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Study Plan
Dear Medical students,

Welcome to AMBOSS!
AMBOSS is the breakthrough learning platform and knowledge library helping medical students
around the world.

The AMBOSS Study Plan will help you prepare for your final medical exams - online or with this printable
version. It lists the chapters to read and the exam questions to test your knowledge on for each day in
your studying journey. Just click the link below the topics to start answering questions for that day.

If you want to study on the way to the library, or to the nearest desk, you can use the AMBOSS knowledge
library and question bank apps on your smartphone or tablet. You can use them on iOS and Android.

Scroll down to learn how to use the AMBOSS Study Plan and find answers to frequently asked questions.

Keep it simple. Take it one day at a time with AMBOSS, and we’re confident you’ll come out on top!
We wish you the best of luck with your studies and exams!

Yours sincerely,
1. How do I best prepare for my final exams?

AMBOSS is the learning platform that will guide you through the final phase of your studies and prepare
you for all the topics commonly asked in final exams. For optimal preparation, we recommend that you
follow our 100-day AMBOSS Study Plan.

Spend the first half of each study day reading the recommended learning cards. This will give you a
structured, in-depth overview of all the topics that are commonly tested in final exams.

The second part of your day should be used for question sessions. This approach will provide you with the
ideal combination of study and review to ensure you retain what you have learned.

2. Why do question sessions cover more topics than those in the Learning Cards I studied on that
particular day?

The Learning Cards provided by the study plan for each day cover related topics, such as cardiac arrhythmia
and ECG. However, the question sessions have been deliberately designed to test your knowledge in an
entire medical field, such as cardiology, and not just cover the topics treated in the Learning Cards of that
study day. AMBOSS has done this for two reasons:

a. Firstly, you receive an honest assessment of your strengths and weaknesses. If you were only
tested on a topic you studied earlier the same day, it would be too easy to guess the correct answer. This
would deceive you into believing you are familiar with a topic when, in fact, you are only recalling
information from short-term memory.
b. Secondly, you retain what you have learned through revision. Rather than working through all of
the questions on one topic, such as diabetes mellitus, in a single day, you will be confronted with that topic
multiple times throughout the corresponding study phase, for example, internal medicine. This will
strengthen your long-term memory and train you to recall - and apply - the information when you need
it most

3. What if I have more or less than 100 days to prepare for my exams?

In our years of experience and research, we have determined that 100 days is the ideal time frame to study
for your final exams. However, some students will probably not be able to follow the plan accordingly, but
can instead adjust it to their own time and needs. When planning, remember to consider free weekends,
vacation, a job, children or sick time.

Everyone studies at their own pace and manages their time differently. If you have less than 100 days for
intense review before your exams, we recommend that you start the 100-day AMBOSS Study Plan during
the semester and study a few hours per week to make up for the lack of time. Of course, you can always
condense or stretch the study plan to fit your schedule. We however recommend that you follow the
didactic structure that our team has developed for you – whether you finish the plan in 90 or 110 days is
4. Can I study offline?

Yes! You can download the AMBOSS Knowledge app and the AMBOSS Question bank app (for iOs,
Android, and Kindle Fire) to use the platform offline. Don’t forget to print out your learning plan to get that
super satisfying feeling of crossing something off a to-do list.

5. Can I add notes to the Learning Cards?

You can add notes with information that you find important to each section of every Learning Card. For
example, you might want to note treatment protocols that are specific to your clinic or guidelines in your
country that are different from those in other countries. You can continue using and adding your notes after
your exams, even in your time working as a doctor.

6. What if I think a certain Learning Card should be discussed in another subject, and not as the study
plan suggests?

The Learning Cards generally cover a wide range of topics within a medical field and cannot be assigned to a
single subject. For example, the Learning Card on “thyroid cancer” features information from the subjects of
surgery, endocrinology, epidemiology, and many other subjects. We have structured the study plan in a way
that every relevant topic is treated at least once and in the most learning-efficient way.

7. Can I continue using AMBOSS after I finish the study plan?

Of course! Your AMBOSS account will remain active for as long as you subscribe. None of your personal
analysis statistics or notes will be deleted after your exams. Keep AMBOSS at hand for reference and to test
your knowledge throughout your medical career!

