeon solution im a eonical flank Smet dite’ Her solution in that rr, oul - Fee) of the solution war vedueed by heating content of he ian ® Satta setulion in het condition way won added) p wine t > en ; fill the solution's yellow color had afea|4/ dinappleared. ag f ; war completed Ny ee dilute Snet, “ae f whe fill the solution hada faint a Complete “) the reduction green color. A Slight 4 war meee ary for reduction of Fein fo Fe(i), The solution «? rapidly cooleh under the jep C with protection . 10 amb of sale dod 4s remove the slight of Snll, - as te precipitate wax formed. comful reduction of Fe (I) to Be amd. bout 20 ie? wir added. OA Few drops ay diphenylamine were added and the solution war Hirated with standand & potamium iehromate solution. TH war ditrated Slowly ; with the standard a bluish -areen tint whilst Sieg conto dichromate until the solution ayumed i near the end point - @ the Hitration way Continued. adding the dichromate solectig drop wide and man taining asd an inierval ofa few seconds between each drop, until the additim of 1 drop Bimaitcn. of am intense purple or viol@t-ble Ch wemained permanent after shaking ed on further addition of dichromate. repeated Hymn twice more. . en! Delermination of the amon) PP No piven somle .- i a as 7 & stand and solution, (Somple 2) Volume of KyCr,0, solutir Cnt) Initial a |Final burelte | Difference ] erage bea bated ie Treading ee ne (m1) | @y fret aw a teil $1°50 1% 00 2°70 | 10 | 2-80 | 2-973 ela | a 19°90 | Re 4, ge! Cr,07 solutim = 0°055847%6 g fe fi « 720) solution = 0055 8978GX 2°73x 00167 af o 50015 gfe Fe(i) amd WAIL the Fe Guy Wan §Olermined APPA A ly and other Avalable in the lab i » $0 there width Ay Me xpeviment Tre whole procey, ed with eau. The Nigh pH bared acid such gy Hy POy wiulura were pound dou come fal MY All the thing, covfulnen and eMential for Vr experiment.

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