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8 Table Bay Mall

Shop G410, Table Bay Mall, Coast Road

1 info@fnb.co.za
9 fnb.co.za
Branch Code 210854
Lost Cards 087-575-9406
Account Enquiries 087-575-9404
Customer VAT Registration Number Not Provided

Easy Account : 62836751934

BBST4 213722
MR LOVEMORE MUCHENJE Bank VAT Registration Number : 4210102051
31 UMHLONTLO DRIVE Copy Tax Invoice/Statement Number : 4
7441 Statement Period : 19 March 2020 to 18 April 2020
Statement Date : 18 April 2020

Updated Terms and Conditions

Your transactional account terms and conditions have been amended. You may access the updated terms and conditions on our website.

Bank Charges Statement Balances Interest Rates

Bank Charges R70.10 Opening Balance R65.22 Dr Credit Rate 0.00%
Closing Balance R60.32 Dr Debit Rate 0.00%

Account Transactions
Date Description Amount Balance Bank
Opening Balance 65.22 Dr
20 Mar Edo Collection Attempt 01001236186 479.00 65.22
09 Apr #Edo Collect Attempt Fee #Iqacademy C27655559+3+1 200320 8.50 73.72
11 Apr FNB App Payment From Lovemore 1,000.00 Cr 926.28 Cr
11 Apr FNB App Payment To 0679875354 0815326998 910.00 16.28 Cr
14 Apr Powerball Purchase 15.00 1.28 Cr 2.60
18 Apr #Monthly Account Fee 59.00 57.72
18 Apr #Service Fees 2.60 60.32

Closing Balance 60.32 Dr

Please contact us within 30 days from your statement date, should you wish to query an entry on this statement (incl. card transactions done
during this statement period, but not yet reflecting). Should we not hear from you, we will assume that you have received the statement and that
it is correct.

# Inclusive of VAT @ 15.00% = R 9.15 Dr

Total VAT Charged : R 9.15 Dr

First National Bank - a division of FirstRand Bank Limited. Registration Number 1929/001225/06.
An Authorised Financial Services and Credit Provider (NCRCP20).
On 15 April 2020, the Prime Lending Rate changed to 7.75%. This may impact the rate on any of your credit facilities .

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Delivery Method F1 R09
NS/19/NV/DDA 13 Branch Number Account Number Date DDA 13/WB/94/KM/KM/PA/P6/B2/LE/Y FNGEN
4132 4132 62836751934 20/04/18 Easy Account


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