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Design and Implementation of a Wirelessly Controlled Robotic

Hand for Remote Operations


Name: Sajid Naseeb Roll#16EL07

Name: Abdul Rauf Roll# 16EL37
Name: Niaz Muhammad Roll# 16EL33
Name: Muhammad Aamir Roll # 16EL29
Name: Sheryar Roll # 16EL47
Name: Farooq Roll # 16EL17
Name: Muhammad Afzal Roll# 16EL41

Advisor: Dr. Imran Sarwar

NOV - 2019
In Chemical Industries, where workers have to deal with toxic chemicals, or In Surgical
field, where robotic surgery can play a vital role in making surgery more accurate with less to
zero chances of making mistakes. We see People born with dis-abilities and those who have
acquired dis-abilities after being through traumatic accidents. Accordingly, this paper
introduces a Wirelessly Controlled Robotic Hand system that can be used for surgical tool
handling (pick and place), to deal with toxic material used in different chemical industries, and
last but not the least as a prosthetic hand for handicapped person. This project introduces simple
design of a Wirelessly Controlled Robotic Hand for Remote Operations, comprising a design
aims to implement human-like Robotic Hand that will convey movement information from a
real person’s hand to the robotic hand with the help of an RF trans-receiver module that holds
the communication between the two without any physical connection.

Table of Contents

Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………. 1

Introduction and Background….………………………………………………………… 3

Problem Statement…………………………………………………….…………………. 4

Motivation……………………………………………………...….……………….……. 5

Methodology…………………………………………………………….......................... 6

Deliverable……………………………………………………………………...…….….. 9

Resource Requirement and Cost Breakdown……………….….………………………... 10

Tentative Project Plan…………………………………………………………………..... 11

References………………………………………………………………………………... 12

List of Table

Table 1 project cost breakdown………………………………………………………… 10

Table 2 tentative time plan……………………………………………………………… 11

Introduction and Background

The human hand is one of the universal tools in nature. There is no wonder that
researchers are eager to apply the advantages of the newest evolutionary designs to develop the
generation of the robotic hand applications. Over the last decades, the research interests in the
upper limb robots have increased significantly. The available commercial robotic hands are
described by the low in the number of degrees of freedom and the complicity of the control
system. Thus, it has become essential to introduce a new design strategy to help exceeding
those limits. Also, the technology development has introduced simplified methods to improve
such devices.
Syed et al. presented in 2012 a flex sensor to determine the state of robotic motion in
the applications with high repeatability, precision, and reliability [1]. Afterwards, the type- 2
fuzzy was used to control the servomotor position in the rehabilitation robot application to
increase accuracy in the nonlinear robot motion [2].
Khor et al. developed a rehabilitation robot with simplicity and low cost for stroke
patients [3]. In 2014, Ali et al. proposed a system for controlling the gripper of multi-fingers
via the emphasis on finger joints and tips [4].

Problem Statement

Due to the lack of body parts, the dis-abled person cannot easily perform the daily tasks
as compared to a normal person. Modern technological enhancements cannot be easily
affordable to the dis-abled people because of their higher cost, less portability and less
accuracy. That is why it has become pretty necessary to develop a portable Robotic Hand
System for these dis-abled persons.

This project introduces new design for a dis-abled person, comprising a design aims to
produce a device to perform gestures according with Human’s Hand. The main focus of this
project is to make a robust and reliable tool following the simple technique for acquisition of
signals from human’s hand and controlling the robotic hand.


Our motivation is that we have the real passion to help the dis-abled people to be able
to take full advantage of technologies. Since, they use Fabricated hands, made of wood etc. to
support or lift something. We have decided to make the former system a completely workable
digitalized system and to make its use much easier for them.


The project generally has software and hardware parts and is is divided into two phases.
Phase one involves the programing and simulation of the project. Phase two is the construction
of hardware and delivering a working prototype.

Phase one focuses mainly on evaluating different libraries and understanding how to program
the micro-controller to make it work. The programing is done in C using Arduino integrated
development environment (IDE). this phase is subdivided into

Stage 1. Programing the transmitter circuit connected to the Glove.