8. Was this study plan designed for the USMLE, IFOM, PLAB, MCCQE or another specific exam or can
everybody use it?

This study plan was designed for medical students in their final phase of study all over the world. The topics
are not specific to a certain country, but instead provide a solid overview of all the most important topics
that every doctor should be familiar with. We believe that medical knowledge is universal. We know that
some topics might be more relevant in some regions than others, such as malaria. This is why we
intentionally left some free time in between chapters for you to study these region-specific topics in
greater depth.
Subject Chapter Done

Day 1-36:
Internal medicine

Day 1: Cardiology 1 Cardiovascular examination

& Angiology
3 Overview of cardiac arrhythmias
4 Supraventricular premature beats
5 Atrial fibrillation
Start Cardiology and Angiology questions

Day 2: Cardiology 1 Sick sinus syndrome

& Angiology
2 Atrioventricular block
3 Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
4 Ventricular premature beats
5 Ventricular tachycardia
6 Ventricular fibrillatrion
Start Cardiology and Angiology questions

Day 3: Cardiology 1 Syncope

& Angiology
2 Subclavian steal syndrome
3 Principles of coronary heart disease
4 Acute coronary syndrome
5 Cardiac catheterization
Start Cardiology and Angiology questions

Day 4: Cardiology 1 Congestive heart failure

& Angiology
2 Cardiomyopathy
3 Valvular heart diseases
4 Aortic valve stenosis
5 Aortic regurgitation
6 Mitral stenosis
7 Mitral regurgitation
8 Mitral valve prolapse
Start Cardiology and Angiology questions

Day 5: Cardiology 1 Infective endocarditis

& Angiology
2 Rheumatic fever
3 Myocarditis
Subject Chapter Done

4 Pericarditis
5 Coxsackie virus infections
6 Pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade
Start Cardiology and Angiology questions

Day 6: Cardiology 1 Hypertension

& Angiology
2 Pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale
3 Chronic venous disease
4 Deep vein thrombosis
5 Pulmonary embolism
6 Peripheral arterial disease
Start Cardiology and Angiology questions

Day 7: Hematology 1 Erythrocyte morphology and hemoglobin forms

2 Anemia
3 Iron deficiency anemia
4 Hemolytic anemia
5 Hereditary spherocytosis
6 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
7 Sickle cell anemia
8 Thalassemia
Start Hematology questions

Day 8: Hematology 1 Myelodysplastic syndromes

2 Acute leukemia
3 Myeloproliferative neoplasms
4 Chronic myeloid leukemia
5 Polycythemia vera
6 Hodgkin lymphoma
Start Hematology questions

Day 9: Hematology 1 Non-Hodgkin lymphomas

2 Multiple myeloma
3 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
4 MALT lymphoma
5 Mycosis fungoides
Start Hematology questions
Subject Chapter Done

Day 10: Hematology 1 Hemostasis and bleeding disorders

2 Hemophilia
3 Antiphospholipid syndrome
4 Thrombocytopenia
5 Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
6 Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS)
7 Splenomegaly
8 Asplenia
Start Hematology questions

Day 11: Pneumology 1 Pulmonary examination

2 Pulmonary function testing
3 Acute bronchitis
4 Bronchiolitis
5 Pneumonia
6 Legionellosis
7 Pneumocystis pneumonia
Start Pneumology questions

Day 12: Pneumology 1 Tuberculosis

2 Sarcoidosis
3 Pleural effusion
4 Atelectasis
5 Bronchiectasis
Start Pneumology questions

Day 13: Pneumology 1 Asthma

2 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
3 Interstitial lung disease
4 Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
5 Obstructive sleep apnea
6 Lung Cancer
Start Pneumology questions
Subject Chapter Done

Day 14: 1 Achalasia

2 Gastrointestinal bleeding
3 Mallory-Weiss syndrome
4 Gastroesophageal reflux disease
5 Peptic ulcer disease
6 Gastrinoma
7 Atrophic gastritis
8 Malabsorption
9 Celiac disease
10 Lactose intolerance
Start Gastroenterology questions

Day 15: 1 Crohn disease

2 Ulcerative colitis
3 Diverticular disease
4 Irritable bowel syndrome
5 Benign liver tumors and hepatic cysts
6 Pyogenic liver abscess
Start Gastroenterology questions

