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EXS306 Contingency Plan

Problem/Area of Concern Solution/Plan B

University closes due to weather Have rain date in place and reserve gym time
to hold tournament on another date, Corn
hole makeup date Sunday, March, 29 in the
alumnae gym.
Spring Athletics Game Postponed to 3/22/20 Still hold event without the select individuals.
(Day of event) If two spring sports have a game on the 22nd
that will create a huge shortage in staff and
participants, look alternatively to utilize the
rain date.
Last Minute Team Signs Up Have them pay the “at-the-door” fee of $8
and insert them so they can fit into the
tournament bracket.
Tie Game Develop Overtime Rules – See rules page
Prize Sponsor Fails Use Cash Prize or Gift Cards from investing
funds from project members
Power Outage Either move everyone safely out of the
nearest exit and lead everyone to alternative
space. Either finish the tournament outside
(outdoor basketball courts) or in another
spacey indoor area (faculty lounge).
Fight/Argument Official officiating the game gets to make the
final call/decision. If argument among teams
break out, go to both teams to calm down
and actively listen in order to come up with a
solution that will benefit everyone. In the
case of physical altercations, call the correct
school officials/security if needed.
Food Allergies Let Bruder Center and Athletic Trainers
aware of the event so they can “prepare” to
be on-call the day of the event. On the food
table, make note of all possible allergens next
to the food item so participants know not to
eat that item.
Injuries Let athletic trainers know about event so
they are ready to go if needed. Use the
medical kit if needed.
Corn hole board breaks/missing bean bags. Have one back up board. Additionally, have
extra bean bags available too. If there is no
backup corn hole board then combine too
brackets to share one board.

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