This involves accepting the data from the serial device, i.e. sensors and process it by
microcontroller and produce a different combination of values which are mapped and
transferred to the Receiver circuit through wireless communication.

Stage 2. Programming the Receiver, so that it can decipher the mapped values received from
the circuit attached to the Glove and process it by microcontroller and translates it into voltage
values the can control the servo motors connected to each finger of Robotic Hand.

Stage 3. The construction of the circuits and simulate the devices using simulating software.

Second Phase involves the hardware construction for the device.

Power Wireless
supply Transmitter

Serial port Microcontroller Receiver


To observe the wireless communication between the transmitter and receiver circuit,
A potentiometer is connected to the Arduino board. The Arduino Board receives an analog
input data from the potentiometer, Fig.1. shows the simulation of the receiving/slave circuit
using the Proteus software. We have used two custom made Bluetooth module; one is
connected to the Arduino micro controller; other is connected to the virtual terminal that
receives the transmitted data from the receiver wirelessly as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Virtual terminal Window that displays the

received data

Fig. 1. The receiving/slave circuit using the Proteus software.

Description of the components
Power supply

It provides voltage for the board and component. Arduino Nano can be powered
from USB or external power plug. This power is the standard 5V from USB or 12V
from the external source.


Control the overall logic in the device. This include reading different voltage levels
from sensors attached to the fingers of real human’s hand. It sends the corresponding control
signals to the motors which in return controls the whole Robotic Hand. For this project we are
intended to use Arduino Nano.

Servo Motor

It is the main component in this project. It consists of Potentiometer and a motor

synchronized to that potentiometer. The angle of that motor deflects as the voltage across the
potentiometer changes. This servo motor will control the gestures of Robotic Hand.

An RF wireless communication module, that holds the communication between the
actual human’s hand and the Robotic Hand.


At the end of the academic year, we will come with a complete standalone Wirelessly
Controlled Robotic Hand device with a capability of coordinating with real Human’s Hand.
The main focus will be on its accuracy, i.e. the way it coordinates with real Human’s Hand.
This device is robust and provide to be helpful in the future. It will help the people who has got
dis-abilities as well as will be purposeful in the field of Surgery for Artificial Surgery, Chemical
Industries and Military Operations.

Resource Requirement and Cost Breakdown

The cost listed for this project are according to the current price rate and this might be
varying accordingly.
Equipment required:
 Oscilloscope
 3D printer: Anet A8 3D printer is required for this project to print the overall 3d
Hand Model, which is the most important part of this project. This printer is
available on for $ 811.25 USD.
 PCB Drilling machine
 Multimeter
 Soldiering equipment
 Personal computer at hand
 Programing and simulating software at hand

Component for the proposed device

No Items Quantity price in PKR

1 Flex Sensors 5 5 x 3700/-
2 NRF24L01 Transceiver 2 2 x 1050/-
3 Servo Motor 5 5 x 870/-
4 Arduino Nano board 2 2 x 1050/-
Total 27050/-
Table 1 project cost breakdown

Tentative Project Plan

This project is planned to be complete in two semesters (1 year) time. The three stages
will be complete within the seventh semester and phase two will be complete with in the eighth
semester of the academic year.

Activity Time period

Proposal writing
Phase one
Stage one (20th Feb – 20th March)
Stage two (20th April – 20th May)
Stage three (1st June – 1st July)

Phase two 8th semester (August-Nov)

Table 2 tentative project plan


[1] Syed Abidhusain, et al. "Flex sensor based robotic arm controller using micro controller."
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications 5.05 (2012): 364.

[2] Nhon P. N. Q., et al. "Intelligent Control of Rehabilitation Robot: Auto Tuning PID
Controller with Interval Type 2 Fuzzy for DC Servomotor." Procedia Computer Science 42
(2014): 183-190.

[3] Khor K. X., et al. "A novel hybrid rehabilitation robot for upper and lower limbs
rehabilitation training." Procedia Computer Science 42 (2014): 293-300.

[4] Ali A. Malik Mohd, Razali Tomari, and M. Mahadi Abdul Jamil. "An Empirical Framework
for Controlling Artificial Hand Gripper System Using Smart Glove." Procedia Computer
Science 42 (2014): 38-45.


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