Day 16: 1 Hepatitis A

2 Hepatitis B
3 Hepatitis C
4 Alcoholic liver disease
5 Autoimmune hepatitis
Start Gastroenterology questions

Day 17: 1 Primary biliary cholangitis

2 Primary sclerosing cholangitis
3 Wilson disease
4 Hemochromatosis
5 Cirrhosis
6 Portal hypertension
Start Gastroenterology questions
Subject Chapter Done

Day 18: 1 Jaundice and cholestasis

2 Acute cholangitis
3 Acute pancreatitis
4 Chronic pancreatitis
5 Pancreatic cancer
6 Ascites ✓
Start Gastroenterology questions

Day 19: 1 Hypopituitarism

2 Hyperprolactinemia
3 Acromegaly
4 Adrenal insufficiency
5 Primary hyperaldosteronism
6 Cushing’s syndrome
7 Pheochromocytoma
8 Multiple endocrine neoplasia
Start Endocrinology questions

Day 20: 1 Goiter

2 Thyroid antibodies
3 Hyperthyroidism
4 Hypothyroidism
5 Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
6 Subacute thyroiditis
7 Hyperparathyroidism
8 Hypoparathyroidism
Start Endocrinology questions

Day 21: 1 Metabolic syndrome

2 Diabetes mellitus
3 Hyperglycemic crises
4 Hypoglycemia
5 Insulinoma
Start Endocrinology questions

Day 22: 1 Diagnostic evaluation of the kidney and urinary tract

2 Dehydration
3 Edema
Subject Chapter Done

4 Sodium disorders
5 Disorders of potassium balance
6 Disorders of calcium balance
Start Nephrology questions

Day 23: 1 Acute kidney injury

2 Chronic kidney disease
3 Transplantation
4 Diabetes insipidus
5 Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH)
6 Glomerular diseases
7 Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
8 Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
Start Nephrology questions

Day 24: 1 Nephrotic syndrome

2 Nephritic syndrome
3 Tubulointerstitial diseases
4 Renal tubular disorders
5 Proteinuria
6 Renal replacement therapy
Start Nephrology questions

Day 25: 1 Immune system

Rheumatology &
2 Fever and inflammation
3 Hypersensitivity reactions
4 Raynaud phenomenon
5 Fibromyalgia
Start Rheumatology and Immunology questions

Day 26: 1 Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatology &
2 Ankylosing spondylitis
3 Reactive arthritis (Reiter syndrome)
4 Gout and hyperuricemia
Start Rheumatology and Immunology questions

Day 27: 1 Connective tissue diseases

Rheumatology &
2 Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE…)
Subject Chapter Done

3 Inflammatory myopathies (Myositis)

4 Systemic sclerosis (Scleroderma)
5 Vasculitides
6 Giant cell arteritis (Temporal arteritis…)
7 Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener granulomatosis)
8 Kawasaki disease
9 Thromboangiitis obliterans
10 Antibody diagnosis of autoimmune diseases
Start Rheumatology and Immunology questions

Day 28 & 29: No learning cards today! Use the day to revise whatever topics you had
Revision Internal
trouble with the last few days. We also set up a set of questions for to
answer today as revision of the last few days.
Start Internal Medicine questions for revision I

Start Internal Medicine questions for revision II

Day 30: 1 Sepsis

Infectious Diseases/
2 Diarrhea
Infectiology & hygiene
3 Food poisoning
4 Botulism
5 Norovirus infection
6 Rotavirus infection
7 Bacterial gastroenteritis
8 Diarrheagenic E. coli
Start Infectious Diseases/ Infectiology and hygiene questions

Day 31: 1 Clostridium difficile infection

Infectious Diseases/
2 Amebiasis
Infectiology & hygiene
3 Giardiasis
4 Staphylococcal diseases
5 Chlamydia infections
6 Lyme disease (Borreliosis…)
7 Brucellosis
8 Typhoid fever, Paratyphoid fever
Start Infectious Diseases/ Infectiology and hygiene questions

Day 32: 1 Leptospirosis

Infectious Diseases/
2 Diphtheria
Infectiology & hygiene
Subject Chapter Done

1 Listeriosis
2 Influenza
3 Herpes virus infections
4 Herpes simplex virus infections
5 Cytomegalovirus infection
6 Infectious mononucleosis
Start Infectious Diseases/ Infectiology and hygiene questions

Day 33: 1 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

Infectious Diseases/
2 Yellow fever
Infectiology & hygiene
3 Dengue
4 Zika virus infection
5 Rabies
6 Aspergillosis
Start Infectious Diseases/ Infectiology and hygiene questions

Day 34: 1 Malaria

Infectious Diseases/
2 Toxoplasmosis
Infectiology & hygiene
3 Leishmaniasis
4 Chagas disease
5 Helminth infections
6 Echinococcosis
7 Collection of zoonotic diseases
Start Infectious Diseases/ Infectiology and hygiene questions

Day 35: 1 Nosocomial infections

Infectious Diseases/
2 Vaccination
Infectiology & hygiene
3 Immunization schedule
Start Infectious Diseases/ Infectiology and hygiene questions

Day 36: Revision That was a tough chapter, right? Take some time to revise all those bugs
that you had trouble memorizing. You can also take this day to have a
closer look at infectious diseases that are especially common
in your specific region.
Start Start Infectious Diseases/ Infectiology and hygiene questions for revision
Subject Chapter Done

Day 37-46:

Day 37: Pediatrics 1 The newborn infant

2 Birth traumas
3 Chorioamnionitis, neonatal infection, and omphalitis
4 Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
5 Teratogenic birth defects
6 Congenital TORCH infections
7 Sudden infant death syndrome
Start Pediatrics questions

Day 38: Pediatrics 1 Neonatal jaundice (Icterus neonatorum)

2 Hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn
3 Vitamin K deficiency bleeding of the newborn
4 Inherited hyperbilirubinemia
5 Inborn errors of carbohydrate metabolism
6 Food allergies
Start Pediatrics questions

Day 39: Pediatrics 1 Child development and milestones

2 Short stature
3 Tall stature and abnormally rapid growth
4 Puberty
5 Congenital immunodeficiency disorders
Start Pediatrics questions

Day 40: Pediatrics 1 Neuroblastoma

2 Wilms tumor (Nephroblastoma)
3 Retinoblastoma
4 Cleft lip and cleft palate (Cleft lip…)
5 Cystic fibrosis
6 Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
7 Inborn errors of metabolism
8 Rare inherited syndromes
Start Pediatrics questions
Subject Chapter Done

Day 41: Pediatrics 1 Atopic dermatitis (Atopic eczema)

2 Measles
3 Scarlet fever (Second disease)
4 Rubella
5 Fifth disease (Erythema infectiosum)
6 Roseola infantum
7 Chickenpox
8 Henoch-Schönlein purpura
9 Mumps
10 Pertussis
11 Poliomyelitis
12 Febrile seizures (Febrile seizure)
Start Pediatrics questions

Day 42: Pediatrics 1 Acyanotic congenital heart defects

2 Cyanotic congenital heart defects
3 Choanal atresia
4 Croup
5 Epiglottitis
6 Foreign body aspiration (FBA)
7 Esophageal atresia
Start Pediatrics questions

Day 43: Pediatrics 1 Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

2 Duodenal atresia and stenosis
3 Hirschsprung’s disease
4 Congenital visceral malformations
5 Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)
6 Intussusception
Start Pediatrics questions

Day 44: Pediatrics 1 Developmental dysplasia of the hip

2 Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease
3 Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
4 Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
5 Craniosynostosis
6 Hydrocephalus
7 Craniovertebral junction anomalies
Subject Chapter Done

8 Neural tube defects

9 Generalized epilepsy in childhood
Start Pediatrics questions

Day 45 & 46: Congratulations, you are almost halfway through! Take two days to read
Revision Pediatrics
through any topic from Pediatrics that was difficult for you. Check your
knowledge with our Pediatrics question sets:
Start Start Pediatrics questions for revision I

Start Pediatrics questions for revision II

Day 47: Genetics 1 Basics of human genetics

2 Chromosomal aberrations
3 Down syndrome (Trisomy )
4 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and Marfan syndrome
Start Genetics questions

Day 48-51:

Day 48: Dermatology 1 Principles of dermatology

2 Shingles
3 Molluscum contagiosum
4 Impetigo
5 Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
6 Erythrasma
7 Photodermatoses
8 Porphyrias
9 Angioedema
Start Dermatology questions

Day 49: Dermatology 1 Dermatophyte infections

2 Candidiasis
3 Tinea versicolor (Pityriasis versicolor)
4 Scabies
5 Lice infestation
6 Sexually transmitted infections
7 Gonorrhea
8 Syphilis
Subject Chapter Done

9 Chancroid
Start Dermatology questions

Day 50: Dermatology 1 Erythema nodosum

2 Erythema multiforme
3 Stevens-Johnson syndrome
4 Autoimmune blistering diseases
5 Psoriasis
6 Parapsoriasis
7 Lichen planus
8 Ichthyosis
9 Pityriasis rosea
10 Seborrheic dermatitis
11 Acne vulgaris
Start Dermatology questions

Day 51: Dermatology 1 Lipid disorders

2 Aphthous stomatitis
3 Rosacea
4 Vitiligo
5 Alopecia
6 Benign skin lesions
7 Precancerous skin lesions
8 Melanoma
9 Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
10 Basal cell carcinoma (Basalioma)
11 Collection of dermatological disorders
Start Dermatology questions

Day 52-54:
emergency medicine

Day 52: 1 Local anesthetic agents

2 Local and regional anesthesia
3 Airway management and ventilation
4 Inhalational anesthetics
5 Intravenous anaesthetics
6 Skeletal muscle relaxants
Subject Chapter Done

7 Benzodiazepines
8 Malignant hyperthermia
Start Anesthesiology questions

Day 53: 1 Management of trauma patients

2 Pain management
emergency medicine
3 Non-opioid analgesics
4 Opioids
5 Arterial blood gas analysis and pulse oximetry
6 Parenteral fluid therapy
7 Transfusion
8 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
Start Anesthesiology and emergency medicine questions

Day 54: 1 Shock

2 Acute respiratory distress syndrome
emergency medicine
3 Rhabdomyolysis and crush syndrome
4 Blunt trauma
5 Pneumothorax
6 Burns
7 Hypothermia and frostbite
Start Anesthesiology and emergency medicine questions

Day 55-59: Surgery

Day 55: Surgery 1 Wound treatment

2 Skin and soft tissue infections
3 Finger infections
4 Tetanus
5 Gas gangrene (Clostridial myonecrosis)
6 Actinomycosis
7 Perioperative management
8 Laparoscopic surgery
9 Coronary artery bypass grafting
Start Surgery questions
Subject Chapter Done

Day 56: Surgery 1 Aneurysm

2 Thoracic aortic aneurysm
3 Aortic dissection
4 Acute limb ischemia
5 Endarterectomy
6 Thyroid cancer (Thyroid carcinoma)
7 Thyroid surgery
Start Surgery questions

Day 57: Surgery 1 Esophageal diverticula

2 Boerhaave syndrome
3 Esophageal cancer
4 Congenital diaphragmatic hernias
5 Hiatal hernia
6 Splenic rupture
7 Gastric cancer
8 Carcinoid tumor
9 Acute abdomen
10 Peritonitis
Start Surgery questions

Day 58: Surgery 1 Bowel obstruction

2 Bowel surgery
3 Intestinal ischemia
4 Acute appendicitis
5 Meckel diverticulum
6 Colonic polyps
7 Colorectal cancer
8 Lynch syndrome (Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer)
9 Constipation
Start Surgery questions

Day 59: Surgery 1 Cholelithiasis and cholecystitis

2 Cholangiocarcinoma
3 Hepatocellular carcinoma
4 Pancreatic and hepatic surgery
5 Rectal prolapse
6 Hemorrhoids
Subject Chapter Done

7 Thrombosed external hemorrhoid

8 Anal fissures
9 Anal abscess and fistula
10 Anal cancer
11 Pilonidal cyst
12 Abdominal hernias
13 Inguinal hernia
14 Femoral hernia
15 Internal hernia
Start Surgery questions

Day 60-65: Trauma &

orthopedic surgery

Day 60: Trauma & 1 General principles of fractures

orthopedic surgery
2 Conservative treatment of fractures (Conservative fracture management)
3 General treatment of fractures
4 Pediatric fractures
5 Compartment syndrome
6 Clavicle fracture
7 Humerus fracture
8 Distal radius fractures
Start Trauma and orthopedic surgery questions

Day 61: Trauma & 1 Scaphoid fracture

orthopedic surgery
2 Vertebral fractures
3 Pelvic fracture
4 Hip fractures
5 Femoral shaft fracture
6 Tibial fracture
7 Ankle fracture
Start Trauma and orthopedic surgery questions

Day 62: Trauma & 1 Osteoarthritis

orthopedic surgery
2 Osteomalacia and rickets
3 Paget disease of bone
4 Osteoporosis
5 Laboratory evaluation of bone disease
Subject Chapter Done

6 Seronegative spondyloarthropathies
7 Osteomyelitis
8 Septic arthritis (Infectious arthritis)
Start Trauma and orthopedic surgery questions

Day 63: Trauma & 1 Benign bone tumors

orthopedic surgery
2 Malignant bone tumors
3 Spondylolisthesis
4 Degenerative disc disease
5 Idiopathic scoliosis
Start Trauma and orthopedic surgery questions

Day 64: Trauma & 1 Dupuytren’s contracture

orthopedic surgery
2 Tenosynovitis
3 Insertional tendinopathy
4 Complex regional pain syndrome
5 Thoracic outlet syndrome
6 Soft tissue lesions of the shoulder
7 Shoulder dislocation
8 Biceps tendon tear
9 Elbow dislocation
10 Radial head subluxation (Pulled elbow)
11 Carpal tunnel syndrome
12 Finger injuries
13 Collection of orthopedic conditions
Start Trauma and orthopedic surgery questions

Day 65: Trauma & 1 Osteochondritis dissecans

orthopedic surgery
2 Osgood-Schlatter disease
3 Osteonecrosis of the femoral head
4 Osteoarthritis of the hip and knee
5 Sports injuries
6 Meniscus tear (Meniscus rupture)
7 Patellar dislocation
8 Knee ligament injuries
9 Achilles tendon rupture
10 Foot deformities
Start Trauma and orthopedic surgery questions
Subject Chapter Done

Day 66-71: Gynecology

& obstetrics

Day 66: Gynecology 1 Diagnostic procedures in gynecology

& obstetrics
2 Anomalies of the female genital tract
3 Disorders of sex development
4 Estrogen and associated diseases
5 Menstrual cycle and menstrual cycle abnormalities
6 Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS…)
7 Menopause
8 Pelvic organ prolapse
9 Vulvovaginitis
10 Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
11 Bartholin gland cyst and abscess
Start Gynecology and obstetrics questions

Day 67: Gynecology 1 Benign breast conditions

& obstetrics
2 Breast cancer
3 Endometriosis
4 Uterine leiomyoma (Fibroids…)
5 Ovarian tumors
6 Human papillomavirus infection
7 Cervical cancer (Cervical carcinoma)
Start Gynecology and obstetrics questions

Day 68: Gynecology 1 Endometrial cancer

& obstetrics
2 Vulvar and vaginal cancer
3 Nonhormonal contraception
4 Infertility
5 Pregnancy
6 Prenatal care
7 Multiple pregnancy
8 Ectopic pregnancy
Start Gynecology and obstetrics questions

Day 69: Gynecology 1 Hypertensive pregnancy disorders

& obstetrics
2 Gestational trophoblastic disease
3 Placental insufficiency
Subject Chapter Done

4 Antepartum hemorrhage
5 Childbirth
6 Mechanics of childbirth
7 Postpartum hemorrhage
8 Uterine rupture
9 Pregnancy loss
10 Postpartum period
Start Gynecology and obstetrics questions

Day 70-71: Revision Amazing work! You are getting closer and closer to finally being a doctor!
Gynecology &
Today, take some time to go through the ObGyn topics of the last days
again and don’t forget to do some questions, too.
Start Gynecology and obstetrics questions for revision I

Start Gynecology and obstetrics questions II

Day 72-74: Urology

Day 72: Urology 1 Diagnostic investigations in urology

2 Congenital anomalies of the kidneys
3 Polycystic kidney disease
4 Bladder exstrophy, abnormalities of the male urethra, and webbed penis
5 Disorders of the glans penis and foreskin
6 Scrotal abnormalities
7 Urinary incontinence
8 Stress incontinence
9 Urge incontinence
Start Urology questions

Day 73: Urology 1 Urinary retention

2 Urinary tract obstruction
3 Vesicoureteral reflux
4 Retroperitoneal fibrosis
5 Urinary tract infections
6 Urethritis
7 Pyelonephritis
8 Prostatitis
9 Epididymitis
Start Urology questions
Subject Chapter Done

Day 74: Urology 1 Renal cell carcinoma

2 Benign prostatic hyperplasia
3 Prostate cancer
4 Urothelial cancer
5 Testicular tumors
6 Carcinoma of the penis
7 Nephrolithiasis
8 Genitourinary trauma
9 Testicular torsion
10 Priapism
11 Penile fracture
12 Erection and ejaculation disorders
13 Semen analysis
Start Urology questions

Day 75-76: Ear, Nose

& Throat

Day 75: Ear, Nose 1 Otitis externa (Swimmer’s ear)

& Throat
2 Acute otitis media (Middle ear infection)
3 Chronic otitis media
4 Otosclerosis
5 Cholesteatoma
6 Glomus tumors (Glomangiomas)
7 Hearing loss
8 Tinnitus
9 Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
10 Ménière’s disease
11 Vestibular neuritis
12 Rhinitis
13 Epistaxis
14 Nasal papilloma
15 Sinusitis
Start Ear, Nose and Throat questions

Day 76: Ear, Nose 1 Adenoid hypertrophy

& Throat
2 Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
3 Acute tonsillitis
Subject Chapter Done

4 Deep neck infections

5 Pharyngeal cancer
6 Laryngeal carcinoma
7 Congenital neck masses
8 Diseases of the salivary glands
9 Sjögren syndrome
10 Miscellaneous ear, nose, and throat disorders
Start Ear, Nose and Throat questions

Day 77-78:

Day 77: 1 Inflammation of the eyelids

2 Diseases of the lacrimal apparatus
3 Conjunctivitis
4 Keratitis
5 Cataract
6 Endophthalmitis
7 Glaucoma
Start Ophthalmology questions

Day 78: 1 Diseases of the retina

2 Retinal vessel occlusion
3 Retinal detachment
4 Age-related macular degeneration
5 Orbital disorders
6 Horner syndrome
7 Ocular motility disorders and strabismus
8 Traumatic eye injuries
Start Ophthalmology questions

Day 79-86: Neurology

Day 79: Neurology 1 Neurological examination

2 Lumbar puncture
3 Tremor
4 Parkinson disease
5 Parkinson-plus syndromes
Subject Chapter Done

6 Huntington’s disease
7 Restless legs syndrome
8 Cerebellar syndromes
Start Neurology questions

Day 80: Neurology 1 Seizure disorders (Epilepsy)

2 Focal seizures and syndromes
3 Transient global amnesia
4 Narcolepsy
5 Traumatic brain injury
6 Epidural hematoma
7 Subdural hematoma
8 Subarachnoid hemorrhage
9 Elevated intracranial pressure and brain herniation
Start Neurology questions

Day 81: Neurology 1 Idiopathic intracranial hypertension

2 Cranial nerve palsies
3 Skull base syndromes
4 Complete spinal cord injury
5 Incomplete spinal cord syndromes
6 Syringomyelia
7 Locked-in syndrome
Start Neurology questions

Day 82: Neurology 1 Brain tumors (Brain tumor…)

2 Astrocytoma
3 Meningioma
4 Acoustic neuroma
5 Neoplastic meningitis
6 Meningitis
7 Brain abscess
8 Herpes simplex encephalitis
9 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
10 Rare neurological diseases
Start Neurology questions

Day 83: Neurology 1 Stroke

Subject Chapter Done

2 Intracerebral hemorrhage
3 Wallenberg syndrome
4 Cerebral venous thrombosis
5 Dissection of the carotid and the vertebral artery
6 Carotid-cavernous fistula
7 Fibromuscular dysplasia
8 Migraine
9 Tension headaches
10 Cluster headache
11 Trigeminal neuralgia
Start Neurology questions

Day 84: Neurology 1 Multiple sclerosis

2 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
3 Spinal muscular atrophy
4 Myasthenia gravis
5 Myotonic syndromes
6 Progressive muscular dystrophies
7 Stiff person syndrome
8 Dystonia
9 Hereditary spastic paraplegia
10 Spasticity
11 Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA)
12 Friedreich ataxia
Start Neurology questions

Day 85: Neurology 1 Myelopathy

2 Spinal stenosis
3 Peripheral nerve injuries
4 Radial neuropathies
5 Ulnar nerve entrapment
6 Median nerve neuropathy
7 Neuralgic amyotrophy
8 Facial nerve palsy
9 Polyneuropathy
10 Guillain-Barré syndrome
11 Vitamin B deficiency
Start Neurology questions
Subject Chapter Done

Day 86: Revision Only two weeks left to go! You’re doing great! Neurology is a really tough
subject, so take some time today to address your weaknesses.
Start Neurology questions for revision

Day 87-91: Psychiatry

Day 87: Psychiatry 1 Delirium

2 Major neurocognitive disorder
3 Alzheimer’s disease
4 Frontotemporal dementia
5 Vascular dementia
6 Somatic symptom and related disorders
7 Major depressive disorder
8 Bipolar disorder
9 Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT…)
Start Psychiatry questions

Day 88: Psychiatry 1 Disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders

2 Obsessive-compulsive disorder
3 Trauma- and stressor-related disorders
4 Dissociative disorders
5 Substance-related and addictive disorders
6 Alcohol use disorder (Alcoholism…)
7 Wernicke encephalopathy and Korsakoff syndrome
8 Schizophrenia
Start Psychiatry questions

Day 89: Psychiatry 1 Personality disorders

2 Autism spectrum disorder
3 Tourette syndrome
4 Eating disorders
5 Anxiety disorders
6 Sleep disorders
Start Psychiatry questions

Day 90: Psychiatry 1 Emotional and behavioral disorders in children and adolescents
2 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Subject Chapter Done

3 Elimination disorders
4 Sexuality and sexual medicine
5 Suicidality
6 Psychotherapy and defense mechanisms
Start Psychiatry questions

Day 91: Revision It’s completely normal to think you are developing a panic disorder by
now! Keep going, you can do it! Take a deep breath and revise the most
difficult topics of Psychiatry.
Start Psychiatry questions

Day 92-96:

Day 92: 1 Fundamentals of pharmacology

2 Parasympathomimetic drugs
3 Muscarinic antagonists
4 Beta- adrenergic agonists
5 Sympathomimetic drugs
6 Antiadrenergic agents
7 Beta blockers
8 Calcium channel blockers (CCB)
9 Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors
Start Pharmacology questions

Day 93: 1 Amiodarone

2 Nitrates
3 Phosphodiesterase inhibitors
4 Cardiac glycosides (Digitalis…)
5 Antiplatelet agents
6 Parenteral anticoagulation
7 Oral anticoagulants
8 Diuretics
9 Poisoning
Start Pharmacology questions

Day 94: 1 Antihistamines

2 Glucocorticoids
Subject Chapter Done

3 Proton pump inhibitors

4 Statins
5 Second-line lipid-lowering agents
6 Antidiabetic drugs
7 Insulin
8 Bisphosphonates
9 Antithyroid drugs
10 Hormonal contraceptives
11 Pharmacotherapy during pregnancy
Start Pharmacology questions

Day 95: 1 Overview of antibiotic therapy

2 Antiviral agents
3 Antifungals
4 Immunosuppressants
5 Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine
Start Pharmacology questions

Day 96: 1 Chemotherapeutic agents

2 Antiemetics
3 Antipsychotics
4 Antidepressants
5 Lithium
6 Anticonvulsant drugs
7 Medication for Parkinson’s disease
Start Pharmacology questions

Day 97: Radiology, 1 Esophageal barium swallow

Occupational &
2 Metal toxicity
medicine, 3 Organic solvent toxicity
Social medicine
4 Rare pneumoconioses
5 Asbestosis
6 Silicosis
7 Overview of palliative medicine
Start Radiology, Occupational and environmental medicine and social medicine questions
Subject Chapter Done

Day 98-100: Legal medicine,

Pathology, Epidemiology

Day 98: Legal medicine, 1 Principles of medical law and ethics

2 Postmortem skin changes
3 Penetrating trauma
4 Child maltreatment
5 Tumor markers
6 Neurocutaneous syndromes
7 Paraneoplastic syndromes
8 Amyloidosis
Start Legal medicine and Pathology questions

Day 99: Epidemiology 1 Statistical analysis of data

2 Epidemiology
3 Preventive medicine
Start Epidemology questions

Day 100: Nothing! You’ve done it! Congratulations! Today you deserve a day of only the
things you love and that help you keep calm. You are well prepared and
we are sure you will be surprised by your own achievements in your final
exam! Best of luck!

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